centerfuse's Journal (original) (raw)

Below are the 14 most recent journal entries recorded incenterfuse's LiveJournal:

Wednesday, July 20th, 2005

8:38 pm

Crossposted like a motherfather... Shameless plug for my friends' band alert! Like "angular" indie rock bands? Come out early to this show to see CHARIOT FOR FIGHTING then! It's their first show, and they are instrumental. Ex-members of The Bloody Lips, Horsehead & Harbor Gentleman! All bands you've probably never heard of because they were Harrisburg-based, and rarely played outside of there! Haha...anyway, here be da info...

Friday, July 29, 2005

[Sub Pop Records, feat. Sam Jayne of Lync & also played on Beck's One Foot in the Grave album...]

TK Webb
[The Social Registry Records]

]Snakes and Music
[ex-members of The Jazz June]

Chariot For Fighting
[Angular, melodic 3-piece from Delaware. FIRST SHOW!]


Wednesday, December 8th, 2004

12:55 pm

hello centerfuuuuuse.


Current Mood: bouncy

Wednesday, June 16th, 2004

3:35 am


Current Mood: crazy

Tuesday, May 11th, 2004

11:53 pm

i fail to see the point of this community but hey here i am!

Wednesday, April 28th, 2004

3:20 am

ATTN: TEMPLE Dear Temple,
I hate you. I really, really hate you.

Why do you keep bothering me for money, but in turn give me grief and a shitty education? You make me pay my teachers thousands of dollars a year, yet they will fail me if I miss 3 or more classes. Why do they care? They are getting paid anyway. They also think that people don't have jobs or other classes because they love to give massive amounts of work.

And why, when I walk in all of the buildings except 2, do I feel like I'm walking back into the 70's? Can't you afford flourescent lighting?

And why do you make summer classes so expensive? You made Sallie Mae tell me that I need a co-borrower.

Why do you hire stupid advisors that don't help me? After 4 years of being here I am told I need to go to graduate school to get my certification for teaching. Do you do this on purpose and hope that I will stay at Temple to finish, because I won't.

Temple, why don't you just die?
Hatefully yours,

Current Mood: stressed

Friday, April 23rd, 2004

8:33 am

we suck at livejournal.

Current Mood: bored

Sunday, March 7th, 2004

1:47 pm


Current Mood: accomplished

Saturday, December 27th, 2003

7:03 pm

Cartoooooon movies Does anyone know how to use Macromedia Flash/Fireworks MX and want to come over and teach me how?

I want to make little cartoons and stuff-- kind of like what's on or like homestar runner. Anyway, if someone could help me out getting started I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks guys

Current Mood: good

Monday, December 8th, 2003

5:51 am

5:41 am

she broke away, broke away. this is one of those posts that belongs in livejournal.. and i wanted to share it with all of you.

i hate my parents, i hate my house, i hate my luck, i hate boys.

there im done <3 melissa

ps my username is melissa too

Current Mood: bored

Saturday, November 22nd, 2003

2:15 pm

[::hey, you're part of it::] i think this is a fun idea.

the question now is... what is to be posted here? lets get this started.


Current Mood: contemplative

Thursday, November 20th, 2003

2:06 pm

this place could be awesome but nobody posts in it ever.
there is so much potential here. we could talk shit about other users. whine about everything we don't want to post on centerfuse.

let's start with introductions or something.
everyone post who the hell they are, including their fuse username.

Tuesday, November 18th, 2003

3:17 pm

Can someone help me out if anyone can get a hold of a lj code that would be stupendous. thanks bunches.. you can im me to give it to me. or send me a pm.

12:07 am

Yes im gonna be the first fag to do this. i have no clue what to write in here. i just wanted to have the first entry.

lets see tonight, i went to jersey. lame ate buffalo chicken pizza, came home sat on the nerd