Opus and ConCentric! (original) (raw)

Are you a young adult between 18 and 35?
Do you want to meet other young adults across the United States and Canada? Then come connect through the Continental UU Young Adult Network (C*UUYAN) at ConCentric and Opus, held at UNICAMP in Toronto, Ontario in August 2007!

ConCentric 2007: In the Spirit of Leadership

ConCentric is the annual business meeting and leadership development conference of C*UUYAN, the Continental UU Young Adult (18-35) Network. C*UUYAN is made up of districts comprised of grassroots groups, including local congregational young adult groups and campus ministries. ConCentric welcomes District Representatives, Young Adult and Campus Ministry (YACM) leaders, Regional Organizing Consultants, district organizers, and experienced allies, and any Unitarian Universalist young adults interested in becoming active in YACM leadership on the local, district, or continental level. As ConCentric gathers creative, experienced and new leaders from across the continent, we engage in networking, participate in workshops and trainings that offer tools and tactics to help build meaningful and sustainable religious communities across the continent and the world.

"In the Spirit of Leadership" is an inspirational weekend of organizational networking, skill building, and faith in action for young adult leaders and allies on the local, district, and continental levels.

ConCentric 2007 will be at Unicamp in Toronto, Ontario, August 10-14.

r egister for ConCentric at www.connectUU.com

for more information about ConCentric, contact Erin Riffle, ConCentric Facilitator, at uu.rawkstar@gmail.com

OPUS 2007: The Circle Game

Opus is the annual spiritual retreat of the Continental Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Network. We are an intentional community of seekers exploring liberal religion, social justice and diversity.

At OPUS we will explore and honor the cycles, revolutions, and interdependent connections that are important to our lives, communities, and planet.

Opus 2007 will be at Unicamp in Toronto, Ontario, August 15 - 19.

register for Opus at www.connectUU.com
for more information about Opus, contact Stephanie Truax, Opus Facilitator, at stephanie.truax@gmail.com