Per Gullander | Chalmers University of Technology (original) (raw)

Papers by Per Gullander

Research paper thumbnail of Slutrapport f\uf6r projektet Swedish Production System (SwePS) inom VINNOVAs forskningsprogram MERA

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Research paper thumbnail of Prioritisation of root cause analysis in production disturbance management

International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 2021

PurposeManufacturing companies struggle to manage production disturbances. One step of such manag... more PurposeManufacturing companies struggle to manage production disturbances. One step of such management deals with prioritising those disturbances which should undergo root cause analysis. The focus of this work is on two areas. First, investigating current challenges faced by manufacturing companies when prioritising root cause analysis of production disturbances. Second, identifying the stakeholders and factors impacted by production disturbances. Understanding the current challenges and identifying impacted stakeholders and factors allows the development of more efficient prioritisation strategies and, thus, contributes to the reduction of frequency and impact of disturbances.Design/methodology/approachTo achieve the intended purpose of this research, a qualitative approach was chosen. A series of interviews was conducted with practitioners, to identify current challenges. A series of focus groups was also held, to identify the impacted stakeholders and factors by disturbances.Fin...

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrating process planning and control for flexible production systems

1997 European Control Conference (ECC), 1997

The requirements for custom-oriented production lead to demands for increasingly flexible product... more The requirements for custom-oriented production lead to demands for increasingly flexible production processes. Flexibility can be interpreted at different time-scales. Object-oriented modeling supports long time-scale flexibility by simplifying the introduction of different equipment within the system without extensive reprogramming of the control system. Distributed product specification, where each (type of) product is specified independently of any other product that may be simultaneously produced, supports medium time-scale flexibility with feasible introduction of new products. Automatic synthesis of control laws, by use of the supervisory control theory, permits on-line recalculation of the control policies and thus supports short time-scale flexibility. We describe an integrated approach to increase flexibility of production-system control, where given a set of object-oriented resource models, and a set of distributed product specifications control-laws are automatically syn...

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifying Improvement Areas in Production Planning Meetings by Assessing Organisation and Information Systems at a Small Production Company

The increased mass-customisation of production requires operators to manage an increasing number ... more The increased mass-customisation of production requires operators to manage an increasing number of complex work tasks. From a social sustainability perspective, better sharing and dissemination of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Tool for Holistic Assessment of Digitalization Capabilities in Manufacturing SMEs

Procedia CIRP, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Disturbance Handling in Complex Manufacturing Systems During Early Life-Cycle Phases

IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Architecture for flexible cell control systems

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Research paper thumbnail of CHAMP - a Generic Architecture for Flexible Production

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Research paper thumbnail of Production Complexity and its impact on Manning

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Research paper thumbnail of A Generic Control System for Transparent Legacy System Migration

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Testing Complexity Index – a Method for Measuring Perceived Production Complexity

Procedia CIRP, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Rätt Automationsnivå

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrating process planning and control for 炉 exible production systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Operator control activities in flexible manufacturing systems

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of Generic modelling of cell control systems and production resources

Proceedings of the 7th …, 1997

Frequent changes regarding products, processes, and technologies require the manufacturing system... more Frequent changes regarding products, processes, and technologies require the manufacturing systems and the control systems to be inexpensive, flexible, and easy to re-configure. The major aim of the research presented in this paper is to define a generic reference architecture ...

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Research paper thumbnail of On reference architectures for development of flexible cell control systems

Industrial problems of inflexible and expensive shop-floor control systems were analysed. The pri... more Industrial problems of inflexible and expensive shop-floor control systems were analysed. The principal causes are suggested to be poor development methodology, poor tools used for development and implementation, and poor knowledge on how such systems are best built. This work ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A machining cell level language for product specification

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Research paper thumbnail of An empirical study towards a definition of production complexity

Mass customisation increases the number of product variants, shortens product cycles, and results... more Mass customisation increases the number of product variants, shortens product cycles, and results in increasingly complex production systems. The complexity needs to be defined, and further operationalized to support management of production complexity. This paper's contribution is the empirical findings of perceived production complexity at three manufacturing companies, from the perspective of different functions/roles within the production systems; production engineers, operative personnel, internal logistics, and in ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards a Production Complexity Model that Supports Operation, Re-balancing and Man-hour Planning

… of the 4th …, 2011

Mass customization and more variants, components, and frequent changes increase production comple... more Mass customization and more variants, components, and frequent changes increase production complexity. This paper presents research project aimed at developing a feasible definition of complexity, a method for measuring complexity, which supports line rebalancing, man-hour planning, and complexity management, competence, and information support. The project is done in collaboration between Swerea IVF, Chalmers, Volvo Cars, Electrolux, Stoneridge, Electronics, and AB Volvo. Industrial studies were ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Smartare Möten Meet-Modellen

Smartare moten med MEET-modellen MEET-modellen bidrar till ett mer strukturerat arbete gallande o... more Smartare moten med MEET-modellen MEET-modellen bidrar till ett mer strukturerat arbete gallande organisations- och informationsstruktur nar olika former av moten skall planeras. Malet ar effektivare moten, battre vagval gallande organisatoriska och informatoriska fragor, okat informations- och kunskapsspridande i organisationen samt att ga fran individuellt till organisatoriskt larande.

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Research paper thumbnail of Slutrapport f\uf6r projektet Swedish Production System (SwePS) inom VINNOVAs forskningsprogram MERA

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Research paper thumbnail of Prioritisation of root cause analysis in production disturbance management

International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 2021

PurposeManufacturing companies struggle to manage production disturbances. One step of such manag... more PurposeManufacturing companies struggle to manage production disturbances. One step of such management deals with prioritising those disturbances which should undergo root cause analysis. The focus of this work is on two areas. First, investigating current challenges faced by manufacturing companies when prioritising root cause analysis of production disturbances. Second, identifying the stakeholders and factors impacted by production disturbances. Understanding the current challenges and identifying impacted stakeholders and factors allows the development of more efficient prioritisation strategies and, thus, contributes to the reduction of frequency and impact of disturbances.Design/methodology/approachTo achieve the intended purpose of this research, a qualitative approach was chosen. A series of interviews was conducted with practitioners, to identify current challenges. A series of focus groups was also held, to identify the impacted stakeholders and factors by disturbances.Fin...

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrating process planning and control for flexible production systems

1997 European Control Conference (ECC), 1997

The requirements for custom-oriented production lead to demands for increasingly flexible product... more The requirements for custom-oriented production lead to demands for increasingly flexible production processes. Flexibility can be interpreted at different time-scales. Object-oriented modeling supports long time-scale flexibility by simplifying the introduction of different equipment within the system without extensive reprogramming of the control system. Distributed product specification, where each (type of) product is specified independently of any other product that may be simultaneously produced, supports medium time-scale flexibility with feasible introduction of new products. Automatic synthesis of control laws, by use of the supervisory control theory, permits on-line recalculation of the control policies and thus supports short time-scale flexibility. We describe an integrated approach to increase flexibility of production-system control, where given a set of object-oriented resource models, and a set of distributed product specifications control-laws are automatically syn...

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifying Improvement Areas in Production Planning Meetings by Assessing Organisation and Information Systems at a Small Production Company

The increased mass-customisation of production requires operators to manage an increasing number ... more The increased mass-customisation of production requires operators to manage an increasing number of complex work tasks. From a social sustainability perspective, better sharing and dissemination of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Tool for Holistic Assessment of Digitalization Capabilities in Manufacturing SMEs

Procedia CIRP, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Disturbance Handling in Complex Manufacturing Systems During Early Life-Cycle Phases

IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Architecture for flexible cell control systems

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Research paper thumbnail of CHAMP - a Generic Architecture for Flexible Production

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Research paper thumbnail of Production Complexity and its impact on Manning

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Research paper thumbnail of A Generic Control System for Transparent Legacy System Migration

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Testing Complexity Index – a Method for Measuring Perceived Production Complexity

Procedia CIRP, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Rätt Automationsnivå

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrating process planning and control for 炉 exible production systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Operator control activities in flexible manufacturing systems

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of Generic modelling of cell control systems and production resources

Proceedings of the 7th …, 1997

Frequent changes regarding products, processes, and technologies require the manufacturing system... more Frequent changes regarding products, processes, and technologies require the manufacturing systems and the control systems to be inexpensive, flexible, and easy to re-configure. The major aim of the research presented in this paper is to define a generic reference architecture ...

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Research paper thumbnail of On reference architectures for development of flexible cell control systems

Industrial problems of inflexible and expensive shop-floor control systems were analysed. The pri... more Industrial problems of inflexible and expensive shop-floor control systems were analysed. The principal causes are suggested to be poor development methodology, poor tools used for development and implementation, and poor knowledge on how such systems are best built. This work ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A machining cell level language for product specification

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Research paper thumbnail of An empirical study towards a definition of production complexity

Mass customisation increases the number of product variants, shortens product cycles, and results... more Mass customisation increases the number of product variants, shortens product cycles, and results in increasingly complex production systems. The complexity needs to be defined, and further operationalized to support management of production complexity. This paper's contribution is the empirical findings of perceived production complexity at three manufacturing companies, from the perspective of different functions/roles within the production systems; production engineers, operative personnel, internal logistics, and in ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards a Production Complexity Model that Supports Operation, Re-balancing and Man-hour Planning

… of the 4th …, 2011

Mass customization and more variants, components, and frequent changes increase production comple... more Mass customization and more variants, components, and frequent changes increase production complexity. This paper presents research project aimed at developing a feasible definition of complexity, a method for measuring complexity, which supports line rebalancing, man-hour planning, and complexity management, competence, and information support. The project is done in collaboration between Swerea IVF, Chalmers, Volvo Cars, Electrolux, Stoneridge, Electronics, and AB Volvo. Industrial studies were ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Smartare Möten Meet-Modellen

Smartare moten med MEET-modellen MEET-modellen bidrar till ett mer strukturerat arbete gallande o... more Smartare moten med MEET-modellen MEET-modellen bidrar till ett mer strukturerat arbete gallande organisations- och informationsstruktur nar olika former av moten skall planeras. Malet ar effektivare moten, battre vagval gallande organisatoriska och informatoriska fragor, okat informations- och kunskapsspridande i organisationen samt att ga fran individuellt till organisatoriskt larande.

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