Cheerleaders SUX!'s Journal (original) (raw)

Below are the 16 most recent journal entries recorded inCheerleaders SUX!'s LiveJournal:

Monday, May 12th, 2003

10:13 pm

...randomly speaking... Okay I know y'all are probably gonna bitch me out so i'm not going to be rude or anything ( not like thats going to help) but I want you all to understand that not all cheerleaders are blonde hair blue eyes stuck up bitchz who sleep around with guys so they can be popular. it doesn't always work that way. maybe for school cheerleading ( usually) but not for competiton cheerleaders...they all aren't skinny...or have eating dissorders...i mean..i have brown hair....brown eyes...i have cheered since i was 5 years old...i'm not stuck up what so ever... i hang out with
i dont like those cheerleaders who are all like its all about me blah blah blah...i hate them as well....but please understand that we all aren't like that....there are some good ones....i mean i can understand where y'all are coming from...but can y'all do the same with me?!
i'm not asking for y'all to bitch me out ( which y'all probably will) i am askin for y'all to understand please?! thanks for reading this


Current Mood: hopeful

(25 Dead Cheerleaders | Kill A Cheerleader)

Thursday, July 18th, 2002

12:24 am

i just joined for starters, the world needs cheer leaders.
who else is going to show us their crotches at half-time?
who else is going to give us a reason to go to school?
who else is going to be able to be openly mocked and not realize it?

(5 Dead Cheerleaders | Kill A Cheerleader)

Sunday, January 20th, 2002

1:31 am

funny This shit is funny half the words in here aren't even spelled correctly ha ha ha !

Current Mood: amused

(21 Dead Cheerleaders | Kill A Cheerleader)

Tuesday, November 13th, 2001

12:40 pm

My favorite quote from NNY is:
Find a cheerleader and saw her legs off.

(2 Dead Cheerleaders | Kill A Cheerleader)

Friday, November 9th, 2001

2:22 pm

muaaaa aaah aaah aah CheerLeaders are hells angels..............come to torture us

Current Mood: bitchy

(1 Dead Cheerleader | Kill A Cheerleader)

2:21 pm

muaaaa aaah aaah aah CheerLeaders are hells angels..............come to torture us

Current Mood: bitchy

(Kill A Cheerleader)

Sunday, June 17th, 2001

11:34 pm

Rah rah rah

I hate CHEERLEADERS uh huh!

Current Mood: bored

(7 Dead Cheerleaders | Kill A Cheerleader)

Saturday, June 9th, 2001

8:14 pm

Dum dee dum dum

*KiCkS a ChEeRlEaDeR*

*Evil laugh!*

TAKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Current Mood: amused

(Kill A Cheerleader)

Sunday, June 3rd, 2001

8:05 pm

(1 Dead Cheerleader | Kill A Cheerleader)

Friday, June 1st, 2001

4:21 am

I hate cheerleaders
I wish I could just throw a shoe at them
Look at that stupid lil cher leader doll
Maybe one will fall on her head when there throwing them around
Man I'd pay to see that!

*Ecept for sexyshorty!
And the exception of a few....
Other then that
Dieeeeeeeeeeeeee cheerleaders dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!*

Current Mood: amused

(5 Dead Cheerleaders | Kill A Cheerleader)

Sunday, May 27th, 2001

12:07 am

Spread it Ya there so stupid they give it up to any guy anytime anywhere any place..There so gulliable they beleive anything you tell them!

Current Mood: happy

(Kill A Cheerleader)

Saturday, May 26th, 2001

9:07 pm

stupid airheads!! Cheerleaders spread their legs open for those dumb jocks because they're ditz. When they're out of school, they'll probably be dancing with a pole for those old men! HA!

Current Mood: creative

(5 Dead Cheerleaders | Kill A Cheerleader)

11:33 pm

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Cheerleaders sound like men when they yell! They move like robots, All stif \*Hehehehehe\* I wish one would break a leg! \*evil grin\*

One time at a pep assembly...
A cheerleader was doing backhand springs in a row
over and over
And the younger cheerleader
We're holding up signs...
And the cheerleader doing the back handsprings..
ran right into the cheerleader holding the sign
And kicked her RIGHT IN THE FACE!!
She went flying
The girl hit her so hard there were shoe marks on her face
I died of laughter
Stupid cheerleaders!!

Me & patty slay cheerleaders!!

Current Mood: devious

(3 Dead Cheerleaders | Kill A Cheerleader)

10:03 pm

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Lalalalalala I'm bored Let kill some cheerleaders \*hehehehe\* Nah not kill Lets just hope they break a leg or something hehe

Current Mood: cheerful

(Kill A Cheerleader)

4:34 am

Ugh Cheerleaders Are annoying

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<font [...]

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I hate cheerleaders, ughhhh There so stupid! I'd love to just beat one up right now!!!

Current Mood: happy

(Kill A Cheerleader)

3:10 am

(1 Dead Cheerleader | Kill A Cheerleader)