Secret Confessions (original) (raw)
17 September 2009 @ 06:14 pm
for icons and other artistic endeavors only
Friends Only
for extras, film updates, and the option to request anything.
please comment if you wish to be friended back. thanks. = )
07 January 2009 @ 07:30 pm
I realize I have fallen of the face of the earth and that most of the people on my flist could care less about my updates now, but I'm going to start writing again.
I'm going to essentially purge my lj... start over. New layouts, new fandoms, etc. Just wanted to give a heads up for anyone who is still interested.
I'll still be pretty quiet in regards to commenting and such, but it just has to be that way. My life has taken on crazy new directions that will eventually lead to the necessity to delete this journal, but until then I shall write.
Things have calmed down considerably and I would love to hear how every one is.
27 February 2008 @ 11:26 am
What's this? An icon post? Nah.
Why yes, it is.
[33] Torri Higginson
[5] SGA Promos
[13] Conventions
[10] Smile of April
[5] I Support Torri texts
( Peace, love, and happiness.Collapse )
13 February 2008 @ 11:58 pm
I've made three different banners to show support for Torri's decision to leave Atlantis.
I didn't get in on the whole Save Weir campaign (though I followed it closely), so this is my delayed contribution.
( This is just the beginning.Collapse )
20 December 2007 @ 01:49 pm
I've been catching up on past LJ posts.
A few of the flisters were curious about the lyrics to the song Torri recorded for Andy White. I actually have the lyrics, so I thought I'd share.
( Don't Choose the Wrong WayCollapse )
I hope that helps everyone!
20 October 2007 @ 06:33 pm
What is with people? What justifies killing others? How does that make you feel any better?
I can't believe it...
My deepest sympathies go out to all the families of those injured and killed this morning at Virgina Tech.
Spring Break got away from me and now I have one day left. But that's not so bad. Sometimes is harder to be home than it is to be away, you know?
So, icon post.
[29] Stargate Atlantis
[13] Elizabeth Weir
[4] John Sheppard
[10] Sparky!
[1] John.Elizabeth
[1] Wraith Queen
**Includes images from SEASON 3, but I don't think they're major spoilerage.**
Teasers: + +
( there's glass in my thermosCollapse )
23 November 2006 @ 05:16 pm
Happy Turkey Day!!
I hope everyone is getting overly stuffed and laying around watching football. Or just having a randomly fantastic Thursday.
PS>I auditioned for Taming of the Shrew and I got the part of Bianca!!! Just thought you'd like to know.
25 September 2006 @ 02:07 pm
The Gates were fab. last Friday. I might post my thoughts about that later, but who knows.
Randomly started talking to an old friend that I haven't seen in 3 years. It's really nice. I didn't realize how much I missed the guy.
Working on the next icon batch.
Writing 3 papers.
Catching up on sleep.
Yup, that's my life. Whoo!