Patricia Clark (original) (raw)

O'Hara Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry; Associate Vice President for Research; Director, Biophysics Instrumentation Core Facility


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Notre Dame, IN 46556


+1 574-631-8353


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Year Title
2021-present Associate Vice President for Research, University of Notre Dame
2018-present Founder & Director, Biophysics Instrumentation Core Facility, University of Notre Dame
2017-2021 Founder & Director, Biophysics Graduate Program, University of Notre Dame
2013-2014 Provost Fellow, University of Notre Dame
2013-present Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame
2011-2012 Associate Department Chair, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame
2011-present Concurrent Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Notre Dame
2010-present Rev. John Cardinal O'Hara, CSC, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame
2008-2013 Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame
2001-2006 Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame
1997-2001 Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1997 Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
1991 B.S. in Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology

Selected Awards

2023 Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Award, The Protein Society

2022 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science

2021 NIH Director's Pioneer Award (DP1)

2018 Research Grant, W.M. Keck Foundation

2018 63rd Annual Francis Clifford Phillips Lecturer, University of Pittsburgh

2018,2013 Rev. Edmund Joyce Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Education

2017 Peter B. Sherry Memorial Lecturer, Georgia Institute of Technology

2017 Elected Chair, Biopolymers In Vivo Subgroup, Biophysical Society

2015 President, Gibbs Society for Biothermodynamics

2013 Michael and Kate Barany Award for Young Investigators, Biophysical Society

2003 American Heart Association National Scientist Development Award

2003 NSF CAREER Award

1998 NIH NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship

1994 NIH Biophysics Predoctoral Training Fellowship

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

Proteins are long flexible polymers of amino acids, yet each must fold into a complex 3D shape in order to carry out a specific catalytic, binding, or structural activity. Experiments with purified proteins have demonstrated that the information needed for a given protein to obtain its final folded structure is contained within the sequence of its amino acid residues. However, the rules that dictate how a given sequence will fold into a given structure are still unclear. Understanding the rules of protein folding is of utmost importance for predicting protein structure from genomic sequence data, designing novel proteins, and understanding how and why protein folding mechanisms can fail. Failure of protein folding mechanisms, often due to genetic mutations or adverse conditions such as thermal or chemical stress, is the cause of numerous human diseases including cystic fibrosis, Alzheimer's disease, juvenile cataracts, and many forms of cancer.

Research in the Clark laboratory is focused on two related topics. First, how are the rules for protein folding affected by their native environment, the cell? In the cell, proteins are synthesized in a vectorial fashion. The energy landscape for folding during chain synthesis (or secretion across a membrane) is hence quite different from the energy landscape for the folding of a full-length polypeptide chain. As a result, folding intermediates populated during refolding in vitro might be populated quite differently during vectorial folding. A particular interest in the Clark laboratory is the role of co-translational protein folding in suppressing chain misfolding and aggregation in vivo. A related interest is the display of virulence factors on the outer surface of pathogenic gram-negative bacteria. For example, these virulence proteins must fold only after secretion across two membranes; what prevents them from folding prematurely in the periplasm?

Second, what are the protein folding rules that govern the formation of β-sheet structure? β-sheets represent a type of regular, repeating protein structure, characterized by an extensive hydrogen bonding network between strands of amino acid residues. Contacts between individual amino acid residues in β-sheets often represent contacts quite distant in sequence. As a result, it has been extremely difficult to define simple rules for β-sheet formation, and we expect that high contact order will make many β-sheet topologies difficult (if not impossible) to form co-translationally. We are using an extremely simple β-sheet architecture, the parallel β-helix, as a model system for developing rules for β-sheet formation.

Selected Publications

Visit Patricia Clark's publications at PubMed