my journal for community participation (original) (raw)

just about the coolest quizie EVER!! [1-12-08 at 1am]
becuase Its based on one of my favorite musical works...If I were one of ElgarÕs Enigma Variations, I would be Dora Penny (Dorabella).Elgar gave me my nickname after a graceful Mozart character. I stutter a bit when I talk, but Elgar and I exchange puzzles anyway, as he recognizes my inner beauty.Who would you be? Enigma Variations Personality Testweeeeeeeeeeee! Thats one of my favorite movements too! (:
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boo! [11-13-07 at 2am]
[ **mood** | sleepy ] **Which X-Men Heroine are you ? (an actually COOL quiz)**You are PolarisYou have been through many experiences that have left there emotional toll upon you. Your friends often think that maybe you have gone a little...crazy. However you're love and loyalty have often prevailed in battle and you are a formidable foe towards your enemies.Take this quiz ![]( Join Make A Quiz More Quizzes Grab Code Which X-Men Heroine Are You? Which X-men Character are you?(many answers)NightcrawlerYou are very faithful and religious. But you are also very light hearted and have been known to jest. Your humor isn't timed very well but it is appreciated. Most people fear you because of your demonic appearance but those close to you know betterPowers-Teleportation-Sticks to Walls-Blends with Shadows-Contorts body-Agility-Can see in the dark-Prehensile TailTake this quiz ![]( Join Make A Quiz
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[11-2-07 at 12am]
[ **mood** | crappy ] Live Journal just isn't working out for me these days. There was a lot going on with the job I had, and now with what I've been doing lately. CRAZYNESS. I've recently found time for my art, which is good. I update my acount at DeviantArt alot. Go check it out! I've been better about updating my website aswell, and I've given it a much more appealing layout, and hopefully within the next month or so I'll add a new section (featuring a garden knome!!) Here's my site Music Doodle. Check it out! I've also put a number of new videos up on YouTube. Some are from drumcorps, some from a vocal performance I had in the spring, and me playing a marimba solo from this fall. Here's my You Tube: Chickenwiretire@ YouTUBE. Go Check it! I'm just trying to get my art out there. I want to take an art class soooooooooo bad. Almost as bad as I want to find a group to perform with, and play music with. Thanks for supporting the arts.
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::Scream:: [4-5-07 at 11pm]
[ **mood** | frustrated ] I want to finish this goofy picutre so bad. I was trying to use a lineless tutorial by emmycicbut it totally doesn't work for me at all. Perfect for her cute style...horrible for mine! **( Lost PatienceCollapse )**so its back to the original lineart of this one and coloring it the other way. The way I did with "timpani stool" but it won't be so pretty becuase...its a goofy comic featuring Squirrel Girl and a couple of x-men. uh yeah. you'll see it when its done?
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[4-5-07 at 1am]
[ **mood** | amused ] here's a window into my x-men obsession...found this vid and I find it absolutly hilarious! Whoever made it is talented. Fuzzy and Blue! (yeay for Nightcrawler!!!!) and I can't get the song out of my HEAD! :pI am so glad there's no school tomorrow. or friday. or for a week. I is tired.
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ART to do list: [4-5-07 at 12am]
[ **mood** | hungry ] so many ideas, so little time or patience: finish Squirrel Girl art haha. (digital)Rockin' Roman (not sure of medium yet)Tribal bass drummer chick (digital or markers)Small Child playing Marimba (colored pencil)Harry Potter Chapter . . . 9 I think is next (Midnight Duel) (colored pencils)will not have any art time later in April all through June. Wow. I'll have a real job. scary thought.
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random art! [3-19-07 at 12am]
[ **mood** | drained- I should be sleeping ] My brithday was last week, and the gift I got from my parents is a Graphics Tablet! I seriously think that my dad has been using it more than me, he's really excited about that kind of stuff, haha, that and he's been home more than me this weekend. (just got it on Friday) so behind the cut are some practice "pages." Its taking a bit getting used to but I'm improving. I was also messing around a with a few tutorials I've picked up here and there. Behind the cut is also a goofy little comic I drew in Florida 2 weeks ago (when I was on vaccation). I'll probibly put it on my DA acount, but not sure if its Website worthy. If you look at it, please let me know? **( and on to the art! Collapse )**I also have 2 finished pieces that I'll put on Musicdoodle some time tomorrow (if lucky), and I'll put them on DA soon. I'd put them here, but I'm feeling lazy and everything is kinda big. . . so yeah. enjoy. Thanks for feedback, if you leave it. (;
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