⓿⓿ 1998 - Chinese Movies (original) (raw)
- 9413
- Anna Magdalena
- Ballistic Kiss
- Beast Cops
- Bio-Zombie
- Bishonen
- The Black Sheep Affair
- Bullet Meal
- Casino
- Chasing Criminal 20 Years
- Cheap Killers
- City of Glass
- The Common People
- The Conman
- The Demon's Baby
- Don't Love
- The Emperor and the Assassin
- The End of Love Generation
- Enter the Eagles
- Expect the Unexpected
- The Extra
- Extreme Crisis
- F***/Off
- Flowers of Shanghai
- God.com
- The Group
- Haunted Mansion
- Her Name Is Cat
- A Hero Never Dies
- Hitman
- Hong Kong X-File
- Hot War
- In the Room
- Knock Off
- Life Express
- The Longest Nite
- The Longest Summer
- The Lord of Hangzhou
- Love & Let Love!
- Love & Sex of the Eastern Hollywood
- Love Generation Hong Kong
- Love in the River
- The Lucky Guy
- Magnificent Team
- Mr. Wai-go
- My Rice Noodle Shop
- Nightmare Zone
- Ninth Happiness
- Operation Billionaire
- The Pale Sky
- The Personals
- The Poet
- Portland Street Blues
- PR Girls
- Red Woman
- Return of Dragon
- Rhapsody of Spring
- Rumble Ages
- Shanghai Affairs
- Sima Dun
- Sleepless Town
- Step Into the Dark
- The Storm Riders
- Super Fans
- The Suspect
- T.H.E. Professionals
- Take Five
- The Three Lustketeers
- Till Death Do Us Part
- Timeless Romance
- Tricky King
- Troublesome Night 3
- Troublesome Night 4
- A True Mob Story
- The Untold Story 2
- An Unusual Love
- The Wartime Lovers
- Who Am I?
- Wipe Out
- You Light Up My Life
- Young & Dangerous: The Prequel
- Young and Dangerous V
- Your Place or Mine