Roman Dzyk | Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (original) (raw)

Papers by Roman Dzyk

[Research paper thumbnail of From O. Potebnya’s Poetics to the Theory of Intertextuality [От поэтики А. Потебни к теории интертекстуальности]](

Дзык Р. А. От поэтики А. Потебни к теории интертекстуальности / Р. А. Дзык // Tematy i Konteksty. – Rzeszów : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013. – № 3 (8). – S. 266–275., 2013

The article analyses the relation of O. Potebnya’s concepts to the theory of intertextuality. The... more The article analyses the relation of O. Potebnya’s concepts to the theory of intertextuality. The attention to the peculiar interpretation of the notion of “poetic language” by the Russian formalists and their successors, as well as to the development of the dialogical nature of the word and the text, according to M. Bakhtin, reconstructs the genetic connection between the above theoretical systems. The consonance of Potebnya’s ideas with the modern theory is explained by typological convergence. At the same time, the article discusses the productive perspective of the appeal of Potebnya’s ideas in the light of the new literary methodology.

Research paper thumbnail of Прямуючи за Достоєвським: антропологія тваринного в романі М. Уельбека “Можливість острова”

Дзик Р. А. Прямуючи за Достоєвським: антропологія тваринного в романі М. Уельбека “Можливість острова” / Р. А. Дзик // Сучасні літературознавчі студії. Топос тварини як антропологічне дзеркало : збірник наукових праць / гол. ред. В. І. Фесенко. – К. : Вид. центр КНЛУ, 2011. – Вип. 8. – С. 94–105., 2011

The vector of the human and the bestial is analyzed in the meaning of the semantic circle on the ... more The vector of the human and the bestial is analyzed in the meaning of the semantic circle on the examples of the M. Houellebecq’s novels as one of the modern adepts of F.Dostoyevsky. Focusing attention on a human being, Dostoyevsky’s paradigm shapes like: thing – animal – human being – overman (theanthropos) – God man. In the text of the French writer the reader can observe the variation of the meanings in this chain: the “neohuman” substitutes the “human” and “the man from the future” substitutes the “god man”. In both cases the next level is interpreted as a return to the “bestiary”.

Research paper thumbnail of Парадигма “письменник” у контексті культурологічної інтермедіальності

Дзик Р. А. Парадигма “письменник” у контексті культурологічної інтермедіальності / Р. Дзик // Література у літературознавчому континуумі : тези доповідей Х Міжнародної наукової конференції (17–19 жовтня 2012 р., Чернівці). – Siedlce, 2012. – С. 77–78. , 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Трансгресія містичної реальності Ф. Достоевського у практику письма Жоржа Бернаноса

Дзик Р. А. Трансгресія містичної реальності Ф. Достоевського у практику письма Жоржа Бернаноса / Р. А. Дзик // Поетика містичного : [колективна монографія] / упорядк. О. Червінської. – Чернівці : Чернівецький нац. ун-т, 2011. – С. 264–285., 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Постмодерністська деконструкція провінційно-імперських координат: “Смерть у Візантії” Юлії Крістевої

Дзик Р. А. Постмодерністська деконструкція провінційно-імперських координат: “Смерть у Візантії” Юлії Крістевої / Р. А. Дзик // Імператив provincia : колективна монографія / упорядк. О. Червінської. – Чернівці : Чернівецький нац. ун-т, 2014. – С. 149–165., 2014

[Research paper thumbnail of The Paradigm of “child” in F. Dostoyevsky’s Interpretation [Парадигма “дитя” в интерпретации Фёдора Достоевского]](

Дзык Р. А., Червинская О. В. Парадигма “дитя” в интерпретации Фёдора Достоевского / Р. А. Дзык, О. В. Червинская // Conversatoria Litteraria : Międzynarodowy Rocznik Naukowy. Rok XI. Młodość i starość w języku, literaturze, kulturze i sztuce. – Siedlce ; Bańska Bystrzyca : IKRiBL, 2017. – S. 13–24., 2017

The entire body of the literary works by Fyodor Dostoevsky has been viewed from the point of view... more The entire body of the literary works by Fyodor Dostoevsky has been viewed from the point of view of the ontology of a child. The detailed analysis of this phenomenon gives the possibility to understand its nature, quintessence, specificity of the literary embodiment. It is the question of the actualization of the principles of the research experience. The supposed simplicity of the notion “a child” can be revealed in the ontological issue of “parents and children”, that brings to the symbolic definition of the phenomenon through the Biblical paradigm of the “grain”.

[Research paper thumbnail of Ukrainian Version of the Theory of Intertextuality [Украинская версия теории интертекстуальности]](

Дзык Р. А. Украинская версия теории интертекстуальности / Р. А. Дзык // Миргород. – Lausanne, Siedlce. – 2016. – № 2 (8). – С. 121–129., 2016

The article outlines the reception of the theory of intertextuality of Ukrainian literary science... more The article outlines the reception of the theory of intertextuality of Ukrainian literary science. Taking into consideration the common experience of the Soviet and the similarity of the first post-Soviet steps in the development of Western literary schools, the article comments upon the Russian interpretation of the theory of intertextuality. The formalist and comparative traditions that formed the ground for the perception of the given poststructuralist trend in Ukraine are particularly accentuated. The article defines also the main vectors of the functioning of the theory of intertextuality in contemporary Ukrainian science.

[Research paper thumbnail of Reception of the Intertextuality Theory by Modern Ukrainian Poetics [Рецепція теорії інтертекстуальності сучасною українською поетикою]](

Дзик Р. А. Рецепція теорії інтертекстуальності сучасною українською поетикою / Р. А. Дзик // Актуальні проблеми літературознавчої термінології : науковий збірник / відп. ред. Є. М. Васильєв. – Рівне : О. Зень, 2017. – Вип. 2. – С. 38–43., 2017

The article outlines the reception of the theory of intertextuality of Ukrainian literary science... more The article outlines the reception of the theory of intertextuality of Ukrainian literary science. Taking into consideration the common experience of the Soviet and the similarity of the first post-Soviet steps in the development of Western literary schools, the article comments upon the Russian interpretation of the theory of intertextuality. The formalist and comparative traditions that formed the ground for the perception of the given poststructuralist trend in Ukraine are particularly accentuated. The article defines also the main vectors of the functioning of the theory of intertextuality in contemporary Ukrainian science.

Research paper thumbnail of Федор Достоевский как знак присутствия в современной французской литературе

Дзык Р. А. Федор Достоевский как знак присутствия в современной французской литературе / Р. А. Дзык // ІІІ Международный симпозиум „Русская словесность в мировом культурном контексте” : избранные доклады и тезисы / под общ. ред. И. Л. Волгина. – М. : Фонд Достоевского, 2012. – С. 554–555., 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Окремі образно-тематичні версії російської класики в інтерпретації новітньої французької літератури

The article deals with the intertextual relationship of the modern French literature with the fig... more The article deals with the intertextual relationship of the modern French literature with the figure of Dostoevsky. The main attention is concentrated on the imagological and thematic parallels texts by G. Bernanos, A. Glucksmann, M. Houellebecq, F. Beigbeder to creativity of the Russian classic. The themes of mystical, nihilism, the arrangement of the wicked humanity, parents and children, etc. are selected and imagological analogies are held.

[Research paper thumbnail of Phenomen of the “Otherness” in the novel “Murder in Byzantium” by Julia Kristeva [Феномен “чужести” в романе Юлии Кристевой “Смерть в Византии”]](

Дзык Р. А. Феномен “чужести” в романе Юлии Кристевой “Смерть в Византии” // “Literature in Exile. Emigrants’ Fiction (20th century experience)” / еd. Irma Ratiani. – Tbilisi : Institute of Literature Press, 2013. – P. 136–153., 2013

The creative work of Julia Kristeva the French author of the Bulgarian origin is investigated. Sh... more The creative work of Julia Kristeva the French author of the Bulgarian origin is investigated. She is perceived as an organic part of the French culture, but in France her status is not so unambiguous. J. Kristeva does not only accept her strangeness in the French language and culture, but also tries to comprehend it. Strangeness is examined on the ontological, epistemological and artistic levels. A novel " Murder in Byzantium " serves as an object of the investigation. This work deliberately uses the form of detective and even the police novel, skillfully combining it, as in " The Name of the Rose " by Umberto Eco, with the genre of the historical novel and playing with the narrative points of view.

[Research paper thumbnail of Crystallization  of  writer’s  method  through the practice of literary translation (What shows the F. Dostoyevsky’s translation of  Balzacian "Eugénie Grandet" [Кристалізація письменницького методу через практику літературного перекладу]](

Дзик Р. А. Кристалізація письменницького методу через практику літературного перекладу (Про що говорить переклад Ф. Достоєвським бальзаківської “Євгенії Гранде”) / Р. А. Дзик, О. В. Червінська // Султанівські читання. – 2016. – Вип. 5. – С. 40–50., Jan 1, 2016

Aim. The article set the object to constitute and study the problems of the creative background o... more Aim. The article set the object to constitute and study the problems of the creative background of the author’s writing which is often ignored by the traditional approach to the analysis of the formation of the author’s style. Methods. The main method of research is a comparative practice in the aspect of the theory of reception. The translation experience, selected as the initial source of the author’s method, appears in this case as a first step in identifying of his own stylistic preferences. Results. The article shows that the writer’s creative laboratory begins to stir up much earlier than his own artistic texts are included in the library circulation. The special weight is given to translation experience, which, in fact, began the creative way of F. Dostoyevsky. The article emphasizes the need for attention to the previous writer experience of the author, which includes the practice of forming a receptive fancy and the previous active «non-fictional writing» (correspondence, diaries, notes, etc). Scientific novelty. Based on the analysis of a particular translation sample, the present research shows, that the properties of the image and psychology description of F. Dostoyevsky’s hero proceed at the opposite side of the balzacian style, while keeping in their own style the memory of the sample, with its romantic and realistic synthesis. The practical significance. The accentuation of F. Dostoyevsky’s translation practice of French source (the novel by H. de Balzac «Eugйnie Grandet») henceforth has to direct the researchers attention in the direction of revelation of those borrowed elements, which produce their own original style dominants.

[Research paper thumbnail of Interpretation of Globalization by Julia Kristeva in the Novel “Murder in Byzantium” [Інтерпретація глобалізації Юлією Крістевою в романі “Смерть у Візантії”]](

Дзик Р. А. Інтерпретація глобалізації Юлією Крістевою в романі "Смерть у Візантії” / Р. А. Дзик // Питання літературознавства : науковий збірник / гол. ред. О. В. Червінська. – Чернівці : Чернівецький нац. ун-т, 2014. – Вип. 90. – C. 216–226., Nov 27, 2014

The article deals with the phenomenon of globalization, which includes positive processes of cult... more The article deals with the phenomenon of globalization, which includes positive processes of cultural integration as well as the threat of cultural hybridization and unification. The historical and cultural dimensions of globalization are emphasized. The ways and levels of possible confrontation and acceptance of globalization are analyzed on the example of Julia Kristeva‟s novel “Murder in Byzantium” in which two opposing spatial and temporal model of the world order (Santa Barbara, who is concentrated embodiment of the globalized world, and Byzantium, which represents the dying Europe) are available. Despite all the negative background of globalization, which is described in the novel by Kristeva, the response of the protagonist of the novel Stephanie Delyakur, a kind of an alter ego of the author, is that Santa Barbara and globalization are not the worst thing that can happen to the mankind. As it turns out, many forms of struggle with it (for example, terrorism) are even more dangerous than the globalization. One should hope that an individual is able to resist the inevitable “banalization”, which is connected with globalization. The own way of mapping of modernity, designing of completely new coordinate axis is the ultimate goal of intellectual searches of private space, which is a continuum of the spiritual world. The novel also demonstrates the peculiar attitude to globalization, which should be interpreted as the only reality which allows, however, to keep its individual and cultural uniqueness and peculiarity. In this aspect globalization is not a threat but a convenient tool to confront itself.

[Research paper thumbnail of Modernistic Reception of the Paradigm "Dostoyevsky" (A. Gide’s Experience) [Модерністська рецепція парадигми “Достоєвський” (досвід А. Жіда)]](

Дзик Р. А. Модерністська рецепція парадигми “Достоєвський” (досвід А. Жіда) / Р. А. Дзик // Вісник Прикарпатського університету. Філологія. – Івано-Франківськ : Прикарпатський нац. ун-т, 2013–2014. – Вип. 40–41. – С. 220–223., 2014

The modernist version of the paradigm "Dostoyevsky"in A. Gide’s literary practice is analyzed. Th... more The modernist version of the paradigm "Dostoyevsky"in A. Gide’s literary practice is analyzed. The shift of accents in the modernist reception of the paradigm is manifested in the enhanced attention to the versatile personality of the writer, his ideas, innovative literary forms, specific construct of the system of personages etc.

[Research paper thumbnail of Theoretical and Methodological Comprehension of the Exile by Julia Kristeva [Теоретико-художнє осмислення екзилю Юлією Крістевою]](

Дзик Р. А. Теоретико-художнє осмислення екзилю Юлією Крістевою / Р. А. Дзик // Питання літературознавства : науковий збірник / гол. ред. О. В. Червінська. – Чернівці : Чернівецький нац. ун-т, 2013. – Вип. 88. – С. 69–88., 2013

The creative work of Julia Kristeva the French author of the Bulgarian origin is investigated. Sh... more The creative work of Julia Kristeva the French author of the Bulgarian origin is investigated. She is perceived as an organic part of the French culture, but in France her status is not so unambiguous. Kristeva does not only accept her strangeness in the French language and culture, but also tries to comprehend it. The exile experiences of J. Brodsky, Cz. Milosz and Tz. Todorov have been analyzed as well. The methodology of investigation is based on the theoretical ideas of E. Said and J. Kristeva. Strangeness is examined on the ontological, epistemological and artistic levels. A novel “Murder in Byzantium” (“Meurtre à Byzance”, 2004) serves as an object of the investigation. This work deliberately uses the form of detective and even the police novel, skillfully combining it, like in “The Name of the Rose” by Umberto Eco, with the genre of the historical novel and playing with the narrative points of view. Special attention is focused on system of images, in particular on the images Stephanie Delacour and Sebastian Crest-Jones. In both cases the correspondence of their storylines with the author‟s theoretical ideas is observed. The main features of immigrant status (alienation, loss of usual coordinate system, life in between two worlds, contrapuntal consciousness, the special role of memory and flashbacks) are singled out. It is proven that the text of the novel can be regarded as a kind of compensatory mechanism required directly by the author. The latter may be a key condition for an adequate perception of the whole novelistic structure.

Research paper thumbnail of Ф. М. Достоєвський в романі Ф. Беґбеде "Простіть і відпустіть": інтертекстуальний аспект

Анотація. В інтертекстуальному аспекті розглянуто роман сучасного французького письменника Фреде... more Анотація.
В інтертекстуальному аспекті розглянуто роман сучасного французького письменника Фредеріка Беґбеде "Простіть і відпустіть". Увагу приділено присутності в даному тексті постаті Федора Достоєвського, що виступає тут провідною парадигмою російської культури, яку осмислює французький письменник
Ключові слова: Ф. Достоєвський, Ф. Беґбеде, інтертекстуальність, епіграф, парадигма, імпліцитність, рецептивний ресурс.

Проанализировано роман современного французского писателя Фредерика Бегбеде "Простите и отпустите" в интертекстуальном аспекте. Высветлено присутствие в данном тексте фигуры Фёдора Достоевского, который выступил в произведении выдающейся парадигмой русской культуры, которую осмыслил французский писатель.
Ключевые слова: Ф. Достоевский, Ф. Бегбеде, интертекстуальность, эпиграф, парадигма, имплицитность, рецептивный ресурс.

The novel of the modern French writer Frédéric Beigbeder "Au secours pardon" is examined in an intertextual aspect. The basic attention in this text is spared to the figure of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. He comes forward as a leading paradigm of the Russian culture, which is comprehended by the French writer.
Key words: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Frédéric Beigbeder, intertextuality, epigraph, paradigm, implicitation, receptive resource.

[Research paper thumbnail of The Generating Function of the Ideological Analogies:  Literary Origins of Georges Bernanos’ Realistic Poetry  [Генеруюча функція світоглядних аналогій: літературні витоки реалістичної поетики Жоржа Бернаноса]](

Дзик Р. А. Генеруюча функція світоглядних аналогій: літературні витоки реалістичної поетики Жоржа Бернаноса / Р. А. Дзик // Питання літературознавства : науковий збірник / гол. ред. О. В. Червінська. – Чернівці : Чернівецький нац. ун-т, 2011. – Вип. 84. – С. 8–17., 2011

The realization of the ideological parallelism between G. Bernanos and F. Dostoyevsky is examined... more The realization of the ideological parallelism between G. Bernanos and F. Dostoyevsky is examined in the aspect of the real nature and the semantic content of the notion of "realism". Particularly the first novel of the French author "Under the Sun of Satan" is analyzed.

[Research paper thumbnail of The Paradigm of the “Writer” as an Actual Literary Category [Парадигма “письменник” як актуальна літературознавча категорія]](

Дзик Р. А. Парадигма “письменник” як актуальна літературознавча категорія / Р. А. Дзик // Питання літературознавства : науковий збірник / гол. ред. О. В. Червінська. – Чернівці : Чернівецький нац. ун-т, 2012. – Вип. 86. – С. 3–17., 2012

Different interpretations of the literary category of „author” are considered in the connotation ... more Different interpretations of the literary category of „author” are considered in the connotation of poststructural concept of „death of the author”. The terminological syntagma „paradigm of the writer”, which means the presence of a writer in a text at various formal and substantive levels: compositional, plot, stylistic, narrative, level of the characters, ideological and thematic levels etc is stated and actualized. An author as an out-of-text reality, that is „real”, „biographical author” is distinguished as an important component of the paradigm of the „writer”. It is important for the whole paradigm identification because it allows talking about the implicit author not only within the same text, but within the all works of a particular writer in general.

[Research paper thumbnail of The Concept of Intertextuality in French Poststrukturalists’ Interpretation: From R. Barthes to G. Gennette [Концепт інтертекстуальності в інтерпретації французьких постструктуралістів: від Р. Барта до Ж. Женетта]](

Дзик Р. А. Концепт інтертекстуальності в інтерпретації французьких постструктуралістів: від Р. Барта до Ж. Женетта / Р. А. Дзик // Науковий вісник Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки. – № 13 (238). – Серія : Філологічні науки. – 2012. – С. 23–27., Aug 28, 2012

The genological modifications of the theory of intertextuality in French post-strukturalist disco... more The genological modifications of the theory of intertextuality in French post-strukturalist discourse are analyzed. Particular attention is focused on the interpretation of intertext by R. Barthes, who along with M. Foucault and J. Derrida represents the "broad" understanding of the concept under investigation, thus developing a vector outlined in the works by J. Kristeva. The approach defined is considered dominant in the French post-structuralism. Besides, the opposite tendency presented in the works by L. Jenny and J. Jeannette is analyzed.

Research paper thumbnail of Чи є екзистенційною п’єса Лідії Чупіс "Танці гончарного кола”?

Дзик Р. А. Чи є екзистенційною п’єса Лідії Чупіс “Танці гончарного кола”? // Курбасівські читання : наук. вісник. – К. : [НЦТМ ім. Леся Курбаса], 2006. – № 3. – Ч. 2: Екзистенційний локус у новітній українській драматургії. – 2008. – С. 115–123., 2008

Dramaturgical text is considered due to its existential nature. In this aspect the creativity is ... more Dramaturgical text is considered due to its existential nature. In this aspect the creativity is regarded as a manifestation of author’s personality. The brought up question is answered by means of demarcation of the existential play and the play with existential problematics. Relying on the powerful existential archetext, L.Chupis’s drama is considered as a text which concerns existential problems. But the “chain” composition of inversed events, accompanied by anticollapses, is shown here as a continuous, textually generated, existential in essence of transformation of one situation into another.

[Research paper thumbnail of From O. Potebnya’s Poetics to the Theory of Intertextuality [От поэтики А. Потебни к теории интертекстуальности]](

Дзык Р. А. От поэтики А. Потебни к теории интертекстуальности / Р. А. Дзык // Tematy i Konteksty. – Rzeszów : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013. – № 3 (8). – S. 266–275., 2013

The article analyses the relation of O. Potebnya’s concepts to the theory of intertextuality. The... more The article analyses the relation of O. Potebnya’s concepts to the theory of intertextuality. The attention to the peculiar interpretation of the notion of “poetic language” by the Russian formalists and their successors, as well as to the development of the dialogical nature of the word and the text, according to M. Bakhtin, reconstructs the genetic connection between the above theoretical systems. The consonance of Potebnya’s ideas with the modern theory is explained by typological convergence. At the same time, the article discusses the productive perspective of the appeal of Potebnya’s ideas in the light of the new literary methodology.

Research paper thumbnail of Прямуючи за Достоєвським: антропологія тваринного в романі М. Уельбека “Можливість острова”

Дзик Р. А. Прямуючи за Достоєвським: антропологія тваринного в романі М. Уельбека “Можливість острова” / Р. А. Дзик // Сучасні літературознавчі студії. Топос тварини як антропологічне дзеркало : збірник наукових праць / гол. ред. В. І. Фесенко. – К. : Вид. центр КНЛУ, 2011. – Вип. 8. – С. 94–105., 2011

The vector of the human and the bestial is analyzed in the meaning of the semantic circle on the ... more The vector of the human and the bestial is analyzed in the meaning of the semantic circle on the examples of the M. Houellebecq’s novels as one of the modern adepts of F.Dostoyevsky. Focusing attention on a human being, Dostoyevsky’s paradigm shapes like: thing – animal – human being – overman (theanthropos) – God man. In the text of the French writer the reader can observe the variation of the meanings in this chain: the “neohuman” substitutes the “human” and “the man from the future” substitutes the “god man”. In both cases the next level is interpreted as a return to the “bestiary”.

Research paper thumbnail of Парадигма “письменник” у контексті культурологічної інтермедіальності

Дзик Р. А. Парадигма “письменник” у контексті культурологічної інтермедіальності / Р. Дзик // Література у літературознавчому континуумі : тези доповідей Х Міжнародної наукової конференції (17–19 жовтня 2012 р., Чернівці). – Siedlce, 2012. – С. 77–78. , 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Трансгресія містичної реальності Ф. Достоевського у практику письма Жоржа Бернаноса

Дзик Р. А. Трансгресія містичної реальності Ф. Достоевського у практику письма Жоржа Бернаноса / Р. А. Дзик // Поетика містичного : [колективна монографія] / упорядк. О. Червінської. – Чернівці : Чернівецький нац. ун-т, 2011. – С. 264–285., 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Постмодерністська деконструкція провінційно-імперських координат: “Смерть у Візантії” Юлії Крістевої

Дзик Р. А. Постмодерністська деконструкція провінційно-імперських координат: “Смерть у Візантії” Юлії Крістевої / Р. А. Дзик // Імператив provincia : колективна монографія / упорядк. О. Червінської. – Чернівці : Чернівецький нац. ун-т, 2014. – С. 149–165., 2014

[Research paper thumbnail of The Paradigm of “child” in F. Dostoyevsky’s Interpretation [Парадигма “дитя” в интерпретации Фёдора Достоевского]](

Дзык Р. А., Червинская О. В. Парадигма “дитя” в интерпретации Фёдора Достоевского / Р. А. Дзык, О. В. Червинская // Conversatoria Litteraria : Międzynarodowy Rocznik Naukowy. Rok XI. Młodość i starość w języku, literaturze, kulturze i sztuce. – Siedlce ; Bańska Bystrzyca : IKRiBL, 2017. – S. 13–24., 2017

The entire body of the literary works by Fyodor Dostoevsky has been viewed from the point of view... more The entire body of the literary works by Fyodor Dostoevsky has been viewed from the point of view of the ontology of a child. The detailed analysis of this phenomenon gives the possibility to understand its nature, quintessence, specificity of the literary embodiment. It is the question of the actualization of the principles of the research experience. The supposed simplicity of the notion “a child” can be revealed in the ontological issue of “parents and children”, that brings to the symbolic definition of the phenomenon through the Biblical paradigm of the “grain”.

[Research paper thumbnail of Ukrainian Version of the Theory of Intertextuality [Украинская версия теории интертекстуальности]](

Дзык Р. А. Украинская версия теории интертекстуальности / Р. А. Дзык // Миргород. – Lausanne, Siedlce. – 2016. – № 2 (8). – С. 121–129., 2016

The article outlines the reception of the theory of intertextuality of Ukrainian literary science... more The article outlines the reception of the theory of intertextuality of Ukrainian literary science. Taking into consideration the common experience of the Soviet and the similarity of the first post-Soviet steps in the development of Western literary schools, the article comments upon the Russian interpretation of the theory of intertextuality. The formalist and comparative traditions that formed the ground for the perception of the given poststructuralist trend in Ukraine are particularly accentuated. The article defines also the main vectors of the functioning of the theory of intertextuality in contemporary Ukrainian science.

[Research paper thumbnail of Reception of the Intertextuality Theory by Modern Ukrainian Poetics [Рецепція теорії інтертекстуальності сучасною українською поетикою]](

Дзик Р. А. Рецепція теорії інтертекстуальності сучасною українською поетикою / Р. А. Дзик // Актуальні проблеми літературознавчої термінології : науковий збірник / відп. ред. Є. М. Васильєв. – Рівне : О. Зень, 2017. – Вип. 2. – С. 38–43., 2017

The article outlines the reception of the theory of intertextuality of Ukrainian literary science... more The article outlines the reception of the theory of intertextuality of Ukrainian literary science. Taking into consideration the common experience of the Soviet and the similarity of the first post-Soviet steps in the development of Western literary schools, the article comments upon the Russian interpretation of the theory of intertextuality. The formalist and comparative traditions that formed the ground for the perception of the given poststructuralist trend in Ukraine are particularly accentuated. The article defines also the main vectors of the functioning of the theory of intertextuality in contemporary Ukrainian science.

Research paper thumbnail of Федор Достоевский как знак присутствия в современной французской литературе

Дзык Р. А. Федор Достоевский как знак присутствия в современной французской литературе / Р. А. Дзык // ІІІ Международный симпозиум „Русская словесность в мировом культурном контексте” : избранные доклады и тезисы / под общ. ред. И. Л. Волгина. – М. : Фонд Достоевского, 2012. – С. 554–555., 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Окремі образно-тематичні версії російської класики в інтерпретації новітньої французької літератури

The article deals with the intertextual relationship of the modern French literature with the fig... more The article deals with the intertextual relationship of the modern French literature with the figure of Dostoevsky. The main attention is concentrated on the imagological and thematic parallels texts by G. Bernanos, A. Glucksmann, M. Houellebecq, F. Beigbeder to creativity of the Russian classic. The themes of mystical, nihilism, the arrangement of the wicked humanity, parents and children, etc. are selected and imagological analogies are held.

[Research paper thumbnail of Phenomen of the “Otherness” in the novel “Murder in Byzantium” by Julia Kristeva [Феномен “чужести” в романе Юлии Кристевой “Смерть в Византии”]](

Дзык Р. А. Феномен “чужести” в романе Юлии Кристевой “Смерть в Византии” // “Literature in Exile. Emigrants’ Fiction (20th century experience)” / еd. Irma Ratiani. – Tbilisi : Institute of Literature Press, 2013. – P. 136–153., 2013

The creative work of Julia Kristeva the French author of the Bulgarian origin is investigated. Sh... more The creative work of Julia Kristeva the French author of the Bulgarian origin is investigated. She is perceived as an organic part of the French culture, but in France her status is not so unambiguous. J. Kristeva does not only accept her strangeness in the French language and culture, but also tries to comprehend it. Strangeness is examined on the ontological, epistemological and artistic levels. A novel " Murder in Byzantium " serves as an object of the investigation. This work deliberately uses the form of detective and even the police novel, skillfully combining it, as in " The Name of the Rose " by Umberto Eco, with the genre of the historical novel and playing with the narrative points of view.

[Research paper thumbnail of Crystallization  of  writer’s  method  through the practice of literary translation (What shows the F. Dostoyevsky’s translation of  Balzacian "Eugénie Grandet" [Кристалізація письменницького методу через практику літературного перекладу]](

Дзик Р. А. Кристалізація письменницького методу через практику літературного перекладу (Про що говорить переклад Ф. Достоєвським бальзаківської “Євгенії Гранде”) / Р. А. Дзик, О. В. Червінська // Султанівські читання. – 2016. – Вип. 5. – С. 40–50., Jan 1, 2016

Aim. The article set the object to constitute and study the problems of the creative background o... more Aim. The article set the object to constitute and study the problems of the creative background of the author’s writing which is often ignored by the traditional approach to the analysis of the formation of the author’s style. Methods. The main method of research is a comparative practice in the aspect of the theory of reception. The translation experience, selected as the initial source of the author’s method, appears in this case as a first step in identifying of his own stylistic preferences. Results. The article shows that the writer’s creative laboratory begins to stir up much earlier than his own artistic texts are included in the library circulation. The special weight is given to translation experience, which, in fact, began the creative way of F. Dostoyevsky. The article emphasizes the need for attention to the previous writer experience of the author, which includes the practice of forming a receptive fancy and the previous active «non-fictional writing» (correspondence, diaries, notes, etc). Scientific novelty. Based on the analysis of a particular translation sample, the present research shows, that the properties of the image and psychology description of F. Dostoyevsky’s hero proceed at the opposite side of the balzacian style, while keeping in their own style the memory of the sample, with its romantic and realistic synthesis. The practical significance. The accentuation of F. Dostoyevsky’s translation practice of French source (the novel by H. de Balzac «Eugйnie Grandet») henceforth has to direct the researchers attention in the direction of revelation of those borrowed elements, which produce their own original style dominants.

[Research paper thumbnail of Interpretation of Globalization by Julia Kristeva in the Novel “Murder in Byzantium” [Інтерпретація глобалізації Юлією Крістевою в романі “Смерть у Візантії”]](

Дзик Р. А. Інтерпретація глобалізації Юлією Крістевою в романі "Смерть у Візантії” / Р. А. Дзик // Питання літературознавства : науковий збірник / гол. ред. О. В. Червінська. – Чернівці : Чернівецький нац. ун-т, 2014. – Вип. 90. – C. 216–226., Nov 27, 2014

The article deals with the phenomenon of globalization, which includes positive processes of cult... more The article deals with the phenomenon of globalization, which includes positive processes of cultural integration as well as the threat of cultural hybridization and unification. The historical and cultural dimensions of globalization are emphasized. The ways and levels of possible confrontation and acceptance of globalization are analyzed on the example of Julia Kristeva‟s novel “Murder in Byzantium” in which two opposing spatial and temporal model of the world order (Santa Barbara, who is concentrated embodiment of the globalized world, and Byzantium, which represents the dying Europe) are available. Despite all the negative background of globalization, which is described in the novel by Kristeva, the response of the protagonist of the novel Stephanie Delyakur, a kind of an alter ego of the author, is that Santa Barbara and globalization are not the worst thing that can happen to the mankind. As it turns out, many forms of struggle with it (for example, terrorism) are even more dangerous than the globalization. One should hope that an individual is able to resist the inevitable “banalization”, which is connected with globalization. The own way of mapping of modernity, designing of completely new coordinate axis is the ultimate goal of intellectual searches of private space, which is a continuum of the spiritual world. The novel also demonstrates the peculiar attitude to globalization, which should be interpreted as the only reality which allows, however, to keep its individual and cultural uniqueness and peculiarity. In this aspect globalization is not a threat but a convenient tool to confront itself.

[Research paper thumbnail of Modernistic Reception of the Paradigm "Dostoyevsky" (A. Gide’s Experience) [Модерністська рецепція парадигми “Достоєвський” (досвід А. Жіда)]](

Дзик Р. А. Модерністська рецепція парадигми “Достоєвський” (досвід А. Жіда) / Р. А. Дзик // Вісник Прикарпатського університету. Філологія. – Івано-Франківськ : Прикарпатський нац. ун-т, 2013–2014. – Вип. 40–41. – С. 220–223., 2014

The modernist version of the paradigm "Dostoyevsky"in A. Gide’s literary practice is analyzed. Th... more The modernist version of the paradigm "Dostoyevsky"in A. Gide’s literary practice is analyzed. The shift of accents in the modernist reception of the paradigm is manifested in the enhanced attention to the versatile personality of the writer, his ideas, innovative literary forms, specific construct of the system of personages etc.

[Research paper thumbnail of Theoretical and Methodological Comprehension of the Exile by Julia Kristeva [Теоретико-художнє осмислення екзилю Юлією Крістевою]](

Дзик Р. А. Теоретико-художнє осмислення екзилю Юлією Крістевою / Р. А. Дзик // Питання літературознавства : науковий збірник / гол. ред. О. В. Червінська. – Чернівці : Чернівецький нац. ун-т, 2013. – Вип. 88. – С. 69–88., 2013

The creative work of Julia Kristeva the French author of the Bulgarian origin is investigated. Sh... more The creative work of Julia Kristeva the French author of the Bulgarian origin is investigated. She is perceived as an organic part of the French culture, but in France her status is not so unambiguous. Kristeva does not only accept her strangeness in the French language and culture, but also tries to comprehend it. The exile experiences of J. Brodsky, Cz. Milosz and Tz. Todorov have been analyzed as well. The methodology of investigation is based on the theoretical ideas of E. Said and J. Kristeva. Strangeness is examined on the ontological, epistemological and artistic levels. A novel “Murder in Byzantium” (“Meurtre à Byzance”, 2004) serves as an object of the investigation. This work deliberately uses the form of detective and even the police novel, skillfully combining it, like in “The Name of the Rose” by Umberto Eco, with the genre of the historical novel and playing with the narrative points of view. Special attention is focused on system of images, in particular on the images Stephanie Delacour and Sebastian Crest-Jones. In both cases the correspondence of their storylines with the author‟s theoretical ideas is observed. The main features of immigrant status (alienation, loss of usual coordinate system, life in between two worlds, contrapuntal consciousness, the special role of memory and flashbacks) are singled out. It is proven that the text of the novel can be regarded as a kind of compensatory mechanism required directly by the author. The latter may be a key condition for an adequate perception of the whole novelistic structure.

Research paper thumbnail of Ф. М. Достоєвський в романі Ф. Беґбеде "Простіть і відпустіть": інтертекстуальний аспект

Анотація. В інтертекстуальному аспекті розглянуто роман сучасного французького письменника Фреде... more Анотація.
В інтертекстуальному аспекті розглянуто роман сучасного французького письменника Фредеріка Беґбеде "Простіть і відпустіть". Увагу приділено присутності в даному тексті постаті Федора Достоєвського, що виступає тут провідною парадигмою російської культури, яку осмислює французький письменник
Ключові слова: Ф. Достоєвський, Ф. Беґбеде, інтертекстуальність, епіграф, парадигма, імпліцитність, рецептивний ресурс.

Проанализировано роман современного французского писателя Фредерика Бегбеде "Простите и отпустите" в интертекстуальном аспекте. Высветлено присутствие в данном тексте фигуры Фёдора Достоевского, который выступил в произведении выдающейся парадигмой русской культуры, которую осмыслил французский писатель.
Ключевые слова: Ф. Достоевский, Ф. Бегбеде, интертекстуальность, эпиграф, парадигма, имплицитность, рецептивный ресурс.

The novel of the modern French writer Frédéric Beigbeder "Au secours pardon" is examined in an intertextual aspect. The basic attention in this text is spared to the figure of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. He comes forward as a leading paradigm of the Russian culture, which is comprehended by the French writer.
Key words: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Frédéric Beigbeder, intertextuality, epigraph, paradigm, implicitation, receptive resource.

[Research paper thumbnail of The Generating Function of the Ideological Analogies:  Literary Origins of Georges Bernanos’ Realistic Poetry  [Генеруюча функція світоглядних аналогій: літературні витоки реалістичної поетики Жоржа Бернаноса]](

Дзик Р. А. Генеруюча функція світоглядних аналогій: літературні витоки реалістичної поетики Жоржа Бернаноса / Р. А. Дзик // Питання літературознавства : науковий збірник / гол. ред. О. В. Червінська. – Чернівці : Чернівецький нац. ун-т, 2011. – Вип. 84. – С. 8–17., 2011

The realization of the ideological parallelism between G. Bernanos and F. Dostoyevsky is examined... more The realization of the ideological parallelism between G. Bernanos and F. Dostoyevsky is examined in the aspect of the real nature and the semantic content of the notion of "realism". Particularly the first novel of the French author "Under the Sun of Satan" is analyzed.

[Research paper thumbnail of The Paradigm of the “Writer” as an Actual Literary Category [Парадигма “письменник” як актуальна літературознавча категорія]](

Дзик Р. А. Парадигма “письменник” як актуальна літературознавча категорія / Р. А. Дзик // Питання літературознавства : науковий збірник / гол. ред. О. В. Червінська. – Чернівці : Чернівецький нац. ун-т, 2012. – Вип. 86. – С. 3–17., 2012

Different interpretations of the literary category of „author” are considered in the connotation ... more Different interpretations of the literary category of „author” are considered in the connotation of poststructural concept of „death of the author”. The terminological syntagma „paradigm of the writer”, which means the presence of a writer in a text at various formal and substantive levels: compositional, plot, stylistic, narrative, level of the characters, ideological and thematic levels etc is stated and actualized. An author as an out-of-text reality, that is „real”, „biographical author” is distinguished as an important component of the paradigm of the „writer”. It is important for the whole paradigm identification because it allows talking about the implicit author not only within the same text, but within the all works of a particular writer in general.

[Research paper thumbnail of The Concept of Intertextuality in French Poststrukturalists’ Interpretation: From R. Barthes to G. Gennette [Концепт інтертекстуальності в інтерпретації французьких постструктуралістів: від Р. Барта до Ж. Женетта]](

Дзик Р. А. Концепт інтертекстуальності в інтерпретації французьких постструктуралістів: від Р. Барта до Ж. Женетта / Р. А. Дзик // Науковий вісник Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки. – № 13 (238). – Серія : Філологічні науки. – 2012. – С. 23–27., Aug 28, 2012

The genological modifications of the theory of intertextuality in French post-strukturalist disco... more The genological modifications of the theory of intertextuality in French post-strukturalist discourse are analyzed. Particular attention is focused on the interpretation of intertext by R. Barthes, who along with M. Foucault and J. Derrida represents the "broad" understanding of the concept under investigation, thus developing a vector outlined in the works by J. Kristeva. The approach defined is considered dominant in the French post-structuralism. Besides, the opposite tendency presented in the works by L. Jenny and J. Jeannette is analyzed.

Research paper thumbnail of Чи є екзистенційною п’єса Лідії Чупіс "Танці гончарного кола”?

Дзик Р. А. Чи є екзистенційною п’єса Лідії Чупіс “Танці гончарного кола”? // Курбасівські читання : наук. вісник. – К. : [НЦТМ ім. Леся Курбаса], 2006. – № 3. – Ч. 2: Екзистенційний локус у новітній українській драматургії. – 2008. – С. 115–123., 2008

Dramaturgical text is considered due to its existential nature. In this aspect the creativity is ... more Dramaturgical text is considered due to its existential nature. In this aspect the creativity is regarded as a manifestation of author’s personality. The brought up question is answered by means of demarcation of the existential play and the play with existential problematics. Relying on the powerful existential archetext, L.Chupis’s drama is considered as a text which concerns existential problems. But the “chain” composition of inversed events, accompanied by anticollapses, is shown here as a continuous, textually generated, existential in essence of transformation of one situation into another.