chords_remind (original) (raw)

[ mood | rushed ]

[34] Cold Mountain
[22] Rent

So, after about eight years of slaving away at it, I finally finished

Cold Mountain

, and thus my desire to see the movie again was renewed. I went out and rented it, and I don't think I've seen a single movie I haven't wanted to icon. I am... SO lame. I'm proud of these, though.

You'll also notice that I am experimenting even more with styles. The icons are getting a little lighter, more colorful and bright... I sort of like it. I hope you do too!

AND, in seeing


multiple times, I have developed: a) a greater appreciation for the Mimi/Roger relationship, b) a greater love for Joanne, and c) a MUCH greater appreciation for the Angel/Collins relationship. I know, how did I not fall in love with them the first time? I don't know. I'm weird. But they are both the coolest.

...I realize now that you don't care at all. Drat. Here are the icons, though, enjoy!

The rules are still simple

-nominate! I'd love you forever.
*you may edit, but please still credit me

Cold Mountain

1. Image hosting by Photobucket 2. Image hosting by Photobucket 3. Image hosting by Photobucket ( If you are fighting, stop fighting. If you are marching, stop marching. Come back to me. Come back to me is my request.Collapse )

P.S. Oh yeah! We all are well aware of my problem-- my inability to NOT turn every screencap I can find into an icon. Well, I currently have downloaded 4,000


screencaps, and things may begin to look ugly soon. You can definitely be expecting more of these. Also, if anyone wants to make a


request, by all means, let me know!

Resources in my userinfo.
If you like my stuff, do not hesitate to friend me!