chubbychicks - Profile (original) (raw)
People of all sizes are beautiful!
Beautiful people, no matter what size.
Please read the information below. It is very important to know the rules to minimize drama. As a member of this community you are expected to read the user info. There will be no allowances for not knowing the rules.
I WILL delete any posts without notifications. A second offense may lead to being banned from the community.
Contact marvinlover84 for any questions or problems you may be having in this community.
The following types of accounts will NOT be added to the community. Friends only account (send me an e-mail I want to know you are a real person and not a troll!), sex based accounts, account with no biographies and no posts in them, and accounts that don't have a valid e-mail address. Selling journals; if you only goal is making a profit, this isn't the community for you. If you have a new account, send me an e-mail explaining why you want to be a member. I must reiterate Friends only journals must contact me to be accepted! Those who do not within 24 hours of sending a request will be denied!
This is not a community about weight loss. This is a size-positive community. It is about being happy with who you are now, not the potential to fit into societies size guidelines.
This community is also not about weight gain. We are here to accept ourselves as we are right now, at this minute. Gaining or losing are not our goals. Self-love and self-acceptance are our goals.
This community is a safe-space from societal pressure to conform to the “perfect” body image. This community is separated from the “real world” in that we exist to promote size-acceptance, regardless of the size a person is. Though we are aware of the horrors of the pressure put upon us to be thin, we in this community reject those pressures. This is a community that we can turn to for support in fighting size oppression.
We are not here to judge what "eating healthy" means. We are not here to judge why we are fat or why we think we are fat. We are not here to judge people based on their size (or any other distinguishing criteria such as age, height, color, sexual identity, religion, ethnicity). We are here to share how each of us is beautiful in our own right.
RULES - Read them, know them, live them
FIRST AND FOREMOST - Your post MUST be related to being a Chubbychick. Non-Chubbychick issues may be deleted immediately; but I will probably ask you to make it relevant to the community. There are many other communities for all sorts of interests, so PLEASE keep it on-topic.
You are allowed to post about your online auctions to the community, BUT you can only post once at the beginning of each auction batch and once near the end, no more.
If you advertise a plus-size or fat acceptance event, you must do so under an LJ-CUT, no warnings will be given, the post will be deleted.
The Step-by-Step instructions for editing and/or deleting a community post are here.
On-topic posts:
Introductory posts (we definitely want to know who you are!)
Size-positive website links
What makes you feel good
Size-positive experiences at gyms
Healthy activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good about yourself
Food recipes (both health-oriented food and great snacky-food recipes)
Recommendations for books that emphasize size-positivism
Artists (photographers, painters, sculptors, etc.) who create size-positive art
Plans for community gatherings in various parts of the country/world
Plus-sized role models
Links for our male counterparts in this community
Movie/book/TV show reviews about size-positive issues
USE an LJ-CUT with a detailed subject line for the following:
Body parts that you like and/or are working on liking
Introspective posts dealing with self-esteem, size issues, and empowerment
Experience with the medical profession and/or medical questions
Relationship posts
Venting posts
Pictures - YOU MUST use an lj-cut! whether or not you post 1 picture or more.
Pictures should be of YOU and MUST be things relevant to being a Chubbychick. Please keep in mind that even under a cut - dial up users have to wait, so try not to go crazy with the pictures, unless they are relevant.
Rules for posting nude or risque pictures:
In addition to the REGULAR picture rules,
1. YOU, the poster, MUST be 18. Anyone else in the pictures MUST ALSO be at least 18. I will check your age on your LJ-info page. If there is no birthdate or you are not or DO NOT APPEAR to be 18 or older, I will remove the post immediately without a warning. It is against the Terms of Service in LJ.
2. The post MUST be made FRIENDS ONLY. This means that ONLY people in the community can see it.
3. You MUST use a descriptive lj-cut (>lj-cut text="description"< with the arrows reversed) that describes the pictures as NOT WORK SAFE and 18+ ONLY BEHIND CUT. SPELL IT OUT - do not use acronyms like NWS
Though I cannot prevent minors from looking behind the cuts, I will do everything I can to make sure that minors are protected from posts that it is ILLEGAL for them to view.
I WILL delete any posts without notifications. A second offense will lead to being banned from the community.
Off-topic posts include, but are not limited to:
Any post NOT related to being a Chubbychick
Dieting and weight-loss posts. (This is a SERIOUS off-topic area. The reason we are here is to get away from dieting.) This means ANYTHING about weight loss/weight gain
Self-hatred/self-loathing posts (If you need some kind of support, e-mail the moderator or ask for support from the group).
Size-bashing (regardless of the size).
Hate posts of any kind (racial epithets, ethnic slurs, homophobic remarks, if it can be construed as hateful, it does not belong in this community)
Posts about religion/spirituality
Flame wars (They simply won't be tolerated and parties involved may be banned)
Community promotions, even if your community is chubby-related (
community_promo is the place to promote your community. If you'd like me to include your community on our list of links, please contact me personally)
Surveys/Questionaires/Quizzes NOT related to being a chubby chick
Spamming the community!!
Finally, the only person allowed to freeze a thread in the community is the community maintainer--
marvinlover84. If a thread is frozen without maintainer permission, the person who froze the thread will immediately be put on second-warning status. Additionally, it is not appropriate for posts to be made to the community with commenting-ability disabled. Such posts will be dealt with in the same way. Helpful links:
User-friendly, step-by-step instructions on how to edit and/or delete community posts.
acceptance, activism, alternative beauty, alternative living, barbara brickner, bbw, bbws, beautiful, being chubby, bellies, belly, bhm, big beautiful women, big handsome men, big hips, body positive, breasts, camryn manheim, chocolate, chubby, chubby chick, chubby chicks, chubby girl, chubby girls, chubby men, chunky, chunky chick, chunky chicks, chunky girl, chunky girls, clothes, clothes that fit, comfort, comfort foods, cooking, corpulent, corsets, curves, curvy, curvy women, dancing, dessert, education, emme, empowerment, equality, exotic, fa, fat, fat acceptance, fat activism, fat chick, fat chicks, fat girl, fat girl empowerment, fat girls, fat?so!, feminism, fleshy, food, friends, friendship, girl power, giselle, goddess, goddess women, gorgeous, hanne blank, healthy living, heavy, inner beauty, kate dillon, kate winslett, kindness, lane bryant, les toil, lingerie, lips, looking faboo, lustful, marilyn wann, mia tyler, naked, nomy lamm, nonconformity, obese, overcoming adversity, overweight, paul rubens, people of size, plump, plumper, plumpers, plus goth, plus size, plus sizes, plus-size, plus-sized, porcine, portly, positive attitudes, positive thinking, positivity, revolution, rubenesque, rubenesque women, self assurance, self esteem, self-acceptance, self-esteem, self-knowledge, self-love, size, size acceptance, size activism, size positive, size-ism, social consciousness, sophie dahl, stout, thick woman, thick women, tolerance, torrid, voluptugoth, voluptugoths, voluptuous, voluptuous women, womanism, women, women of size,, zaftig, zaftig erotica