Architecture & Food (original) (raw)

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Realization / Реализация

These projects will be used to create the final construction project / Эти проекты будут использованы для создания окончательного рабочего проекта.

Schedule of the construction process / График процесса строительства

Preparatory work on the site: October 2014. Beginning of the construction process: February 2015. Сompletion of the Realization — May 2016.
Мы будем публиковать фотографии строительства в блоге / We will post photos of building process in a blog


Все проекты примут участие в выставке / All projects will participate in the exhibition

inNATURE / Alessandro Ferro / Siracusa, Italy

Aim of the project is to propose a new concept of restaurant: from closed space limited to the consumption of a meal, to a series of spaces linked together to invade the outside and increasing the supply of related and unrelated activities about food and entertainment.


InNature is a model for attracting and entertain a growing number of customers. A new way of being together … eating.

The project consists of three main elements:

1 the new facade

The new façade will be designed to offer a more contemporary image to the building and will allow, at the same time, to improve the energy performance of the building. it will follow the formal design of the roof of the veranda, but it will be built later.

inNATURE / 2

The intervention will be preceded by the installation of an insulating panel around the edge. Then will be assembled directly on site, the metal framework of support for the new facade, which will consist of bicolor metal panels. To each window will be placed decorative planters to implement the color rendering of the elevations.

2 the veranda and the pavilions

The veranda, acting as a point of contact between inside and outside, will be the central element of this project. The design is the result of compositional analysis performed on the elevation.

inNATURE / 3

The rhythmic between the windows and the bands of wall, in fact, influence the design characterized by a system of pillars surmounted by a cover with dynamic lines.

The construction system is based on the system of the dry assembly of all its components: the pillars and wooden beams connected together by metal plates.

The floor consists of a structural floor xlam, prefabricated and placed directly in situ, covered with plywood and with a protective coating to optimize costs and give the room a cozy feeling.

inNATURE / 4

The structure of the cover, which is also assembled dry, will be formed by a reticular element consisting of primary and secondary wood elements.

The coating of the intrados of the roof will be made by reflective aluminum panels, it will give at the place a particular play of light and reflections.

The coating of the upper part will be the same of the facade coating of the building, made by bicolor metal panels.

The shift from existing room of the restaurant to the new veranda, will be through the large windows that overlook the south elevation, by means of a system of benches / steps that are elements of continuity between inside and outside, creating a fluid and dynamic space.

author: Alessandro Ferro

The elevation of the veranda is made up of a series of panels in polycarbonate that can open or close based on events or simply climatic conditions.

The small pavilions, which will be disseminated in the outer area of relevance, will have the same construction method and the same materials of the veranda, can be placed in series or in isolation.

3 terraced steps

The physical connection between the interior and exterior will be assigned to the terraced steps, a system of modular steps / benches made by a metal framed structure and a decking wooden.

The permeability of the structure will allow continuity in the lighting and ventilation of the basement room.

The modules of the terraced steps can be moved to form an arena for events that require more space as performances and outdoor concerts.

The terraced also be used by users of the restaurant to relax, enjoy a meal comfortably seated outdoors, drinking a cocktail or simply read a newspaper.

Light slices / Alexandra Cosma, Veronica Olariu, Ruxandra Sacalis / Bucharest, Romania

The experience of food and architecture

Light slices / concept

»Every city has its spectrum of tastes and odors. Sales counters on the streets are appetizing exhibitions of smells: creatures of the ocean that smell of seaweed, vegetables carrying the odor of fertile earth, and fruits that extrude the sweet fragrance of sun and moist summer air. The menus displayed outside restaurants makes us fantasies the complete course of a dinner, letters read by the eyes turn into oral sensations “ (Pallasmaa, The eyes of the skin)

The architectural proposal draws its concept from the idea of rediscovering the daily ritual of eating and also the social interaction that comes with it; in other words, to rediscover the pleasure of taking the time to enjoy and appreciate the food one is eating, an experience of tastes and colors that allures the senses and in this way enriches one’s life. There is a social dimension to the ritual of eating and enjoying food, it gathers friends and family, and together with the right atmosphere they make this experience complete.

In consequence, it is important to understand the importance that space has in this particular daily ritual. Eating needs an appropriate intimate space that enhances closeness; the sound, the light and the materials of the space all contribute to a successful atmosphere. The space should complement the food, physically and emotionally. The architecture and the space should delight the senses: the eye rests on a surrounding which contributes to the oral and olfactory experiences awaken by the food’s taste and appetizing smell.

Color is important in creating the interior mood of the space. For example, green is the color of nature, it transmits simplicity, security, balance, white expresses openness and red is a vibrant color, associated with energy, strength, power and is also typical for Russian culture. Red is an emotional intense color which also enhances human metabolism. The project intends to use these colors to express the architectural idea and reach the objective of creating an atmospheric interior for the experience of food.

The project

Light slices / project

Food is about nature, colors, smell. The terrace will serve hot cooked food during summer. In consequence the main material chosen for the terrace is wood with its natural fibers and texture. Also, for this purpose, the vegetation has been brought inside the space and among the structural elements in order to bring the visitor closer to nature and to create a pleasant atmosphere.

The floor of the terrace is not just a concrete slab, but it has different sequential levels to create different space characters and to connect it to the ground floor for an easy access. The terrace is realized with glulam wooden elements which have a structural role, but also the role of filtering the light inside the space.

Light slices / project / 2

These structural elements are arranged in a progressive evolution. The position and section of the structural elements is determined through a parametric rule. The timber elements are firstly arranged in such way that they gradually approach and distance themselves in order to obtain different light variations and different atmospheres inside the space. The closer they are the more intimate the space becomes; while the more distanced they are, more light comes in and a better relation with the exterior is created. In addition, the distance between the elements, which gradually increases, determines the thickness of each element. In other words, the dimensions of each element are determined by the same gradual rule of progression and they thicken as the distance between the elements increases.

authors: Alexandra Cosma, Veronica Olariu, Ruxandra Sacalis

From this lamellar structure of the terrace some individual spaces distinguish themselves as intimate dinning spaces which remind of the dining room from the traditional home. These three small boxes are designed to accommodate maximum six people each, perfect for a family party or a small gathering with friends. Similar boxes are present in the garden as garden pavilions: three extra eating spaces for a summer outdoor breakfast, lunch or dinner or a small private gathering with friends/family. The three garden pavilions have wooden structure and are set on wheels which lift them above the ground and which make them mobile: their configuration within the garden can be changed from season to season.

The rule of positioning the structural elements of the terrace and the presence of the boxes as separate dining rooms allows for the creation of spaces with different atmosphere and hierarchies. The culinary experience is enhanced by the special atmospheres of the terrace: the natural light, the nearness of the garden, the closeness and openness of the different spaces and the natural textures of the materials contribute to an intimate/informal space away from the noise of the city and where one can rejoice with friends or family.

For the façade of the block, the concept proposes to maintain the image of the extruded dining boxes which project outside the terrace’s façade. Similarly, colored window contours project randomly outside the façade’s vertical plan to confer color and dynamicity to the facade.

Glass. Wood. Simplicity / Alexandra Stepanova / Moscow, Russia

Glass. Wood. Simplicity

All constructions are made of wood and glass. In my opinion they are attractive and strong enough for light pavilions and a terrace. It doesn’t take much time because it’s easy to build.

The terrace has 3 levels which are connected with little ladder. People can hang out there not only in summer but in cold season too because its roofed and glazed.

author: Alexandra Stepanova

I decided to put there some high bar tables, so the customers can sit and look out from the window to see what’s going around.

The same construction have pavilions. They can fit about 8 person. They have also transparent windows, so the place is quite lightened.

gourmanization of the space / Carlos Tapia, Topiltzin Ortiz / Mexico

gourmanization of the space

gourmanization of the space / Mexico / 2

gourmanization of the space / Mexico / 3

authors: Carlos Tapia, Topiltzin Ortiz

Escamol / Carolina Contreras, Miriam Acosta / Chihuahua, Mexico

ESCAMOL is a project inspired in food, but which type of food did we chose and why?


After making a research on international dishes prepared with worldwide known ingredients, we decided not to go to far and kept the origin and context of the localization of the project, which is Russia.

We decided to take as main concept Ykra, a typical Russian appetizer, with an attractive visual but also contrasting in its different ingredients. So finally we had our ingredients to start cooking architecture.

Escamol / 2

Why Escamol?

Escamoles are ant larvae, which in Mexico are as unique and expensive as caviar, and are called ̈The Mexican caviar ̈, this way we are making allusion to our Mexican way to reinterpret Ykra.

How does this appetizer transform into a living space and which sensations can you perceive from it?

The origins for red caviar, is salmon, so we took this as inspiration to start designing, at this point we defined colors and textures inspired on it. At this point we did the same with the other ingredients, which are bread and butter.

Carolina Contreras, Miriam Acosta

We created a new atmosphere where the actual clients and the new ones to come can feel and perceive the new design, but keeping the commodity, service and food that was already offered.

Escamol is innovating with an interactive bar, which goes through the whole restaurant ending on the veranda, which is divided in 6 pavilions offering more privacy to the user, being this the biggest attractive of The Buffet.

Urban Greenhouse / Anton Kotlyarov, Stanislav Kashin, Patricia Lencastre Carneiro / Milan, Italy

Urban Greenhouse


After we read the book “Food for the City”, which describes problem of food production in modern world. We decided to concentrate our attention on natural food production. But in our case natural vegetation is more decorative element, which appears like central idea of conception of urban greenhouse.

What could be more associated with food more, than the place where food produced? Only the place where you can eat the food. New conception of “buffet” restaurant is two in one.

Urban Greenhouse

The volume of restaurant divided on several block, between each one of them placed plants, which produce different food products (tomatoes, grape, oranges, lemons). These plants perform a decorative function.

Natural vegetation creates pleasant atmosphere. Moreover, all visitors of restaurant could try to grow their own plants. What could be a reason to visit “buffet” restaurant more often.

Urban Greenhouse / 3


Wooden frame is a main structural element. This frame involves all other elements. External frontage is covered with windows, big windows are permanently closed and small could be opened. Area of big windows covered with wooden planks. Whole structure is lifted up from the ground on level of main entrance. Structure looks lighter and maintains access of light to basement of main 6 floor building. The roof covered with glass only in areas were plants placed, to have a sun light for vegetation.

Pavilions are designed for six people inside and have the same wooden frame structure covered with wooden planks, but without glass. Pavilions designed for summer time and they are moveable.

Urban Greenhouse / 4

The main access to terrace is provided from the main space of restaurant. Two of existing windowsill are became an entrance to terrace, while other five became sitting places, what significantly increase amount of sitting places.

Main volume of terrace is covered with glass, but not the space in front of main entrance to restaurant. This place is wooden frame covered with wooden planks, without glass.

Urban Greenhouse / 5

The plants are growing in suspended pots, there are two types of pots, for plants like grape, ivy and tomatoes (its can create long continuous plant from one pot) and oranges and lemons which need more pots to maintain wanted amount of green area.

Lighting system is provided by single light spots.


Comfortable sitting is made for 50 persons. It is possible to extend the number of sits to 60 or even more for special events. There are four types of sitting from the couches in the corner to the regular double-sit tables. This is made to provide a sitting possibility for different groups.

authors: Anton Kotlyarov, Stanislav Kashin, Patricia Lencastre Carneiro

More details

Terrace is made is a such a way to provide additional advertising by looking for activities occurring in the terrace not by using big signboards. Wooden planks add a mystery to the restaurant if you are walking down the street. The desire to look inside is appearing.

FoodCave / Tomáš Čech / Ostrava / Czech Republic

Food Competition — FoodCave

Public space is a topic of many wild discussions nowadays. Architecture field leeds vibrant conversations about its quality, possibilities and future. Some criticise that it is being absorbed by traffic. Others say public space has been privatized and individuals donťt have the proper position. Concept project FoodCave tries to show up one of the problems of public space and proposes a solution based on the topic Architecture – Food.


There are no doubts dynamics of 21st century cities is uncomparable with the cities in the past. Society has changed and approves different values then a few years ago. Bustle of the streets in still bigger and bigger cities controls omnipresent rush in form of pedestrians or cars. An individual is more and more just a unit in a crowd and FoodCave is supposed to solve it.

Human being is loosing its personality, coolness and energy in a crowd. It is just an individual in a huge group of passer-bys. When sitting on a bench he or she definitely can´t feel comfortable. One is lost! Piece of calm would be required. Piece of own space would be appreciated. One could have a little rest, could have a snack, could talk to beloved girl. One needs to ground a bit. FoodCave could help.

FoodCave / 2

Concerning the content, the FoodCave is a little shelter in the bustle of the city. It is a cave for a piece of rest, meal and thoughts.

The form of FoodCave follows its content. A rotund shell ties to literally evoke the cave. Concrete crust shades the city and provides the feeling of raw protection. Inner wood shell provides calm and warmth. Symbolic chimney brings a piece of clear sky into the interior and is clear lighhouse – pylon in the bustle of the city. „You can save yourself here!“

author: Tomáš Čech

Escape from the rush, find a calm, invite your lover for a lunch. Hide, have a rest, have a meal, breathe in, open your eyes, close your eyes. You are allowed to do whatever you want. Inside the FoodCave almost everything is allowed.

Aromatic Augmentation / Ed Green / Arlington, Texas, USA

Aromatic Augmentation

Aromatic Augmentation / 2

author: Ed Green

Sunken Simplicity / Eka Swadiansa, Kania Prita Anggriany / Jakarta — Indonesia

Gourmanization of the Space


Much differs to the conventional approaches, our proposal do not reflect itself on any certain bizarre metaphors. As we are growing fonder of the existing programmatic connections, we moved deeper to analyze each of the different spatial properties (i.e. the bar, stage, and side‐stage areas) and try to connect them with what would be the space of proper ‘formal dine‐in’. The result is proposal for 3 new terraces and pavilions that would not only bridge the existing programs with new way of modern formalism, but will also enrich the spatial quality of the restaurant into 1 holistic function with many different ambiences to choose from.

Sunken Simplicity


The Existing Spaces

BEER in the Stage & Bar areas. Energetic music, lights, and crowd, pass around the beer…. one of the large existing features of the restaurant was the large stage and bar areas able to host quite numerous numbers of spectators. To enjoy the drink or just to listen to the music, the area serves a public ambience of the heavy crowd.

Sunken Simplicity / 2

SOFT drinks in the Side Stage. Enjoying the conversation accompanied by the live band… a place for light snack and super heavy discussion or just everyday life’s sissy gossip. A place to meet friends and enjoy the break after long‐hour of works.

Sunken Simplicity / 3

The New Proposals

COFFEE in the 1st floor Veranda. Our proposals are the spaces that move away from the music and its crowds… the first is the 1st floor terrace, with maximum orientation towards the landscape outward. It is the perfect space to enjoy the day ‐quietly‐ sipping the hot cup of coffee while reading the local newspaper or novel…

Sunken Simplicity / 4

WINE in the lower ground Veranda. The second is the lower ground terrace placed right ‘under’ the coffee‐ shop… It is a place of special occasion. Completely private, quite, and introvert; the space for personal celebrations: job promotion, wedding proposal, marriage, anniversary, etc… it is a special space devoted for fine dine‐in. So shall we open the bottle of wine?

Sunken Simplicity / 5

MORE WINES in the Pavilions. The third proposal is to create a ‘courtyard circumference’ and ‘fill‐in each corners with pavilions… The courtyard will become a kind of central point of orientation to create
a kind of shared‐landscape values to create extrovert spaces which are visibly connected to each other, yet bordered in different pavilions. It is a space devoted for the serious meeting… business deals that are followed by a toss… cheers!

authors: Eka Swadiansa, Kania Prita Anggriany

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