Once Upon an EPDP (original) (raw)

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The new year has only just begun, but the work of ICANN’s Expedited Policy Development Process for gTLD Registration Data (EPDP for short) is already in full swing. The team just wrapped up several days of meetings in Toronto and I thought it would be a good time for an update on where we are in the process.

Before I go any further, I would be remiss if I didn’t again take the opportunity to thank the ICANN team supporting our efforts—especially in the final weeks of last year as they reviewed and organized all of the public comments received on the initial report.

Towards the end of November, the EPDP team published an initial report for public comment. It included a number of policy recommendations and highlighted open issues where the group had not been able to come to a consensus. In all, the draft report received over 50 comments from various parties providing important feedback to the group.

Our time in Toronto last week included reviewing those public comments and determining whether they would alter our recommendations or whether they provided enough clarity to push us towards consensus on outstanding items.

It’s hard to summarize three days of meetings into short bullet points, but here are the highlights:

For those of us participating in the group, we have invested countless hours and significant energy. We all have a vested interested in seeing that this policy work is successfully completed. Though all of us are representing the interests of our own stakeholder groups, we all must be willing to compromise—last week was encouraging in that everyone appeared willing to do just that.

While there is still much work ahead of us, the team seems to have found its rhythm, so I remain optimistic that we will be successful in our efforts.