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[NEWS] Veterans' Administration Approves Pentacles for Grave Markers [Apr. 23rd, 2007|12:15 pm]Citizen's Intelligence Briefing
After a long, drawn out battle, the US Veterans' Administration has capitulated. at least 10 years, Pagan vets have tried to get the symbol of their religious beliefs approved by the VA for use on their gravestones. The VA has dragged their feet on the issue and last November, a lawsuit was brought in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin against the VA citing obvious bias against a minority religion. Adherents to the pagan religions have filed the proper paperwork and been stymied for 10 years while other minority religions have had their symbols of faith approved in mere weeks. lists "Wiccan/Pagan/Druid" as one of the most common religions in the United States as of 2001 and Neo-Paganism as the 19th largest religion worldwide.The VA today settled the argument by approving the Pentacle for use on VA grave markers. A complete list of the available symbols of faith approved by the VA can be found at:
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[NEWS] NYPD Spy Operations [Mar. 25th, 2007|10:25 pm]Citizen's Intelligence Briefing
For at least a year before the 2004 Republican National Convention, teams of undercover New York City police officers traveled to cities across the country, Canada and Europe to conduct covert observations of people who planned to protest at the convention, according to police records and interviews.
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[COMMENTARY/OPINION] Boston Authorities a Little TOO Paranoid [Feb. 1st, 2007|11:22 am]Citizen's Intelligence Briefing
[mood** |crankycranky]For those who have not heard, a guerrilla marketing campaign caused parts of Boston to be closed off yesterday for a "bomb scare". Two people have been detained in the matter.( What were the Boston authorities thinking here?Collapse )**Should the authorities have reacted with the bomb squad? Perhaps. Depends on the call they got. Should Turner's marketing guys have informed the city of the devices? Duh. Absolutely. Did they? No. But Boston's powers that be are making a HUGE mountain out of a mole hill here. They're talking about 5 years of jail time for the two ad guys who put them up. WTH? There were no problems in the 9 other cities. There were no problems in the first two weeks. These were obviously NOT bomb hoaxes. The intent was pretty clear. The ad people are innocent. I blame the retard who thought these were "suspicious" enough to be potential explosive devices. And the AG and mayor for continuing to blow this way out of proportion.
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Spacer [NEWS] NPR: American Detainee Speaks Out [Dec. 19th, 2006|11:39 pm]Citizen's Intelligence Briefing Vance was a 29-year-old US Navy veteran working in Baghdad when the prison door slammed on him. Blindfolded, shackled, thrown on a concrete slab, and cut off from legal representation by an American system and American guards in an American-run detention center in Iraq. For 97 days.
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