Achille D Fofack | Cyprus International University (original) (raw)

Papers by Achille D Fofack

Research paper thumbnail of The determinants of interest rate spread: Empirical evidence from the Central African economic and monetary community

In spite of the reforms undertook during the 1980s and 1990s in favour of financial deepening, th... more In spite of the reforms undertook during the 1980s and 1990s in favour of financial deepening, the spread between the lending rate and the deposit rate is still high in the member countries of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CAEMC). Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the determinants of banking spread in those countries. In that vein, the study employs two-step regression proposed by Ho and Saunders using country-level data from 2000 to 2010. On one hand, the study controlled for capital inflows and natural resources endowment. On the other hand, the study took into consideration the legal and institutional framework of the sample countries and the excess liquidity prevailing their banking systems. The results revealed that among bank-specific characteristics, bank asset, doubtful loan, and the volume of credit significantly determine the observed spread. As for macroeconomic characteristics, oil rents, foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, and rea...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Markov-switching dynamic regression analysis of the asymmetries related to the determinants of US crude oil production between 1982 and 2019

Petroleum Science, 2021

The structural changes brought about by shale oil revolution have inspired this paper of which th... more The structural changes brought about by shale oil revolution have inspired this paper of which the aim is to analyze the potential asymmetries related to the determinants of crude oil production in the USA. Thus, using a Markov-switching dynamic regression model in which parameters change when oil production moves from one regime to the other, it is found that for both oil production and oil relative importance, the regime that was dominant during the 1980s and the early 1990s when oil production in the USA was substantially high is the same regime that has once again become dominant in the decade corresponding to the shale oil revolution. Furthermore, the study reveals the existence of asymmetries in the relationship between US crude oil production and both manufacturing production and the consumer price index. Asymmetries are also found in the relationship between the relative importance US crude oil and manufacturing production. Finally, it is found that the intercept and the var...

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the Macroeconomic Effects of Quantitative Easing: Empirical Evidence from the Federal Reserve’s Experience

The Indian Economic Journal, 2019

This article aims at assessing the effects of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing (QE) prog... more This article aims at assessing the effects of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing (QE) programmes on both economic activity and prices in the United States. Using a structural vector autoregression (SVAR) model on monthly data from January 2007 to March 2017, it is assumed that a substantial fraction of the liquidity injected under the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing programmes was used to artificially inflate stock prices. Furthermore, QE is assumed to be a competitive devaluation programme. The findings reveal that QE helps support economic activity, while its effect on inflation is rather small and insignificant. Besides, it is also found that QE boosts stock prices but does not have a significant effect on the US dollar.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Extreme Bounds Analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Cryptocurrencies

International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the Bidirectional Nexus Between Climate Change and Agriculture from a Global Perspective

Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the post-quantitative easing surge in financial flows to developing and emerging market economies

Journal of Applied Economics, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure on Maternal Health: Empirical Evidence from Central and Latin American Countries

Journal of Health Science and Medical Research, 2019

Objective: The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditur... more Objective: The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditure on maternal health outcomes using a panel of twenty Central and Latin American countries between 2000 and 2015.Material and Methods: Six different estimation techniques were used in the analysis in order to check the robustness of the findings. Those estimation techniques were: the ordinary least squares method, the Prais-Winsten correlated panels corrected standard errors regression, the fixed and the random effects models, the generalized least squares method and the bias-corrected least squares dummy variable method.Results: After controlling for female education, gross domestic product and remittances, it was found that a surge in (OOP) health expenditure significantly deteriorates maternal health as it leads to a decrease in skilled birth attendance and an increase in maternal mortality. It was also found that in Central and Latin American countries, educated women tended to be he...

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Research paper thumbnail of Health Insurance and Child Health Outcomes in West Africa

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Does Quantitative Easing Work?

Applied Economics and Finance, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Les Déterminants Des Prix De L’Immobilier Aux États-Unis Après La Grande Récession : Une Analyse Des Bornes Extrêmes

L'Actualité économique, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of An Extreme Bounds Analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Cryptocurrencies

International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies

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Research paper thumbnail of A Markov-switching dynamic regression analysis of the asymmetries related to the determinants of US crude oil production between 1982 and 2019

Petroleum Science, 2021

The structural changes brought about by shale oil revolution have inspired this paper of which th... more The structural changes brought about by shale oil revolution have inspired this paper of which the aim is to analyze the potential asymmetries related to the determinants of crude oil production in the USA. Thus, using a Markov-switching dynamic regression model in which parameters change when oil production moves from one regime to the other, it is found that for both oil production and oil relative importance, the regime that was dominant during the 1980s and the early 1990s when oil production in the USA was substantially high is the same regime that has once again become dominant in the decade corresponding to the shale oil revolution. Furthermore, the study reveals the existence of asymmetries in the relationship between US crude oil production and both manufacturing production and the consumer price index. Asymmetries are also found in the relationship between the relative importance US crude oil and manufacturing production. Finally, it is found that the intercept and the variance parameter also vary from one regime to the other, thus justifying the use of regime-dependent models.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the Macroeconomic Effects of Quantitative Easing: Empirical Evidence from the Federal Reserve’s Experience

The Indian Economic Journal, 2020

This article aims at assessing the effects of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing (QE) prog... more This article aims at assessing the effects of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing (QE) programmes on both economic activity and prices in the United States. Using a structural vector autoregression (SVAR) model on monthly data from January 2007 to March 2017, it is assumed that a substantial fraction of the liquidity injected under the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing programmes was used to artificially inflate stock prices. Furthermore, QE is assumed to be a competitive devaluation programme. The findings reveal that QE helps support economic activity, while its effect on inflation is rather small and insignificant. Besides, it is also found that QE boosts stock prices but does not have a significant effect on the US dollar.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Root Causes of Migration: Why Africans Leave their Homes

African Human Mobility Review, 2020

In recent years, irregular migration from sub-Saharan Africa has been under the spotlight. Wester... more In recent years, irregular migration from sub-Saharan Africa has been under the spotlight. Western media and politicians often use doomsday scenarios to describe the supposedly millions of desperate people knocking at the gates of the European Eldorado
to escape poverty and warfare at home. Such a stereotypical conception of sub-Saharan
African migration is not only overlooking its root causes, but it is also far from its real
dynamics. Thus, inspired by the extensive literature on international migration and
based on data availability, 27 potential root causes of migration were selected to cover
30 sub-Saharan countries for the period between 2002 and 2016. The sensitivity and
robustness of each potential determinant of both net migration and refugee population
is tested using the two approaches of extreme bounds analysis proposed by Leamer
and Leonard, and Sala-I-Martin. The results reveal that gross domestic product per
capita, domestic credit, trade, foreign direct investment inflows, external debt, youth
unemployment, natural resources rents, international tourism, military expenditure,
health expenditure, undernourishment, food production, life expectancy, HIV prevalence, population growth, corruption, voice and accountability, rule of law, government
effectiveness, regulatory quality, and common law are the root causes of migration in
sub-Saharan Africa.

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Research paper thumbnail of Offensive versus Defensive Football: What Drives Success in the UEFA Champions' League

Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 2020

Assessing the relative contribution of offensive and defensive football to success in the UEFA Ch... more Assessing the relative contribution of offensive and defensive football to success in the UEFA Champion's League, data related to the 513 clubs that have taken part to competition between 1955 and 2019 are analyzed using regression models. After controlling for the number of participations and teams playing in one of the four major European leagues-La Liga, Premier League, Serie A and Bundesliga-it is found that both offensive and defensive football can lead to success in the competition. Indeed, offensive and defensive football both have a significant impact on the number of titles won and their relative contributions are found to be equal. Both tactical approaches also have a significant impact on the number of matches won in the competition; even though the relative contribution of offensive football is bigger. Furthermore, only offensive football is found to have a significant impact on the number of points earned in the competition. Finally, it is found that poor offensive and poor defensive football both have a significant impact on the number of matches lost in the Champion's League; with the relative contribution of a poor defensive performance being more pronounced.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the post-quantitative easing surge in financial flows to developing and emerging market economies Assessing the post-quantitative easing surge in financial flows to developing and emerging market economies

Journal of Applied Economics, 2020

The aim of this paper is to assess the surge in financial flows to developing and emerging market... more The aim of this paper is to assess the surge in financial flows to developing and emerging market economies induced by the Federal Reserve's experience of quantitative easing. Using both panel causality tests and dynamic panel regression models on a data set covering as much as 78 developing and EMEs between 2007Q1 and 2014Q4, it is found on the one hand that QE caused cross-border capital flows in the form of foreign direct investment, an equity portfolios, and bank loans. On the other hand, the study reveals that QE significantly fueled financial flows to developing and EMEs through the portfolio rebalancing, liquidity and confidence channels. In addition, the paper highlights the significant contribution of the fiscal channel and shows that when it comes to post-QE cross-border financial flows, the BRICS exhibit a pattern similar to that of other developing and EMEs. ARTICLE HISTORY

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Research paper thumbnail of DOES QUANTITATIVE EASING WORK

Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the Bidirectional Nexus between Climate Change and Agriculture from a Global Perspective

Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2020

Understanding the complex and dynamic nexus between climate change and agriculture has become cru... more Understanding the complex and dynamic nexus between climate change and agriculture has become crucial for our civilization. Thus, this paper aims at estimating the impact of those two concepts on one another using world data spanning from 1980 to 2018. On the one hand, the results show that the rising sea level inherent to climate change has a positive and significant impact on arable land and a negative and significant impact on livestock production. It is also found that rising sea level and global temperature constitute significant obstacles to crop production while a surge in greenhouse gas emissions significantly boosts it. On the other hand, the paper reveals that livestock production significantly increases greenhouse gas emissions while agricultural activities-crop production, livestock production and arable land-are found to have a negative and significant impact on global temperature. Finally, as agriculture is both a cause and a victim of climate change, some adaptation (shift in farming timing, intercropping) and mitigation (carbon sequestration, organic farming) strategies are recommended.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure on Maternal Health: Empirical Evidence from Central and Latin American Countries

Journal of Health Science and Medical Research, 2019

Objective: The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditur... more Objective: The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditure on maternal health outcomes using a panel of twenty Central and Latin American countries between 2000 and 2015. Material and Methods: Six different estimation techniques were used in the analysis in order to check the robustness of the findings. Those estimation techniques were: the ordinary least squares method, the Prais-Winsten correlated panels corrected standard errors regression, the fixed and the random effects models, the generalized least squares method and the bias-corrected least squares dummy variable method. Results: After controlling for female education, gross domestic product and remittances, it was found that a surge in (OOP) health expenditure significantly deteriorates maternal health as it leads to a decrease in skilled birth attendance and an increase in maternal mortality. It was also found that in Central and Latin American countries, educated women tended to be healthier, and maternal health care was mainly financed with the money received from friends and family members living abroad. Conclusion: It is therefore recommended that public health authorities design and implement protective health care financing programs, such as health insurance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Economic Growth and Air Pollution Dynamics: The Case of Canada

Int. J. of Environmental Pollution & Environmental Modelling, 2019

The root cause of the most important issues facing humanity today could be traced back to environ... more The root cause of the most important issues facing humanity today could be traced back to environmental mismanagement or inequality. Thus, the aim of this paper is to examine the dynamic relationship between economic growth and air pollution in Canada using cointegration tests, vector error correction models and causality tests on annual data from 1960 to 2014. The cointegration tests reveal that there is a long-run relationship between economic growth, trade and air pollution in Canada. The results also show that in the long-run, economic growth and trade respectively have a positive and a negative impact on air pollution. The vector error correction models reveal that the coefficient associated with the error correction term is negative and significant. This means that, any shock disturbing the long-run equilibrium between economic growth, trade and air pollution will be corrected at a speed of 10 percent per year. As for the causality analyses, they show that economic growth does not cause air pollution in Canada. INTRODUCTION According to [1] , the root cause of the most important issues facing humanity today could be traced back to environmental mismanagement or inequality. This is the case for food supply and water crises, increasing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, rising volatility in food and energy prices and even terrorism. Such a finding could explain the rising importance given to the concepts of sustainability and sustainable economic growth. Talking about sustainability, [2] pays attention to three different dimensions of natural capital and the appropriate action for each of them. Thus, for economic activities dealing with non-renewable resources, he argues that the depletion of those resources requires an equivalent development of renewable substitutes. For economic activities dealing with renewable resources, he argues that they should not be harvested at a rate exceeding their rate of regeneration. Finally, for economic activities creating pollution, he argues that they should not generate wastes at a rate exceeding the assimilation capacity of the environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of The determinants of interest rate spread: Empirical evidence from the Central African economic and monetary community

In spite of the reforms undertook during the 1980s and 1990s in favour of financial deepening, th... more In spite of the reforms undertook during the 1980s and 1990s in favour of financial deepening, the spread between the lending rate and the deposit rate is still high in the member countries of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CAEMC). Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the determinants of banking spread in those countries. In that vein, the study employs two-step regression proposed by Ho and Saunders using country-level data from 2000 to 2010. On one hand, the study controlled for capital inflows and natural resources endowment. On the other hand, the study took into consideration the legal and institutional framework of the sample countries and the excess liquidity prevailing their banking systems. The results revealed that among bank-specific characteristics, bank asset, doubtful loan, and the volume of credit significantly determine the observed spread. As for macroeconomic characteristics, oil rents, foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, and rea...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Markov-switching dynamic regression analysis of the asymmetries related to the determinants of US crude oil production between 1982 and 2019

Petroleum Science, 2021

The structural changes brought about by shale oil revolution have inspired this paper of which th... more The structural changes brought about by shale oil revolution have inspired this paper of which the aim is to analyze the potential asymmetries related to the determinants of crude oil production in the USA. Thus, using a Markov-switching dynamic regression model in which parameters change when oil production moves from one regime to the other, it is found that for both oil production and oil relative importance, the regime that was dominant during the 1980s and the early 1990s when oil production in the USA was substantially high is the same regime that has once again become dominant in the decade corresponding to the shale oil revolution. Furthermore, the study reveals the existence of asymmetries in the relationship between US crude oil production and both manufacturing production and the consumer price index. Asymmetries are also found in the relationship between the relative importance US crude oil and manufacturing production. Finally, it is found that the intercept and the var...

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the Macroeconomic Effects of Quantitative Easing: Empirical Evidence from the Federal Reserve’s Experience

The Indian Economic Journal, 2019

This article aims at assessing the effects of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing (QE) prog... more This article aims at assessing the effects of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing (QE) programmes on both economic activity and prices in the United States. Using a structural vector autoregression (SVAR) model on monthly data from January 2007 to March 2017, it is assumed that a substantial fraction of the liquidity injected under the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing programmes was used to artificially inflate stock prices. Furthermore, QE is assumed to be a competitive devaluation programme. The findings reveal that QE helps support economic activity, while its effect on inflation is rather small and insignificant. Besides, it is also found that QE boosts stock prices but does not have a significant effect on the US dollar.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Extreme Bounds Analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Cryptocurrencies

International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the Bidirectional Nexus Between Climate Change and Agriculture from a Global Perspective

Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the post-quantitative easing surge in financial flows to developing and emerging market economies

Journal of Applied Economics, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure on Maternal Health: Empirical Evidence from Central and Latin American Countries

Journal of Health Science and Medical Research, 2019

Objective: The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditur... more Objective: The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditure on maternal health outcomes using a panel of twenty Central and Latin American countries between 2000 and 2015.Material and Methods: Six different estimation techniques were used in the analysis in order to check the robustness of the findings. Those estimation techniques were: the ordinary least squares method, the Prais-Winsten correlated panels corrected standard errors regression, the fixed and the random effects models, the generalized least squares method and the bias-corrected least squares dummy variable method.Results: After controlling for female education, gross domestic product and remittances, it was found that a surge in (OOP) health expenditure significantly deteriorates maternal health as it leads to a decrease in skilled birth attendance and an increase in maternal mortality. It was also found that in Central and Latin American countries, educated women tended to be he...

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Research paper thumbnail of Health Insurance and Child Health Outcomes in West Africa

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Does Quantitative Easing Work?

Applied Economics and Finance, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Les Déterminants Des Prix De L’Immobilier Aux États-Unis Après La Grande Récession : Une Analyse Des Bornes Extrêmes

L'Actualité économique, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of An Extreme Bounds Analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Cryptocurrencies

International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies

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Research paper thumbnail of A Markov-switching dynamic regression analysis of the asymmetries related to the determinants of US crude oil production between 1982 and 2019

Petroleum Science, 2021

The structural changes brought about by shale oil revolution have inspired this paper of which th... more The structural changes brought about by shale oil revolution have inspired this paper of which the aim is to analyze the potential asymmetries related to the determinants of crude oil production in the USA. Thus, using a Markov-switching dynamic regression model in which parameters change when oil production moves from one regime to the other, it is found that for both oil production and oil relative importance, the regime that was dominant during the 1980s and the early 1990s when oil production in the USA was substantially high is the same regime that has once again become dominant in the decade corresponding to the shale oil revolution. Furthermore, the study reveals the existence of asymmetries in the relationship between US crude oil production and both manufacturing production and the consumer price index. Asymmetries are also found in the relationship between the relative importance US crude oil and manufacturing production. Finally, it is found that the intercept and the variance parameter also vary from one regime to the other, thus justifying the use of regime-dependent models.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the Macroeconomic Effects of Quantitative Easing: Empirical Evidence from the Federal Reserve’s Experience

The Indian Economic Journal, 2020

This article aims at assessing the effects of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing (QE) prog... more This article aims at assessing the effects of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing (QE) programmes on both economic activity and prices in the United States. Using a structural vector autoregression (SVAR) model on monthly data from January 2007 to March 2017, it is assumed that a substantial fraction of the liquidity injected under the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing programmes was used to artificially inflate stock prices. Furthermore, QE is assumed to be a competitive devaluation programme. The findings reveal that QE helps support economic activity, while its effect on inflation is rather small and insignificant. Besides, it is also found that QE boosts stock prices but does not have a significant effect on the US dollar.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Root Causes of Migration: Why Africans Leave their Homes

African Human Mobility Review, 2020

In recent years, irregular migration from sub-Saharan Africa has been under the spotlight. Wester... more In recent years, irregular migration from sub-Saharan Africa has been under the spotlight. Western media and politicians often use doomsday scenarios to describe the supposedly millions of desperate people knocking at the gates of the European Eldorado
to escape poverty and warfare at home. Such a stereotypical conception of sub-Saharan
African migration is not only overlooking its root causes, but it is also far from its real
dynamics. Thus, inspired by the extensive literature on international migration and
based on data availability, 27 potential root causes of migration were selected to cover
30 sub-Saharan countries for the period between 2002 and 2016. The sensitivity and
robustness of each potential determinant of both net migration and refugee population
is tested using the two approaches of extreme bounds analysis proposed by Leamer
and Leonard, and Sala-I-Martin. The results reveal that gross domestic product per
capita, domestic credit, trade, foreign direct investment inflows, external debt, youth
unemployment, natural resources rents, international tourism, military expenditure,
health expenditure, undernourishment, food production, life expectancy, HIV prevalence, population growth, corruption, voice and accountability, rule of law, government
effectiveness, regulatory quality, and common law are the root causes of migration in
sub-Saharan Africa.

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Research paper thumbnail of Offensive versus Defensive Football: What Drives Success in the UEFA Champions' League

Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 2020

Assessing the relative contribution of offensive and defensive football to success in the UEFA Ch... more Assessing the relative contribution of offensive and defensive football to success in the UEFA Champion's League, data related to the 513 clubs that have taken part to competition between 1955 and 2019 are analyzed using regression models. After controlling for the number of participations and teams playing in one of the four major European leagues-La Liga, Premier League, Serie A and Bundesliga-it is found that both offensive and defensive football can lead to success in the competition. Indeed, offensive and defensive football both have a significant impact on the number of titles won and their relative contributions are found to be equal. Both tactical approaches also have a significant impact on the number of matches won in the competition; even though the relative contribution of offensive football is bigger. Furthermore, only offensive football is found to have a significant impact on the number of points earned in the competition. Finally, it is found that poor offensive and poor defensive football both have a significant impact on the number of matches lost in the Champion's League; with the relative contribution of a poor defensive performance being more pronounced.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the post-quantitative easing surge in financial flows to developing and emerging market economies Assessing the post-quantitative easing surge in financial flows to developing and emerging market economies

Journal of Applied Economics, 2020

The aim of this paper is to assess the surge in financial flows to developing and emerging market... more The aim of this paper is to assess the surge in financial flows to developing and emerging market economies induced by the Federal Reserve's experience of quantitative easing. Using both panel causality tests and dynamic panel regression models on a data set covering as much as 78 developing and EMEs between 2007Q1 and 2014Q4, it is found on the one hand that QE caused cross-border capital flows in the form of foreign direct investment, an equity portfolios, and bank loans. On the other hand, the study reveals that QE significantly fueled financial flows to developing and EMEs through the portfolio rebalancing, liquidity and confidence channels. In addition, the paper highlights the significant contribution of the fiscal channel and shows that when it comes to post-QE cross-border financial flows, the BRICS exhibit a pattern similar to that of other developing and EMEs. ARTICLE HISTORY

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Research paper thumbnail of DOES QUANTITATIVE EASING WORK

Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the Bidirectional Nexus between Climate Change and Agriculture from a Global Perspective

Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2020

Understanding the complex and dynamic nexus between climate change and agriculture has become cru... more Understanding the complex and dynamic nexus between climate change and agriculture has become crucial for our civilization. Thus, this paper aims at estimating the impact of those two concepts on one another using world data spanning from 1980 to 2018. On the one hand, the results show that the rising sea level inherent to climate change has a positive and significant impact on arable land and a negative and significant impact on livestock production. It is also found that rising sea level and global temperature constitute significant obstacles to crop production while a surge in greenhouse gas emissions significantly boosts it. On the other hand, the paper reveals that livestock production significantly increases greenhouse gas emissions while agricultural activities-crop production, livestock production and arable land-are found to have a negative and significant impact on global temperature. Finally, as agriculture is both a cause and a victim of climate change, some adaptation (shift in farming timing, intercropping) and mitigation (carbon sequestration, organic farming) strategies are recommended.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure on Maternal Health: Empirical Evidence from Central and Latin American Countries

Journal of Health Science and Medical Research, 2019

Objective: The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditur... more Objective: The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditure on maternal health outcomes using a panel of twenty Central and Latin American countries between 2000 and 2015. Material and Methods: Six different estimation techniques were used in the analysis in order to check the robustness of the findings. Those estimation techniques were: the ordinary least squares method, the Prais-Winsten correlated panels corrected standard errors regression, the fixed and the random effects models, the generalized least squares method and the bias-corrected least squares dummy variable method. Results: After controlling for female education, gross domestic product and remittances, it was found that a surge in (OOP) health expenditure significantly deteriorates maternal health as it leads to a decrease in skilled birth attendance and an increase in maternal mortality. It was also found that in Central and Latin American countries, educated women tended to be healthier, and maternal health care was mainly financed with the money received from friends and family members living abroad. Conclusion: It is therefore recommended that public health authorities design and implement protective health care financing programs, such as health insurance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Economic Growth and Air Pollution Dynamics: The Case of Canada

Int. J. of Environmental Pollution & Environmental Modelling, 2019

The root cause of the most important issues facing humanity today could be traced back to environ... more The root cause of the most important issues facing humanity today could be traced back to environmental mismanagement or inequality. Thus, the aim of this paper is to examine the dynamic relationship between economic growth and air pollution in Canada using cointegration tests, vector error correction models and causality tests on annual data from 1960 to 2014. The cointegration tests reveal that there is a long-run relationship between economic growth, trade and air pollution in Canada. The results also show that in the long-run, economic growth and trade respectively have a positive and a negative impact on air pollution. The vector error correction models reveal that the coefficient associated with the error correction term is negative and significant. This means that, any shock disturbing the long-run equilibrium between economic growth, trade and air pollution will be corrected at a speed of 10 percent per year. As for the causality analyses, they show that economic growth does not cause air pollution in Canada. INTRODUCTION According to [1] , the root cause of the most important issues facing humanity today could be traced back to environmental mismanagement or inequality. This is the case for food supply and water crises, increasing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, rising volatility in food and energy prices and even terrorism. Such a finding could explain the rising importance given to the concepts of sustainability and sustainable economic growth. Talking about sustainability, [2] pays attention to three different dimensions of natural capital and the appropriate action for each of them. Thus, for economic activities dealing with non-renewable resources, he argues that the depletion of those resources requires an equivalent development of renewable substitutes. For economic activities dealing with renewable resources, he argues that they should not be harvested at a rate exceeding their rate of regeneration. Finally, for economic activities creating pollution, he argues that they should not generate wastes at a rate exceeding the assimilation capacity of the environment.

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IRLAEM, 2019

Les prix des logements aux États-Unis cristallisent les inquiétudes parce qu’en un peu plus d’une... more Les prix des logements aux États-Unis cristallisent les inquiétudes parce qu’en un peu plus d’une décennie, ils ont excédé le niveau record atteint avant la crise des subprimes. Ces inquiétudes ont inspiré le présent article dont l’objectif est de mettre en lumière les déterminants robustes des prix de l’immobilier aux États-Unis aux lendemains de la Grande Récession. Ainsi, se basant sur la littérature économique et la disponibilité des données, 12 déterminants potentiels des prix de l’immobilier ont été sélectionnés. Ces données mensuelles couvrant la période allant de juillet 2009 –date à laquelle l’économie américaine est sortie de la récession– à avril 2019, ont été étudiées en appliquant les approches de l’analyse des bornes extrêmes formulées par Leamer et Leonard [1983] et par Sala-I-Martin [1997] respectivement. Les résultats montrent que les dépenses de construction, l’inflation des loyers, le taux d’intérêt sur les hypothèques, le crédit immobilier, l’activité économique et l’assouplissement quantitatif sont des déterminants robustes des prix de l’immobilier. Hormis l’assouplissement quantitatif, les déterminants mis en lumière dans cet article sont régulièrement cités dans la littérature puisqu’ils sont liés aux fondamentaux du secteur immobilier. De ce fait, l’exubérance irrationnelle qui caractériserait l’évolution récente des prix de l’immobilier aux États-Unis serait due à la politique d’assouplissement quantitatif mise en œuvre par la Réserve Fédérale.

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