Camp Lazlo Slash (original) (raw)

A Lazlo/Edward Fanfic [Jul. 10th, 2008|12:23 am]Camp Lazlo Slash
[**mood** |crazycrazy]I felt since I joined this community I should contribute to it. The first chapter of When a One Night Stands Backfires contains alcohol and I think swearing... The warnings are in the link. BTW I've never posted a post for a community so I'm a n00b :/ Don't be to hard on me!! Dedicated to Hot Choc on DA!! <3
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LazEd Art Dump XP [Jun. 5th, 2008|03:50 pm]Camp Lazlo Slash
so. i'm showing off a bunch of old LazloxEdward drawings just taking up space in my computer files. All of them are old and are on my DeviArt page, but not everyone here knows me from that (most people. but maybe not everyone) plus they're some of my personal favorites. <3meh. enjoy. once i scan more stuff, i'll post more stuff.
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post your lovely work ppl! [May. 28th, 2008|03:50 pm]Camp Lazlo Slash
i know how we can fake productivity! we all have cl slash works posted else where (well most of us do) why don't we post it here it'll make us seem full of i really think ppl looking for a slash commiunity are looking for slash so lets make it easy(so should we have a fanfiction , fan art section ect or shall we post willy nilly?)(ps: i have lazED comic i plan to post someday, probably will be done by the end of summer, but hopefully sooner) here's some unrelated slash... raj finally finds a fan
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crack pairings! [Mar. 9th, 2008|06:59 pm]Camp Lazlo Slash
[mood** |amusedamused]ok. if no one else is gonna try to revive this sleepy little community, then i guess it's up to me.crack pairings! or in other words, pairings that make absolutely no sense and have little to none evidence to back it up. but you cant help but love it cause you think it's some that you think are cute and try to back it up or talk about why you picked it. or just list it. or talk about ANY pairing you like. I dont care! just talk and discuss stuff, please! (<---desperate much?) I guess i'll go first! X3**Pingpong>Samson >Dave. or anything that involves those three, i dunno why, but to me they're funny in the show when they interact w/ each other. just imagine if you took that and made it romantical XD uh...for some reason, my mind keeps going to..Almondine+Honey(AKA-that BG squirrel scout who looks like a bear/dog)- femm-slash alert! XD maybe it's just cause i keep making gay references to the bean scouts, so to be fair, i should make some squirrel scouts lezbians XD i think it'd be cute. a brainy shy brunette girl with a dumb outgoing blonde girl (opposites attract, right?) plus i like almondine, but there's no one left for her (unless u count the BG bean scouts...but i dont) and i dont like the idea of Almondine+Samson like other people (because it's uber-dull. two socially awkward nerds..*yawn*)well? does anyone have any wierd pairing they support? dont support? or just something random so people can talk? anyone?
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contest entry. revised [Jan. 11th, 2008|09:15 am]Camp Lazlo Slash
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my contest entry. [Jan. 9th, 2008|10:00 am]Camp Lazlo Slash
uh. yeah. i didn't know where we were gonna put entries. but this works, ne?'s pretty red/ for Valentines Day....only not. XDhope u like it. >_<
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Contest Number One!! [Dec. 12th, 2007|10:54 pm]Camp Lazlo Slash
So it's apparent I'm not a very good moderator, and for that, I do apologize. I just assumed we'd be more active than this without little "activities".I am planning for some fanfiction and maybe even more fanart, but I can't give you a guarantee it will happen quickly.So, for the time being, we'll have a layout contest. Suggested by hot_choc, so that automatically makes her my partner in crime when it comes to judging the entries. And yes, of course she can still submit one too. :p~cl_slash First Layout Contest!!!Rules*Camp Lazlo Slash related(duh)Image must be that of a header(like around the same size/shape of the current one.)You must give me a color scheme for the layout.(color codes would be perfect. date=Jan 13th 2008. I give you all a month.
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contest!!!! [Dec. 11th, 2007|01:24 pm]Camp Lazlo Slash
Well I'm bored so you all have to suffer...I'm not sure I'm allowed to do this. I mean cherry_wolf"s in charge SHE should be doing things like this but... well it's been really quite around here and it makes me sad. so I have a few contest ideas: contest 1: draw a new thingy (that thingy at the top that says cl slash its called a banner it think ) but i don't have the authoroty to change that so i don't know....contest 2: draw, write or comic a funny cl slash situation any pairing so long as its slash. (i wanna make a lazED comic and i need insperation, this not getting to see the Xmas special has got me in a slump) winner gets a doodle and their name on edward's shirt when i finally do do the comic
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