Club Jade (original) (raw)

Griping a little [Oct. 10th, 2009|02:49 pm]Club Jade, Livejournal Division
I've been sick this week, so I've been distracting myself with the Dark Nest trilogy.I think it's interesting that the entire SW galaxy misses Anakin as much as I do...which to me is just further evidence of why he never should have been killed off. ::growl::**( Spoilerish if you haven't read the Dark Nest trilogyCollapse )**May have full review, after the third book.
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Star Wars: Survivor's Quest [Sep. 23rd, 2009|12:28 pm]Club Jade, Livejournal Division
So I finally got around to reading Survivors Quest.( Zahn!Collapse )
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ESB trailer [Aug. 15th, 2009|08:47 am]Club Jade, Livejournal Division
If you've already opened your probedroid this morning, then you may have seen this already:But this early ESB trailer is totally worth it, if for nothing else that to hear Harrison Ford doing an announcer voice:
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Yahoo bounces on CJ list [Apr. 15th, 2009|01:17 pm]Club Jade, Livejournal Division
[**mood** |hopefulhopeful]Just a quick note to let everyone know I resubbed all the yahoo addresses to the CJ list that got bounced last week. (Or was it the week before? Time gets away from me...) I sent out a test message. If you're on Yahoo and you got it, can you reply here to let me know? (Please don't flood the list with replies.) And if you're on Yahoo and you didn't get it, you can let me know that as well, although I'm sure I'll get notified if the system bounces a flood of people again.If Yahoo still isn't accepting mail from pairlists, I'll see if I can figure out how to contact them to resolve this. Maybe Dunc will help since I'm a techno-idiot? ::puppy dog eyes:: Or maybe some of the people affected could contact Yahoo and complain?
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New site for information about Aaron [Apr. 5th, 2009|03:10 pm]Club Jade, Livejournal Division
You can now go to for the latest updates on Aaron. If your DNS has not caught up with the new domain yet, you can use for now.The site is a LiveJournal community, but non-members can also read it. If you sign up for a free account, or have a LiveJournal account already, you can "join" the community and have the option of getting updates via email or RSS too.At this point only a small number of people are enabled for posting. Our intention is to use the community as a streamlined information source. If enough people are interested in having a place for open discussion we can always set up a separate but parallel community for that.Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. --Bob Q
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Issues with Yahoo on the CJ e-mail list [Mar. 31st, 2009|08:02 pm]Club Jade, Livejournal Division
[**mood** |annoyedannoyed]Crossposted to raykelI just got, like, a million automatic unsubscription notices for pretty much every CJ member who has a yahoo e-mail address. Obviously something is up with Yahoo, so if someone will let me know what it is and when it's fixed, I'll set about resubscribing everyone.::grumble::
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Yes, it's a bit like trying to get Vader to take back what he said by yelling NO! [Mar. 19th, 2009|11:22 pm]Club Jade, Livejournal Division
[**mood** |blahblah]((Apologies to any CJ peeps getting this twice.))But you want to try anyway. Sci Fi is planning to change it's name to Syfy. Please head over to their website, go down to feedback or just e-mail , and tell them that this is the second worst idea they ever had. It's almost on par with cancelling Farscape a season early.The logo is from . I'm not sure their addresses are reliable, but I'm with them in spirit. I made 4 icons for the cause. The first one is my preference.
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I think this was Aaron's doing... [Jan. 29th, 2009|06:54 pm]Club Jade, Livejournal Division
[**mood** |amusedamused]\_signs\_warn\_of\_zombiesIt was in Austin!
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