Benoît Grévin | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / French National Centre for Scientific Research (original) (raw)
Books by Benoît Grévin
An electronic book that can be downloaded for free at Ca' Foscari editions (https://edizionicafos...[ more ](;)An electronic book that can be downloaded for free at Ca' Foscari editions (, that attempts a systematic study of the formulas/semi-automatisms in Dante's Letters that could be compared with rhythmical or other formulas in Thirteenth Century letters, using a material that consists of more than 3000 thousand Imperial, Papal and other letters.
Questo libro tenta una comparazione sistematica degli aspetti più formularistici delle lettere dantesche con sequenze estratte di diverse lettere del Duecento. Il materiale raccolto per effettuare questo studio consta di più di 3000 lettere imperiali, papali e altre. For all the researchs interested by the nature of Dante's Latin style. Per tutti i ricercatori che studiano la questione dello stile latino di Dante
English recension available in Speculum n° 86, 2011/2, p. 499-500. This book is divided in two ba... more English recension available in Speculum n° 86, 2011/2, p. 499-500. This book is divided in two basic parts. Part one follows the birth of the so-called collection of dictamina/letters of Petrus de Vinea, and is consequently a sort of history of the rhetorical Latin practices at the court and chancery of Frederic II of Sicily and his sons. It envisions the social milieu as well as the rhetorical techniques and their uses for propaganda. The second and more innovative part is a global european exploration on the fortune and reuse of this important textual collection, which worked as a matrix/writing guide in most European royal chanceries from 1280 onwards. Separated chapters are devoted to England, France, the Empire and Bohemia, and Italy. Short sketches on the spanish peninsula, Hungary and Poland have still to be completed by coming papers. Hence the title, as the book can serve as a global essay on the chancery rhetoric and the rhetoric of power in 1200-1400 Europe. Since 2008, a new (usefull, but far from definitive) edition of the Petrus de Vinea letters has been published under the supervision of Edoardo d'Angelo (Pier della VIgna, Epistolario). I have myself added new material that could fit in the second part (reuse of the sources in Aragon, Castile, Poland...). But the book remains more or less valid...
This collective book includes the proceedings of the Parisian Congress on Ars dictaminis (5-6 jun... more This collective book includes the proceedings of the Parisian Congress on Ars dictaminis (5-6 june, 2012), plus complementary papers (Dario Internullo, Benoît Grévin, Anne-Marie Turcan-Verkerk) and translations (Martin Camargo). It embraces the entire domain of influence of ars dictaminis, since the beginning to the end, and from Castile to Poland. We tried to balance the dominant "all-theoretical" or "all-literary" approaches, and to achieve a good balance between the world of literary-rhetorical theories, and the world of chancery practices. Anne-marie Turcan-Verkerk and myself chose to make of this book a real working base. We have consequently added to the papers, written or translated in French or in Italian, two big annexes : an important repertory of every known, edited or unedited theoretical treatise up to 1400 (Felisi-Turcan-Verkerk), and a rather big bibliography, up to more than 700 titles, arranged for thematic exploration (Grévin bibliography). We hope that this book will provide a good starting base for every further study on the ars dictaminis during the coming years.
This book features three different parts. The central part p. 425-576 includes a corpus of 548 l... more This book features three different parts.
The central part p. 425-576 includes a corpus of 548 latin and french preambles (arengae, exordiae...) of charters issued by the French Royal Chancery during the fourteenth century (1300-1380), and used in circa thousand charters, with a lot of still unedited material.
The first part (p. 1-574) is a multilayered and interdisciplinary study of this documentation (milieu of production, diplomatical aspects, rhetorical aspects, ideological aspects and so on), we tried to envision these texts in every possible dimension. One of the original features of the book is that it retraces for the first time with some accuracy the papal or sicilian-imperial origin of a lot of rhetorical motives used by the French royal notaries and secretaries at this time, through their intensive use of the summae dictaminis. We try to locate the precise sources of these reuses.
Part three (p. 577-902) features comparative tables between these sources and some of the French texts, a complete lexical repertory (Latin-French) with research tools, and indexes, in order to facilitate researches in the text and comparison with similar corpuses.
It is a book that navigates between the history of French royal Ideology, textual history and rhetorical history, and diplomatics. The book is now on sale in a paper version, but it will soon have an electronic version, to be consulted freely (and downlad with paiment) on the site of the Ecole des chartes.
Papers by Benoît Grévin
Brepols Publishers eBooks, 2022
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 1, 2022
ITA: Il Codice Fitalia (Palermo, Società siciliana per la storia patria, ms. I.B.25) contiene una... more ITA: Il Codice Fitalia (Palermo, Società siciliana per la storia patria, ms. I.B.25) contiene una delle più importanti raccolte di dictamina (cioè di testi retorico-esemplari) del periodo che va dalla prima metà del XIII al primo trentennio del XIV secolo. I componimenti epistolari e poetici qui editi permettono di ricostruire non solo la storia d’Europa tra l’età sveva e il Vespro siciliano, ma anche la raffinata letteratura espressa dalle cancellerie e dalle scuole dell’Italia meridionale. Essi sono pienamente e chiaramente rappresentativi della forma di scrittura più peculiare di quei secoli: l’ars dictandi o ars dictaminis. Lo stile connesso con questo tipo di trattatistica retorica e con le sue esemplificazioni applicative influenzò profondamente il gusto letterario e la cultura di un’intera epoca; negli ultimi secoli del Medioevo divenne egemonico e lasciò un’impronta evidente anche in alcuni indiscussi padri della letteratura che, come Dante, a esso si educarono. ENG: The Codex Fitalia (Palermo, Sicilian Society for the History of the Country, ms. I.B.25) contains one of the most important collections of dictamina (i.e., rhetorical-exemplary texts) from the period from the first half of the 13th to the first thirty years of the 14th century. The epistolary and poetic compositions edited here make it possible to reconstruct not only the history of Europe between the Swabian age and the Sicilian Vespers, but also the refined literature expressed by the chancelleries and schools of southern Italy. They are fully and clearly representative of the most distinctive form of writing of those centuries: the ars dictandi or ars dictaminis. The style connected with this type of rhetorical treatise and its applied exemplifications profoundly influenced the literary taste and culture of an entire epoch; in the last centuries of the Middle Ages it became hegemonic and left a clear imprint even on some undisputed fathers of literature who, like Dante, were educated to it.
Political Communication in Chinese and European History, 800–1600, 2021
A comparative history of the social and stylistic characteristics of letter-writing in the Wester... more A comparative history of the social and stylistic characteristics of letter-writing in the Western Latin world and in China has yet to be written. Among other difficulties, the historical study of letter-writing in China has only recently attracted scholarly attention, and the social and intellectual contexts of epistolary culture in China and the Latin West were in many respects strikingly different. This chapter compares, in a longue durée perspective, the differing assumptions that conditioned the development of epistolary genres in China and Europe, with a particular focus on the Song period (the period of ars dictaminis in Western letter-writing culture). It concludes by proposing a variety of potential methodological frames that could be fruitful in future comparative research.
Bibliotheque De L Ecole Des Chartes, 2004
Nation et nations au Moyen Âge, 2014
In this work, one proposes the use of a damped confinement potential to mimic the proton internal... more In this work, one proposes the use of a damped confinement potential to mimic the proton internal energy. The internal pressure is calculated taking into account the occurrence of a phase transition in the pp andpp total cross section. The model predicts the inversion of the positive and negative pressure regions depending on the squared energy s0, where the total cross section achieves its minimum value. Considering energies below the phase transition the expected results are in accordance with the recent proton internal pressure measurement. For energies above s0, the model predicts a negative pressure region near the center of the hadron surrounded by a positive pressure region.
Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures, 2015
A study of the practice of dictamen among the schools and chanceries of Late medieval Europe (13t... more A study of the practice of dictamen among the schools and chanceries of Late medieval Europe (13th–15th c.) offers a broad range of perspectives in order to map neglected dimensions of late medieval textual cultures. It is well known that Ars dictaminis was a set of rhetorical doctrines, mostly devised for and used in the world of chanceries and for the redaction of letters and charters. But how exactly did the process of translation of a sophisticated rhetoric in an epistolary, mostly political practice, work? This paper focuses on the coalescence and the impact of the rhetoric ‘database’ constituted by the great collections of dictamina traditionally called summae dictaminis . This material served as a matrix to create an immense array of rhetorically and rhythmically similar texts throughout Europe during at least two centuries. This process transcends the disciplinary frontiers between literary and politico-administrative studies. Not only had classical ars dictaminis developed ...
Comment interpreter la compenetration des collections de lettres et de formulaires d'origine ... more Comment interpreter la compenetration des collections de lettres et de formulaires d'origine tres diverse, tantot associees, tantot fusionnees au sein des memes manuscrits? Une approche fonctionnaliste permet de repondre en partie a cette question, grâce a l'etude de l'utilisation par les clercs et notaires des summe dictaminis pratiques, creees a partir de lettres et actes ecrits en chancellerie, et des collections epistolaires qui leur ont ete le plus souvent associees entre XII e et XIV e siecle. La mise en reseau manuscrite de collections aussi diverses que les Variae de Cassiodore, les diverses collections dites de Transmundus, les Lettres de Pierre de Blois, autour du mole forme par les grandes summe dictaminis papales et imperiale de Thomas de Capoue, Richard de Pofi et Pierre de la Vigne laisse entrevoir une utilisation de ces collections de lettres assimilees aux XIII e et XIV e siecle a des dictamina (ou modeles stylistiques) comme banque de donnees rhetorique ...
Le lettere di Dante, 2020
Le epistole dantesche e la prassi duecentesca dell'ars dictaminis Proposte metodologiche per uno ... more Le epistole dantesche e la prassi duecentesca dell'ars dictaminis Proposte metodologiche per uno studio sistematico Abstracts: Le lettere di Dante sono spesso analizzate per ritrovare le caratteristiche e le idiosincrasie dello stile dantesco: questa logica, di matrice letteraria, sposta spesso l'interesse verso l'analisi dell'uso delle autorictates classiche o l'originalità delle metafore. L'articolo adotta invece un altro metodo possibile e complementare, proponendo uno studio sistematico delle "comunanze formulari" tra le lettere dantesche e le produzioni epistolari del Duecento italiano che poterono influenzarle, ossia il contenuto delle summae dictaminis papali, imperiali e comunali. I sintagmi su cui è condotta la ricerca dei paralleli sono selezionati tramite il filtro della struttura semi-ritmica delle lettere duecentesche e dantesche, in cui emergono gli automatismi o "semi-automatismi" di scrittura imposti dal cursus rhytmicus. I risultati preliminari dell'inchiesta dimostrano le potenzialità di un simile approccio sistematico, che inserisce la produzione epistolare di Dante all'interno della prassi epistolare del suo tempo rispettando le logiche d'insegnamento e di pratica retorica del Duecento. Many enquiries about Dante's epistles are aimed at pinpointing Dantean features and personal traits: this literary perspective is mainly concerned with his reuse of classical auctoritates or the novelty of his metaphors. In this article I propose another complementary method for approaching the issue, that is to say a systematic study concerning the "formulaic points of contact" between Dante's epistles and the Italian Duecento epistolary tradition contained in those pontifical, imperial and municipal summae dictaminis that might have influenced Dante. The clauses taken for comparison are selected through the frame of the letters' semi-rhythmic structure: there, automatism or semi-automatism imposed on writing through cursus rhytmicus raises compelling issues. The preliminary results of such an investigation show the potential of a systematic approach that aims at contextualizing Dante's letters within both the teaching logic and the rhetorical practice of the Italian Duecento.
Type de publication: Article de collectif Collectif: Images, pouvoirs et normes. Exégèse visuelle... more Type de publication: Article de collectif Collectif: Images, pouvoirs et normes. Exégèse visuelle de la fin du Moyen Âge (XIII-XV siècle)
Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures, 2015
A study of the practice of dictamen among the schools and chanceries of Late medieval Europe (13t... more A study of the practice of dictamen among the schools and chanceries of Late medieval Europe (13th–15th c.) offers a broad range of perspectives in order to map neglected dimensions of late medieval textual cultures. It is well known that Ars dictaminis was a set of rhetorical doctrines, mostly devised for and used in the world of chanceries and for the redaction of letters and charters. But how exactly did the process of translation of a sophisticated rhetoric in an epistolary, mostly political practice, work? This paper focuses on the coalescence and the impact of the rhetoric ‘database’ constituted by the great collections of dictamina traditionally called summae dictaminis . This material served as a matrix to create an immense array of rhetorically and rhythmically similar texts throughout Europe during at least two centuries. This process transcends the disciplinary frontiers between literary and politico-administrative studies. Not only had classical ars dictaminis developed ...
An electronic book that can be downloaded for free at Ca' Foscari editions (https://edizionicafos...[ more ](;)An electronic book that can be downloaded for free at Ca' Foscari editions (, that attempts a systematic study of the formulas/semi-automatisms in Dante's Letters that could be compared with rhythmical or other formulas in Thirteenth Century letters, using a material that consists of more than 3000 thousand Imperial, Papal and other letters.
Questo libro tenta una comparazione sistematica degli aspetti più formularistici delle lettere dantesche con sequenze estratte di diverse lettere del Duecento. Il materiale raccolto per effettuare questo studio consta di più di 3000 lettere imperiali, papali e altre. For all the researchs interested by the nature of Dante's Latin style. Per tutti i ricercatori che studiano la questione dello stile latino di Dante
English recension available in Speculum n° 86, 2011/2, p. 499-500. This book is divided in two ba... more English recension available in Speculum n° 86, 2011/2, p. 499-500. This book is divided in two basic parts. Part one follows the birth of the so-called collection of dictamina/letters of Petrus de Vinea, and is consequently a sort of history of the rhetorical Latin practices at the court and chancery of Frederic II of Sicily and his sons. It envisions the social milieu as well as the rhetorical techniques and their uses for propaganda. The second and more innovative part is a global european exploration on the fortune and reuse of this important textual collection, which worked as a matrix/writing guide in most European royal chanceries from 1280 onwards. Separated chapters are devoted to England, France, the Empire and Bohemia, and Italy. Short sketches on the spanish peninsula, Hungary and Poland have still to be completed by coming papers. Hence the title, as the book can serve as a global essay on the chancery rhetoric and the rhetoric of power in 1200-1400 Europe. Since 2008, a new (usefull, but far from definitive) edition of the Petrus de Vinea letters has been published under the supervision of Edoardo d'Angelo (Pier della VIgna, Epistolario). I have myself added new material that could fit in the second part (reuse of the sources in Aragon, Castile, Poland...). But the book remains more or less valid...
This collective book includes the proceedings of the Parisian Congress on Ars dictaminis (5-6 jun... more This collective book includes the proceedings of the Parisian Congress on Ars dictaminis (5-6 june, 2012), plus complementary papers (Dario Internullo, Benoît Grévin, Anne-Marie Turcan-Verkerk) and translations (Martin Camargo). It embraces the entire domain of influence of ars dictaminis, since the beginning to the end, and from Castile to Poland. We tried to balance the dominant "all-theoretical" or "all-literary" approaches, and to achieve a good balance between the world of literary-rhetorical theories, and the world of chancery practices. Anne-marie Turcan-Verkerk and myself chose to make of this book a real working base. We have consequently added to the papers, written or translated in French or in Italian, two big annexes : an important repertory of every known, edited or unedited theoretical treatise up to 1400 (Felisi-Turcan-Verkerk), and a rather big bibliography, up to more than 700 titles, arranged for thematic exploration (Grévin bibliography). We hope that this book will provide a good starting base for every further study on the ars dictaminis during the coming years.
This book features three different parts. The central part p. 425-576 includes a corpus of 548 l... more This book features three different parts.
The central part p. 425-576 includes a corpus of 548 latin and french preambles (arengae, exordiae...) of charters issued by the French Royal Chancery during the fourteenth century (1300-1380), and used in circa thousand charters, with a lot of still unedited material.
The first part (p. 1-574) is a multilayered and interdisciplinary study of this documentation (milieu of production, diplomatical aspects, rhetorical aspects, ideological aspects and so on), we tried to envision these texts in every possible dimension. One of the original features of the book is that it retraces for the first time with some accuracy the papal or sicilian-imperial origin of a lot of rhetorical motives used by the French royal notaries and secretaries at this time, through their intensive use of the summae dictaminis. We try to locate the precise sources of these reuses.
Part three (p. 577-902) features comparative tables between these sources and some of the French texts, a complete lexical repertory (Latin-French) with research tools, and indexes, in order to facilitate researches in the text and comparison with similar corpuses.
It is a book that navigates between the history of French royal Ideology, textual history and rhetorical history, and diplomatics. The book is now on sale in a paper version, but it will soon have an electronic version, to be consulted freely (and downlad with paiment) on the site of the Ecole des chartes.
Brepols Publishers eBooks, 2022
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 1, 2022
ITA: Il Codice Fitalia (Palermo, Società siciliana per la storia patria, ms. I.B.25) contiene una... more ITA: Il Codice Fitalia (Palermo, Società siciliana per la storia patria, ms. I.B.25) contiene una delle più importanti raccolte di dictamina (cioè di testi retorico-esemplari) del periodo che va dalla prima metà del XIII al primo trentennio del XIV secolo. I componimenti epistolari e poetici qui editi permettono di ricostruire non solo la storia d’Europa tra l’età sveva e il Vespro siciliano, ma anche la raffinata letteratura espressa dalle cancellerie e dalle scuole dell’Italia meridionale. Essi sono pienamente e chiaramente rappresentativi della forma di scrittura più peculiare di quei secoli: l’ars dictandi o ars dictaminis. Lo stile connesso con questo tipo di trattatistica retorica e con le sue esemplificazioni applicative influenzò profondamente il gusto letterario e la cultura di un’intera epoca; negli ultimi secoli del Medioevo divenne egemonico e lasciò un’impronta evidente anche in alcuni indiscussi padri della letteratura che, come Dante, a esso si educarono. ENG: The Codex Fitalia (Palermo, Sicilian Society for the History of the Country, ms. I.B.25) contains one of the most important collections of dictamina (i.e., rhetorical-exemplary texts) from the period from the first half of the 13th to the first thirty years of the 14th century. The epistolary and poetic compositions edited here make it possible to reconstruct not only the history of Europe between the Swabian age and the Sicilian Vespers, but also the refined literature expressed by the chancelleries and schools of southern Italy. They are fully and clearly representative of the most distinctive form of writing of those centuries: the ars dictandi or ars dictaminis. The style connected with this type of rhetorical treatise and its applied exemplifications profoundly influenced the literary taste and culture of an entire epoch; in the last centuries of the Middle Ages it became hegemonic and left a clear imprint even on some undisputed fathers of literature who, like Dante, were educated to it.
Political Communication in Chinese and European History, 800–1600, 2021
A comparative history of the social and stylistic characteristics of letter-writing in the Wester... more A comparative history of the social and stylistic characteristics of letter-writing in the Western Latin world and in China has yet to be written. Among other difficulties, the historical study of letter-writing in China has only recently attracted scholarly attention, and the social and intellectual contexts of epistolary culture in China and the Latin West were in many respects strikingly different. This chapter compares, in a longue durée perspective, the differing assumptions that conditioned the development of epistolary genres in China and Europe, with a particular focus on the Song period (the period of ars dictaminis in Western letter-writing culture). It concludes by proposing a variety of potential methodological frames that could be fruitful in future comparative research.
Bibliotheque De L Ecole Des Chartes, 2004
Nation et nations au Moyen Âge, 2014
In this work, one proposes the use of a damped confinement potential to mimic the proton internal... more In this work, one proposes the use of a damped confinement potential to mimic the proton internal energy. The internal pressure is calculated taking into account the occurrence of a phase transition in the pp andpp total cross section. The model predicts the inversion of the positive and negative pressure regions depending on the squared energy s0, where the total cross section achieves its minimum value. Considering energies below the phase transition the expected results are in accordance with the recent proton internal pressure measurement. For energies above s0, the model predicts a negative pressure region near the center of the hadron surrounded by a positive pressure region.
Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures, 2015
A study of the practice of dictamen among the schools and chanceries of Late medieval Europe (13t... more A study of the practice of dictamen among the schools and chanceries of Late medieval Europe (13th–15th c.) offers a broad range of perspectives in order to map neglected dimensions of late medieval textual cultures. It is well known that Ars dictaminis was a set of rhetorical doctrines, mostly devised for and used in the world of chanceries and for the redaction of letters and charters. But how exactly did the process of translation of a sophisticated rhetoric in an epistolary, mostly political practice, work? This paper focuses on the coalescence and the impact of the rhetoric ‘database’ constituted by the great collections of dictamina traditionally called summae dictaminis . This material served as a matrix to create an immense array of rhetorically and rhythmically similar texts throughout Europe during at least two centuries. This process transcends the disciplinary frontiers between literary and politico-administrative studies. Not only had classical ars dictaminis developed ...
Comment interpreter la compenetration des collections de lettres et de formulaires d'origine ... more Comment interpreter la compenetration des collections de lettres et de formulaires d'origine tres diverse, tantot associees, tantot fusionnees au sein des memes manuscrits? Une approche fonctionnaliste permet de repondre en partie a cette question, grâce a l'etude de l'utilisation par les clercs et notaires des summe dictaminis pratiques, creees a partir de lettres et actes ecrits en chancellerie, et des collections epistolaires qui leur ont ete le plus souvent associees entre XII e et XIV e siecle. La mise en reseau manuscrite de collections aussi diverses que les Variae de Cassiodore, les diverses collections dites de Transmundus, les Lettres de Pierre de Blois, autour du mole forme par les grandes summe dictaminis papales et imperiale de Thomas de Capoue, Richard de Pofi et Pierre de la Vigne laisse entrevoir une utilisation de ces collections de lettres assimilees aux XIII e et XIV e siecle a des dictamina (ou modeles stylistiques) comme banque de donnees rhetorique ...
Le lettere di Dante, 2020
Le epistole dantesche e la prassi duecentesca dell'ars dictaminis Proposte metodologiche per uno ... more Le epistole dantesche e la prassi duecentesca dell'ars dictaminis Proposte metodologiche per uno studio sistematico Abstracts: Le lettere di Dante sono spesso analizzate per ritrovare le caratteristiche e le idiosincrasie dello stile dantesco: questa logica, di matrice letteraria, sposta spesso l'interesse verso l'analisi dell'uso delle autorictates classiche o l'originalità delle metafore. L'articolo adotta invece un altro metodo possibile e complementare, proponendo uno studio sistematico delle "comunanze formulari" tra le lettere dantesche e le produzioni epistolari del Duecento italiano che poterono influenzarle, ossia il contenuto delle summae dictaminis papali, imperiali e comunali. I sintagmi su cui è condotta la ricerca dei paralleli sono selezionati tramite il filtro della struttura semi-ritmica delle lettere duecentesche e dantesche, in cui emergono gli automatismi o "semi-automatismi" di scrittura imposti dal cursus rhytmicus. I risultati preliminari dell'inchiesta dimostrano le potenzialità di un simile approccio sistematico, che inserisce la produzione epistolare di Dante all'interno della prassi epistolare del suo tempo rispettando le logiche d'insegnamento e di pratica retorica del Duecento. Many enquiries about Dante's epistles are aimed at pinpointing Dantean features and personal traits: this literary perspective is mainly concerned with his reuse of classical auctoritates or the novelty of his metaphors. In this article I propose another complementary method for approaching the issue, that is to say a systematic study concerning the "formulaic points of contact" between Dante's epistles and the Italian Duecento epistolary tradition contained in those pontifical, imperial and municipal summae dictaminis that might have influenced Dante. The clauses taken for comparison are selected through the frame of the letters' semi-rhythmic structure: there, automatism or semi-automatism imposed on writing through cursus rhytmicus raises compelling issues. The preliminary results of such an investigation show the potential of a systematic approach that aims at contextualizing Dante's letters within both the teaching logic and the rhetorical practice of the Italian Duecento.
Type de publication: Article de collectif Collectif: Images, pouvoirs et normes. Exégèse visuelle... more Type de publication: Article de collectif Collectif: Images, pouvoirs et normes. Exégèse visuelle de la fin du Moyen Âge (XIII-XV siècle)
Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures, 2015
A study of the practice of dictamen among the schools and chanceries of Late medieval Europe (13t... more A study of the practice of dictamen among the schools and chanceries of Late medieval Europe (13th–15th c.) offers a broad range of perspectives in order to map neglected dimensions of late medieval textual cultures. It is well known that Ars dictaminis was a set of rhetorical doctrines, mostly devised for and used in the world of chanceries and for the redaction of letters and charters. But how exactly did the process of translation of a sophisticated rhetoric in an epistolary, mostly political practice, work? This paper focuses on the coalescence and the impact of the rhetoric ‘database’ constituted by the great collections of dictamina traditionally called summae dictaminis . This material served as a matrix to create an immense array of rhetorically and rhythmically similar texts throughout Europe during at least two centuries. This process transcends the disciplinary frontiers between literary and politico-administrative studies. Not only had classical ars dictaminis developed ...
Le lettere di Dante, 2020
Le epistole dantesche e la prassi duecentesca dell'ars dictaminis Proposte metodologiche per uno ... more Le epistole dantesche e la prassi duecentesca dell'ars dictaminis Proposte metodologiche per uno studio sistematico Abstracts: Le lettere di Dante sono spesso analizzate per ritrovare le caratteristiche e le idiosincrasie dello stile dantesco: questa logica, di matrice letteraria, sposta spesso l'interesse verso l'analisi dell'uso delle autorictates classiche o l'originalità delle metafore. L'articolo adotta invece un altro metodo possibile e complementare, proponendo uno studio sistematico delle "comunanze formulari" tra le lettere dantesche e le produzioni epistolari del Duecento italiano che poterono influenzarle, ossia il contenuto delle summae dictaminis papali, imperiali e comunali. I sintagmi su cui è condotta la ricerca dei paralleli sono selezionati tramite il filtro della struttura semi-ritmica delle lettere duecentesche e dantesche, in cui emergono gli automatismi o "semi-automatismi" di scrittura imposti dal cursus rhytmicus. I risultati preliminari dell'inchiesta dimostrano le potenzialità di un simile approccio sistematico, che inserisce la produzione epistolare di Dante all'interno della prassi epistolare del suo tempo rispettando le logiche d'insegnamento e di pratica retorica del Duecento. Many enquiries about Dante's epistles are aimed at pinpointing Dantean features and personal traits: this literary perspective is mainly concerned with his reuse of classical auctoritates or the novelty of his metaphors. In this article I propose another complementary method for approaching the issue, that is to say a systematic study concerning the "formulaic points of contact" between Dante's epistles and the Italian Duecento epistolary tradition contained in those pontifical, imperial and municipal summae dictaminis that might have influenced Dante. The clauses taken for comparison are selected through the frame of the letters' semi-rhythmic structure: there, automatism or semi-automatism imposed on writing through cursus rhytmicus raises compelling issues. The preliminary results of such an investigation show the potential of a systematic approach that aims at contextualizing Dante's letters within both the teaching logic and the rhetorical practice of the Italian Duecento.
La rigueur et la passion. Mélanges en l’honneur de Pascale Bourgain, 2016
International audienc
La frontière méditerranéenne du XVe au XVIIe siècle, 2014
Humanistes, clercs et laïcs dans l’Italie du XIIIe au début du XVIe siècle, 2012
Mélanges de l’École française de Rome - Moyen Âge, 2013
Le celebre traite balneotherapique des Bains de Pouzzoles (De Balneis Puteolanis) a ete redige pa... more Le celebre traite balneotherapique des Bains de Pouzzoles (De Balneis Puteolanis) a ete redige par Pierre d’Eboli au debut du regne de Frederic II. Ce texte latin versifie a beneficie d’une large diffusion a la fin du Moyen Âge. Il a jusqu’ici ete essentiellement etudie du point de vue de l’histoire de l’art, et secondairement, de l’histoire de la medecine. On tente ici de le reinserer dans l’histoire textuelle de la Campanie medievale, afin d’en preciser la date de redaction et de suggerer ses rapports avec divers textes connus ou negliges de la tradition mediolatine sud-italienne.
Mélanges de l’École française de Rome - Moyen Âge, 2012
Histoire Épistémologie Langage, 2002
RESUME: L’originalite de la linguistique et de la semiotique developpees par Roger Bacon est main... more RESUME: L’originalite de la linguistique et de la semiotique developpees par Roger Bacon est maintenant bien connue; en revanche, sa reflexion sur l’ecriture en general, les systemes d’ecriture en particulier, n’a guere ete etudiee. L’examen des remarques de Bacon concernant l’ecriture permet de comprendre comment il nourrit ses theories semiotiques et linguistiques d’exemples concrets, issus de l’analyse des divers systemes d’ecriture qu’il etudie (alphabets occidentaux, ecritures semitiques, ecritures extreme-orientales). Leur etude permet egalement d’aborder de maniere privilegiee un domaine ou le doctor mirabilis tente la synthese entre ses hypotheses linguistiques et sa conception esoterique du savoir.
This is the French translation of a (quite) famous Japanese novel, "The Sun" 日輪, written by Yokom... more This is the French translation of a (quite) famous Japanese novel, "The Sun" 日輪, written by Yokomitsu Riichi (横光利一) after World War One. the work has a reputation as a Japanese equivalent of Flaubert's Salammbô, but it is more than that : built on a free adaptation of the short historical accounts concerning the shaman-queen Himiko (卑弥呼) of the third century A. D., it is full of poetry, audacious stylistic experiences, animals, flowers, trees and blood... I have tried in a postface to give some clues about the historical elements that were used by Yokomitsu, as well as about his technique and his style, very strange compared to classical modern Japanese. So this translation has also a scientific prospect (at least from a literary perspective). I hope that it wil find a public, not only in the francophone world. The book is absolutely worth a translation in every major language... as a monument to the inventivity and the freshness of the Taishô japanese literature !
Le séminaire a lieu selon les vendredis de 14H00 à 16H00, à la Sorbonne, en salle Perroy (plan d'... more Le séminaire a lieu selon les vendredis de 14H00 à 16H00, à la Sorbonne, en salle Perroy (plan d'accès disponible sur le site du LAMOP, deux séances seront exceptionnellement assurées à la bibliothèque du CRHM, quelques mètres plus loin). Il est coordonné par Benoît Grévin, et assuré par Benoît Grévin, Isabelle Bretthauer, Harmony Dewez et Clémence Revest. Le séminaire est conçu préférentiellement (mais non uniquement) pour les étudiants avancés (master, thèse, postdoc), désireux d'approfondir les thématiques de traduction et d'analyse de textes latins médiévaux de tout genre (narratifs, sources de la pratiques diverses…) et de toutes époques. Le parcours permet de s'habituer à la diversité des styles latins du Haut Moyen Âge, et, au bas Moyen Âge, de conjuguer l'analyse de textes latins de la pratique caractérisés par une interaction souvent forte avec les langues vulgaires, et de textes latins néoclassiques (latin humaniste) imitant le langage antique. Le séminaire forme le troisième échelon (niveau avancé) des formations de latin médiéval proposées par le LAMOP (niveaux 1 et 2 assurés par Didier Panfili). Les différents cycles du séminaire peuvent être suivis séparément ou ensemble : 1)-Benoît Grévin : latin du Haut Moyen Âge et du Moyen Âge central (400-1150) 2)-Benoît Grévin-Harmony Dewez-Isabelle Bretthauer : latins pragmatiques du bas Moyen Âge (notariat, administration, comptabilité, gestion, 1150-1500) 3)-Benoît Grévin-Clémence Revest : latins humanistes (1300-1500) Pour tous renseignements, s'adresser à Calendrier des séances :-14 octobre 2016 : latin pragmatique, Isabelle Bretthauer-Benoît Grévin. « L'oeuvre de Pons le Provençal dans un manuscrit du nord-ouest de la France (XIII e siècle) : contenu, usage ».-28 octobre 2016 : latin du haut Moyen Âge. « Les niveaux stylistiques dans la Gaule mérovingienne et le latin du haut Moyen Âge ». 4 novembre 2016 : latin pragmatique, Isabelle Bretthauer-Benoît Grévin « La standardisation du droit et de son écriture à travers les formulaires d'officialité (formulaire de Guillaume de Paris, vers 1290) ».