Pedro Serrano Gomes | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / French National Centre for Scientific Research (original) (raw)

Peer-reviewed papers by Pedro Serrano Gomes

Research paper thumbnail of The birth of public space privatization: How entrepreneurialism, convivial urbanism and stakeholder interactions made the Martim Moniz square, in Lisbon, ‘privatization-ready’

European Urban and Regional Studies, 2019

Despite the vigorous debate on the extent, modalities and impacts of public space privatization, ... more Despite the vigorous debate on the extent, modalities and impacts of public space privatization, there have been few analyses of the processes of its emergence in specific places. Based on 36 stakeholder interviews and desk research, this paper does so through an analysis of how the Martim Moniz square, in Lisbon, became the city’s first square under private management in 2012. To do so, the paper goes through the local governance context and the importance of convivial public spaces as a political objective, leading to regular partnerships with non-state actors. The square is adjacent to Mouraria, a derelict neighbourhood that was a testing ground for the city’s new urban policies. The square’s private management scheme – branded the Mercado de Fusão – rather than a rupture with existing practices, is the result of a coincidence of interests of both actors. Moreover, it reassembles typical local policy responses and the company’s expertise in a unitary management scheme. The seamless implementation of the Mercado is made possible by the pre-existing relationship between the company and the municipality. The paper thus shows that there is no fundamental shift towards private governance in Lisbon. Rather, it is the generalized commodification of public spaces resulting from the emergence of conviviality as a political objective that opened up the conditions for the square’s privatization. The relationship between conviviality as a political objective and privatization is presented as a promising subject for further research.

Research paper thumbnail of L’atelier pédagogique en urbanisme : apport des commanditaires à l’apprentissage par problèmes appliqués

Territoire en mouvement Revue de géographie et aménagement, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of La place de la composition spatiale dans la conception urbaine : deux études de cas

Tandis qu’une branche des sciences cognitives définit la conception comme un processus élargi de ... more Tandis qu’une branche des sciences cognitives définit la conception comme un processus élargi de résolution de problèmes, la notion de conception urbaine reste, dans la pratique et dans la recherche, largement cantonnée à celui de composition spatiale, le dessin de la forme urbaine. Nous explorons dans cet article la place de ce dernier dans le processus plus vaste de conception urbaine, à partir de deux études de cas : la première phase du processus de production de la ville nouvelle de Louvain-la-Neuve et l’élaboration d’un plan directeur, réalisé en cinq jours, à Lincoln City, dans le cadre d’un processus accéléré intitulé charrette. Pour ce faire, il analyse l’organisation des processus, le rôle de la commande et des itérations, et les acteurs et compétences qui y participent. L’article montre l’intérêt d’une approche empirique pour explorer le rapport entre composition spatiale et conception urbaine.


RÉSUMÉ Cet article explore un paradoxe apparent dans la mise en oeuvre de la trame verte lisboète... more RÉSUMÉ Cet article explore un paradoxe apparent dans la mise en oeuvre de la trame verte lisboète. Malgré un encouragement explicite à la fréquentation de ces espaces, cette mise en oeuvre se fait sans aucune analyse systématique des pratiques et/ou des attentes des éventuels destinataires de l'aménagement. L'enquête montre que non seulement le problème d'aménagement est construit de manière à ne pas nécessiter ce type de démarche, mais aussi que l'engagement des citoyens dans le programme et la conception des espaces peut s'opposer aux notions de « bon espace public » et de « bon aména-gement » de la part des aménageurs. Ces derniers mènent leur activité de manière autonome vis-à-vis du reste de la mairie. 1 Cette recherche a été financée par la Fondation pour la Science et la Technologie du Por-tugal (référence SFRH/BD/78852/2011) à travers le POPH-QREN avec des fonds nationaux et du FSE. Je remercie mes deux directeurs de thèse, Alain Bourdin et Jorge Carvalho, les commentaires des deux relecteurs anonymes d'une version antérieure de cet article, ainsi qu'à Pauline Silvestre pour sa révision de mon français. La recherche a aussi reçu le généreux soutien d'Yves Hanin et du CREAT à l'UCL, et de The Barber Shop/Margarida Mendes à Lisbonne. Toute erreur reste néan-moins de ma seule responsabilité.

Research paper thumbnail of La diversité des résolutions d'aménagements d'espace public dans un quartier populaire central à Lyon: les cas des places Djebraïl Bahadourian et Gabriel Péri

« La Mouraria à Lisbonne : les usages du patrimoine et de la mémoire dans les quartiers populaires centraux »

Au début des années 2000, la Communauté Urbaine de Lyon a réaménagés deux places, distant de cent... more Au début des années 2000, la Communauté Urbaine de Lyon a réaménagés deux places, distant de cent mètres entre elles : la place Bahadourian, livrée en 2002, et la place Gabriel Péri en 2004. Malgré leur contemporanéité et leur proximité géographique, les deux aménagements diffèrent dans leur rapport aux usages présents avant l’intervention. Le premier propose d’accueillir la diversité des pratiques existantes, en prévoyant plusieurs équipements, tandis que le deuxième est marqué par une volonté de supprimer toute prise pour des séjours statiques et prolongés, en recherchant la fluidité des déplacements. Cet article retrace les processus de production de ces deux espaces publics, en montrant comment les problèmes et résolutions d’aménagement ont été construits, en explorant la marge de manœuvre laissée par des contraintes de niveaux supérieur, le rôle des jeux d’acteurs et les discours et outils justifiant ces différences de traitement des deux espaces.

Dissertations by Pedro Serrano Gomes

Research paper thumbnail of La production de l’espace public à Lyon, Lisbonne et Louvain-la-Neuve : politiques, processus et prise en compte des usages

Les espaces publics urbains sont, depuis plusieurs décennies, un outil privilégié de la producti... more Les espaces publics urbains sont, depuis plusieurs décennies, un outil privilégié de la production des villes d'Europe occidentale. Central à l'avènement de cet objet de l'action publique est une valorisation de ces espaces en tant que lieux de sociabilité publique et de loisir, des rôles que l'urbanisme fonctionnaliste et au service de la voiture avait fortement négligés.
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la mise en œuvre de « l’espace public» en tant que catégorie de l’action publique à Lyon, Lisbonne et Louvain-la-Neuve. Une première analyse porte sur une comparaison des politiques, des espaces produits et de la prise en compte des usages dans les processus de production des espaces . Elle montre comment les trois villes ont plusieurs aspects en commun : une «spatialité» qui redonne la place au piéton, cherche à structurer les territoires et leur image et adopte un raisonnement en termes d’offre et demande (d’espaces et d’usages).
Mais la catégorie garde une plasticité raisonnable, qui permet une marge de manœuvre considérable dans la construction des solutions d’aménagement des espaces.
Dans un deuxième temps, la thèse restitue la construction des problèmes et des solutions d’aménagement d’espace public. Elle montre comment la formalisation de la catégorie dans un projet par un système d’action se fait progressivement au fil d’un processus et à différentes échelles de la production urbaine. Cette formalisation progressive est contrainte par des dépendances au passé, au contexte et aux objectifs.
La thèse montre l’intérêt d’analyser les dimensions substantielle, procédurale et institutionnelle des processus de production pour comprendre les espaces publics existants.

Research paper thumbnail of Vivacidade. A animação do espaço público como estado e como acção municipal.

Vivacity. Public space animation as a state and as municipal action. The word “animation” appea... more Vivacity. Public space animation as a state and as municipal action.

The word “animation” appears on occasion within the debate around an alleged crisis of both public life
and public spaces in contemporary cities, referring to the dynamics of public space use, to interventions in
public space and to the purpose of those interventions.
Given the word’s polysemy, meaning both a state (the intensity of social life and of its manifestations) and
an action (of animating, of enlivening), this piece of research assumes that public space animation is a
legitimate concern of municipalities. However, it also acknowledges that the phrase’s imprecise contours
pose an obstacle to boosting public space animation as a policy domain bringing together part of the
municipal intervention on public spaces.
Consequently, this dissertation seeks to establish the scope of municipal actions of public space
animation. To do so, it puts forward a normative conception of animated public space, given shape in a set
of indicators; the factors underlying it; and the ways urban administration and cultural and recreational
action can be deployed to promote it.

Keywords: public space; public space animation; municipalities; urban administration; cultural and
recreational action.

Conference Proceedings by Pedro Serrano Gomes

Research paper thumbnail of De la percée à la place de quartier : comment on a commencé à aimer le quartier Moncey à Lyon

Research paper thumbnail of Differing approaches to public space and the multicultural in the (re)making of a  strategic place: Mouraria in Lisbon, Portugal (2007-present)

Lisbon’s mayoral team elected in 2007 set the attraction of new residents and employment and the ... more Lisbon’s mayoral team elected in 2007 set the attraction of new residents and employment and the enhancement of the city’s quality of life as its main objectives. Urban rehabilitation and public spaces soon emerged as two cornerstones in attaining such goals. The regeneration of Mouraria would become one of the Office’s flagship projects.
Mouraria is a historical neighbourhood standing between the city centre and some of Lisbon’s major tourist attractions, whose development was hampered by physical dereliction, social deprivation and widespread negative representations as a site of crime and deviance.
Aiming at attracting new residents, activities and boosting the neighbourhood’s touristic appeal, the council set a program of major urban regeneration in motion, heavily reliant on public space requalification. The program was soon to be accompanied by myriad initiatives spearheaded by the city council and involving different local stakeholders. These multiple initiatives mobilize differently two of the neighbourhood’s most distinguishing identity traits: its large immigrant population; and its being the “authentic” lisboetas, the cradle of fado music.
This paper focuses on three of these public space initiatives: the urban regeneration program and its “social” counterpart; Todos, a festival celebrating the neighbourhood’s cultural diversity; and Mercado de Fusão, the concept behind the private management of Mouraria’s main square.
Drawing on official documents, press clippings and several interviews with municipal technicians and local stakeholders, I discuss the different visions of the public as a noun and subject of urban policy present in each of these instances, and the ways cultural identity and diversity are engaged with.
In so doing, I hope to demonstrate how an understanding of current change in Mouraria can benefit from an analysis of the different rationalities at play, thereby mitigating overgeneralizing political economy accounts and monolithic views of the public institution as an urban stakeholder

Research paper thumbnail of Factors of good public space use

Actas do XIII Coloquio Ibérico de Geografia. Respuestas de la Geografia Ibérica a la crisis actual, Oct 2012

This paper presents a literature review of some of the most relevant work in the field of urban ... more This paper presents a literature review of some of the most relevant work in the
field of urban planning on the relationship between the characteristics of public spaces and their use. The synthesis put forward focuses on the characteristics of public spaces which contribute to their intense use. The former relate to urban form and public space design and management.

Research paper thumbnail of Taking 'use' into account in the production of public space in Lyon, Louvain-la-Neuve and Lisbon: contexts, methods and results

Issues of public space use have become a paramount subject of research in the recent past. While... more Issues of public space use have become a paramount
subject of research in the recent past. While research of an
overtly operative outlook has convincingly put forward design
and management recommendations for improving the use of
public spaces, it has struggled in approaching the issue as the
scope of urban policy and planning.
This research project aims at contributing to re-placing the
problem at an urban scope. It will do so by comparing three very
different policy and planning processes which, at an urban scale,
explicitly put forward use as a main objective of public space
production, namely Lyon, Louvain-la-Neuve and Lisbon.
This research adopts an inductive approach to the subject,
framed by readings in the intersection of pragmatic sociology,
policy and economics/management studies which suggest the
explanation of policy outcomes by in-depth analyses of the
processes leading to them. However, it maintains a geographical
standpoint as it is concerned, as well, with the “spatialization of
public policies”, i.e. the spaces that are actually produced by said
processes and the dynamics of use taking place therein.

Research paper thumbnail of A animação do espaço público como estado

A presente comunicação parte da dupla acepção do termo animação (animação como estado, animação c... more A presente comunicação parte da dupla acepção do termo animação (animação como estado, animação como acção) para apresentar um concepção normativa de espaço público animado.

Research paper thumbnail of 'Costs and benefits of urban dispersion on a local scale': presentation of an ongoing research project

There is an increasing urbanization of the world population, but the city has been taking new sha... more There is an increasing urbanization of the world population, but the city has been taking new shapes,different from traditional compact and continuous forms. In the emergent city, mobility has transformed social and spatial relations, construction is intertwined with increasingly abandoned green spaces and the urban structure is fragmented and dispersed. Such dispersion, even without many defenders among key urban theorists, is nowadays a reality, unplanned, but practised and accepted. Arguments for and against dispersion have long been confronted, remaining unchanged: for some, it means contact with nature, space and intimacy; for others, it is a simulacrum of nature, isolation and anonymity. Such subjective arguments are important in the identification of different concepts of quality of life. But there are other arguments, objective ones: land consumption, public infrastructure costs, mobility costs and housing prices. The Research Project “Costs and Benefits of Urban Dispersion on a local scale”, from which this communication derives, seeks opinion, as precise as possible, on these issues. To do so, it will consider costs and benefits. Studies seeking to quantify costs, relating mainly to the USA, analyse dispersion, the majority of times, on a regional scale. In this Project, we intend to compare costs between different “Base Land Units” of the extended city – a concept similar to that of the neighbourhood unit or of the neighbourhood itself. Our main goal is, then, to analyse and, if possible, to confront costs and benefits of different land use types. By benefits we understand quality of life, a concept that changes from opinion group to opinion group. We intend to transform this concept into an algorithm which integrates this variability, based on the current literature, similar previous studies and on the answers to a questionnaire applied to the inhabitants of Aveiro-Ílhavo and Évora (our case studies).Regarding costs, we will look at local public infrastructure (including networks, all public space and public equipments) and mobility (integrated costs per km and per user for each transport mode). Quantification of costs relating to land consumption and other environmental externalities (nature and landscape based) has to be left for a later research opportunity. Our conclusions, supported by public questionnaires, will be expressed quantitatively: an utility function to represent opinions on quality of life; an integrated cost for local infrastructure + mobility; and a methodology to relate the two functions for a variety of scenarios. This will result in the formulation of a comparative opinion, expressed in cost-benefit terms, between the various typologies of dispersed occupation and, also, between these and those of continuous occupation. To formulate an operative proposal regarding urban dispersion, it is important to understand how the market works (in terms of its agents, procedures and prices) for current dispersed occupation dynamics. This paper will go through the work undertaken so far, describing concepts and methods and presenting preliminary results when possible. It will not only focus on the Project’s general methodology, but also on methodologies specific to each Task, whenever it is thought appropriate.

Research paper thumbnail of Qual o valor da Qualidade de Vida? Um contributo e várias conjecturas metodológicas

Este estudo apresenta o fundamental da metodologia já desenvolvida até este momento pela equipa p... more Este estudo apresenta o fundamental da metodologia já desenvolvida até este momento pela equipa para a valoração, em termos monetários, de algumas dimensões da Qualidade de Vida (QdV), no âmbito do projecto FCT “Custos e Benefícios, à escala local, de uma Ocupação Dispersa”. Esta valoração constitui uma peça fundamental no estudo já que se refere à componente dos benefícios que as famílias, as empresas e as instituições parecem procurar quando tomam decisões de localização.
O estudo tenta aferir a QdV a partir das preferências declaradas para obter a disponibilidade em pagar (Willingness to Pay) expressa pelos indivíduos para aceitar melhorar as suas “circunstâncias” (ou para evitar uma perda) ou o a sua disponibilidade em receber (Willingness to Accept) uma compensação para aceitar reduzir as suas “circunstâncias” (ou para prescindir de um benefício).
Dada a natureza multidimensional, complexa e dinâmica do conceito de QdV, o estudo concentra a sua atenção num conjunto de 6 atributos (com duas concretizações cada, combinados dois a dois) associáveis a pedaços urbanos abstractos. As várias combinações possíveis são reduzidas após a aplicação do “quadrado latino” e forma a gerar 16 “conjuntos urbanos tipo” (também designados de “pedaços urbanos”) a partir dos quais se tentará valorar, em termos monetários, o correspondente “benefício”.
Com este procedimento, o estudo procura dar um contributo para o desenho de políticas públicas neste domínio procurando fornecer critérios técnicos robustos de escolha, de decisão e de acção, aos decisores com responsabilidade na gestão do território local.

Research paper thumbnail of Apreço pelo local de residência: dos conceitos básicos à sua operacionalização

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Mobility costs in the Extended City of Aveiro-Ílhavo, Portugal

Research paper thumbnail of Internal and External Costs of Transport in Portugal

In Pinho, P. e Oliveira, V., Eds., Bringing city form back into planning. CITTA 3rd Annual Conference on Planning Research., 2011

"Urban dispersion (sprawl) is a reality, however unplanned it may be. Its supporters advocate con... more "Urban dispersion (sprawl) is a reality, however unplanned it may be. Its supporters advocate contact with nature, space and intimacy; however, alleged disadvantages include land consumption, public infrastructure and mobility costs, and housing prices.
The Research Project “Costs and Benefits of Urban Dispersion on a local scale” seeks to contribute to the debate with an objective approach based on the quantification of costs, externalities and benefits of different urban settlement patterns, thus “bringing urban form back to planning”.
This paper presents one of the Project’s tasks, the one concerning mobility costs, both internal and external. Quantified internal costs include investment, inspection, insurance, energy and maintenance; external ones include accident and environmental costs, calculated for road and rail transport.
Different methods are combined depending on available data sources in order to achieve figures for each of the cost components per vehicle-km, ton-km and passenger-km for 2005, at 2009 prices.
Results show that internal costs are larger than external ones for the majority of motorized transport, except two-wheelers, and for rail. External costs are larger than internal ones for soft modes, mainly due to high accident costs. Cost components, both internal and external, related to fuel consumption are the most relevant in heavy modes’ cost structures. Investment costs are the most important category for the majority of the remaining modes.
Results also stress that current occupancy rates, load factors and vehicle mileages hinder the economic efficiency of collective and two-wheeled modes of transportation and may contribute to the pervasiveness of cars in Portugal."

Papers by Pedro Serrano Gomes

Research paper thumbnail of Costs and externalities of road transport in Portugal

Urban Transport XVI, 2010

ABSTRACT Urban dispersion (sprawl) is a reality, however unplanned it may be. Its supporters advo... more ABSTRACT Urban dispersion (sprawl) is a reality, however unplanned it may be. Its supporters advocate contact with nature, space and intimacy, however disadvantages include land consumption, public infrastructure and mobility costs and housing prices. The Research Project \“Costs and Benefits of Urban Dispersion on a local scale” seeks to contribute to the debate with an objective approach based on the quantification of costs, externalities and benefits of different urban settlement patterns. This paper presents one of the Project’s tasks, the one concerning mobility costs, including externalities. Quantified costs include investment, inspection, insurance, energy and maintenance, as well as external social and environmental costs for road transport, the most significant transport mode operating on a local scale. Different methods are combined depending on available data sources in order to achieve figures for each of the cost components per vehicle-km, ton-km and passenger-km at prices of 2005. Preliminary results for direct costs suggest that in light vehicles investment costs are responsible for the largest share of the totals, while energy costs are the most relevant cost component in heavy vehicles. Heavy duty passenger transport is significantly more expensive than their counterparts. Externalities may mount up to around half of the total costs for some road vehicles. Keywords: urban dispersion; road transport; internal costs; externalities. 1 Introduction The urban future of Europe is today a matter of great concern, since approximately 75% of the European population lives in urban areas, a number

Research paper thumbnail of Internal and external costs of transport in Portugal

Phone/fax numbers: 00 351 234372484 -00 351 234372500; Urban dispersion (spraw... more Phone/fax numbers: 00 351 234372484 -00 351 234372500; Urban dispersion (sprawl) is a reality, however unplanned it may be. Its supporters advocate contact with nature, space and intimacy; however, alleged disadvantages include land consumption, public infrastructure and mobility costs, and housing prices. The Research Project "Costs and Benefits of Urban Dispersion on a local scale" seeks to contribute to the debate with an objective approach based on the quantification of costs, externalities and benefits of different urban settlement patterns, thus "bringing urban form back to planning". This paper presents one of the Project's tasks, the one concerning mobility costs, both internal and external. Quantified internal costs include investment, inspection, insurance, energy and maintenance; external ones include accident and environmental costs, calculated for road and rail transport. Different methods are combined depending on available da...

Research paper thumbnail of Costs and externalities of road transport in Portugal

Urban Transport XVI, 2010

ABSTRACT Urban dispersion (sprawl) is a reality, however unplanned it may be. Its supporters advo... more ABSTRACT Urban dispersion (sprawl) is a reality, however unplanned it may be. Its supporters advocate contact with nature, space and intimacy, however disadvantages include land consumption, public infrastructure and mobility costs and housing prices. The Research Project \“Costs and Benefits of Urban Dispersion on a local scale” seeks to contribute to the debate with an objective approach based on the quantification of costs, externalities and benefits of different urban settlement patterns. This paper presents one of the Project’s tasks, the one concerning mobility costs, including externalities. Quantified costs include investment, inspection, insurance, energy and maintenance, as well as external social and environmental costs for road transport, the most significant transport mode operating on a local scale. Different methods are combined depending on available data sources in order to achieve figures for each of the cost components per vehicle-km, ton-km and passenger-km at prices of 2005. Preliminary results for direct costs suggest that in light vehicles investment costs are responsible for the largest share of the totals, while energy costs are the most relevant cost component in heavy vehicles. Heavy duty passenger transport is significantly more expensive than their counterparts. Externalities may mount up to around half of the total costs for some road vehicles. Keywords: urban dispersion; road transport; internal costs; externalities. 1 Introduction The urban future of Europe is today a matter of great concern, since approximately 75% of the European population lives in urban areas, a number

Research paper thumbnail of The birth of public space privatization: How entrepreneurialism, convivial urbanism and stakeholder interactions made the Martim Moniz square, in Lisbon, ‘privatization-ready’

European Urban and Regional Studies, 2019

Despite the vigorous debate on the extent, modalities and impacts of public space privatization, ... more Despite the vigorous debate on the extent, modalities and impacts of public space privatization, there have been few analyses of the processes of its emergence in specific places. Based on 36 stakeholder interviews and desk research, this paper does so through an analysis of how the Martim Moniz square, in Lisbon, became the city’s first square under private management in 2012. To do so, the paper goes through the local governance context and the importance of convivial public spaces as a political objective, leading to regular partnerships with non-state actors. The square is adjacent to Mouraria, a derelict neighbourhood that was a testing ground for the city’s new urban policies. The square’s private management scheme – branded the Mercado de Fusão – rather than a rupture with existing practices, is the result of a coincidence of interests of both actors. Moreover, it reassembles typical local policy responses and the company’s expertise in a unitary management scheme. The seamless implementation of the Mercado is made possible by the pre-existing relationship between the company and the municipality. The paper thus shows that there is no fundamental shift towards private governance in Lisbon. Rather, it is the generalized commodification of public spaces resulting from the emergence of conviviality as a political objective that opened up the conditions for the square’s privatization. The relationship between conviviality as a political objective and privatization is presented as a promising subject for further research.

Research paper thumbnail of L’atelier pédagogique en urbanisme : apport des commanditaires à l’apprentissage par problèmes appliqués

Territoire en mouvement Revue de géographie et aménagement, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of La place de la composition spatiale dans la conception urbaine : deux études de cas

Tandis qu’une branche des sciences cognitives définit la conception comme un processus élargi de ... more Tandis qu’une branche des sciences cognitives définit la conception comme un processus élargi de résolution de problèmes, la notion de conception urbaine reste, dans la pratique et dans la recherche, largement cantonnée à celui de composition spatiale, le dessin de la forme urbaine. Nous explorons dans cet article la place de ce dernier dans le processus plus vaste de conception urbaine, à partir de deux études de cas : la première phase du processus de production de la ville nouvelle de Louvain-la-Neuve et l’élaboration d’un plan directeur, réalisé en cinq jours, à Lincoln City, dans le cadre d’un processus accéléré intitulé charrette. Pour ce faire, il analyse l’organisation des processus, le rôle de la commande et des itérations, et les acteurs et compétences qui y participent. L’article montre l’intérêt d’une approche empirique pour explorer le rapport entre composition spatiale et conception urbaine.


RÉSUMÉ Cet article explore un paradoxe apparent dans la mise en oeuvre de la trame verte lisboète... more RÉSUMÉ Cet article explore un paradoxe apparent dans la mise en oeuvre de la trame verte lisboète. Malgré un encouragement explicite à la fréquentation de ces espaces, cette mise en oeuvre se fait sans aucune analyse systématique des pratiques et/ou des attentes des éventuels destinataires de l'aménagement. L'enquête montre que non seulement le problème d'aménagement est construit de manière à ne pas nécessiter ce type de démarche, mais aussi que l'engagement des citoyens dans le programme et la conception des espaces peut s'opposer aux notions de « bon espace public » et de « bon aména-gement » de la part des aménageurs. Ces derniers mènent leur activité de manière autonome vis-à-vis du reste de la mairie. 1 Cette recherche a été financée par la Fondation pour la Science et la Technologie du Por-tugal (référence SFRH/BD/78852/2011) à travers le POPH-QREN avec des fonds nationaux et du FSE. Je remercie mes deux directeurs de thèse, Alain Bourdin et Jorge Carvalho, les commentaires des deux relecteurs anonymes d'une version antérieure de cet article, ainsi qu'à Pauline Silvestre pour sa révision de mon français. La recherche a aussi reçu le généreux soutien d'Yves Hanin et du CREAT à l'UCL, et de The Barber Shop/Margarida Mendes à Lisbonne. Toute erreur reste néan-moins de ma seule responsabilité.

Research paper thumbnail of La diversité des résolutions d'aménagements d'espace public dans un quartier populaire central à Lyon: les cas des places Djebraïl Bahadourian et Gabriel Péri

« La Mouraria à Lisbonne : les usages du patrimoine et de la mémoire dans les quartiers populaires centraux »

Au début des années 2000, la Communauté Urbaine de Lyon a réaménagés deux places, distant de cent... more Au début des années 2000, la Communauté Urbaine de Lyon a réaménagés deux places, distant de cent mètres entre elles : la place Bahadourian, livrée en 2002, et la place Gabriel Péri en 2004. Malgré leur contemporanéité et leur proximité géographique, les deux aménagements diffèrent dans leur rapport aux usages présents avant l’intervention. Le premier propose d’accueillir la diversité des pratiques existantes, en prévoyant plusieurs équipements, tandis que le deuxième est marqué par une volonté de supprimer toute prise pour des séjours statiques et prolongés, en recherchant la fluidité des déplacements. Cet article retrace les processus de production de ces deux espaces publics, en montrant comment les problèmes et résolutions d’aménagement ont été construits, en explorant la marge de manœuvre laissée par des contraintes de niveaux supérieur, le rôle des jeux d’acteurs et les discours et outils justifiant ces différences de traitement des deux espaces.

Research paper thumbnail of La production de l’espace public à Lyon, Lisbonne et Louvain-la-Neuve : politiques, processus et prise en compte des usages

Les espaces publics urbains sont, depuis plusieurs décennies, un outil privilégié de la producti... more Les espaces publics urbains sont, depuis plusieurs décennies, un outil privilégié de la production des villes d'Europe occidentale. Central à l'avènement de cet objet de l'action publique est une valorisation de ces espaces en tant que lieux de sociabilité publique et de loisir, des rôles que l'urbanisme fonctionnaliste et au service de la voiture avait fortement négligés.
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la mise en œuvre de « l’espace public» en tant que catégorie de l’action publique à Lyon, Lisbonne et Louvain-la-Neuve. Une première analyse porte sur une comparaison des politiques, des espaces produits et de la prise en compte des usages dans les processus de production des espaces . Elle montre comment les trois villes ont plusieurs aspects en commun : une «spatialité» qui redonne la place au piéton, cherche à structurer les territoires et leur image et adopte un raisonnement en termes d’offre et demande (d’espaces et d’usages).
Mais la catégorie garde une plasticité raisonnable, qui permet une marge de manœuvre considérable dans la construction des solutions d’aménagement des espaces.
Dans un deuxième temps, la thèse restitue la construction des problèmes et des solutions d’aménagement d’espace public. Elle montre comment la formalisation de la catégorie dans un projet par un système d’action se fait progressivement au fil d’un processus et à différentes échelles de la production urbaine. Cette formalisation progressive est contrainte par des dépendances au passé, au contexte et aux objectifs.
La thèse montre l’intérêt d’analyser les dimensions substantielle, procédurale et institutionnelle des processus de production pour comprendre les espaces publics existants.

Research paper thumbnail of Vivacidade. A animação do espaço público como estado e como acção municipal.

Vivacity. Public space animation as a state and as municipal action. The word “animation” appea... more Vivacity. Public space animation as a state and as municipal action.

The word “animation” appears on occasion within the debate around an alleged crisis of both public life
and public spaces in contemporary cities, referring to the dynamics of public space use, to interventions in
public space and to the purpose of those interventions.
Given the word’s polysemy, meaning both a state (the intensity of social life and of its manifestations) and
an action (of animating, of enlivening), this piece of research assumes that public space animation is a
legitimate concern of municipalities. However, it also acknowledges that the phrase’s imprecise contours
pose an obstacle to boosting public space animation as a policy domain bringing together part of the
municipal intervention on public spaces.
Consequently, this dissertation seeks to establish the scope of municipal actions of public space
animation. To do so, it puts forward a normative conception of animated public space, given shape in a set
of indicators; the factors underlying it; and the ways urban administration and cultural and recreational
action can be deployed to promote it.

Keywords: public space; public space animation; municipalities; urban administration; cultural and
recreational action.

Research paper thumbnail of De la percée à la place de quartier : comment on a commencé à aimer le quartier Moncey à Lyon

Research paper thumbnail of Differing approaches to public space and the multicultural in the (re)making of a  strategic place: Mouraria in Lisbon, Portugal (2007-present)

Lisbon’s mayoral team elected in 2007 set the attraction of new residents and employment and the ... more Lisbon’s mayoral team elected in 2007 set the attraction of new residents and employment and the enhancement of the city’s quality of life as its main objectives. Urban rehabilitation and public spaces soon emerged as two cornerstones in attaining such goals. The regeneration of Mouraria would become one of the Office’s flagship projects.
Mouraria is a historical neighbourhood standing between the city centre and some of Lisbon’s major tourist attractions, whose development was hampered by physical dereliction, social deprivation and widespread negative representations as a site of crime and deviance.
Aiming at attracting new residents, activities and boosting the neighbourhood’s touristic appeal, the council set a program of major urban regeneration in motion, heavily reliant on public space requalification. The program was soon to be accompanied by myriad initiatives spearheaded by the city council and involving different local stakeholders. These multiple initiatives mobilize differently two of the neighbourhood’s most distinguishing identity traits: its large immigrant population; and its being the “authentic” lisboetas, the cradle of fado music.
This paper focuses on three of these public space initiatives: the urban regeneration program and its “social” counterpart; Todos, a festival celebrating the neighbourhood’s cultural diversity; and Mercado de Fusão, the concept behind the private management of Mouraria’s main square.
Drawing on official documents, press clippings and several interviews with municipal technicians and local stakeholders, I discuss the different visions of the public as a noun and subject of urban policy present in each of these instances, and the ways cultural identity and diversity are engaged with.
In so doing, I hope to demonstrate how an understanding of current change in Mouraria can benefit from an analysis of the different rationalities at play, thereby mitigating overgeneralizing political economy accounts and monolithic views of the public institution as an urban stakeholder

Research paper thumbnail of Factors of good public space use

Actas do XIII Coloquio Ibérico de Geografia. Respuestas de la Geografia Ibérica a la crisis actual, Oct 2012

This paper presents a literature review of some of the most relevant work in the field of urban ... more This paper presents a literature review of some of the most relevant work in the
field of urban planning on the relationship between the characteristics of public spaces and their use. The synthesis put forward focuses on the characteristics of public spaces which contribute to their intense use. The former relate to urban form and public space design and management.

Research paper thumbnail of Taking 'use' into account in the production of public space in Lyon, Louvain-la-Neuve and Lisbon: contexts, methods and results

Issues of public space use have become a paramount subject of research in the recent past. While... more Issues of public space use have become a paramount
subject of research in the recent past. While research of an
overtly operative outlook has convincingly put forward design
and management recommendations for improving the use of
public spaces, it has struggled in approaching the issue as the
scope of urban policy and planning.
This research project aims at contributing to re-placing the
problem at an urban scope. It will do so by comparing three very
different policy and planning processes which, at an urban scale,
explicitly put forward use as a main objective of public space
production, namely Lyon, Louvain-la-Neuve and Lisbon.
This research adopts an inductive approach to the subject,
framed by readings in the intersection of pragmatic sociology,
policy and economics/management studies which suggest the
explanation of policy outcomes by in-depth analyses of the
processes leading to them. However, it maintains a geographical
standpoint as it is concerned, as well, with the “spatialization of
public policies”, i.e. the spaces that are actually produced by said
processes and the dynamics of use taking place therein.

Research paper thumbnail of A animação do espaço público como estado

A presente comunicação parte da dupla acepção do termo animação (animação como estado, animação c... more A presente comunicação parte da dupla acepção do termo animação (animação como estado, animação como acção) para apresentar um concepção normativa de espaço público animado.

Research paper thumbnail of 'Costs and benefits of urban dispersion on a local scale': presentation of an ongoing research project

There is an increasing urbanization of the world population, but the city has been taking new sha... more There is an increasing urbanization of the world population, but the city has been taking new shapes,different from traditional compact and continuous forms. In the emergent city, mobility has transformed social and spatial relations, construction is intertwined with increasingly abandoned green spaces and the urban structure is fragmented and dispersed. Such dispersion, even without many defenders among key urban theorists, is nowadays a reality, unplanned, but practised and accepted. Arguments for and against dispersion have long been confronted, remaining unchanged: for some, it means contact with nature, space and intimacy; for others, it is a simulacrum of nature, isolation and anonymity. Such subjective arguments are important in the identification of different concepts of quality of life. But there are other arguments, objective ones: land consumption, public infrastructure costs, mobility costs and housing prices. The Research Project “Costs and Benefits of Urban Dispersion on a local scale”, from which this communication derives, seeks opinion, as precise as possible, on these issues. To do so, it will consider costs and benefits. Studies seeking to quantify costs, relating mainly to the USA, analyse dispersion, the majority of times, on a regional scale. In this Project, we intend to compare costs between different “Base Land Units” of the extended city – a concept similar to that of the neighbourhood unit or of the neighbourhood itself. Our main goal is, then, to analyse and, if possible, to confront costs and benefits of different land use types. By benefits we understand quality of life, a concept that changes from opinion group to opinion group. We intend to transform this concept into an algorithm which integrates this variability, based on the current literature, similar previous studies and on the answers to a questionnaire applied to the inhabitants of Aveiro-Ílhavo and Évora (our case studies).Regarding costs, we will look at local public infrastructure (including networks, all public space and public equipments) and mobility (integrated costs per km and per user for each transport mode). Quantification of costs relating to land consumption and other environmental externalities (nature and landscape based) has to be left for a later research opportunity. Our conclusions, supported by public questionnaires, will be expressed quantitatively: an utility function to represent opinions on quality of life; an integrated cost for local infrastructure + mobility; and a methodology to relate the two functions for a variety of scenarios. This will result in the formulation of a comparative opinion, expressed in cost-benefit terms, between the various typologies of dispersed occupation and, also, between these and those of continuous occupation. To formulate an operative proposal regarding urban dispersion, it is important to understand how the market works (in terms of its agents, procedures and prices) for current dispersed occupation dynamics. This paper will go through the work undertaken so far, describing concepts and methods and presenting preliminary results when possible. It will not only focus on the Project’s general methodology, but also on methodologies specific to each Task, whenever it is thought appropriate.

Research paper thumbnail of Qual o valor da Qualidade de Vida? Um contributo e várias conjecturas metodológicas

Este estudo apresenta o fundamental da metodologia já desenvolvida até este momento pela equipa p... more Este estudo apresenta o fundamental da metodologia já desenvolvida até este momento pela equipa para a valoração, em termos monetários, de algumas dimensões da Qualidade de Vida (QdV), no âmbito do projecto FCT “Custos e Benefícios, à escala local, de uma Ocupação Dispersa”. Esta valoração constitui uma peça fundamental no estudo já que se refere à componente dos benefícios que as famílias, as empresas e as instituições parecem procurar quando tomam decisões de localização.
O estudo tenta aferir a QdV a partir das preferências declaradas para obter a disponibilidade em pagar (Willingness to Pay) expressa pelos indivíduos para aceitar melhorar as suas “circunstâncias” (ou para evitar uma perda) ou o a sua disponibilidade em receber (Willingness to Accept) uma compensação para aceitar reduzir as suas “circunstâncias” (ou para prescindir de um benefício).
Dada a natureza multidimensional, complexa e dinâmica do conceito de QdV, o estudo concentra a sua atenção num conjunto de 6 atributos (com duas concretizações cada, combinados dois a dois) associáveis a pedaços urbanos abstractos. As várias combinações possíveis são reduzidas após a aplicação do “quadrado latino” e forma a gerar 16 “conjuntos urbanos tipo” (também designados de “pedaços urbanos”) a partir dos quais se tentará valorar, em termos monetários, o correspondente “benefício”.
Com este procedimento, o estudo procura dar um contributo para o desenho de políticas públicas neste domínio procurando fornecer critérios técnicos robustos de escolha, de decisão e de acção, aos decisores com responsabilidade na gestão do território local.

Research paper thumbnail of Apreço pelo local de residência: dos conceitos básicos à sua operacionalização

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Mobility costs in the Extended City of Aveiro-Ílhavo, Portugal

Research paper thumbnail of Internal and External Costs of Transport in Portugal

In Pinho, P. e Oliveira, V., Eds., Bringing city form back into planning. CITTA 3rd Annual Conference on Planning Research., 2011

"Urban dispersion (sprawl) is a reality, however unplanned it may be. Its supporters advocate con... more "Urban dispersion (sprawl) is a reality, however unplanned it may be. Its supporters advocate contact with nature, space and intimacy; however, alleged disadvantages include land consumption, public infrastructure and mobility costs, and housing prices.
The Research Project “Costs and Benefits of Urban Dispersion on a local scale” seeks to contribute to the debate with an objective approach based on the quantification of costs, externalities and benefits of different urban settlement patterns, thus “bringing urban form back to planning”.
This paper presents one of the Project’s tasks, the one concerning mobility costs, both internal and external. Quantified internal costs include investment, inspection, insurance, energy and maintenance; external ones include accident and environmental costs, calculated for road and rail transport.
Different methods are combined depending on available data sources in order to achieve figures for each of the cost components per vehicle-km, ton-km and passenger-km for 2005, at 2009 prices.
Results show that internal costs are larger than external ones for the majority of motorized transport, except two-wheelers, and for rail. External costs are larger than internal ones for soft modes, mainly due to high accident costs. Cost components, both internal and external, related to fuel consumption are the most relevant in heavy modes’ cost structures. Investment costs are the most important category for the majority of the remaining modes.
Results also stress that current occupancy rates, load factors and vehicle mileages hinder the economic efficiency of collective and two-wheeled modes of transportation and may contribute to the pervasiveness of cars in Portugal."

Research paper thumbnail of Costs and externalities of road transport in Portugal

Urban Transport XVI, 2010

ABSTRACT Urban dispersion (sprawl) is a reality, however unplanned it may be. Its supporters advo... more ABSTRACT Urban dispersion (sprawl) is a reality, however unplanned it may be. Its supporters advocate contact with nature, space and intimacy, however disadvantages include land consumption, public infrastructure and mobility costs and housing prices. The Research Project \“Costs and Benefits of Urban Dispersion on a local scale” seeks to contribute to the debate with an objective approach based on the quantification of costs, externalities and benefits of different urban settlement patterns. This paper presents one of the Project’s tasks, the one concerning mobility costs, including externalities. Quantified costs include investment, inspection, insurance, energy and maintenance, as well as external social and environmental costs for road transport, the most significant transport mode operating on a local scale. Different methods are combined depending on available data sources in order to achieve figures for each of the cost components per vehicle-km, ton-km and passenger-km at prices of 2005. Preliminary results for direct costs suggest that in light vehicles investment costs are responsible for the largest share of the totals, while energy costs are the most relevant cost component in heavy vehicles. Heavy duty passenger transport is significantly more expensive than their counterparts. Externalities may mount up to around half of the total costs for some road vehicles. Keywords: urban dispersion; road transport; internal costs; externalities. 1 Introduction The urban future of Europe is today a matter of great concern, since approximately 75% of the European population lives in urban areas, a number

Research paper thumbnail of Internal and external costs of transport in Portugal

Phone/fax numbers: 00 351 234372484 -00 351 234372500; Urban dispersion (spraw... more Phone/fax numbers: 00 351 234372484 -00 351 234372500; Urban dispersion (sprawl) is a reality, however unplanned it may be. Its supporters advocate contact with nature, space and intimacy; however, alleged disadvantages include land consumption, public infrastructure and mobility costs, and housing prices. The Research Project "Costs and Benefits of Urban Dispersion on a local scale" seeks to contribute to the debate with an objective approach based on the quantification of costs, externalities and benefits of different urban settlement patterns, thus "bringing urban form back to planning". This paper presents one of the Project's tasks, the one concerning mobility costs, both internal and external. Quantified internal costs include investment, inspection, insurance, energy and maintenance; external ones include accident and environmental costs, calculated for road and rail transport. Different methods are combined depending on available da...

Research paper thumbnail of Costs and externalities of road transport in Portugal

Urban Transport XVI, 2010

ABSTRACT Urban dispersion (sprawl) is a reality, however unplanned it may be. Its supporters advo... more ABSTRACT Urban dispersion (sprawl) is a reality, however unplanned it may be. Its supporters advocate contact with nature, space and intimacy, however disadvantages include land consumption, public infrastructure and mobility costs and housing prices. The Research Project \“Costs and Benefits of Urban Dispersion on a local scale” seeks to contribute to the debate with an objective approach based on the quantification of costs, externalities and benefits of different urban settlement patterns. This paper presents one of the Project’s tasks, the one concerning mobility costs, including externalities. Quantified costs include investment, inspection, insurance, energy and maintenance, as well as external social and environmental costs for road transport, the most significant transport mode operating on a local scale. Different methods are combined depending on available data sources in order to achieve figures for each of the cost components per vehicle-km, ton-km and passenger-km at prices of 2005. Preliminary results for direct costs suggest that in light vehicles investment costs are responsible for the largest share of the totals, while energy costs are the most relevant cost component in heavy vehicles. Heavy duty passenger transport is significantly more expensive than their counterparts. Externalities may mount up to around half of the total costs for some road vehicles. Keywords: urban dispersion; road transport; internal costs; externalities. 1 Introduction The urban future of Europe is today a matter of great concern, since approximately 75% of the European population lives in urban areas, a number

Research paper thumbnail of A multidimensionalidade do conceito de Qualidade de Vida

Sociedade e territorio 42, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Qualidade de Vida: uma análise à escala local

O tema deste artigo enquadra-se no âmbito do projecto “Custos e Benefícios, à escala local, de um... more O tema deste artigo enquadra-se no âmbito do projecto “Custos e Benefícios, à escala local, de uma Ocupação Dispersa”. Esta investigação assenta a sua problemática na dispersão e procura chegar a conclusões e recomendações sobre o fenómeno do alastramento da dispersão; e sobre cenários desejáveis de evolução da ocupação dispersa existente, no que respeita à infra-estrutura e/ou à mobilidade e/ou à carga construtiva. Assim, o objectivo do projecto, essencialmente operativo, é o de confrontar os custos e os benefícios (Qualidade de Vida) para uma diversidade de contextos territoriais, as cidades alargadas de Aveiro/Ílhavo e Évora e respectiva subdivisão em Unidades Territoriais de Base UTBs. Para atingir este objectivo, o percurso metodológico desta investigação integra, para além de outros objectivos específicos, a formulação do conceito de Qualidade de Vida e a sua tradução em algoritmo, que aqui desenvolvemos.

Research paper thumbnail of Identificação e caracterização de unidades territoriais de escala local

Research paper thumbnail of Public space and the challenges of urban transformation in Europe, by Ali Madanipour, Sabine Knierbein and Aglaée Degros

Urban Research & Practice 7 (2), pp.241-242, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of BEAUDET, Gérard, MELOCHE, Jean-Philippe et SCHERRER, Frank (dir.) (2012) Questions d’urbanisme. Montréal, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 136 p. (ISBN 978-2-7606-2768-0)

Research paper thumbnail of Peinture de paysage. Une représentation graphique du réseau de finalistes d'Inventons la Métropole du Grand Paris 1

Un compagnon de route du webdocumentaire Qui aménage le Grand Paris ? Ce court article propose u... more Un compagnon de route du webdocumentaire Qui aménage le Grand Paris ?

Ce court article propose un complément au volet du webdocumentaire portant sur les réseaux d’acteurs, et plus particulièrement à la séquence réseaux. Dans l’article, certains résultats sont étayés et une courte bibliographie est proposée pour celles et ceux souhaitant aller plus loin.

Le webdocumentaire qu’il vient compléter est un travail collectif de Hélène Dang Vu, Pedro Gomes, Guillaume Lacroix et Marie-Paule Rousseau. Il a été coordonné par Guillaume Lacroix, réalisé par Sophie Jeannin, avec des animations vidéo de Jules Jung (Blitzzstudios). Il est disponible sur ce lien.


Research paper thumbnail of Custos internos e externos de Mobilidade

Research paper thumbnail of Custos de sistema de gestão de resíduos urbanos

Research paper thumbnail of Romantismo e sentimento anti-urbano

No presente trabalho parto dos fundamentos do Romantismo enquanto movimento artístico e do pensam... more No presente trabalho parto dos fundamentos do Romantismo enquanto movimento artístico e do pensamento de urbanistas seus contemporâneos, procurando eventuais raízes de um sentimento anti-urbano que possam justificar parcialmente as actuais dinâmicas de dispersão urbana.

Busco-o depois em duas obras paradigmáticas da literatura romântica em Portugal ("Eurico o Presbítero" e "Viagens na Minha Terra".

A discussão final, em que procuro conciliar os distintos e, até então, atomizados corpos do trabalho com as dinâmicas actuais de ocupação do território, é organizada em torno da análise do filme "A Vila", de M. Night Shyamalan e da noção foucauldiana de "heterotopia".

Research paper thumbnail of As noções deleuzo-guattarianas de "território" e "agenciamento" a partir de "1837 - a lengalenga"

Neste documento, busco um entendimento das noções de "território" e "agenciamento", centrais para... more Neste documento, busco um entendimento das noções de "território" e "agenciamento", centrais para muita da geografia pós-estruturalista.

Research paper thumbnail of Os capítulos 1, 2, 3 e 9 de "Modernity at Large", de Arjun Appadurai, em 12 pontos

Documento que reúne as considerações tecidas a propósito dos quatro capítulos em análise, apresen... more Documento que reúne as considerações tecidas a propósito dos quatro capítulos em análise, apresentadas em regime de seminário no âmbito da disciplina em epígrafe.

Research paper thumbnail of Ciência e arte na cartografia situacionista

O presente trabalho analisará duas colagens da autoria de Guy Debord e Asger Jorn – Guide psychog... more O presente trabalho analisará duas colagens da autoria de Guy Debord e Asger Jorn – Guide psychogéographique de Paris e The Naked City – procurando, por um lado, utilizá-las como motivo para uma mais lata reflexão em torno da cartografia enquanto possível interface entre o discurso científico da geografia e a prática artística e, por outro, buscando uma reflexão em torno das dificuldades que se colocam ao acto de cartografar a experiência individual da cidade.

Research paper thumbnail of Notas sobre psicogeografia

Neste trabalho, procuro entender o conceito de "psicogeografia", desenvolvido por membros da inte... more Neste trabalho, procuro entender o conceito de "psicogeografia", desenvolvido por membros da internacional situacionista.

Research paper thumbnail of Paisagens terapêuticas

Entrada de dicionário em que busco apresentar sucintamente a origem e aplicação do conceito, em p... more Entrada de dicionário em que busco apresentar sucintamente a origem e aplicação do conceito, em particular no âmbito das novas geografias da saúde.