Stéphanie Leroy | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / French National Centre for Scientific Research (original) (raw)

Papers by Stéphanie Leroy

Research paper thumbnail of Consolidation or initial design? Radiocarbon dating of ancient iron alloys sheds light on the reinforcements of French Gothic Cathedrals

Journal of Archaeological Science, 2015

Large quantities of iron reinforcements, found in most Gothic monuments, are a data source for th... more Large quantities of iron reinforcements, found in most Gothic monuments, are a data source for the interpretation of medieval architecture however their role both in contemporary engineering theory and the technical reality of construction yards has not yet been specified due to the difficulty of directly dating them. We present here an original radiocarbon dating methodology to date metal itself. Radiocarbon dates were measured for iron reinforcements used in specific parts of Bourges and Beauvais cathedrals, two iconic buildings in the development of French gothic architecture. Coupled with archaeometric and archaeological data, the new chronological results illuminate the major and active roles played by iron in the strategy of the building yards. At Bourges, iron was assimilated into the cathedral's construction strategy, whereas at Beauvais iron was integrated from the initial design, added to the monument following the vicissitudes of the building yard, and still used during the modern period. Thus, through decisive advances in radiocarbon dating of iron artefacts, the evolution of medieval architectural and engineering thought and action has been more reliably reconstructed.

Research paper thumbnail of Dana5_Bauvais_etal_TABLEAU_4_part_3

Tab. 4. Liste d'échantillons de scories et de minerais pour l'approche isotopique de l&#3... more Tab. 4. Liste d'échantillons de scories et de minerais pour l'approche isotopique de l'Osmium et pour l'approche en éléments traces. Plus de détails sont publiés pour la région Lorraine dans Disser et al. 2016 et pour l'Allemagne du Sud dans Brauns et al. 2013 ; Gassmann et al. 2006 ; Wischenbarth et al. 2001 ; Gassmann & Schäfer, 2014 ; Gassmann et al. 2005 (d'après Dillmann et al. 2017).

Research paper thumbnail of New Insights for Provenance Studies of Iron Artifacts

Research paper thumbnail of La datation directe d’alliages ferreux par le carbone 14 : les renforts architecturaux et les armatures de statues en bronze étudiés dans le cadre du projet ANR IRANGKOR, le fer à Angkor

La datation directe d'alliages ferreux par le carbone 14 : les renforts architecturaux et les... more La datation directe d'alliages ferreux par le carbone 14 : les renforts architecturaux et les armatures de statues en bronze etudies dans le cadre du projet ANR IRANGKOR (dir. S. Leroy), le fer a Angkor. Depuis 2015, le projet International ANR IRANGKOR apporte un eclairage nouveau sur les reseaux de production et de distribution du fer dans l'empire khmer du 9eme au 14e siecle. Le corpus d'etude, constitue de plus d'une centaine d'objets-renforts architecturaux provenant des temples et monuments d'Angkor, outils, armes et armatures de statues en bronze-ainsi que de minerais preleves dans les grandes regions de production a fait l'objet d'etudes typologiques, d'analyses metallographiques et chimiques pour tenter d'identifier les grandes zones de provenance et les axes de circulation durant toute la periode angkorienne. Dans cette etude diachronique, le calage chronologique de certains elements du corpus a ete realise par datation carbone 14 de...

Research paper thumbnail of La datation des alliages ferreux par le carbone 14 : application aux objets de l’Empire kmer entre le IXème et le XVème siècle de notre ère (ANR IRANGKOR)

Elabore et utilise par l’homme depuis plusieurs millenaires, le fer a fait l’objet de nombreuses ... more Elabore et utilise par l’homme depuis plusieurs millenaires, le fer a fait l’objet de nombreuses etudes permettant de reconstituer les processus de fabrication et sa circulation a travers le monde et les epoques. Sa caracterisation par des procedes physico-chimiques a complete les etudes archeologiques en apportant des indices determinants sur l’origine des minerais et les lieux et modes de fabrication et de transformation. Par contre, son emploi comme materiau de datation est reste tres marginal. Pourtant, le fer contient du carbone incorpore dans la loupe de fer au moment de la reduction du minerai et provenant du charbon de bois utilise comme combustible dans le four de reduction. Cependant, la faible teneur en carbone et l’heterogeneite des aciers anciens ont limite jusqu’a maintenant leur utilisation comme materiau de datation pour le carbone 14. Lors de la 2eme journee REFRAIN en 2014, notre collegue Stephanie Leroy, avait presente la methode fiable et originale developpee par...

Research paper thumbnail of Space, the Iron Frontier: Production, Spatial Organization and Historicity of Iron Metallurgy within the Angkorian Khmer Empire, Cambodia (9th to 15th c. CE)

Research paper thumbnail of Etudes archéométriques : métallographiques, chimiques et radiocarbones d’un exceptionnel dépôt de demi-produits de fer. Restitution des savoir-faire, organisation et circulation des productions au premier âge du Fer

Dans l’est de la France, les ateliers siderurgiques attribues au premier âge du fer restent encor... more Dans l’est de la France, les ateliers siderurgiques attribues au premier âge du fer restent encore peu connus, mais nombreux sont les demi-produits, ces stocks de metal destines a approvisionner les ateliers de forge. Ces objets s’averent privilegies pour restituer les savoir-faire des artisans forgerons, mais aussi pour tracer les circuits d’echanges, comme le montre l’etude interdisciplinaire menee sur un depot exceptionnel de 51 demi-produits bipyramides decouvert a Durrenentzen (Haut Rhin). Les etudes macroscopiques, metallographiques et chimiques menees sur plusieurs exemplaires permettent ainsi de restituer differentes filieres techniques metallurgiques. Elles conduisent egalement a apprehender certains aspects de l’approvisionnement en metal brut, et donc de l’organisation des productions. L’application de methodes novatrices de datations radiocarbones, par prelevement et extraction du carbone dans le metal lui-meme, situent ce lot durant la periode du Hallstatt, qui voit le ...

[Research paper thumbnail of “L’Économie du fer” dans le nord-est de la France au Hallstatt D et à La Tène A1 [Ausonius en libre accès]](

Le role du developpement de la metallurgie du fer dans la mise en place des transformations socie... more Le role du developpement de la metallurgie du fer dans la mise en place des transformations societales du Hallstatt D et de La Tene A1 est ici questionne en tentant d’aborder les particularites regionales au sein d’un fond culturel commun a l’ensemble du complexe Nord-Alpin occidental.

Research paper thumbnail of First direct dating for the construction of three temples in Angkor, Cambodia

Architecture represents key evidence of dynastic practice and change in the archaeological world.... more Architecture represents key evidence of dynastic practice and change in the archaeological world. Chronologies for many important buildings and sequences, including the medieval iconic temples at Angkor (Cambodia) are based solely on indirect associations from inscriptions and architectural styles. Establishing direct techniques to verify construction episodes is complicated by the lack of datable remains from secure contexts. Iron crampons are the most consistently available material both in Angkorian and pre-modern architectural traditions however previous attempts at radiocarbon dating were fraught by methodological difficulties. Using a newly-developed approach based on AMS radiocarbon dating to directly date iron crampons integrated into the structure we present the first direct evidence for the history of three major temples in Angkor: the Royal Palace, the Baphuon and the Preah Khan. The Baphuon is particularly crucial both for the context and date of its construction and the...

Research paper thumbnail of A new understanding of the chronology, circulation and function of Iron Age (8th–1st c. BC) ferrous semi-products in north-eastern France

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2021

In Europe, several thousand ferrous semi-products attributed to the Iron Age (8th–1st c. BC) have... more In Europe, several thousand ferrous semi-products attributed to the Iron Age (8th–1st c. BC) have been found. Recent advances in the field of archaeometry concerning the dating of iron objects, characterisation of materials and provenance studies have made it possible to address some important and hitherto unresolved questions. The results obtained from the study of an exceptional set of over 70 currency-bars found in north-eastern France shed new light on their chrono-cultural context, which is much older than previously thought. This interdisciplinary approach also made it possible to propose a new interpretation of the production, circulation and deposition conditions of these semi-products.

Research paper thumbnail of Du produit d’échange à l’objet symbole : de nouvelles données sur les demi-produits de type currency-bar du Val de Saône et de l’Arc jurassien


EnglishSemi-ferrous products, such as metal reserves supplying forging workshops, are privileged ... more EnglishSemi-ferrous products, such as metal reserves supplying forging workshops, are privileged markers of the circulation of goods and the organization of trade networks. Several thousand of these products, attributed to the Iron Ages, are shaped like flat irons ending in a rolled end, and are also known as currency-bars. In the context of this article, an exceptional collection of more than 70 currency-bars, found in an area extending from the Val de Saone to the region of Salins-les-Bains (Jura), has been studied by applying the latest methodologies developed in the fields of dating iron objects, the characterization of materials and provenance studies. The results obtained allow us to reconsider the interpretations resulting solely from the study of discovery contexts and shed new light on their chrono-cultural context, which is much older than previously assumed. The use of archeometric methods has also made it possible to specify the nature and quality of the materials, to define the know-how and to identify the chemical markers characteristic of the sources of production. These interdisciplinary approaches enable us to propose a new analysis of the conditions of production, circulation and deposition of these objects. francaisLes demi-produits ferreux, en tant que reserves de metal approvisionnant les ateliers de forge, sont les temoins privilegies de la circulation des biens et de l’organisation des reseaux d’echanges. Plusieurs milliers d’entre eux, attribues aux âges du Fer, sont connus sous la forme de fers plats s’achevant par une extremite roulee, egalement denommes currency-bars. Dans le cadre de cet article, un ensemble exceptionnel de plus de 70 currency-bars, retrouve dans un secteur s’etendant du Val de Saone aux environs de Salins-les-Bains (Jura), a ete etudie en appliquant les dernieres methodologies developpees dans les domaines de la datation des objets en fer, de la caracterisation des materiaux ainsi que celui des etudes de provenance. Les resultats obtenus renouvellent radicalement les interpretations anterieures, fondees uniquement sur les contextes de decouverte, et eclairent d’un jour nouveau leur contexte chrono-culturel, qui se revele bien plus ancien que presume. Le recours aux methodes de l’archeometrie a egalement permis de preciser la nature et la qualite des materiaux, les savoir-faire mobilises et l’identification de marqueurs chimiques, caracteristiques des sources de production, traces jusqu’au sein des objets. Ces approches interdisciplinaires permettent ainsi de proposer des donnees determinantes pour la connaissance de leurs conditions de production, de circulation et de depot.

Research paper thumbnail of Forging empire: Angkorian iron smelting, community and ritual practice at Tonle Bak


Abstract Iron-production sites of the early historic period in Mainland Southeast Asia (fifth to ... more Abstract Iron-production sites of the early historic period in Mainland Southeast Asia (fifth to fifteenth centuries AD) are rare. Recent excavations at the Tonle Bak site in central Cambodia now provide the first evidence for furnace technology, metallurgical characteristics of slag concentrations and evidence for the organisation of local smelting communities and ritual practices during the peak of the Angkorian Khmer Empire. The results demonstrate that the smelters were directly integrated with Angkorian state-exchange networks. They also raise questions about the use of ethnohistorical records for understanding the identity and organisation of these early metalworkers.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyse technologique, étude de provenance et datation par le radiocarbone du dépôt de demi-produits ferreux de Durrenentzen (Haut-Rhin, France) : une vision renouvelée de l’économie du fer au premier âge du Fer


Durant les premiers temps de la métallurgie du fer en Europe occidentale, le type de demi-produit... more Durant les premiers temps de la métallurgie du fer en Europe occidentale, le type de demi-produit le plus répandu est de forme bipyramidée. Bien que plus d'un millier de pièces soit connu, leurs conditions de fabrication et de circulation et même leur datation restent mal appréhendées Une approche interdisciplinaire a ainsi été appliquée au dépôt de demi-produits bipyramidés de Durrenentzen (Haut-Rhin), le troisième en Europe par son importance numérique, afin de reconstituer le contexte technologique, social et économique qui a conduit à son abandon. L’étude morphométrique des cinquante-et-un bipyramidés révèle une grande homogénéité globale du lot malgré des variations de détail. Quatre objets ont été sélectionnés pour études archéométriques. Les analyses métallographiques mettent en évidence des différences internes significatives en ce qui concerne la qualité des matériaux, la nature de l’alliage et les techniques de fabrication. Les analyses chimiques révèlent également des...

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Guard the Good Deposit’: Technology, Provenance and Dating of Bipyramidal Iron Semi-Products of the Durrenentzen Deposit (Haut-Rhin, France)

Archaeometry, 2017

In the early days of iron metallurgy in Western Europe, the most widespread type of 'trade iron' ... more In the early days of iron metallurgy in Western Europe, the most widespread type of 'trade iron' (semi product) was bipyramidal in shape. Although they are frequently found, little is known about how they were manufactured and circulated, or even about their age. An interdisciplinary approach was applied to the Durrenentzen deposit (Haut Rhin, France), the third largest in Europe in terms of artefact quantities, in an attempt to reconstruct the technological, social and economic context that caused them to be abandoned. A morphometric study of the 51 iron bars revealed a high degree of homogeneity, despite variations in detail. Four objects were selected for archaeometric studies. Metallographic analyses show internal differences (quality of the material, nature of the alloys and manufacturing techniques). Chemical analyses also showed different provenances. Finally, radiocarbon analyses of the carbon in steel (iron/carbon alloy) linked this deposit to the early Iron Age. This study provided the first benchmark for more general research, significantly changing perceptions of the economics of iron at the beginning of the Iron Age.

Research paper thumbnail of First examinations of ore, slag and iron artefacts from the iron-making site of castel-minier (aulus-les-bains, 09) (France)

The recent excavations at the archaeological site of Castel-Minier (Aulus-les-Bains, Pyrenees, Fr... more The recent excavations at the archaeological site of Castel-Minier (Aulus-les-Bains, Pyrenees, France) reveal the presence of a large number of slag and iron artefacts, providing evidence on the entire operating chain. This paper discusses the first results obtained on metallic products, slag and Mn-rich ores coming from the site and the neighbouring valley of Vicdessos. Metallic products were analysed using classical metallographic techniques. Analyses show that metal is often made of highly carburised steel and slag inclusions contain high levels of manganese oxide. From compositional data and comparison of slag and inclusions, it is demonstrated possible to establish a chemical relationship between slag and the semi-finished iron products. As a result, the ratios in several non-reduced compounds are shown to be helpful in identifying the production site. These different aspects will be examined in further studies performed on the totality of products and wastes.

Research paper thumbnail of Circulation Au Moyen Age Des Materiaux Ferreux Issus Des Pyrenees Ariegeoises et De La Lombardie. Apport Du Couplage Des Analyses en Elements Traces et Multivariees

Cette étude de provenance porte sur la compréhension de la circulation et le commerce, au Moyen Â... more Cette étude de provenance porte sur la compréhension de la circulation et le commerce, au Moyen Âge, de matériaux ferreux archéologiques issus de filières spécifiques liées à l'usage de minerais manganésifères. Cette recherche s'intéresse particulièrement aux cas des Pyrénées ariégeoises et de la Lombardie, deux zones de production sidérurgiques qui occupaient une place majeure dans l'économie médiévale de leur région. Trois problématiques historiques spécifiques ont été approchées. D'une part, l'étude de la circulation des produits sidérurgiques, aux XIIIe-XVe siècles, en Ariège, et à proximité, dans le but de contribuer à la compréhension de l'organisation du marché du fer au sein de ce bassin sidérurgique. D'autre part, l'identification des sources d'approvisionnement dans la construction du Palais des Papes d'Avignon (XIVe siècle) situé à la confluence des zones d'exportations des produits lombards et ariégeois. Enfin, la vérification ...

Research paper thumbnail of Study of the distribution of mediaeval ferrous objects using microanalysis of trace elements. The contribution of x-ray microfluorescence (DIFFABS beamline)

Research paper thumbnail of Multidisciplinary analytical approach and first development of multivariate analyses: depiction of the medieval iron market in Ariège (France)

Research paper thumbnail of A new multivariate approach for identifying provenance: a description of the Ariège iron market in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, the iron market within the Ariège (French Pyrenees), and nearby, is difficult... more In the Middle Ages, the iron market within the Ariège (French Pyrenees), and nearby, is difficult to make restitution since it was dynamic and complex. Numerous iron objects discovered on archaeological sites (13 th-15 th c.) within this area but also construction irons found in medieval buildings were studied by INAA, ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS to determine their origin. Due to the complexity of the high dimensional data set acquired, an ad-hoc multivariate statistical method was developed. This procedure was applied to determine the compatibility of the artefacts of unknown origin with a provenance from Ariège. Provenance results allowed to supply a crucial complementary data of historical sources and to better apprehend the Ariegean market.

Research paper thumbnail of Provenance et circulation des alliages ferreux

Research paper thumbnail of Consolidation or initial design? Radiocarbon dating of ancient iron alloys sheds light on the reinforcements of French Gothic Cathedrals

Journal of Archaeological Science, 2015

Large quantities of iron reinforcements, found in most Gothic monuments, are a data source for th... more Large quantities of iron reinforcements, found in most Gothic monuments, are a data source for the interpretation of medieval architecture however their role both in contemporary engineering theory and the technical reality of construction yards has not yet been specified due to the difficulty of directly dating them. We present here an original radiocarbon dating methodology to date metal itself. Radiocarbon dates were measured for iron reinforcements used in specific parts of Bourges and Beauvais cathedrals, two iconic buildings in the development of French gothic architecture. Coupled with archaeometric and archaeological data, the new chronological results illuminate the major and active roles played by iron in the strategy of the building yards. At Bourges, iron was assimilated into the cathedral's construction strategy, whereas at Beauvais iron was integrated from the initial design, added to the monument following the vicissitudes of the building yard, and still used during the modern period. Thus, through decisive advances in radiocarbon dating of iron artefacts, the evolution of medieval architectural and engineering thought and action has been more reliably reconstructed.

Research paper thumbnail of Dana5_Bauvais_etal_TABLEAU_4_part_3

Tab. 4. Liste d'échantillons de scories et de minerais pour l'approche isotopique de l&#3... more Tab. 4. Liste d'échantillons de scories et de minerais pour l'approche isotopique de l'Osmium et pour l'approche en éléments traces. Plus de détails sont publiés pour la région Lorraine dans Disser et al. 2016 et pour l'Allemagne du Sud dans Brauns et al. 2013 ; Gassmann et al. 2006 ; Wischenbarth et al. 2001 ; Gassmann & Schäfer, 2014 ; Gassmann et al. 2005 (d'après Dillmann et al. 2017).

Research paper thumbnail of New Insights for Provenance Studies of Iron Artifacts

Research paper thumbnail of La datation directe d’alliages ferreux par le carbone 14 : les renforts architecturaux et les armatures de statues en bronze étudiés dans le cadre du projet ANR IRANGKOR, le fer à Angkor

La datation directe d'alliages ferreux par le carbone 14 : les renforts architecturaux et les... more La datation directe d'alliages ferreux par le carbone 14 : les renforts architecturaux et les armatures de statues en bronze etudies dans le cadre du projet ANR IRANGKOR (dir. S. Leroy), le fer a Angkor. Depuis 2015, le projet International ANR IRANGKOR apporte un eclairage nouveau sur les reseaux de production et de distribution du fer dans l'empire khmer du 9eme au 14e siecle. Le corpus d'etude, constitue de plus d'une centaine d'objets-renforts architecturaux provenant des temples et monuments d'Angkor, outils, armes et armatures de statues en bronze-ainsi que de minerais preleves dans les grandes regions de production a fait l'objet d'etudes typologiques, d'analyses metallographiques et chimiques pour tenter d'identifier les grandes zones de provenance et les axes de circulation durant toute la periode angkorienne. Dans cette etude diachronique, le calage chronologique de certains elements du corpus a ete realise par datation carbone 14 de...

Research paper thumbnail of La datation des alliages ferreux par le carbone 14 : application aux objets de l’Empire kmer entre le IXème et le XVème siècle de notre ère (ANR IRANGKOR)

Elabore et utilise par l’homme depuis plusieurs millenaires, le fer a fait l’objet de nombreuses ... more Elabore et utilise par l’homme depuis plusieurs millenaires, le fer a fait l’objet de nombreuses etudes permettant de reconstituer les processus de fabrication et sa circulation a travers le monde et les epoques. Sa caracterisation par des procedes physico-chimiques a complete les etudes archeologiques en apportant des indices determinants sur l’origine des minerais et les lieux et modes de fabrication et de transformation. Par contre, son emploi comme materiau de datation est reste tres marginal. Pourtant, le fer contient du carbone incorpore dans la loupe de fer au moment de la reduction du minerai et provenant du charbon de bois utilise comme combustible dans le four de reduction. Cependant, la faible teneur en carbone et l’heterogeneite des aciers anciens ont limite jusqu’a maintenant leur utilisation comme materiau de datation pour le carbone 14. Lors de la 2eme journee REFRAIN en 2014, notre collegue Stephanie Leroy, avait presente la methode fiable et originale developpee par...

Research paper thumbnail of Space, the Iron Frontier: Production, Spatial Organization and Historicity of Iron Metallurgy within the Angkorian Khmer Empire, Cambodia (9th to 15th c. CE)

Research paper thumbnail of Etudes archéométriques : métallographiques, chimiques et radiocarbones d’un exceptionnel dépôt de demi-produits de fer. Restitution des savoir-faire, organisation et circulation des productions au premier âge du Fer

Dans l’est de la France, les ateliers siderurgiques attribues au premier âge du fer restent encor... more Dans l’est de la France, les ateliers siderurgiques attribues au premier âge du fer restent encore peu connus, mais nombreux sont les demi-produits, ces stocks de metal destines a approvisionner les ateliers de forge. Ces objets s’averent privilegies pour restituer les savoir-faire des artisans forgerons, mais aussi pour tracer les circuits d’echanges, comme le montre l’etude interdisciplinaire menee sur un depot exceptionnel de 51 demi-produits bipyramides decouvert a Durrenentzen (Haut Rhin). Les etudes macroscopiques, metallographiques et chimiques menees sur plusieurs exemplaires permettent ainsi de restituer differentes filieres techniques metallurgiques. Elles conduisent egalement a apprehender certains aspects de l’approvisionnement en metal brut, et donc de l’organisation des productions. L’application de methodes novatrices de datations radiocarbones, par prelevement et extraction du carbone dans le metal lui-meme, situent ce lot durant la periode du Hallstatt, qui voit le ...

[Research paper thumbnail of “L’Économie du fer” dans le nord-est de la France au Hallstatt D et à La Tène A1 [Ausonius en libre accès]](

Le role du developpement de la metallurgie du fer dans la mise en place des transformations socie... more Le role du developpement de la metallurgie du fer dans la mise en place des transformations societales du Hallstatt D et de La Tene A1 est ici questionne en tentant d’aborder les particularites regionales au sein d’un fond culturel commun a l’ensemble du complexe Nord-Alpin occidental.

Research paper thumbnail of First direct dating for the construction of three temples in Angkor, Cambodia

Architecture represents key evidence of dynastic practice and change in the archaeological world.... more Architecture represents key evidence of dynastic practice and change in the archaeological world. Chronologies for many important buildings and sequences, including the medieval iconic temples at Angkor (Cambodia) are based solely on indirect associations from inscriptions and architectural styles. Establishing direct techniques to verify construction episodes is complicated by the lack of datable remains from secure contexts. Iron crampons are the most consistently available material both in Angkorian and pre-modern architectural traditions however previous attempts at radiocarbon dating were fraught by methodological difficulties. Using a newly-developed approach based on AMS radiocarbon dating to directly date iron crampons integrated into the structure we present the first direct evidence for the history of three major temples in Angkor: the Royal Palace, the Baphuon and the Preah Khan. The Baphuon is particularly crucial both for the context and date of its construction and the...

Research paper thumbnail of A new understanding of the chronology, circulation and function of Iron Age (8th–1st c. BC) ferrous semi-products in north-eastern France

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2021

In Europe, several thousand ferrous semi-products attributed to the Iron Age (8th–1st c. BC) have... more In Europe, several thousand ferrous semi-products attributed to the Iron Age (8th–1st c. BC) have been found. Recent advances in the field of archaeometry concerning the dating of iron objects, characterisation of materials and provenance studies have made it possible to address some important and hitherto unresolved questions. The results obtained from the study of an exceptional set of over 70 currency-bars found in north-eastern France shed new light on their chrono-cultural context, which is much older than previously thought. This interdisciplinary approach also made it possible to propose a new interpretation of the production, circulation and deposition conditions of these semi-products.

Research paper thumbnail of Du produit d’échange à l’objet symbole : de nouvelles données sur les demi-produits de type currency-bar du Val de Saône et de l’Arc jurassien


EnglishSemi-ferrous products, such as metal reserves supplying forging workshops, are privileged ... more EnglishSemi-ferrous products, such as metal reserves supplying forging workshops, are privileged markers of the circulation of goods and the organization of trade networks. Several thousand of these products, attributed to the Iron Ages, are shaped like flat irons ending in a rolled end, and are also known as currency-bars. In the context of this article, an exceptional collection of more than 70 currency-bars, found in an area extending from the Val de Saone to the region of Salins-les-Bains (Jura), has been studied by applying the latest methodologies developed in the fields of dating iron objects, the characterization of materials and provenance studies. The results obtained allow us to reconsider the interpretations resulting solely from the study of discovery contexts and shed new light on their chrono-cultural context, which is much older than previously assumed. The use of archeometric methods has also made it possible to specify the nature and quality of the materials, to define the know-how and to identify the chemical markers characteristic of the sources of production. These interdisciplinary approaches enable us to propose a new analysis of the conditions of production, circulation and deposition of these objects. francaisLes demi-produits ferreux, en tant que reserves de metal approvisionnant les ateliers de forge, sont les temoins privilegies de la circulation des biens et de l’organisation des reseaux d’echanges. Plusieurs milliers d’entre eux, attribues aux âges du Fer, sont connus sous la forme de fers plats s’achevant par une extremite roulee, egalement denommes currency-bars. Dans le cadre de cet article, un ensemble exceptionnel de plus de 70 currency-bars, retrouve dans un secteur s’etendant du Val de Saone aux environs de Salins-les-Bains (Jura), a ete etudie en appliquant les dernieres methodologies developpees dans les domaines de la datation des objets en fer, de la caracterisation des materiaux ainsi que celui des etudes de provenance. Les resultats obtenus renouvellent radicalement les interpretations anterieures, fondees uniquement sur les contextes de decouverte, et eclairent d’un jour nouveau leur contexte chrono-culturel, qui se revele bien plus ancien que presume. Le recours aux methodes de l’archeometrie a egalement permis de preciser la nature et la qualite des materiaux, les savoir-faire mobilises et l’identification de marqueurs chimiques, caracteristiques des sources de production, traces jusqu’au sein des objets. Ces approches interdisciplinaires permettent ainsi de proposer des donnees determinantes pour la connaissance de leurs conditions de production, de circulation et de depot.

Research paper thumbnail of Forging empire: Angkorian iron smelting, community and ritual practice at Tonle Bak


Abstract Iron-production sites of the early historic period in Mainland Southeast Asia (fifth to ... more Abstract Iron-production sites of the early historic period in Mainland Southeast Asia (fifth to fifteenth centuries AD) are rare. Recent excavations at the Tonle Bak site in central Cambodia now provide the first evidence for furnace technology, metallurgical characteristics of slag concentrations and evidence for the organisation of local smelting communities and ritual practices during the peak of the Angkorian Khmer Empire. The results demonstrate that the smelters were directly integrated with Angkorian state-exchange networks. They also raise questions about the use of ethnohistorical records for understanding the identity and organisation of these early metalworkers.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyse technologique, étude de provenance et datation par le radiocarbone du dépôt de demi-produits ferreux de Durrenentzen (Haut-Rhin, France) : une vision renouvelée de l’économie du fer au premier âge du Fer


Durant les premiers temps de la métallurgie du fer en Europe occidentale, le type de demi-produit... more Durant les premiers temps de la métallurgie du fer en Europe occidentale, le type de demi-produit le plus répandu est de forme bipyramidée. Bien que plus d'un millier de pièces soit connu, leurs conditions de fabrication et de circulation et même leur datation restent mal appréhendées Une approche interdisciplinaire a ainsi été appliquée au dépôt de demi-produits bipyramidés de Durrenentzen (Haut-Rhin), le troisième en Europe par son importance numérique, afin de reconstituer le contexte technologique, social et économique qui a conduit à son abandon. L’étude morphométrique des cinquante-et-un bipyramidés révèle une grande homogénéité globale du lot malgré des variations de détail. Quatre objets ont été sélectionnés pour études archéométriques. Les analyses métallographiques mettent en évidence des différences internes significatives en ce qui concerne la qualité des matériaux, la nature de l’alliage et les techniques de fabrication. Les analyses chimiques révèlent également des...

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Guard the Good Deposit’: Technology, Provenance and Dating of Bipyramidal Iron Semi-Products of the Durrenentzen Deposit (Haut-Rhin, France)

Archaeometry, 2017

In the early days of iron metallurgy in Western Europe, the most widespread type of 'trade iron' ... more In the early days of iron metallurgy in Western Europe, the most widespread type of 'trade iron' (semi product) was bipyramidal in shape. Although they are frequently found, little is known about how they were manufactured and circulated, or even about their age. An interdisciplinary approach was applied to the Durrenentzen deposit (Haut Rhin, France), the third largest in Europe in terms of artefact quantities, in an attempt to reconstruct the technological, social and economic context that caused them to be abandoned. A morphometric study of the 51 iron bars revealed a high degree of homogeneity, despite variations in detail. Four objects were selected for archaeometric studies. Metallographic analyses show internal differences (quality of the material, nature of the alloys and manufacturing techniques). Chemical analyses also showed different provenances. Finally, radiocarbon analyses of the carbon in steel (iron/carbon alloy) linked this deposit to the early Iron Age. This study provided the first benchmark for more general research, significantly changing perceptions of the economics of iron at the beginning of the Iron Age.

Research paper thumbnail of First examinations of ore, slag and iron artefacts from the iron-making site of castel-minier (aulus-les-bains, 09) (France)

The recent excavations at the archaeological site of Castel-Minier (Aulus-les-Bains, Pyrenees, Fr... more The recent excavations at the archaeological site of Castel-Minier (Aulus-les-Bains, Pyrenees, France) reveal the presence of a large number of slag and iron artefacts, providing evidence on the entire operating chain. This paper discusses the first results obtained on metallic products, slag and Mn-rich ores coming from the site and the neighbouring valley of Vicdessos. Metallic products were analysed using classical metallographic techniques. Analyses show that metal is often made of highly carburised steel and slag inclusions contain high levels of manganese oxide. From compositional data and comparison of slag and inclusions, it is demonstrated possible to establish a chemical relationship between slag and the semi-finished iron products. As a result, the ratios in several non-reduced compounds are shown to be helpful in identifying the production site. These different aspects will be examined in further studies performed on the totality of products and wastes.

Research paper thumbnail of Circulation Au Moyen Age Des Materiaux Ferreux Issus Des Pyrenees Ariegeoises et De La Lombardie. Apport Du Couplage Des Analyses en Elements Traces et Multivariees

Cette étude de provenance porte sur la compréhension de la circulation et le commerce, au Moyen Â... more Cette étude de provenance porte sur la compréhension de la circulation et le commerce, au Moyen Âge, de matériaux ferreux archéologiques issus de filières spécifiques liées à l'usage de minerais manganésifères. Cette recherche s'intéresse particulièrement aux cas des Pyrénées ariégeoises et de la Lombardie, deux zones de production sidérurgiques qui occupaient une place majeure dans l'économie médiévale de leur région. Trois problématiques historiques spécifiques ont été approchées. D'une part, l'étude de la circulation des produits sidérurgiques, aux XIIIe-XVe siècles, en Ariège, et à proximité, dans le but de contribuer à la compréhension de l'organisation du marché du fer au sein de ce bassin sidérurgique. D'autre part, l'identification des sources d'approvisionnement dans la construction du Palais des Papes d'Avignon (XIVe siècle) situé à la confluence des zones d'exportations des produits lombards et ariégeois. Enfin, la vérification ...

Research paper thumbnail of Study of the distribution of mediaeval ferrous objects using microanalysis of trace elements. The contribution of x-ray microfluorescence (DIFFABS beamline)

Research paper thumbnail of Multidisciplinary analytical approach and first development of multivariate analyses: depiction of the medieval iron market in Ariège (France)

Research paper thumbnail of A new multivariate approach for identifying provenance: a description of the Ariège iron market in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, the iron market within the Ariège (French Pyrenees), and nearby, is difficult... more In the Middle Ages, the iron market within the Ariège (French Pyrenees), and nearby, is difficult to make restitution since it was dynamic and complex. Numerous iron objects discovered on archaeological sites (13 th-15 th c.) within this area but also construction irons found in medieval buildings were studied by INAA, ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS to determine their origin. Due to the complexity of the high dimensional data set acquired, an ad-hoc multivariate statistical method was developed. This procedure was applied to determine the compatibility of the artefacts of unknown origin with a provenance from Ariège. Provenance results allowed to supply a crucial complementary data of historical sources and to better apprehend the Ariegean market.

Research paper thumbnail of Provenance et circulation des alliages ferreux

Research paper thumbnail of Non-metallurgical iron ore trade in the Roman Mediterranean: an initial synthesis of provenance and use in the case of imperial Colonia Narbo Martius (Narbonne, Aude, France)

Archaeological and Anthropological sciences, 2020

Consultable: Since prehistoric times, iron ore has been traded to be... more Consultable:

Since prehistoric times, iron ore has been traded to be used for various purposes as in medicines, pigments, and cosmetics. This non-metallurgical iron ore trade, involving the transportation of ore from the mined deposits via trade hubs to consumption areas, must be viewed as part of a long-distance trading network, such as that for the trading of iron bars. This paper proposes an initial synthesis of (i) the circulation of iron ore fragments in the western Mediterranean and (ii) their multiple non-metallurgical uses in antiquity, as recorded in Naturalis Historia by Pliny the Elder. The basis of our discussion is a heterogeneous, concatenated chemical database, set up to assess the sourcing of iron ore fragments discovered in the Roman harbor of Colonia Narbo Martius (Narbonne, Aude, France). Lastly, we advance that in antiquity, iron ore was traded from Elba and possibly from southern Tuscany to Gaul, via the harbor of Colonia Narbo Martius, probably for use in medicine and as a coloring base. However, further development of this topic is required, since this trade is part of a larger, more complex network of distribution.