Joje Mar Sanchez | Cebu Normal University (original) (raw)

Papers by Joje Mar Sanchez

Research paper thumbnail of Government Spending vis-à-vis Business Enterprise Investments on Research and Development

This paper investigated the association of government spending and business enterprise investment... more This paper investigated the association of government spending and business enterprise investment to research and development sectors. The study utilized the data on gross expenditures on RD Engineering and Technology, and Medicine and Health Sciences are business-enterprise driven, and Natural Sciences is financed by both. It was also found out that businessmen tend to support R&D sectors in high and middle-income countries, while government officials in low-income countries tend to support them. Among the sectors, only E&T, NS and SS have highly significant and positive association on public and private spending.

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Research paper thumbnail of Biosorption ability of starfruit (Averrhoa carambola L.) in removing cadmium and lead in contaminated water samples

Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola L.) is a common fruit found in the tropics, particularly in the Phi... more Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola L.) is a common fruit found in the tropics, particularly in the Philippines. Due to it having chelating agents in its fruit composition, the study determined the ability of unripe and ripe starfruits to filter heavy metals, cadmium Cd (aq) and lead Pb (aq), in contaminated water samples. Twenty water samples were prepared during the study, where ten samples were contaminated with Cd (aq), and the other ten samples with Pb (aq). 15% unripe starfruit solutions were introduced to five Cdand five Pb-contaminated samples, and ripe starfruit solutions were introduced to the remaining samples. Findings revealed that both Cd (aq) and Pb (aq) were significantly reduced when the starfruit extract was introduced to the contaminated samples. It was also found out that the biosorption abilities of unripe and ripe starfruits were comparable with each other, and that starfruit filtered more Pb (aq) than Cd (aq). Thus, starfruit is capable of removing significant amoun...

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecological Knowledge of Pre-Service Science Teachers: Conceptual Interrelationships and Association with Senior High School Strand

Science Education International

Ecological knowledge is one of the components of environmental literacy that refers to the abilit... more Ecological knowledge is one of the components of environmental literacy that refers to the ability of people to understand and apply acquired knowledge about ecology to achieve a grasp of how nature works and their interactions with the social system. This study aimed to determine pre-service science teachers’ level of ecological knowledge in Cebu City, Central Visayas, Philippines, and their relationship to their senior high school (SHS) strand. A validated 40-item multiple-choice Ecological Knowledge Test (Cronbach's α = 0.759) was administered to 66 pre-service science teachers selected through convenience sampling. The results were analyzed through descriptive statistics, one-sample t-test, analysis of variance, path analysis, and non-parametric correlation tested at a 95% confidence level. The study results revealed that the pre-service teachers had ‘Above Average’ knowledge of ecology and its major, related, and other concepts. These concepts did not have significant diffe...

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of Contextualized Instructional Materials: The Case of Teaching Gas Laws in a Public Uptown High School

The study determined the effectiveness of the use of contextualized instructional materials (CIM)... more The study determined the effectiveness of the use of contextualized instructional materials (CIM) in teaching Gas Laws. Two groups of tenth grade students from a public uptown high school in Cebu City, Philippines participated in the study. The control group was exposed to conventional lecture method (CLM) while the experimental group was exposed to CIM for a month in the fourth quarter of the school year. Study findings revealed that the CLM group had Below Average entry and exit performances, and the CIM group had Below Average entry and Average exit performances. Both groups had significant improvement from entry to exit performances. Results also showed that students exposed to CIM had significantly higher improvement than those exposed to CLM. Gender and age did not have any relationship with the improvement of CIM’s performance. The study concluded that contextualized instructional materials were efficient medium in achieving maximum learning potential as evidenced in students...

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Research paper thumbnail of Science Investigatory Project Instruction: The Secondary Schools Journey

Science investigatory projects (SIPs) are authentic tasks that science teachers implement in scie... more Science investigatory projects (SIPs) are authentic tasks that science teachers implement in science curriculum. With this, the study investigated the journey of the secondary schools in SIP instruction through the lens of the teachers. Narrative inquiry from 12 purposively selected and interviewed science teachers/winning coaches from six schools in an SIP consistent winning Division in Central Visayas, Philippines revealed that the SIP instruction journey is affected by the teachers’ prior background and implementation. They are seen to be instrumental in the SIP process, as they instill basic research skills to high school investigators, and develop the science character which is needed for them to engage in innovations in science and technology (S&T). As the teachers implement SIP instruction, they commit themselves to the development of S&T, thus placing a crucial role in the scientific community where they also develop the science research culture in the basic education level....

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Intervention Material (SIM)-based Instruction in Teaching Global Warming Concepts in 9th Grade Science

Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA

A quasi-experimental research with pretest-posttest design was conducted to investigate the effec... more A quasi-experimental research with pretest-posttest design was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the Strategic Instructional Material (SIM)-based teaching in improving the Science performance in Global Warming of the ninth grade students of a mountain school in Cebu City, Philippines. Two experimental groups consisting of 15 students each were exposed to the use of modules and SIM-based teaching respectively. Study findings revealed that both groups had Below Average performances in the pretest, and the former group had Average performance while the latter group had Above Average performance in the posttest. Moreover, both groups manifested significant mean improvement from the pretest to posttest, signifying the essential use of modules and SIM in the teaching-learning process. Experimental group 2 acquired higher mean gain than experimental group 1 and had a Very High perception towards the use of SIM in the teaching of Global Warming in Science. The study concluded th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding of Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases in Three Modes of Representation among Tenth-Grade Students in Chemistry

International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2021

An analysis of students’ performance in Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) of gases was done to deter... more An analysis of students’ performance in Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) of gases was done to determine the extent of the understanding of these chemistry concepts in three modes of representation, namely macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic. The study employed one-shot quasi-experimental research where students in Grade 10 at a secondary school in Cebu City were exposed to the Integrated Macro-Micro-Symbolic Approach (IMMSA). A validated post-test tool with macro, micro, and symbolic questions was used in the study. The post-test results revealed that there was a gradual improvement of the students’ understanding from a good understanding of macroscopic and microscopic levels to a very good understanding of the symbolic level. Thus, it was concluded that the use of three modes of chemical representation led to a high extent in the understanding of concepts in chemistry. It is recommended that teachers begin their instruction at the macroscopic level and introduce symbols only after...

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Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Online Classes Tweets Using Gephi: Inputs for Online Learning

International Journal of Information and Education Technology

The conduct of online classes has emerged as one of the major changes in the educational landscap... more The conduct of online classes has emerged as one of the major changes in the educational landscape at the onset of COVID-19. Its implementation has been met by varying reactions that have become evident in social media, particularly on Twitter. This paper analyzed #onlineclasses tweets of Filipino users using network analysis through Gephi and NodeXL software. The resulting network has 2,278 users and 998 interactions with many groups of small interactions among users, and low clustering coefficient and modularity values. The users in the top 8 communities in the network talk about the challenges brought about by online classes and the opportunities that online networks offer. Hence, the network of #OnlineClasses tweets can be described as a community cluster. Smaller groups of users who engaged in aspects of online classes emerge in the network, signifying that Filipinos have differing points of view about the topic. Sentiment sharing through social networks provides an avenue for ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimenting on Natural Acid-Base Indicators: A Home-based Chemistry Activity during the COVID-19 Pandemic as evaluated by Teachers


This study determined the feasibility of conducting a laboratory experiment on natural acid-base ... more This study determined the feasibility of conducting a laboratory experiment on natural acid-base indicators as a home-based activity. Seven high school teachers from Cebu in Central Visayas, Philippines conducted the home-based activity, evaluated the activity using a validated questionnaire, and were interviewed for opportunities and challenges. Results showed that the at-home activity was feasible and satisfactory, however inaccuracies and inconsistencies were found in the results of the experiment. Nevertheless, the teachers viewed the experiment to have opportunities for holistic development and some challenges concerning material unavailability, safety issues, among others. In conclusion, the home-based activity can be done by students as evaluated by their teachers. Refinement of the activity may be done to correct experimental errors and consider factors that may affect the accuracy of the experimental results. Teachers should also consider resource availability, adult superv...

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of a river at risk: the case of Sapangdaku River in Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines

AIMS Environmental Science

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Research paper thumbnail of Physics-Mathematics Associations: Evidence from TIMSS Student Achievements

Science Education International

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Research paper thumbnail of Learning Mole Concept with PALS: An Intervention for Working Students in a Night School


A quasi-experimental study was done in order to investigate the effectiveness of Peer-Assisted Le... more A quasi-experimental study was done in order to investigate the effectiveness of Peer-Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) as an intervention in learning Mole Concept for the ninth grade-working students in a night school in Cebu City, Philippines. Study findings revealed that students exposed to conventional lecture method (CLM) (N=15) had Below Average performance in the pre/posttests, and those exposed to PALS (N=15) had Below Average performance in the pretest and Average performance in the posttest. Both groups had significant mean improvement before and after exposure to CLM (t=5.07, p=.000) and PALS (t=10.37, p=.000), indicating that both lectures and peer tutoring are essential in teaching-learning process. The study also found out that those exposed to PALS (t=4.24, p=.000) had significantly greater improvement than those exposed to CLM. Moreover, sex, age, civil status and number of people in the house were not associated with their performance in Chemistry, implying that the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Translational Skills of Students in Chemistry

Science Education International, 2019

Understanding chemistry requires the interplay of several modes of representations which can be o... more Understanding chemistry requires the interplay of several modes of representations which can be observed in the translational skills of
students. This paper investigated the extent of the translational skills of students exposed to conventional lecture method (CLM) and
the integrated macro-micro-symbolic approach (IMMSA). Individual interviews were conducted, and the results were presented based
on Johnstone’s Chemistry Triangles. Findings revealed that the CLM group had a fair extent of translational skills, lacked two-way
translations, and followed pattern 1 skills. On the other hand, the IMMSA group had satisfactory skills, included two-way translations,
and followed patterns 1 and 2. This led to the conclusion that interplay within and between chemical modes of representation creates a
relational understanding in chemistry. It was suggested that teachers should start their instruction from microscopic terminal for deeper
understanding in the macroscopic and symbolic levels.

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Research paper thumbnail of Coliform Removal and Lead Biosorption Ability of Parsley (Petroselinum crispum Mill.) in Water

International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 2018

The study determined the feasibility of the herb parsley (P. crispum Mill.) as a good source of p... more The study determined the feasibility of the herb parsley (P. crispum Mill.) as a good source of plant purifier of water. Five water samples were each obtained from river, lake and pond sources, and another five samples were contaminated with lead. Parsley (serving as the biosorbent) was soaked in the water samples (as the solvent), where coliform and Pb2+ (aq) are serving as the adsorbent. Findings revealed that parsley is capable of significantly removing fecal and total coliform in the water samples, associating this ability to the anti-bacterial activities of alkaloids, saponins and tannins. The study also found out that parsley has the ability to significantly remove amounts of Pb2+ (aq) in contaminated samples, associating this to the biosorptive activity of flavonoids and coumarins. With this, the study concluded that parsley has shown coliform removal and lead biosorption abilities in water purification, which are seen to be beneficial in future water purification tests.

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International Journal of Current Research, 2018

Considering the serious threat caused by mobile phone use, the study dealt with the determination... more Considering the serious threat caused by mobile phone use, the study dealt with the determination of how much carbon footprints from the use of mobile phones among the Science undergraduate students of a sta utilized the non data on the number of hours of mobile phone use, and on the conser respondents. The equivalent carbon footprint (CO phone use through the factor 57 g CO spent the most in texting with an average of 17.95 kg CO calling contributed an average daily emission of 7.06 kg CO respectively. Bluetooth have implications in the educational setting, highlighting the need to adhere with significant educational theories and principles to maximize instructional ti also found out that most students practiced conservation through reduction of mobile phone use, while 4% of them do not have mobile phones, and 9% do not have any conservation practices. Thus, the paper concluded tha 84.71 tons kg CO Kyoto Protocol, the students should reduce their mobile phone utility by 25 Students are gaining advocay in environmentalism, and eventually towards sustainable development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Government Spending vis-à-vis Business Enterprise Investments on Research and Development

CNU Journal of Higher Education, 2017

This paper investigated the association of government spending and business enterprise investment... more This paper investigated the association of government spending and business enterprise investment to research and development. Exploratory data analysis was done on R&D expenditures on gross expenditures on Research and Development (GERD). Ratios of business enterprise investment over government spending revealed that Agriculture, Humanities and Social Sciences are usually governmentally funded; Engineering and Technology, and Medicine and Health Sciences are business-enterprise driven, and Natural Sciences is financed by both. It was also found out that business enterprises tend to support R&D sectors in high and middle-income countries, while government expenditure is more evident in low-income countries. Among the sectors, only E&T, NS and SS have highly significant and positive association on public and private spending. Therefore, public spending on R &D is focused on fields concerning citizen welfare and human development while business enterprises focus on advancements in technology and medical research. Research prioritization as measured through government expenditure spurs investment in the private sector in fields as they are deemed to have high social value, and positive impact on a country's development. Policy decisions on R & D budget allocations should consider the dynamics of current spending in relation to private sector investments to maximize productivity and growth.

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Macro-Micro-Symbolic Approach in Teaching Secondary Chemistry

Kimika, 2017

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of the Integrated Macro-Micro-Symbo... more The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of the Integrated Macro-Micro-Symbolic Approach (IMMSA) in teaching Chemistry to 10th graders of a secondary school in Cebu City, Philippines. A pre-post quasi-experimental design with control group was utilized to two groups of students, of which one was exposed to IMMSA and the other to conventional lecture method (CLM). Topics included in the experimentation proper were the five postulates of the Kinetic Molecular Theory of gases. Data gathered from the pre-and post-test tools were analyzed using t-tests, with a level of significance, α=0.01. Study findings revealed that both groups had Below Average performance levels in the pre-and post-test, where the lack of time and spiral progression were seen as reasons for the performances. The study also found that both groups had significantly increased their performances from the pre-to the post-tests, implying the essence of both lectures and integrated use of modes. Ultimately, the study revealed that IMMSA is more effective than CLM as seen in the students' enhanced performance, signifying the effective nature of the integration of macroscopic, microscopic and symbolic modes in teaching Chemistry concepts. With this, the Three-tiered model of learning and Chemistry triangle are still valued in the 21st century learning environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Government Spending vis-à-vis Business Enterprise Investments on Research and Development

This paper investigated the association of government spending and business enterprise investment... more This paper investigated the association of government spending and business enterprise investment to research and development sectors. The study utilized the data on gross expenditures on RD Engineering and Technology, and Medicine and Health Sciences are business-enterprise driven, and Natural Sciences is financed by both. It was also found out that businessmen tend to support R&D sectors in high and middle-income countries, while government officials in low-income countries tend to support them. Among the sectors, only E&T, NS and SS have highly significant and positive association on public and private spending.

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Research paper thumbnail of Biosorption ability of starfruit (Averrhoa carambola L.) in removing cadmium and lead in contaminated water samples

Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola L.) is a common fruit found in the tropics, particularly in the Phi... more Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola L.) is a common fruit found in the tropics, particularly in the Philippines. Due to it having chelating agents in its fruit composition, the study determined the ability of unripe and ripe starfruits to filter heavy metals, cadmium Cd (aq) and lead Pb (aq), in contaminated water samples. Twenty water samples were prepared during the study, where ten samples were contaminated with Cd (aq), and the other ten samples with Pb (aq). 15% unripe starfruit solutions were introduced to five Cdand five Pb-contaminated samples, and ripe starfruit solutions were introduced to the remaining samples. Findings revealed that both Cd (aq) and Pb (aq) were significantly reduced when the starfruit extract was introduced to the contaminated samples. It was also found out that the biosorption abilities of unripe and ripe starfruits were comparable with each other, and that starfruit filtered more Pb (aq) than Cd (aq). Thus, starfruit is capable of removing significant amoun...

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecological Knowledge of Pre-Service Science Teachers: Conceptual Interrelationships and Association with Senior High School Strand

Science Education International

Ecological knowledge is one of the components of environmental literacy that refers to the abilit... more Ecological knowledge is one of the components of environmental literacy that refers to the ability of people to understand and apply acquired knowledge about ecology to achieve a grasp of how nature works and their interactions with the social system. This study aimed to determine pre-service science teachers’ level of ecological knowledge in Cebu City, Central Visayas, Philippines, and their relationship to their senior high school (SHS) strand. A validated 40-item multiple-choice Ecological Knowledge Test (Cronbach's α = 0.759) was administered to 66 pre-service science teachers selected through convenience sampling. The results were analyzed through descriptive statistics, one-sample t-test, analysis of variance, path analysis, and non-parametric correlation tested at a 95% confidence level. The study results revealed that the pre-service teachers had ‘Above Average’ knowledge of ecology and its major, related, and other concepts. These concepts did not have significant diffe...

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of Contextualized Instructional Materials: The Case of Teaching Gas Laws in a Public Uptown High School

The study determined the effectiveness of the use of contextualized instructional materials (CIM)... more The study determined the effectiveness of the use of contextualized instructional materials (CIM) in teaching Gas Laws. Two groups of tenth grade students from a public uptown high school in Cebu City, Philippines participated in the study. The control group was exposed to conventional lecture method (CLM) while the experimental group was exposed to CIM for a month in the fourth quarter of the school year. Study findings revealed that the CLM group had Below Average entry and exit performances, and the CIM group had Below Average entry and Average exit performances. Both groups had significant improvement from entry to exit performances. Results also showed that students exposed to CIM had significantly higher improvement than those exposed to CLM. Gender and age did not have any relationship with the improvement of CIM’s performance. The study concluded that contextualized instructional materials were efficient medium in achieving maximum learning potential as evidenced in students...

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Research paper thumbnail of Science Investigatory Project Instruction: The Secondary Schools Journey

Science investigatory projects (SIPs) are authentic tasks that science teachers implement in scie... more Science investigatory projects (SIPs) are authentic tasks that science teachers implement in science curriculum. With this, the study investigated the journey of the secondary schools in SIP instruction through the lens of the teachers. Narrative inquiry from 12 purposively selected and interviewed science teachers/winning coaches from six schools in an SIP consistent winning Division in Central Visayas, Philippines revealed that the SIP instruction journey is affected by the teachers’ prior background and implementation. They are seen to be instrumental in the SIP process, as they instill basic research skills to high school investigators, and develop the science character which is needed for them to engage in innovations in science and technology (S&T). As the teachers implement SIP instruction, they commit themselves to the development of S&T, thus placing a crucial role in the scientific community where they also develop the science research culture in the basic education level....

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Intervention Material (SIM)-based Instruction in Teaching Global Warming Concepts in 9th Grade Science

Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA

A quasi-experimental research with pretest-posttest design was conducted to investigate the effec... more A quasi-experimental research with pretest-posttest design was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the Strategic Instructional Material (SIM)-based teaching in improving the Science performance in Global Warming of the ninth grade students of a mountain school in Cebu City, Philippines. Two experimental groups consisting of 15 students each were exposed to the use of modules and SIM-based teaching respectively. Study findings revealed that both groups had Below Average performances in the pretest, and the former group had Average performance while the latter group had Above Average performance in the posttest. Moreover, both groups manifested significant mean improvement from the pretest to posttest, signifying the essential use of modules and SIM in the teaching-learning process. Experimental group 2 acquired higher mean gain than experimental group 1 and had a Very High perception towards the use of SIM in the teaching of Global Warming in Science. The study concluded th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding of Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases in Three Modes of Representation among Tenth-Grade Students in Chemistry

International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2021

An analysis of students’ performance in Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) of gases was done to deter... more An analysis of students’ performance in Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) of gases was done to determine the extent of the understanding of these chemistry concepts in three modes of representation, namely macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic. The study employed one-shot quasi-experimental research where students in Grade 10 at a secondary school in Cebu City were exposed to the Integrated Macro-Micro-Symbolic Approach (IMMSA). A validated post-test tool with macro, micro, and symbolic questions was used in the study. The post-test results revealed that there was a gradual improvement of the students’ understanding from a good understanding of macroscopic and microscopic levels to a very good understanding of the symbolic level. Thus, it was concluded that the use of three modes of chemical representation led to a high extent in the understanding of concepts in chemistry. It is recommended that teachers begin their instruction at the macroscopic level and introduce symbols only after...

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Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Online Classes Tweets Using Gephi: Inputs for Online Learning

International Journal of Information and Education Technology

The conduct of online classes has emerged as one of the major changes in the educational landscap... more The conduct of online classes has emerged as one of the major changes in the educational landscape at the onset of COVID-19. Its implementation has been met by varying reactions that have become evident in social media, particularly on Twitter. This paper analyzed #onlineclasses tweets of Filipino users using network analysis through Gephi and NodeXL software. The resulting network has 2,278 users and 998 interactions with many groups of small interactions among users, and low clustering coefficient and modularity values. The users in the top 8 communities in the network talk about the challenges brought about by online classes and the opportunities that online networks offer. Hence, the network of #OnlineClasses tweets can be described as a community cluster. Smaller groups of users who engaged in aspects of online classes emerge in the network, signifying that Filipinos have differing points of view about the topic. Sentiment sharing through social networks provides an avenue for ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimenting on Natural Acid-Base Indicators: A Home-based Chemistry Activity during the COVID-19 Pandemic as evaluated by Teachers


This study determined the feasibility of conducting a laboratory experiment on natural acid-base ... more This study determined the feasibility of conducting a laboratory experiment on natural acid-base indicators as a home-based activity. Seven high school teachers from Cebu in Central Visayas, Philippines conducted the home-based activity, evaluated the activity using a validated questionnaire, and were interviewed for opportunities and challenges. Results showed that the at-home activity was feasible and satisfactory, however inaccuracies and inconsistencies were found in the results of the experiment. Nevertheless, the teachers viewed the experiment to have opportunities for holistic development and some challenges concerning material unavailability, safety issues, among others. In conclusion, the home-based activity can be done by students as evaluated by their teachers. Refinement of the activity may be done to correct experimental errors and consider factors that may affect the accuracy of the experimental results. Teachers should also consider resource availability, adult superv...

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of a river at risk: the case of Sapangdaku River in Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines

AIMS Environmental Science

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Research paper thumbnail of Physics-Mathematics Associations: Evidence from TIMSS Student Achievements

Science Education International

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Research paper thumbnail of Learning Mole Concept with PALS: An Intervention for Working Students in a Night School


A quasi-experimental study was done in order to investigate the effectiveness of Peer-Assisted Le... more A quasi-experimental study was done in order to investigate the effectiveness of Peer-Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) as an intervention in learning Mole Concept for the ninth grade-working students in a night school in Cebu City, Philippines. Study findings revealed that students exposed to conventional lecture method (CLM) (N=15) had Below Average performance in the pre/posttests, and those exposed to PALS (N=15) had Below Average performance in the pretest and Average performance in the posttest. Both groups had significant mean improvement before and after exposure to CLM (t=5.07, p=.000) and PALS (t=10.37, p=.000), indicating that both lectures and peer tutoring are essential in teaching-learning process. The study also found out that those exposed to PALS (t=4.24, p=.000) had significantly greater improvement than those exposed to CLM. Moreover, sex, age, civil status and number of people in the house were not associated with their performance in Chemistry, implying that the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Translational Skills of Students in Chemistry

Science Education International, 2019

Understanding chemistry requires the interplay of several modes of representations which can be o... more Understanding chemistry requires the interplay of several modes of representations which can be observed in the translational skills of
students. This paper investigated the extent of the translational skills of students exposed to conventional lecture method (CLM) and
the integrated macro-micro-symbolic approach (IMMSA). Individual interviews were conducted, and the results were presented based
on Johnstone’s Chemistry Triangles. Findings revealed that the CLM group had a fair extent of translational skills, lacked two-way
translations, and followed pattern 1 skills. On the other hand, the IMMSA group had satisfactory skills, included two-way translations,
and followed patterns 1 and 2. This led to the conclusion that interplay within and between chemical modes of representation creates a
relational understanding in chemistry. It was suggested that teachers should start their instruction from microscopic terminal for deeper
understanding in the macroscopic and symbolic levels.

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Research paper thumbnail of Coliform Removal and Lead Biosorption Ability of Parsley (Petroselinum crispum Mill.) in Water

International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 2018

The study determined the feasibility of the herb parsley (P. crispum Mill.) as a good source of p... more The study determined the feasibility of the herb parsley (P. crispum Mill.) as a good source of plant purifier of water. Five water samples were each obtained from river, lake and pond sources, and another five samples were contaminated with lead. Parsley (serving as the biosorbent) was soaked in the water samples (as the solvent), where coliform and Pb2+ (aq) are serving as the adsorbent. Findings revealed that parsley is capable of significantly removing fecal and total coliform in the water samples, associating this ability to the anti-bacterial activities of alkaloids, saponins and tannins. The study also found out that parsley has the ability to significantly remove amounts of Pb2+ (aq) in contaminated samples, associating this to the biosorptive activity of flavonoids and coumarins. With this, the study concluded that parsley has shown coliform removal and lead biosorption abilities in water purification, which are seen to be beneficial in future water purification tests.

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International Journal of Current Research, 2018

Considering the serious threat caused by mobile phone use, the study dealt with the determination... more Considering the serious threat caused by mobile phone use, the study dealt with the determination of how much carbon footprints from the use of mobile phones among the Science undergraduate students of a sta utilized the non data on the number of hours of mobile phone use, and on the conser respondents. The equivalent carbon footprint (CO phone use through the factor 57 g CO spent the most in texting with an average of 17.95 kg CO calling contributed an average daily emission of 7.06 kg CO respectively. Bluetooth have implications in the educational setting, highlighting the need to adhere with significant educational theories and principles to maximize instructional ti also found out that most students practiced conservation through reduction of mobile phone use, while 4% of them do not have mobile phones, and 9% do not have any conservation practices. Thus, the paper concluded tha 84.71 tons kg CO Kyoto Protocol, the students should reduce their mobile phone utility by 25 Students are gaining advocay in environmentalism, and eventually towards sustainable development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Government Spending vis-à-vis Business Enterprise Investments on Research and Development

CNU Journal of Higher Education, 2017

This paper investigated the association of government spending and business enterprise investment... more This paper investigated the association of government spending and business enterprise investment to research and development. Exploratory data analysis was done on R&D expenditures on gross expenditures on Research and Development (GERD). Ratios of business enterprise investment over government spending revealed that Agriculture, Humanities and Social Sciences are usually governmentally funded; Engineering and Technology, and Medicine and Health Sciences are business-enterprise driven, and Natural Sciences is financed by both. It was also found out that business enterprises tend to support R&D sectors in high and middle-income countries, while government expenditure is more evident in low-income countries. Among the sectors, only E&T, NS and SS have highly significant and positive association on public and private spending. Therefore, public spending on R &D is focused on fields concerning citizen welfare and human development while business enterprises focus on advancements in technology and medical research. Research prioritization as measured through government expenditure spurs investment in the private sector in fields as they are deemed to have high social value, and positive impact on a country's development. Policy decisions on R & D budget allocations should consider the dynamics of current spending in relation to private sector investments to maximize productivity and growth.

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Macro-Micro-Symbolic Approach in Teaching Secondary Chemistry

Kimika, 2017

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of the Integrated Macro-Micro-Symbo... more The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of the Integrated Macro-Micro-Symbolic Approach (IMMSA) in teaching Chemistry to 10th graders of a secondary school in Cebu City, Philippines. A pre-post quasi-experimental design with control group was utilized to two groups of students, of which one was exposed to IMMSA and the other to conventional lecture method (CLM). Topics included in the experimentation proper were the five postulates of the Kinetic Molecular Theory of gases. Data gathered from the pre-and post-test tools were analyzed using t-tests, with a level of significance, α=0.01. Study findings revealed that both groups had Below Average performance levels in the pre-and post-test, where the lack of time and spiral progression were seen as reasons for the performances. The study also found that both groups had significantly increased their performances from the pre-to the post-tests, implying the essence of both lectures and integrated use of modes. Ultimately, the study revealed that IMMSA is more effective than CLM as seen in the students' enhanced performance, signifying the effective nature of the integration of macroscopic, microscopic and symbolic modes in teaching Chemistry concepts. With this, the Three-tiered model of learning and Chemistry triangle are still valued in the 21st century learning environment.

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