Teguh Santos | Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia (original) (raw)

Papers by Teguh Santos

Research paper thumbnail of Journal Ijar

This study aims to analyze and test the structural equation model of student satisfaction and loy... more This study aims to analyze and test the structural equation model of student satisfaction and loyalty as well as analyze and examine the influence of factors that influence student satisfaction and loyalty. The variables in this study are the image of the university, lecturer competence and service quality, student satisfaction and loyalty. This study also examines and analyzes the direct and indirect effects of the dependent variable on the independent variable of student satisfaction and loyalty as a mediating variable. The sample in this study were USNI students. The number of respondents who participated in this study were 370 respondents. Based on data analysis, the confirmatory factor that the value of the university image indicator, lecturer competence and service quality is greater than 0.5 is valid to reflect the latent variable. The results of the overall model fit test using the X2 (chi-square) test obtained a value of 2133.54, p-value of 0.000 and RMSEA = 0.076. Based on the model suitability test, testing the research hypothesis through the structural model, the results showed that the image of the university, lecturer competence and service quality had an effect of 89% on student satisfaction. In the second model, higher education institutions, lecturer competence, service quality and satisfaction have an influence of 82% on student loyalty.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Data Mining untuk Clustering Daerah Penyebaran Penyakit Diare di DKI Jakarta Menggunakan Algoritma K-MEANS

Jurnal Ilmiah FIFO, 2019

Diarrhea is a disease that makes sufferers defecate more than 4 times, diarrhea usually strikes a... more Diarrhea is a disease that makes sufferers defecate more than 4 times, diarrhea usually strikes all people, including toddlers, teens and adults. The increasing population density in DKI Jakarta Province in 2017 around 10,177,924 inhabitants spread over 6 cities consisting of 44 districts and 267 villages. To be able to see the area of diarrhea distribution, it is necessary to make a grouping based on the attributes used consisting of JSP, JSSP, SHARING and OD in order to obtain the center of the diarrhea spread point. K-Means algorithm is very suitable in clustering the spread of diarrhea Kelurahan. To determine the centroid starting point based on diarrhea sufferers as a parameter in determining C1, C2 and C3 which get C1 is Duren Tiga Village, C2 is Kebon Baru Village and C3 is Bendungan Hilir Village. The results of grouping based on the attributes used get C1 totaling 11 Kelurahans, C2 totaling 34 Kelurahans and C3 totaling 43 Kelurahans from 88 Kelurahan data used in which C1 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Jurnal TEGUH BUDI SANTOSo Mercubuana

Jurnal Ilmiah FIFO, 2019

Diare merupakan penyakit yang membuat penderitanya buang air besar lebih dari 4 kali, biasanya di... more Diare merupakan penyakit yang membuat penderitanya buang air besar lebih dari 4 kali, biasanya diare menyerang ke semua kalangan baik usia balita, remaja dan dewasa. Semakin meningkatnya kepadatan jumlah penduduk di Provinsi DKI Jakarta pada tahun 2017 sekitar 10.177.924 jiwa yang tersebar 6 Kota terdiri dari 44 Kecamatan serta 267 Kelurahan. Untuk dapat melihat daerah penyebaran diare maka perlu dibuat sebuah pengelompokan berdasarkan atribut yang dipakai terdiri dari JSP, JSSP, SHARING dan OD agar dapat memperoleh pusat titik penyebaran diare. Alogoritma K-Means sangat cocok dalam pengelompokan Kelurahan penyebaran diare. Untuk menentukan titik awal centroid berdasarkan penderita diare sebagai Parameter dalam menentukan C1, C2 dan C3 yang dimana mendapatkan C1 adalah Kelurahan Duren Tiga, C2 adalah Kelurahan Kebon Baru dan C3 adalah Kelurahan Bendungan Hilir. Hasil dari pengelompokan berdasarkan atribut yang dipakai mendapatkan C1 berjumlah 11 Kelurahan, C2 berjumlah 34 Kelurahan dan C3 berjumlah 43 Kelurahan dari 88 data Kelurahan yang digunakan dimana C1 dikatagorikan sebagai titik rawan diare, C2 dikatagorikan sebagai kemungkinan penyebaran diare dan C3 dikatagorikan sebagai Kelurahan yang aman dari penyebaran diare.
Kata Kunci :Penyakit Diare, K-Means Aplikasi.


Jurnal Limits Fak.Teknik USNI, 2015

Dalam proses pengolahan data, survey tendensi konsumen pada badan pusat statistik ini mengalami m... more Dalam proses pengolahan data, survey tendensi konsumen pada badan pusat statistik ini mengalami masalah. Salah satunya adalah dalam pengolahan data dari karyawan ke kepala koordinator atau pimpinan membuang waktu yang banyak. Walaupun sudah menggunakan teknologi elektronik seperti komputer, masih terdapat penyimpanan data secara manual, menggunakan microsoft excel. Setelah data selesai di simpan, maka data tersebut akan di serahkan kepada kepala koordinator / pimpinan melalui flashdisk. Lalu pimpinan menggabungkan data tersebut dan mengecek kembali guna tidak ada penggandaan data. Pada akhirnya, pelayanan tersebut belum dapat penilaian yang cukup baik dari para masyarakat yang membutuhkan data tersebut. Pengembangan Sistem Survey Tendensi Konsumen Badan Pusat Statistik DKI Jakarta Berbasis Web adalah solusinya. Karena pada saat karyawan mendapatkan data survey, data tersebut akan tersimpan pada database website. Kepala koordinator / pimpinan pun akan cepat bisa mengolah data dan menampilkan langsung hasil survey tendensi konsumen selama 3 bulan sekali. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan studi literatur. Sedangkan, metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah metode berorientasi objek dengan model pengembangan Waterfall. Dari penelitian ini, dihasilkan Sistem Survey Tendensi Konsumen Badan Pusat Statistik DKI Jakarta berbasis web dengan tampilan yang sederhana dan ter-update agar masyarakat dapat informasi secara langsung.

Research paper thumbnail of Jurnal Baginda&Teguh

Jurnal Limit Fakultas Teknik USNI, 2015

Teknologi Informasi sekarang banyak dimanfaatkan bukan hanya untuk informasi. Banyak pemanfataan ... more Teknologi Informasi sekarang banyak dimanfaatkan bukan hanya untuk informasi. Banyak pemanfataan teknologi informasi di buat hampir menggantikan keseluruhan peran manusia. Logika Fuzzy adalah logika berhitung menggunakan variabel kata-kata naluri manusia seperti dingin, rendah, panas dan lainnya. Memanfaatkan fuzzy inference system metode Mamdani, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk merawat kolam budi daya ikan. Dengan dua buah variabel sebagai variabel input yaitu suhu dan tinggi memperoleh variabel output proses microcontroller yang kemudian dikirim melalui sms gateway kepada pembudidaya. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa aplikasi pengganti peran manusia untuk membantu dalam perawatan air kolam budidaya ikan.


Abstrak Teknologi Informasi sekarang banyak dimanfaatkan bukan hanya untuk informasi. Banyak pema... more Abstrak Teknologi Informasi sekarang banyak dimanfaatkan bukan hanya untuk informasi. Banyak pemanfataan teknologi informasi di buat hampir menggantikan keseluruhan peran manusia. Logika Fuzzy adalah logika berhitung menggunakan variabel kata-kata naluri manusia seperti dingin, rendah, panas dan lainnya. Memanfaatkan fuzzy inference system metode Mamdani, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk merawat kolam budi daya ikan. Dengan dua buah variabel sebagai variabel input yaitu suhu dan tinggi memperoleh variabel output proses microcontroller yang kemudian dikirim melalui sms gateway kepada pembudidaya. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa aplikasi pengganti peran manusia untuk membantu dalam perawatan air kolam budidaya ikan. Kata kunci : Fuzzy, Fuzzy Inference System, Mamdani, Sms gateway, budidaya ikan, Microcontroller, Teknologi Informasi. Abstract Today, Information Tecnology (IT) used not only for information. Many products IT was change all of human activity. Fuzzy Logic is calculate logic use word variables human instinct like cool, low, hot. Utilize fuzzy inference system Mamdani method, this research drive at take care of fish reservoir. Use two input variables, temperature and tall get output variable is process microcontroller and it's sending by sms gateway to cultivationer. The product from this research is alternate human activity application to help take care of fish reservoir.


Jurnal Limits Fakultas Teknik USNI, 2014

ABSTRACT KRS (Study Plan Card) is an important part of one's strategy in determining student per... more ABSTRACT

KRS (Study Plan Card) is an important part of one's strategy in determining student perkuliahaan classes and courses that will be taken in the next semester. This is what makes that important and vital for the smooth running of the course a student as if the student in question did KRS then under the provisions of an academic will be considered to be stated or leave college next semester. Taking a course is also a strategy smoothness graduate on time, because the students can determine the decision in accordance with the schedule of courses that can be taken and considered the course easy. Fuzzy logic is a solid and efficient method to solve the problem of non-linear mapping that does not prioritize based on the precision of mapping the input space into the output space using logic IF-THEN rules. The use of Mamdani method is considered feasible in this study to predict KRS to get a good GPA each semester the student is taken, based on two variables JarakSemester input and output KesulitanMatakuliah with GPA, get an average accuracy of 2:49% based on the results of tests taken 4 sampling, compared to using the Sugeno method only produces an average accuracy of 0.7%.

Keyword : Fuzzy Logic, Metode Mamdani, Metode Sugeno, KRS.

Research paper thumbnail of JURNAL Data Mining Algoritma C4.5.docx

Current credit giving in KOPERIA (Koperasi Warga Komplek Gandaria) is still based on an objective... more Current credit giving in KOPERIA (Koperasi Warga Komplek Gandaria) is still based on an objective process. Difficulties in determining the feasibility of giving credit are often experienced by cooperative managers, so that problems arise in the cooperative is a default payment of credit installments of customers in KOPERIA. This study aims to form a decision tree classification model to determine the customer's credit worthiness. In this study the application of C4.5 Algorithm, based on the Sets and Attributes used in this study, namely, the amount of income divided into 2 categories> 5 million and 3-5 million, the amount of balance divided into three, namely> 3 million, 1-3 million and <1 Million, The Loan Amount is divided into three, namely 1-4 Months, 5-8 months, and 9-12 Months and Requirements with attributes of Business Capital, buying goods and others. In this study determine the appropriate root nodes, the classification results using C4.5 Algorithm shows that the accuracy of 97.5% is obtained, based on the results obtained shows that the c4.5 algorithm is suitable to be used to determine the feasibility of lending customers to KOPERIA.
Keywords: Data Mining, C4.5 Algorithm

Research paper thumbnail of SEAMOLEC_AIC_1_70_IT_2016.pdf

The need for energy continues to increase and the depletion of petroleum reserves force people to... more The need for energy continues to increase and the depletion of petroleum reserves force people to seek
alternative energy sources. Therefore we need a solution to overcome these problems, one of which is
to utilize renewable energy sources as an example of the use of wind to drive the wind turbine fired
plant (Bayu power plant), where to get electrical energy from coal-fired plant utilization takes the
wind to move the wind turbines were then converted into mechanical energy to drive an electric
generator, but the use of wind turbines for coal fired plant has shortcomings when excessive wind
speeds would result in damage to the generator while if the wind speed is below the average coal-fired
plant wind turbines can not generate maximum power. In this study the application of fuzzy inference
will be performed using the method of Mamdani system for the regulation of wind turbines in the
PLTB experimens carried out by using the input wind speed 3.8 m/s, 400 Watt power output, speed
reference 400 Rpm, wind speed 4.5 m / s, output power 600 Watt, speed reference 600 Rpm, wind
speed 5.5 m/s, output power 900 Watt, output power 900 Watt, wind speed 7 m/s, output power 1300
Watt, speed reference 1300 Rpm. The results of experimens conducted in this study indicate that the
application of fuzzy inference system using Mamdani method is proven to regulate the optimize of the
performance of wind turbines fired plant to prevent damage to the generator. With an average rotation
of the rotor generates 974.5 Rpm

Research paper thumbnail of teguh

KRS (Study Plan Card) is an important part of one's strategy in determining student perkuliahaan ... more KRS (Study Plan Card) is an important part of one's strategy in determining student perkuliahaan classes and courses that will be taken in the next semester. This is what makes that important and vital for the smooth running of the course a student as if the student in question did KRS then under the provisions of an academic will be considered to be stated or leave college next semester. Taking a course is also a strategy smoothness graduate on time, because the students can determine the decision in accordance with the schedule of courses that can be taken and considered the course easy. Fuzzy logic is a solid and efficient method to solve the problem of non-linear mapping that does not prioritize based on the precision of mapping the input space into the output space using logic IF-THEN rules. The use of Mamdani method is considered feasible in this study to predict KRS to get a good GPA each semester the student is taken, based on two variables JarakSemester input and output KesulitanMatakuliah with GPA, get an average accuracy of 2:49% based on the results of tests taken 4 sampling, compared to using the Sugeno method only produces an average accuracy of 0.7%.
Keyword : Fuzzy Logic, Metode Mamdani, Metode Sugeno, KRS.

Research paper thumbnail of Jurnal 2016.docx

Temperature and humidity are the environmental factors that determine the success of the growth o... more Temperature and humidity are the environmental factors that determine the success of the growth of the oyster mushroom cultivation . Oyster mushroom cultivation space ideal to have a temperature of 25-28 ° C and humidity of 70-80 % RH . Current control is done to maintain the condition of the room ideal oyster mushroom cultivation by farmers still manually fungus by spraying water and open air circulation . This method is less effective because the temperature and humidity are not properly maintained and still relies on the human role . It is necessary for automatic control by applying the method Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System also use the microcontroller to process the input variables of temperature and humidity sensors DHT11 and automatically adjust the fan output decisions and humidifier .

Keywords : oyster mushroom cultivation , Mamdani , Fuzzy Inference System , microcontroller , temperature and humidity.

Drafts by Teguh Santos


Jurnal Limit Fakultas Teknik USNI, 2015

Abstrak Teknologi Informasi sekarang banyak dimanfaatkan bukan hanya untuk informasi. Banyak pema... more Abstrak Teknologi Informasi sekarang banyak dimanfaatkan bukan hanya untuk informasi. Banyak pemanfataan teknologi informasi di buat hampir menggantikan keseluruhan peran manusia. Logika Fuzzy adalah logika berhitung menggunakan variabel kata-kata naluri manusia seperti dingin, rendah, panas dan lainnya. Memanfaatkan fuzzy inference system metode Mamdani, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk merawat kolam budi daya ikan. Dengan dua buah variabel sebagai variabel input yaitu suhu dan tinggi memperoleh variabel output proses microcontroller yang kemudian dikirim melalui sms gateway kepada pembudidaya. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa aplikasi pengganti peran manusia untuk membantu dalam perawatan air kolam budidaya ikan. Kata kunci : Fuzzy, Fuzzy Inference System, Mamdani, Sms gateway, budidaya ikan, Microcontroller, Teknologi Informasi. Abstract Today, Information Tecnology (IT) used not only for information. Many products IT was change all of human activity. Fuzzy Logic is calculate logic use word variables human instinct like cool, low, hot. Utilize fuzzy inference system Mamdani method, this research drive at take care of fish reservoir. Use two input variables, temperature and tall get output variable is process microcontroller and it's sending by sms gateway to cultivationer. The product from this research is alternate human activity application to help take care of fish reservoir.

Research paper thumbnail of Journal Ijar

This study aims to analyze and test the structural equation model of student satisfaction and loy... more This study aims to analyze and test the structural equation model of student satisfaction and loyalty as well as analyze and examine the influence of factors that influence student satisfaction and loyalty. The variables in this study are the image of the university, lecturer competence and service quality, student satisfaction and loyalty. This study also examines and analyzes the direct and indirect effects of the dependent variable on the independent variable of student satisfaction and loyalty as a mediating variable. The sample in this study were USNI students. The number of respondents who participated in this study were 370 respondents. Based on data analysis, the confirmatory factor that the value of the university image indicator, lecturer competence and service quality is greater than 0.5 is valid to reflect the latent variable. The results of the overall model fit test using the X2 (chi-square) test obtained a value of 2133.54, p-value of 0.000 and RMSEA = 0.076. Based on the model suitability test, testing the research hypothesis through the structural model, the results showed that the image of the university, lecturer competence and service quality had an effect of 89% on student satisfaction. In the second model, higher education institutions, lecturer competence, service quality and satisfaction have an influence of 82% on student loyalty.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Data Mining untuk Clustering Daerah Penyebaran Penyakit Diare di DKI Jakarta Menggunakan Algoritma K-MEANS

Jurnal Ilmiah FIFO, 2019

Diarrhea is a disease that makes sufferers defecate more than 4 times, diarrhea usually strikes a... more Diarrhea is a disease that makes sufferers defecate more than 4 times, diarrhea usually strikes all people, including toddlers, teens and adults. The increasing population density in DKI Jakarta Province in 2017 around 10,177,924 inhabitants spread over 6 cities consisting of 44 districts and 267 villages. To be able to see the area of diarrhea distribution, it is necessary to make a grouping based on the attributes used consisting of JSP, JSSP, SHARING and OD in order to obtain the center of the diarrhea spread point. K-Means algorithm is very suitable in clustering the spread of diarrhea Kelurahan. To determine the centroid starting point based on diarrhea sufferers as a parameter in determining C1, C2 and C3 which get C1 is Duren Tiga Village, C2 is Kebon Baru Village and C3 is Bendungan Hilir Village. The results of grouping based on the attributes used get C1 totaling 11 Kelurahans, C2 totaling 34 Kelurahans and C3 totaling 43 Kelurahans from 88 Kelurahan data used in which C1 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Jurnal TEGUH BUDI SANTOSo Mercubuana

Jurnal Ilmiah FIFO, 2019

Diare merupakan penyakit yang membuat penderitanya buang air besar lebih dari 4 kali, biasanya di... more Diare merupakan penyakit yang membuat penderitanya buang air besar lebih dari 4 kali, biasanya diare menyerang ke semua kalangan baik usia balita, remaja dan dewasa. Semakin meningkatnya kepadatan jumlah penduduk di Provinsi DKI Jakarta pada tahun 2017 sekitar 10.177.924 jiwa yang tersebar 6 Kota terdiri dari 44 Kecamatan serta 267 Kelurahan. Untuk dapat melihat daerah penyebaran diare maka perlu dibuat sebuah pengelompokan berdasarkan atribut yang dipakai terdiri dari JSP, JSSP, SHARING dan OD agar dapat memperoleh pusat titik penyebaran diare. Alogoritma K-Means sangat cocok dalam pengelompokan Kelurahan penyebaran diare. Untuk menentukan titik awal centroid berdasarkan penderita diare sebagai Parameter dalam menentukan C1, C2 dan C3 yang dimana mendapatkan C1 adalah Kelurahan Duren Tiga, C2 adalah Kelurahan Kebon Baru dan C3 adalah Kelurahan Bendungan Hilir. Hasil dari pengelompokan berdasarkan atribut yang dipakai mendapatkan C1 berjumlah 11 Kelurahan, C2 berjumlah 34 Kelurahan dan C3 berjumlah 43 Kelurahan dari 88 data Kelurahan yang digunakan dimana C1 dikatagorikan sebagai titik rawan diare, C2 dikatagorikan sebagai kemungkinan penyebaran diare dan C3 dikatagorikan sebagai Kelurahan yang aman dari penyebaran diare.
Kata Kunci :Penyakit Diare, K-Means Aplikasi.


Jurnal Limits Fak.Teknik USNI, 2015

Dalam proses pengolahan data, survey tendensi konsumen pada badan pusat statistik ini mengalami m... more Dalam proses pengolahan data, survey tendensi konsumen pada badan pusat statistik ini mengalami masalah. Salah satunya adalah dalam pengolahan data dari karyawan ke kepala koordinator atau pimpinan membuang waktu yang banyak. Walaupun sudah menggunakan teknologi elektronik seperti komputer, masih terdapat penyimpanan data secara manual, menggunakan microsoft excel. Setelah data selesai di simpan, maka data tersebut akan di serahkan kepada kepala koordinator / pimpinan melalui flashdisk. Lalu pimpinan menggabungkan data tersebut dan mengecek kembali guna tidak ada penggandaan data. Pada akhirnya, pelayanan tersebut belum dapat penilaian yang cukup baik dari para masyarakat yang membutuhkan data tersebut. Pengembangan Sistem Survey Tendensi Konsumen Badan Pusat Statistik DKI Jakarta Berbasis Web adalah solusinya. Karena pada saat karyawan mendapatkan data survey, data tersebut akan tersimpan pada database website. Kepala koordinator / pimpinan pun akan cepat bisa mengolah data dan menampilkan langsung hasil survey tendensi konsumen selama 3 bulan sekali. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan studi literatur. Sedangkan, metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah metode berorientasi objek dengan model pengembangan Waterfall. Dari penelitian ini, dihasilkan Sistem Survey Tendensi Konsumen Badan Pusat Statistik DKI Jakarta berbasis web dengan tampilan yang sederhana dan ter-update agar masyarakat dapat informasi secara langsung.

Research paper thumbnail of Jurnal Baginda&Teguh

Jurnal Limit Fakultas Teknik USNI, 2015

Teknologi Informasi sekarang banyak dimanfaatkan bukan hanya untuk informasi. Banyak pemanfataan ... more Teknologi Informasi sekarang banyak dimanfaatkan bukan hanya untuk informasi. Banyak pemanfataan teknologi informasi di buat hampir menggantikan keseluruhan peran manusia. Logika Fuzzy adalah logika berhitung menggunakan variabel kata-kata naluri manusia seperti dingin, rendah, panas dan lainnya. Memanfaatkan fuzzy inference system metode Mamdani, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk merawat kolam budi daya ikan. Dengan dua buah variabel sebagai variabel input yaitu suhu dan tinggi memperoleh variabel output proses microcontroller yang kemudian dikirim melalui sms gateway kepada pembudidaya. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa aplikasi pengganti peran manusia untuk membantu dalam perawatan air kolam budidaya ikan.


Abstrak Teknologi Informasi sekarang banyak dimanfaatkan bukan hanya untuk informasi. Banyak pema... more Abstrak Teknologi Informasi sekarang banyak dimanfaatkan bukan hanya untuk informasi. Banyak pemanfataan teknologi informasi di buat hampir menggantikan keseluruhan peran manusia. Logika Fuzzy adalah logika berhitung menggunakan variabel kata-kata naluri manusia seperti dingin, rendah, panas dan lainnya. Memanfaatkan fuzzy inference system metode Mamdani, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk merawat kolam budi daya ikan. Dengan dua buah variabel sebagai variabel input yaitu suhu dan tinggi memperoleh variabel output proses microcontroller yang kemudian dikirim melalui sms gateway kepada pembudidaya. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa aplikasi pengganti peran manusia untuk membantu dalam perawatan air kolam budidaya ikan. Kata kunci : Fuzzy, Fuzzy Inference System, Mamdani, Sms gateway, budidaya ikan, Microcontroller, Teknologi Informasi. Abstract Today, Information Tecnology (IT) used not only for information. Many products IT was change all of human activity. Fuzzy Logic is calculate logic use word variables human instinct like cool, low, hot. Utilize fuzzy inference system Mamdani method, this research drive at take care of fish reservoir. Use two input variables, temperature and tall get output variable is process microcontroller and it's sending by sms gateway to cultivationer. The product from this research is alternate human activity application to help take care of fish reservoir.


Jurnal Limits Fakultas Teknik USNI, 2014

ABSTRACT KRS (Study Plan Card) is an important part of one's strategy in determining student per... more ABSTRACT

KRS (Study Plan Card) is an important part of one's strategy in determining student perkuliahaan classes and courses that will be taken in the next semester. This is what makes that important and vital for the smooth running of the course a student as if the student in question did KRS then under the provisions of an academic will be considered to be stated or leave college next semester. Taking a course is also a strategy smoothness graduate on time, because the students can determine the decision in accordance with the schedule of courses that can be taken and considered the course easy. Fuzzy logic is a solid and efficient method to solve the problem of non-linear mapping that does not prioritize based on the precision of mapping the input space into the output space using logic IF-THEN rules. The use of Mamdani method is considered feasible in this study to predict KRS to get a good GPA each semester the student is taken, based on two variables JarakSemester input and output KesulitanMatakuliah with GPA, get an average accuracy of 2:49% based on the results of tests taken 4 sampling, compared to using the Sugeno method only produces an average accuracy of 0.7%.

Keyword : Fuzzy Logic, Metode Mamdani, Metode Sugeno, KRS.

Research paper thumbnail of JURNAL Data Mining Algoritma C4.5.docx

Current credit giving in KOPERIA (Koperasi Warga Komplek Gandaria) is still based on an objective... more Current credit giving in KOPERIA (Koperasi Warga Komplek Gandaria) is still based on an objective process. Difficulties in determining the feasibility of giving credit are often experienced by cooperative managers, so that problems arise in the cooperative is a default payment of credit installments of customers in KOPERIA. This study aims to form a decision tree classification model to determine the customer's credit worthiness. In this study the application of C4.5 Algorithm, based on the Sets and Attributes used in this study, namely, the amount of income divided into 2 categories> 5 million and 3-5 million, the amount of balance divided into three, namely> 3 million, 1-3 million and <1 Million, The Loan Amount is divided into three, namely 1-4 Months, 5-8 months, and 9-12 Months and Requirements with attributes of Business Capital, buying goods and others. In this study determine the appropriate root nodes, the classification results using C4.5 Algorithm shows that the accuracy of 97.5% is obtained, based on the results obtained shows that the c4.5 algorithm is suitable to be used to determine the feasibility of lending customers to KOPERIA.
Keywords: Data Mining, C4.5 Algorithm

Research paper thumbnail of SEAMOLEC_AIC_1_70_IT_2016.pdf

The need for energy continues to increase and the depletion of petroleum reserves force people to... more The need for energy continues to increase and the depletion of petroleum reserves force people to seek
alternative energy sources. Therefore we need a solution to overcome these problems, one of which is
to utilize renewable energy sources as an example of the use of wind to drive the wind turbine fired
plant (Bayu power plant), where to get electrical energy from coal-fired plant utilization takes the
wind to move the wind turbines were then converted into mechanical energy to drive an electric
generator, but the use of wind turbines for coal fired plant has shortcomings when excessive wind
speeds would result in damage to the generator while if the wind speed is below the average coal-fired
plant wind turbines can not generate maximum power. In this study the application of fuzzy inference
will be performed using the method of Mamdani system for the regulation of wind turbines in the
PLTB experimens carried out by using the input wind speed 3.8 m/s, 400 Watt power output, speed
reference 400 Rpm, wind speed 4.5 m / s, output power 600 Watt, speed reference 600 Rpm, wind
speed 5.5 m/s, output power 900 Watt, output power 900 Watt, wind speed 7 m/s, output power 1300
Watt, speed reference 1300 Rpm. The results of experimens conducted in this study indicate that the
application of fuzzy inference system using Mamdani method is proven to regulate the optimize of the
performance of wind turbines fired plant to prevent damage to the generator. With an average rotation
of the rotor generates 974.5 Rpm

Research paper thumbnail of teguh

KRS (Study Plan Card) is an important part of one's strategy in determining student perkuliahaan ... more KRS (Study Plan Card) is an important part of one's strategy in determining student perkuliahaan classes and courses that will be taken in the next semester. This is what makes that important and vital for the smooth running of the course a student as if the student in question did KRS then under the provisions of an academic will be considered to be stated or leave college next semester. Taking a course is also a strategy smoothness graduate on time, because the students can determine the decision in accordance with the schedule of courses that can be taken and considered the course easy. Fuzzy logic is a solid and efficient method to solve the problem of non-linear mapping that does not prioritize based on the precision of mapping the input space into the output space using logic IF-THEN rules. The use of Mamdani method is considered feasible in this study to predict KRS to get a good GPA each semester the student is taken, based on two variables JarakSemester input and output KesulitanMatakuliah with GPA, get an average accuracy of 2:49% based on the results of tests taken 4 sampling, compared to using the Sugeno method only produces an average accuracy of 0.7%.
Keyword : Fuzzy Logic, Metode Mamdani, Metode Sugeno, KRS.

Research paper thumbnail of Jurnal 2016.docx

Temperature and humidity are the environmental factors that determine the success of the growth o... more Temperature and humidity are the environmental factors that determine the success of the growth of the oyster mushroom cultivation . Oyster mushroom cultivation space ideal to have a temperature of 25-28 ° C and humidity of 70-80 % RH . Current control is done to maintain the condition of the room ideal oyster mushroom cultivation by farmers still manually fungus by spraying water and open air circulation . This method is less effective because the temperature and humidity are not properly maintained and still relies on the human role . It is necessary for automatic control by applying the method Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System also use the microcontroller to process the input variables of temperature and humidity sensors DHT11 and automatically adjust the fan output decisions and humidifier .

Keywords : oyster mushroom cultivation , Mamdani , Fuzzy Inference System , microcontroller , temperature and humidity.


Jurnal Limit Fakultas Teknik USNI, 2015

Abstrak Teknologi Informasi sekarang banyak dimanfaatkan bukan hanya untuk informasi. Banyak pema... more Abstrak Teknologi Informasi sekarang banyak dimanfaatkan bukan hanya untuk informasi. Banyak pemanfataan teknologi informasi di buat hampir menggantikan keseluruhan peran manusia. Logika Fuzzy adalah logika berhitung menggunakan variabel kata-kata naluri manusia seperti dingin, rendah, panas dan lainnya. Memanfaatkan fuzzy inference system metode Mamdani, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk merawat kolam budi daya ikan. Dengan dua buah variabel sebagai variabel input yaitu suhu dan tinggi memperoleh variabel output proses microcontroller yang kemudian dikirim melalui sms gateway kepada pembudidaya. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa aplikasi pengganti peran manusia untuk membantu dalam perawatan air kolam budidaya ikan. Kata kunci : Fuzzy, Fuzzy Inference System, Mamdani, Sms gateway, budidaya ikan, Microcontroller, Teknologi Informasi. Abstract Today, Information Tecnology (IT) used not only for information. Many products IT was change all of human activity. Fuzzy Logic is calculate logic use word variables human instinct like cool, low, hot. Utilize fuzzy inference system Mamdani method, this research drive at take care of fish reservoir. Use two input variables, temperature and tall get output variable is process microcontroller and it's sending by sms gateway to cultivationer. The product from this research is alternate human activity application to help take care of fish reservoir.