Bioconductor Code: comapr (original) (raw)

comapr ================ [![codecov](\]( [![Build Status](\]( ## Install ``` r if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("comapr") ``` ## Introduction `comapr` is an R package for finding crossovers for SNP marker intervals by detecting haplotype shifts across groups of samples. ## From marker genotyping results in data.frame `comapr` can be applied for detecting crossovers from genotyping results of makers across samples in a marker by sample data.frame. ``` r library(comapr) head(snp_geno) #> CHR POS rsID C57BL.6J FVB.NJ..i. X92 X93 X94 X95 X96 X97 X98 #> 1 1 4526088 rs13475701 GG CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CG #> 2 1 5595513 rs13475705 TT CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CT #> 3 1 6057774 rs3710263 CC TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TC #> 4 1 6655964 rs13475709 CC GG GG GG GG GG GG GG CG #> 5 1 21638464 rs6253968 TT CC Fail CC CC CC CC CC Fail #> 6 1 22665060 rs6361963 AA GG AG GG GG GG GG GG AG #> X99 X100 X101 X102 X103 X104 X105 X106 X107 X108 X109 X110 X111 X112 X113 #> 1 CG CC CG CG CC CG CG CC CC CC CC CG CC CC CC #> 2 CT CC CT CT CC CT CT CC CC CC CC CT CC CC CC #> 3 TC TT TC TC TT TC TC TT TT TT TT TC TT TT TT #> 4 CG GG CG CG GG CG CG GG GG GG GG CG GG GG GG #> 5 Fail CC TC TC CC CC CC CC CC CC Fail TC CC CC CC #> 6 AG GG AG AG GG GG GG AG GG GG GG AG GG GG GG ``` ## From sgcocaller’s sparse matrices `comapr` is also engineered to analyze the outputs from a single-sperm crossover calling tool [`sgcocaller`]( ``` r list.files("inst/extdata/") #> [1] "s1_barcodes.txt" "s1_chr1_altCount.mtx" "s1_chr1_snpAnnot.txt" #> [4] "s1_chr1_totalCount.mtx" "s1_chr1_vi.mtx" "s1_chr1_viSegInfo.txt" #> [7] "s1_chr2_altCount.mtx" "s1_chr2_snpAnnot.txt" "s1_chr2_totalCount.mtx" #> [10] "s1_chr2_vi.mtx" "s1_chr2_viSegInfo.txt" "s1_chr3_altCount.mtx" #> [13] "s1_chr3_snpAnnot.txt" "s1_chr3_totalCount.mtx" "s1_chr3_vi.mtx" #> [16] "s1_chr3_viSegInfo.txt" "s1_chr4_altCount.mtx" "s1_chr4_snpAnnot.txt" #> [19] "s1_chr4_totalCount.mtx" "s1_chr4_vi.mtx" "s1_chr4_viSegInfo.txt" #> [22] "s1_chr5_altCount.mtx" "s1_chr5_snpAnnot.txt" "s1_chr5_totalCount.mtx" #> [25] "s1_chr5_vi.mtx" "s1_chr5_viSegInfo.txt" "s2_barcodes.txt" #> [28] "s2_chr1_snpAnnot.txt" "s2_chr1_vi.mtx" "s2_chr1_viSegInfo.txt" #> [31] "s2_chr2_snpAnnot.txt" "s2_chr2_vi.mtx" "s2_chr2_viSegInfo.txt" #> [34] "s2_chr3_snpAnnot.txt" "s2_chr3_vi.mtx" "s2_chr3_viSegInfo.txt" #> [37] "s2_chr4_snpAnnot.txt" "s2_chr4_vi.mtx" "s2_chr4_viSegInfo.txt" #> [40] "s2_chr5_snpAnnot.txt" "s2_chr5_vi.mtx" "s2_chr5_viSegInfo.txt" ``` ## Visualizing feature of single sperms ![PerCellQC]( ## Crossover positions ![Crossover Positions]( ![Crossover counts per group]( ## Cumumative Genetic distances across intervals ![Genetic Distances Per Chromosome]( ![Whole Genome Cumulative Genetic Distances]( ## Resampling methods for comparing groups ![Permutation]( ![Bootstrapping]( ## Analysis workflow for demonstration of `comapr` on a single-sperm DNAseq dataset We demonstrate the usage of `sgcocaller` and `comapr` for identifying and visualising crossovers regions from single-sperm DNA sequencing dataset [here](