THE Coffee Group (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Jan. 11th, 2005|03:37 pm]Eta Beta Pi
instead of CG tomorrow, Andie and I are goin to the James Gleeson Edvard Munch Exhibition at Fed Square the National Gallery of Victoria$7 $10 studentMeet Degraves at 3:30 sharpishdetails :
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(no subject) [Jan. 4th, 2005|09:24 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[music |happy dance]instead of CG tomorrow, Andie and I are goin to the James Gleeson Exhibition at Fed Square$7 studentMeet Degraves at 3:30 sharpishdetails :
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Just a quick heads-up. [Dec. 26th, 2004|12:27 am]Eta Beta Pi
[mood** |thirstythirsty] [music** Cake - The Distance]For those who don't know this already, Liaison will be closing early on Wednesday ( 29th ) so either get there early or find a different place to meet for CG this week. I'll join you guys as soon as my shift is over.
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(no subject) [Dec. 2nd, 2004|01:39 pm]Eta Beta Pi
right... who wants to goto the BDO i will arange tix... just let me knowcost about 100... date jan 30...(yes dunnii... i know you will)
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NIGHT MARKET [Nov. 26th, 2004|12:22 am]Eta Beta Pi
going to night market next wednesday after CG... meet at CG before... or meet there at say... 7?... or what ever time suits better... probably just best to meet at liasons
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(no subject) [Nov. 25th, 2004|12:20 pm]Eta Beta Pi
ok... BBQ my house, THIS SUNDAY 4PMeverybody come... bring whatever you feel likesoft drink / chips / meat / BATHERS FOR SPArsvp... or dont... i dont care, if theres not enough food... tough,its not like its my birthday
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(no subject) [Nov. 20th, 2004|03:00 pm]Eta Beta Pi
IM BACK IN MELBOURNE!!!and to celebrate im have a BBQ at my place on sunday afternoon... thats sunday the 28th... ill let people know at CG on wednesday... tych... add me to the group email again!!!c u all soon!
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Please? [Sep. 30th, 2004|10:39 am]Eta Beta Pi
[mood** |hopefulhopeful]The Threepenny Opera**Bertolt Brecht and Kurt WeillCan you please spare some change?Any donations gratefully appreciated.Performers have to eat.Please come see my show?7.30pm 13th-16th OctoberUnion TheatreThe University of MelbourneFull 18,Concession18, Concession 18,Concession13, UMMTA Members $10Bookings 8344 7447
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(no subject) [Aug. 24th, 2004|10:10 am]Eta Beta Pi
Can someone copy this to the yahoogroups mailing list... im not on it this year...(because im interstate... duh)Ok, incase you guys have forgotten,... im comming home on thursday night.So ill be at liasons from 3:30 THIS FRIDAY... and will probably do something in the eveningI also plan to do the same again on monday, but if you cant make either, let me know and ill try my best to catch up with you.Unfortunately, ill only be in melb from thurs to tues, because next wednesday im going to MtBuller with family. Afgter that i have to come back for a few months and finish uni.for those of you getting this via email... heres the link to the LJ post, if you are on the LJ post already, feel free to click pointlessly
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ATTENTION [Aug. 12th, 2004|03:43 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[mood |predatory] [music Drowningpool - Bodies]/\/\///\\/\/\/\/\/\/\\/ ATTENTION /\/\//\/\/ ATTENTION /\/\/\/\/\\//\/\/\/\/\/\It has come to "our" attention that there are "communists" within coffeegroup.Following this, the "governing body" will commence intense interrogation immeadatly.Should you have ever participated in a communist "group meeting", have ever said anything communist, ever laughed at a joke about capitalism or ever felt communistic in any way what-so-ever...THEN YOU ARE A COMMUNIST... and we will hunt you down!!...people will talk... mark my words...COMMUNIST SCUM!!!we will not stop until we fill our quota of 10 coffeegroup communists by the end of the month..... So, if this means you, could you please step to the front of the line, thankyou, have a nice day\/\/\/\/ this is an official announcement of the Coffeegroup zero tolerance committee [CGZTC] /\/\/\/\(footnote: who exactly is in the CGZT is classified your protection... im just the messenger...yes... the messenger)
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Scandal? [Aug. 4th, 2004|09:13 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[mood |not so enraged]*raises eyebrow from far far away*sounds like the shits hit the fan and someone went home with an ear full......i dont think i want to know
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(no subject) [Jul. 26th, 2004|11:28 pm]Eta Beta Pi
Why CG boys distress me.A comment thread here.
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is this thing on? [Jun. 26th, 2004|08:04 pm]Eta Beta Pi
In tonight's performance, Liam's personal assistant will be performed by: nowastedspace aka Hedda.Hello everyone! I'm here to entreat you all on behalf of corybantic, whose computer is being dodgy.Macbethby William Shakespearedirected by Shannon Woollard**Venue:Williamstown Little Theatre, 2 Albert St, Williamstown (Melways 56 B7) VICTime:**8:15 PM **Information:**Shakespeare's tragic masterpiece provides us with an almost perfect window into the mind of a character in crisis - it vividly exposes & heightens the clash of self-centred ego & the broader, more spacious (& cunning) powers of the Realm of Possibilities, the subconscious. MacBeth is a demonstration of the extraordinary influence this Realm exerts on us all - the dark, devious, seemingly unfathomable witches are really powerful projections from MacBeth’s own "Dark Cauldron". Patrons are advised to leave sufficient time to find parking, as latecomers may not be admitted until there is a suitable break in the performance. Tickets: 17(Concession17 (Concession 17(Concession15)Contact: Bookings: Ticket Secretary David Dare Phone Number: (03) 9885-9678According to the production notes, "Williamstown Little Theatre has a strong subscription base and eighty percent of the tickets for this season are already sold. There are 18 people in the cast so I strongly suggest that if you are keen to see the show, you book immediately. There is a remote possibility that we will add an additional performance."Liam would be undyingly grateful to have your support and apparently this company is known for its fantastic shows. He says, though, that if we want to secure tickets we should act as soon as possible, particularly if we'd like to go as a group. The production dates are the 16th of September through the 2nd of October, so if you're interested, send Liam an SMS or give him a ring on his mobile to let him know when you'd like to go!
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Shrek 2 [Jun. 26th, 2004|04:05 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[mood |curious] [music Rage Against the Machine - How I Could Just Kill a Man (Live)]Here's a thought guys... Bob & I have yet to go see Shrek 2. As far as I'm aware, everybody has finished their exams for the semester. Anybody up for going to see it on Wednesday?
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(no subject) [Jun. 8th, 2004|06:24 pm]Eta Beta Pi
It's my birthday on Sunday, so if anyone is interested in coming for dinner before HP, I'd love to see them!Taken from Nat's email:It's at Victoria Gardens Shopping Centre, Corner Victoria and Burnely. Dinner is at Cafe Krifi, which is close to the Anderson Cinemas, so once you're there, just follow the signs. Once you're atKrifi, ask for 'Cleansweep Oz' if you can't spot Nat.Dinner is from 6pm. There's also happy hour from 5-7,for those interested.
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help! [Jun. 8th, 2004|04:10 pm]Eta Beta Pi
just an FYI to all you ppl, i won't be online for a while. i'm doing this post from work. BTW, does anybody have a spare power suply? mine went POP, hence, not being online.
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My 20th Birthday!! [Jun. 8th, 2004|03:49 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[**mood** |cheerfulcheerful]As you all might know already, i'm turning 20 next friday, 18th June, and would love it if you all helped me celebrate!!When: Friday 18th June, 8pmWhere: 51 Charles St, Fitzroy (My sister's house, in case you were wondering)Why: My 20th BirthdayRSVP: leave me a comment saying if you can come by Wednesday 16th June, so that we can cater food for everyone.We'll be having a bbq and there will be lots of assorted people there as it is a joint party between Megan and I... so it will be a good chance to meet new people, if you know what i mean! ;-)luv Suziexo
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Blatant Plug!! [May. 3rd, 2004|12:29 pm]Eta Beta Pi
Okay guys... this show opens this Wednesday, and it's gonna fucking rock! I'll be on stage, whilst Saxon gets to sit in the fly-gallery and tug on things... so I expect to see you guys there... Opening Night has already almost sold out, so booking tickets is definitely recommendedI love you, you're perfect, now change
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(no subject) [Apr. 17th, 2004|04:10 pm]Eta Beta Pi
ok... so ill be in melbourne from thursday night to the following tuesday morning... was thinking about being at liasoon on firday evening and monday evening.... dont particualary want to wind up sitting there myself... so whos up for comming out on the friday night?... if not,... when is better?
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IM NOT DEAD .... *checks* ... yep, not dead [Apr. 5th, 2004|12:09 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[mood |Away] [music NO STERO... NO MP3s!!!! *cries*]just thought i would let everyone know....yes yes yes, i havnt posted in ages... im very slack, its like cleaning you room really, the longer you leave it, the bigger the job.... Im hopefull going to get the motivation and the alligning of the planets to post later this week... providing i get near something with both a working USB port and a CD burner... i have a few pictures... mainly views and boreing stuff like that (hey, this is hobart after all),.. so i kinda want to wait till i can get them uploadedAnyway.... Thought i better let you guys know sooner... (ok, i really allowing for the fact that i am probably going to be too lazy to post later)... rather than later, that i am comming ot melbourne for the Radiohead concert (and to catch up with family, etc etc)... So ill be in meblourne from the evening of the 22nd to the morning of the 27th (that april and its like a thrusday to a tuesday)... i was planning on just supprising you all my turning up to coffeegroup on the monday... but found out that it doesnt exist anymore...Anyways... (grr... i say anyway too much... i need another wory for anyway)anyway... was wondering if anything will be organised for one of the nights ill be back in the big smoke... kind of missing you guys a bit (*gets all mushy*.. well about as mushy as you would expect from me (not very)) Twood also be cool to know in general whats going on and stuff, LJ is not an easy thing to follow when you are out of the loop, so i gave up on being up to date with it a while ago. Last i heard, Tych was working for liason... *is still laughing*... ahh the irony... is the place on fire yet... *whipes tear*my email is (what ever otherones i have i dont or cant or cant be botherd to or dont have time to use)... replys to this (LJ stuff) get routed there anyway... IM not on CG email yahoogroups, but that probably a good thing...due to mass spamming of events i cant exactly get to anyway.anyway GTG... see you guys soon (in like 2 weeks and a bit)
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Coffee [Mar. 26th, 2004|10:15 am]Eta Beta Pi
[**mood** |thirstythirsty]There's a Coffee Bananza happening at Federation Square on Sunday. Basically, they're doing a whole bunch of different brands, ranges, etc of Coffee. Each cup of "sample" will only cost $1.50 Those who are interested like yours-truly, turn up around Flinders Station by 11 AM. That is all.
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(no subject) [Mar. 10th, 2004|03:52 pm]Eta Beta Pi
attention coffeegroup: What do you want to see and when?'s running out so perhaps we should organise something?!
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SomethingPositive [Feb. 15th, 2004|02:38 am]Eta Beta Pi
[**mood** |amusedamused]As I slug my way through the archives, (You know, just because it walks erect doesn't mean it's human), it occurs to me that Davan is actually the love child of Tycho and Liam.I'm just saying...
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(no subject) [Feb. 6th, 2004|09:22 pm]Eta Beta Pi
I got this email today, let me know if you're interested. We might actually make it this year!Hey Fresh Subscribers!Here’s your very special opportunity to get your paws on Gala tix before the great unwashed....BOOK NOW!Also news below on how you can be in the studio audience for the ABC’s new stand up show - crazily named ‘Stand Up!’. Plus Comedy Festival previews are already starting. It’s all go!THIS OFFER IS AVAILABLE ONLINE ONLYMELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL COMEDY FESTIVAL AND NETWORK TEN PROUDLY PRESENT A VERY SNAZZY OPENING NIGHT SPECTACULAR – THE GALATHIS OFFER IS AVAILABLE ONLINE ONLY – see link belowSupporting Oxfam Community Aid AbroadNeed a swanky night out? We’ve got the year’s biggest, boldest and best night of comedy – guaranteed. A glittering line-up of local & overseas guest artists celebrate the Festival’s opening night in the rather posh surrounds of the splendid Regent Theatre. It’s an evening of unabashed showing off and big, big laughs.Compered by the reigning queen of Australian comedy - Magda Szubanski – star of the ABC’s Kath & Kim and countless other hit Aussie TV shows. – this is definitely the ONLY way to launch your Comedy Festival.Venue Regent Theatre, Collins St MelbourneDate Wed 24 MarchTime 7.30pm (180 mins)Prices Full A Reserve 88.00FullBReserve88.00Full B Reserve 88.00FullBReserve65.00Full C Reserve $52.00
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Sooo Confused [Feb. 1st, 2004|12:34 am]Eta Beta Pi
[mood** |confusedconfused] [music** wendy rule - horses]WTF IS PANTS FOR LIAM AND WHY ARE THEY, (IT?!?!) BEING SPAMMED ON MY FRIENDS LIST???!!!You should explain things to the Freshers, you know…or is this a disturbing initiation rite? If so I want out of this coffeegroup thingy right now.
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(no subject) [Jan. 31st, 2004|01:19 pm]Eta Beta Pi
NO PANTS FOR LIAM!...Perhaps a tasteful kilt. ^_^
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(no subject) [Jan. 31st, 2004|12:13 am]Eta Beta Pi
(no subject) [Jan. 30th, 2004|11:21 pm]Eta Beta Pi
(no subject) [Jan. 3rd, 2004|03:41 pm]Eta Beta Pi
For all concerned, Liaisons is open from this monday. So, CG as per normal, (if coffeegroup can ever be described as 'normal') on the 5th. I'll be there, finishing work at 4. So come early, keep me amused. Or come late and I'll do the same for you.
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Regarding CNY [Jan. 3rd, 2004|12:05 am]Eta Beta Pi
[mood** |curiouscurious] [music** Nine Inch Nails - StarFuckers Inc.]Hey All, I'm just asking around now to see if anybody would like to come along and celebrate Chinese New Year (January 22nd) with me. It'd basically consist of dinner at either Box Hill or Chinatown, CBD followed up with wandering around, smelling the gunpowder & watching the sights. Considering that this is CNY we're talking about, I will need numbers A.S.A.P. to book in any numbers at any restraurant, let alone ones we'd prefer to be at. Preferrably before the end of Sunday. That is all.- Tycho.
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(no subject) [Dec. 26th, 2003|11:54 am]Eta Beta Pi
[mood** |contentcontent] [music** Bohemian Rhapsody - We Will Rock You cast]Hi guys.Just about Sunday. Yum cha is at one, we all know that, and Steph has kindly offered her place for us to crash in for the afternoon. So, we're going to keep ourselves entertained with DVDs, and Liam suggested watching the extras on the extended edition DVDs. Which is excellent.Only in theory, sorry love. You guys might be able to handle the LOTR saturation, but I'm already twitching about it, so I'd prefer to watch something else. In theory I can bring both my X-Men DVDs, Chicago and Grease (I'm missing a couple of DVDs at the moment, it makes me sad) or maybe we could rent a couple that we've all been "OMG we have to see that" about.But that's only a suggestion. If I'm outvoted, that's cool, I just wanted to raise that point with people. We spent 8 hours in a theatre on Christmas Eve with LOTR, another how many tonight, and then 9 or so on Monday. It might be a bit much.
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(no subject) [Dec. 24th, 2003|04:07 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[mood |dirty liar] [music internet cafe muzak...argh]hahahah!!!! i saw return of the king first!!!!... newzealand is good for somethingit was awesomenesswhoever would have thought that sauron was frodos father!!!
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(no subject) [Dec. 24th, 2003|02:01 am]Eta Beta Pi
How's this for a craaaaaazy idea.*prepares for the barrage of abuse*Perhaps Coffee Group, eldest and most respected of establishments, needs a slightly updated image.I had an idea that perhaps a name change might just be in order.However, I realise that it's hard to change something so inground. (get it? ground? coffee? *laughs like someone trying waay too hard*)Any suggestions?
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Final Yum Cha Notice [Dec. 23rd, 2003|01:42 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[mood |accomplished] [music Rurouni Kenshin - Unmei no Hagurama]Hi All, This is to those who are coming to Yum Cha, or have yet to make up their minds. It's this Sunday (28th), & I've booked in for the 1 O'clock session, seeing as I wouldn't think that anybody would be able to wake up in time for the 11:30 session. The restraurant is West Lake Restraurant, situated within the CBD Chinatown (Between Swanston & Russell), under the name of Teoh. I've booked for 14 people, and I think that'll be enough. See you there, bring your empty bellies.- Tyk.
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(no subject) [Dec. 21st, 2003|01:20 am]Eta Beta Pi
This is the picnic food post thing.We need- salads- chicken (?)- cold meats- snacks?- drinks- general plate things- a stereo- musica- a picnic blanket or two (OMG I AM SO FUCKING ALLERGIC TO GRASS)- random game type stuff - elastics (?), hacky sack, frisbee, cards, you know the drill.
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need I say anymore?! [Dec. 19th, 2003|01:19 pm]Eta Beta Pi
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Help [Dec. 17th, 2003|09:59 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[**mood** |hopefulhopeful]Hey everyone,I’m cross posting this everywhere, but there you go!I’m stage managing for Union House Theatre’s new show, ‘Shady Characters’ and I need an ASM as I have just discovered the actual shows coincide with my summer intensive subject.If you are so inclined, the minimum you will have to do is to:Help with Bumps (both in and out)Do stage managerial stuff for the morning shows.Appear at the end of the nightly shows to help me wash chalk from set and walls.Anything else would be a boon, and nice of you, the above really is the bare minimum of what I need.The season runs from the 2nd of February until the 13th with 10.30am and 1pm shows from Monday til Thursday, and 7.30pm shows on the Friday. Oh, except on Thursday the 5th, this has the 10.30 show moved to 7.30 with a 40minute-briefing thing afterwards.If you want to know more about the show go to: if you’re interested/will do it get in contact with me ASAP or turn up to UHT tomorrow between 10 and 1.ThanksSteph
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Okay, Yum Cha Time! [Dec. 14th, 2003|04:38 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[mood** |curiouscurious] [music** ORANGE RANGE - Viva Rock]Well, with all the responses back about Yum Cha, I've received the impression that the 28th of December will be the best time for this.I'll put in the booking for the same place as last time, except earlier time. I just need numbers. Please respond if you definitely know you & yours will be able to make it. I'm suggesting to put the reservation at 12:30, and meet at the corner of Bourke & Swanston aroudn 12:00. That is all.- Tycho.
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Art and Such Like [Dec. 11th, 2003|03:14 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[mood |artistic]burningskyfire and I are going to the reopened National Gallery on Monday, we’re meeting at the water wall thing at 12.00. You’re all most welcome to come along!
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Yum Cha [Dec. 11th, 2003|03:08 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[mood** |curiouscurious] [music** Regurgitator - Kong Foo Sing]Hey All, I've been thinking it over, and it's probably about the right time of the year to go to Yum Cha. I don't think many of us work on Sundays, sohow's about either the 21st or the 28th of December for you guys? Same place as last time, the more the merrier.
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Attention Coffeegroup [Dec. 11th, 2003|12:01 am]Eta Beta Pi
Attention Coffeegroup.It is possible that my mother may be able to do a sweet deal for someone (a friend of mine) on a second hand laptop, that will have a warranty.For those of you who've seen my laptop, It's the same sorta thing. Cheap, cheap, i think around $1500, I'm not sure...haven't really checked the prices myself (cause I've already got one)...but if you want a relatively new laptop...check out... will need to log in....if you wish to do so...leave me a comment or an email and I'll send you through a password and login!
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Art [Dec. 3rd, 2003|08:22 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[mood** |blahblah] [music** Sweet - Lamb]Would anyone be interested in coming to the reopened National Gallery sometime next week? Barring Monday, ‘cause I have rehearsals all day…
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Ticks, and Such Like [Dec. 2nd, 2003|01:50 am]Eta Beta Pi
[**mood** |crazycrazy]MOOHAH!coffee group gave me eight ticks, you?*has much loff for shinyandnat.*
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Last Reminder [Nov. 28th, 2003|02:48 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[music |Stabbing Westward - Torn Apart]Hey All, Celebrations on Saturday (IE: TOMORROW), the 29th of November, 2003.As you should know by now, it is at the Spleen Bar, ( 41 Bourke St in the Melbourne CBD ) from 8:30 PM until late. Across from the Metro and next door to a 7/11. I will definitely be having a bar tab, with Finger foods will being provided, but it will be a good idea eat beforehand. That is all,I'll hopefully see you there.
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(no subject) [Nov. 21st, 2003|12:30 am]Eta Beta Pi
!!!!!!!!!! attention !!!!!!!!!!Estimating the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow
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Reminder of Tyk's 21st. [Nov. 19th, 2003|02:11 pm]Eta Beta Pi
[mood** |bouncybouncy] [music** Rage Against the Machine - Kick Out the Jams]Hey All, I'm sending this out as a reminder that you are all cordially invited to my 21st Birthday Celebrations on Saturday, the 29th of November, 2003. The venue shall be the Spleen Bar, ( 41 Bourke St in the Melbourne CBD ) from 8:30 PM until late. It is basically Across from the Metro and next door to a 7/11.... It's up near Parliament Station. Public transport is the recommended form of getting to this place, as I will definitely be having a bar tab, and Spleen does happen to stock absinthe (No hallucinagen though) along with several other heavy alcohols. Though, they will NOT have as wide a range as Ginger. Please accept the fact that few bars have as wide a range of alcohol as Ginger. Finger foods will be provided, but it will be a good idea eat beforehand. Those who can't because they won't be near Melbourne at such a time, or are busy I understand. That is all, I'll send out another reminder closer to the date.Sincerely, Zheng-Qi "Tycho" Teoh.P.S. Any enquiries or RSVP's should be directed to either or my mobile number
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(no subject) [Oct. 29th, 2003|11:13 pm]Eta Beta Pi
Note to CG people I will be sending out invites to my 21st bday post to you in the mail. Unfortunately I am short a few Liam and Dani i have no idea what your addresses are...if you would be so kinda to email them or sms them to me I'll make sure that an invite comes your way!And unless your addresses have changed recently I think I have the rest of you covered. Does anyone know Sarah McLaren's address??that would be great! Cheers everyone.
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its so fitting :) [Oct. 25th, 2003|11:30 pm]Eta Beta Pi
spirailAre you a God? by DemonacName:God/Goddess type:False GodWorshippers:Monks (think Shaolin Kungfu)They show devotion by:Using your name to curse withCreated with quill18's MemeGen!
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