Margarida Mano | Universidade de Coimbra (original) (raw)
Papers by Margarida Mano
Quality assurance in higher education emerged in a significant way around the 1990s, following de... more Quality assurance in higher education emerged in a significant way around the 1990s, following developments in assessment systems in Europe, in a context of internationalization of evaluation. The European Union Council recommendation and the creation of ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) were decisive factors for the increase in quality assurance. This process led to the creation of the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3es), which is responsible for evaluation and accreditation of higher education courses of study in Portugal. From 2009-2010, all higher education institutions (HEIs) were required to request the preliminary accreditation of all courses of studies that they intended to offer in Portugal.
Revista de Administração Pública, Jan 1, 2012
In September 2007, the new legal regime of the Institutions of Higher Education (RJIES), Law nº 6... more In September 2007, the new legal regime of the Institutions of Higher Education (RJIES), Law nº 62/2007 of 10 September, introduced a new framework of options for models and governance structures in higher education institutions (HEIs) in Portugal. The external environment of change, common in Europe, where the IES adapt their actions to the strategic challenges of the 'Lisbon Declaration', is on the agenda. The framework of options for models of governance and management, which are increasingly discussed in terms of competitiveness, reduce benefits and disadvantages compared with comparative private institutions. If in the European context, the conception and design of governance models are generally converging, blurring the differences between the management model of private and public institutions, to what extent does the implementation of the model result in immediate visible changes at institutional level? In Portugal, most public HEIs have opted for the traditional model, having already their statutes approved and published in the Diário da República. Only three institutions have opted for the foundation model. This institutional research aims to analyse, based on Clark's methodology, changes in public HEIs at operational and management level, aiming for an entrepreneurial university. For this purpose, the study is based on the analysis of institutional options that HEIs face, i.e. the possibility to choose between the traditional legal framework (public law) and a new legal and organizational framework (public foundations operating under private law) based on the analysis of the Statutes now adopted. It is also looking to integrate the perspective of the external elements that complying with the law recently were included in the top governance bodies of public universities: the General Council. In this article we make a critical analysis of governance models provided for in each of the statutes of the public HEIs, while also referring to the foundation model.
The consolidation of financial information is an important aspect to be taken into consideration ... more The consolidation of financial information is an important aspect to be taken into consideration by financial directors and politicians in the decision making process. Furthermore than a precious management tool for politicians and technicians, the consolidation of financial information also contributes towards strengthening the transparency of information, for citizens as well as for other interested organizations. Consolidation produces a single set of financial statements -Balance and Income Statements -as well as the budgetary control sheet of the Public Groups' revenue and expense, as if this was a single entity.
Journal of US-China Public …, Jan 1, 2012
Quality assurance in higher education emerged in a significant way around the nineties, following... more Quality assurance in higher education emerged in a significant way around the nineties, following the developments in assessment systems in Europe, in a context of internationalization of evaluation.
The consolidation of financial information is an important aspect to be taken into consideration ... more The consolidation of financial information is an important aspect to be taken into consideration by financial directors and politicians in the decision making process. Furthermore than a precious management tool for politicians and technicians, the consolidation of financial information also contributes towards strengthening the transparency of information, for citizens as well as for other interested organizations. Consolidation produces a single set of financial statements -Balance and Income Statements -as well as the budgetary control sheet of the Public Groups' revenue and expense, as if this was a single entity.
Tutor by Margarida Mano
Contribuição para uma melhoria na gestão de águas residuais de campus universitários -Caso de est... more Contribuição para uma melhoria na gestão de águas residuais de campus universitários -Caso de estudo da FCT-UNL Agradecimentos 2007 IV 2007 V Resumo Nas últimas décadas, o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável tem sido amplamente discutido em todos os quadrantes da sociedade, tendo vindo a marcar uma presença cada vez mais constante no seu quotidiano. Por outro lado, a importância das instituições de ensino superior na promoção dos princípios da sustentabilidade é, também, uma ideia recorrente. Assim, o presente trabalho enquadra-se no âmbito do Projecto Campus Verde, de modo a contribuir para uma melhor gestão das águas residuais da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL), avaliando-se, igualmente, a possibilidade de implementação de uma ETAR, bem como as suas mais-valias e contrapartidas, por forma a proporcionar um tratamento ao efluente do campus, localizado no Monte 2007 VII Abstract In the last decades, the concept of sustainable development has been widely debated in all quadrants of society, being an even more constant presence in everyday life. On the other hand, the importance of the higher education institutions in the promotion of the principles of sustainability is also a recurrent idea. Thus, the present report refers to the study of wastewater management, within the Projecto Campus Verde as a contribution to an improvement in the wastewater management in the campus of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL) The possibility of implementation of a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), that could treat the effluent of the campus, located in Monte da Caparica, Almada, was also studied, including its advantages and drawbacks. Thus, several consultations were made in advance, both the FCT administration, and the Water and Sanitation Services of the Almada Municipality (SMAS). This research provided information about the state of the art of the Project, including the assessment of the several analyzed points, in which Wastewater, is included and the characteristics of the several buildings of the campus. Apart from this, the board of FCT provided data concerning the number of people in each department and the Logistics Department provided details that allowed completing the chart on the sewage system. From the information gathered in SMAS it is clear that the campus effluent is discharged in the Tagus estuary without treatment. A more extended study demanded an analysis to the campus effluent itself. This analysis was made after a sampling campaign and proved that the campus discharge is complying with all the parameters in the Municipality of Almada Water and Wastewater Regulations (RAARMA). Using all these data it was possible to estimate the total amount of wastewater produced by the campus, as well as its monthly distribution. Based on these estimations, an effluent treatment line was set out as well as the total area of implementation, its costs and the investment recovery period. The overall studied concluded that a survey to the campus draining system is fundamental for the wastewater management improvement and an important step towards environmental certification. Concerning the WWTP, although it would require a strong investment, it is demonstrated that it would bring academic advantages and also give FCT an even better image. Contribuição para uma melhoria na gestão de águas residuais de campus universitários -Caso de estudo da FCT-UNL Dedicatórias 2007 IX Dedicatórias À minha família, por tudo….
... Description: Dissertação de mestrado em Gestão Escolar, apresentada à Faculdade de Economia d... more ... Description: Dissertação de mestrado em Gestão Escolar, apresentada à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra e Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação sob a orientação de António Gomes Ferreira e Margarida Mano. ...
WHO ou OMS -World Health Organization ou Organização Mundial de Saúde vii Agradecimentos À Profes... more WHO ou OMS -World Health Organization ou Organização Mundial de Saúde vii Agradecimentos À Professora Doutora Margarida Mano, docente na FEUC, apresento o meu mais profundo reconhecimento pela orientação, pelas críticas e sugestões e por toda a ajuda e dedicação com que considerou este relatório de estágio. Ao Conselho de Administração do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, EPE, os meus agradecimentos pelo apoio formal à realização do estágio. Um agradecimento muito sincero ao Doutor Ricardo Mota e à Doutora Paula de Sousa, administradores hospitalares, na qualidade de meus orientadores na entidade de acolhimento, por terem aceite o meu pedido nesse sentido, pelo ensinamento, dedicação, tempo dispensado e amizade. Aos dois agradeço também por terem sido para mim uma referência de verdadeiros profissionais, pelo seu saber, pela sua experiência e pelas notáveis qualidades humanas. O meu agradecimento reconhecido a todos os profissionais do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, EPE com quem cruzei caminho, pela disponibilidade e pela amizade que me permitiram semear (e que espero continuar a colher). À minha família, por me ajudar a crescer e a formar na pessoa que hoje sou e, em particular, aos meus pais, por me proporcionarem a oportunidade de seguir o caminho académico e profissional por mim escolhido. Ao Paulo Silva, pelo apoio incondicional e pela compreensão nos momentos mais difíceis. Agradeço aos meus colegas de curso, por me acompanharem neste percurso de formação e pelas marcas de amizade esculpidas. Espero deixar, desta forma, o meu maior agradecimento a cada uma das pessoas que deu o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento e elaboração deste relatório. Sem o tempo, interesse e empenho que me dedicaram, tal não teria sido possível. A todas elas, muito obrigada!
Books by Margarida Mano, Jan 1, 2011
... de Romaní-.8 Al pedestal de marbre que sostenia la lapida de la tomba, s'hi esculpí un de... more ... de Romaní-.8 Al pedestal de marbre que sostenia la lapida de la tomba, s'hi esculpí un deis lemes més cars de Margarida Xirgu: «No ... le será muy difícil recordarme, tuve el gusto de estrechar sumano y escucharle varias veces en el hogar de Margarita Xirgu en nuestro país ...
Quality assurance in higher education emerged in a significant way around the 1990s, following de... more Quality assurance in higher education emerged in a significant way around the 1990s, following developments in assessment systems in Europe, in a context of internationalization of evaluation. The European Union Council recommendation and the creation of ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) were decisive factors for the increase in quality assurance. This process led to the creation of the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3es), which is responsible for evaluation and accreditation of higher education courses of study in Portugal. From 2009-2010, all higher education institutions (HEIs) were required to request the preliminary accreditation of all courses of studies that they intended to offer in Portugal.
Revista de Administração Pública, Jan 1, 2012
In September 2007, the new legal regime of the Institutions of Higher Education (RJIES), Law nº 6... more In September 2007, the new legal regime of the Institutions of Higher Education (RJIES), Law nº 62/2007 of 10 September, introduced a new framework of options for models and governance structures in higher education institutions (HEIs) in Portugal. The external environment of change, common in Europe, where the IES adapt their actions to the strategic challenges of the 'Lisbon Declaration', is on the agenda. The framework of options for models of governance and management, which are increasingly discussed in terms of competitiveness, reduce benefits and disadvantages compared with comparative private institutions. If in the European context, the conception and design of governance models are generally converging, blurring the differences between the management model of private and public institutions, to what extent does the implementation of the model result in immediate visible changes at institutional level? In Portugal, most public HEIs have opted for the traditional model, having already their statutes approved and published in the Diário da República. Only three institutions have opted for the foundation model. This institutional research aims to analyse, based on Clark's methodology, changes in public HEIs at operational and management level, aiming for an entrepreneurial university. For this purpose, the study is based on the analysis of institutional options that HEIs face, i.e. the possibility to choose between the traditional legal framework (public law) and a new legal and organizational framework (public foundations operating under private law) based on the analysis of the Statutes now adopted. It is also looking to integrate the perspective of the external elements that complying with the law recently were included in the top governance bodies of public universities: the General Council. In this article we make a critical analysis of governance models provided for in each of the statutes of the public HEIs, while also referring to the foundation model.
The consolidation of financial information is an important aspect to be taken into consideration ... more The consolidation of financial information is an important aspect to be taken into consideration by financial directors and politicians in the decision making process. Furthermore than a precious management tool for politicians and technicians, the consolidation of financial information also contributes towards strengthening the transparency of information, for citizens as well as for other interested organizations. Consolidation produces a single set of financial statements -Balance and Income Statements -as well as the budgetary control sheet of the Public Groups' revenue and expense, as if this was a single entity.
Journal of US-China Public …, Jan 1, 2012
Quality assurance in higher education emerged in a significant way around the nineties, following... more Quality assurance in higher education emerged in a significant way around the nineties, following the developments in assessment systems in Europe, in a context of internationalization of evaluation.
The consolidation of financial information is an important aspect to be taken into consideration ... more The consolidation of financial information is an important aspect to be taken into consideration by financial directors and politicians in the decision making process. Furthermore than a precious management tool for politicians and technicians, the consolidation of financial information also contributes towards strengthening the transparency of information, for citizens as well as for other interested organizations. Consolidation produces a single set of financial statements -Balance and Income Statements -as well as the budgetary control sheet of the Public Groups' revenue and expense, as if this was a single entity.
Contribuição para uma melhoria na gestão de águas residuais de campus universitários -Caso de est... more Contribuição para uma melhoria na gestão de águas residuais de campus universitários -Caso de estudo da FCT-UNL Agradecimentos 2007 IV 2007 V Resumo Nas últimas décadas, o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável tem sido amplamente discutido em todos os quadrantes da sociedade, tendo vindo a marcar uma presença cada vez mais constante no seu quotidiano. Por outro lado, a importância das instituições de ensino superior na promoção dos princípios da sustentabilidade é, também, uma ideia recorrente. Assim, o presente trabalho enquadra-se no âmbito do Projecto Campus Verde, de modo a contribuir para uma melhor gestão das águas residuais da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL), avaliando-se, igualmente, a possibilidade de implementação de uma ETAR, bem como as suas mais-valias e contrapartidas, por forma a proporcionar um tratamento ao efluente do campus, localizado no Monte 2007 VII Abstract In the last decades, the concept of sustainable development has been widely debated in all quadrants of society, being an even more constant presence in everyday life. On the other hand, the importance of the higher education institutions in the promotion of the principles of sustainability is also a recurrent idea. Thus, the present report refers to the study of wastewater management, within the Projecto Campus Verde as a contribution to an improvement in the wastewater management in the campus of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL) The possibility of implementation of a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), that could treat the effluent of the campus, located in Monte da Caparica, Almada, was also studied, including its advantages and drawbacks. Thus, several consultations were made in advance, both the FCT administration, and the Water and Sanitation Services of the Almada Municipality (SMAS). This research provided information about the state of the art of the Project, including the assessment of the several analyzed points, in which Wastewater, is included and the characteristics of the several buildings of the campus. Apart from this, the board of FCT provided data concerning the number of people in each department and the Logistics Department provided details that allowed completing the chart on the sewage system. From the information gathered in SMAS it is clear that the campus effluent is discharged in the Tagus estuary without treatment. A more extended study demanded an analysis to the campus effluent itself. This analysis was made after a sampling campaign and proved that the campus discharge is complying with all the parameters in the Municipality of Almada Water and Wastewater Regulations (RAARMA). Using all these data it was possible to estimate the total amount of wastewater produced by the campus, as well as its monthly distribution. Based on these estimations, an effluent treatment line was set out as well as the total area of implementation, its costs and the investment recovery period. The overall studied concluded that a survey to the campus draining system is fundamental for the wastewater management improvement and an important step towards environmental certification. Concerning the WWTP, although it would require a strong investment, it is demonstrated that it would bring academic advantages and also give FCT an even better image. Contribuição para uma melhoria na gestão de águas residuais de campus universitários -Caso de estudo da FCT-UNL Dedicatórias 2007 IX Dedicatórias À minha família, por tudo….
... Description: Dissertação de mestrado em Gestão Escolar, apresentada à Faculdade de Economia d... more ... Description: Dissertação de mestrado em Gestão Escolar, apresentada à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra e Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação sob a orientação de António Gomes Ferreira e Margarida Mano. ...
WHO ou OMS -World Health Organization ou Organização Mundial de Saúde vii Agradecimentos À Profes... more WHO ou OMS -World Health Organization ou Organização Mundial de Saúde vii Agradecimentos À Professora Doutora Margarida Mano, docente na FEUC, apresento o meu mais profundo reconhecimento pela orientação, pelas críticas e sugestões e por toda a ajuda e dedicação com que considerou este relatório de estágio. Ao Conselho de Administração do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, EPE, os meus agradecimentos pelo apoio formal à realização do estágio. Um agradecimento muito sincero ao Doutor Ricardo Mota e à Doutora Paula de Sousa, administradores hospitalares, na qualidade de meus orientadores na entidade de acolhimento, por terem aceite o meu pedido nesse sentido, pelo ensinamento, dedicação, tempo dispensado e amizade. Aos dois agradeço também por terem sido para mim uma referência de verdadeiros profissionais, pelo seu saber, pela sua experiência e pelas notáveis qualidades humanas. O meu agradecimento reconhecido a todos os profissionais do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, EPE com quem cruzei caminho, pela disponibilidade e pela amizade que me permitiram semear (e que espero continuar a colher). À minha família, por me ajudar a crescer e a formar na pessoa que hoje sou e, em particular, aos meus pais, por me proporcionarem a oportunidade de seguir o caminho académico e profissional por mim escolhido. Ao Paulo Silva, pelo apoio incondicional e pela compreensão nos momentos mais difíceis. Agradeço aos meus colegas de curso, por me acompanharem neste percurso de formação e pelas marcas de amizade esculpidas. Espero deixar, desta forma, o meu maior agradecimento a cada uma das pessoas que deu o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento e elaboração deste relatório. Sem o tempo, interesse e empenho que me dedicaram, tal não teria sido possível. A todas elas, muito obrigada!, Jan 1, 2011
... de Romaní-.8 Al pedestal de marbre que sostenia la lapida de la tomba, s'hi esculpí un de... more ... de Romaní-.8 Al pedestal de marbre que sostenia la lapida de la tomba, s'hi esculpí un deis lemes més cars de Margarida Xirgu: «No ... le será muy difícil recordarme, tuve el gusto de estrechar sumano y escucharle varias veces en el hogar de Margarita Xirgu en nuestro país ...