Patrícia Branco | Universidade de Coimbra (original) (raw)

Patrícia Branco is a researcher at Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES), Univ. Coimbra, Portugal, where she is also a member of the Research Group DECIDe.

Patrícia obtained her Doctoral degree in Sociology of Law from the University of Coimbra (2013), the LL.M degree in Legal Theory from the European Academy of Legal Theory in Brussels (2006), and has a Bachelor degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (2000).

Presently, Patricia is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at CES (Ref. SFRH/BPD/102236/2014, funded by Fundação Portuguesa para a Ciência e a Tecnologia). Her research project, titled «Tribunais, suas comunidades e cidadãos: a efetividade no acesso ao direito e à justiça (territorial, espacial e simbólico) da nova reforma da organização judiciária», deals with the current reform of the Portuguese judicial organization and its impact on courts, citizens and communities.

From January to June 2015, Patrícia was a Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture”, Univ. Bonn, Germany, with a research project titled «Into, from and back again: a discussion on courthouse architecture, the image of justice and literature».

Since May 2006 Patrícia has collaborated in several research projects, being one of the members of the Research teams in the following Research Projects: “The mutations of the access to law and justice in the European Union - The case study of family law in Portugal” (completed), "The gender of family law and justice - Gender inequality and violence in family law’s transformation and in Family Court decisions" (completed), "Without rights: the (limited) citizenship of illegal immigrants and their access to law and justice in the European Union and Portugal" (completed), and «Female Juvenile Deviance and Crime: the invisibility of the facts, selection and trajectories in the judicial system" (completed), all funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, and coordinated by João Pedroso.

From April 2010 to December 2011 Patrícia Branco was the Principal researcher in the Project «Courthouse architecture and access to law and justice: the case of family and child courts in Portugal» (completed), funded by FCT/COMPETE (Ref.: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009199).

Her current research interests include access to law and justice, in a broad perspective; courthouse architecture, spaces of justice and the administration of justice; the relations between law and the humanities; and the mutations of family and child law and its connections with gender issues.

She has recently published a book titled «Os Tribunais como espaços de reconhecimento, funcionalidade e de acesso à justiça» (2015, Vida Económica). Patrícia also edited the book «Sociologia do(s) Espaço(s) da Justiça: Diálogos Interdisciplinares» (2013, Almedina), with texts from Jacques Commaille, Linda Mulcahy, David Marrani, Emma Rowden, Valerio Nitrato Izzo, Gonçalo Canto Moniz & António Bandeirinha, Cláudia Pozzi, António Manuel Nunes and herself with Paula Casaleiro.

Among her publications: (2017), Naples' Piazza Cavour or the Playground of the Law, in Sarah Marusek e John Brigham (org.), Street-Level Sovereignty. The Intersection of Space and Law. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Lexington Books, 201-222; (2017), "Exploring Justitia Through Éowyn and Niobe: On Gender, Race and the Legal", Liverpool Law Review, Special Issue on Reimagining Justice: Aesthetics and Law, 38, 1, 63-82; (2017, with Nitrato Izzo), "Intersections in Law, Culture and the Humanities", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 112, 45-72; (2016), "Courthouses as Spaces of Recognition, Functionality and Access to Law and Justice: A Portuguese Reflection", Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 6, 3, 426-441; (2014), "La justice en trois dimensions: représentations, architectures et rituels", Droit et Société, 87, 485-505 (with Dumoulin, Laurence); (2010), "On Prisons and Theatres: Santo Stefano and San Carlo ", Law Text Culture; (2009), Justice et architecture: la relation entre accès au droit et architecture judiciaire, in Guillaume Protière (org.), Espaces du Droit et Droit des Espaces; (2008), "Do género à interseccionalidade: considerações sobre mulheres, hoje e em contexto europeu", Julgar.
