Sena Maric | College of Europe Brugge (original) (raw)

Papers by Sena Maric

Research paper thumbnail of Transparency and opacity in EU accession negotiations: Time to reconsider existing practices in Serbia

This discussion paper argues that the current dynamics in Serbia’s EU accession talks and the exi... more This discussion paper argues that the current dynamics in Serbia’s EU accession talks and the existing modes of interaction
between the Serbian government, civil society and European Commission (EC) are not conducive to swift and sustainable
progress on the EU track. Serbia should step up its efforts to build up its institutional capacities and reinvent effective
mechanisms for evidence-based and inclusive policymaking. Open dialogue between the government and civil society1 , as
well as transparency in the accession process, are prerequisites in this regard. Serbia can and should do more to meet these
preconditions if it is to effectively enforce the legislation aligned with the EU acquis and ensure collective ownership of this
process, with the citizens aware and informed about the benefits and constraints of EU membership. This requires a reset of
the relationship between the state and CSOs by (re)building mutual trust and raising the established patterns of cooperation
to a higher level. The EC/EU should consider disclosing the findings of its expert/peer review missions to the public in order
to maintain pressure on the Serbian executive in the wake of the more demanding phase in EU accession negotiations.
This would also help to make the public debate on Serbia’s EU membership transparent and substantiated with facts, thus
increasing the legitimacy of the accession process.

Research paper thumbnail of Priručnik za pravilno intervjuisanje tražilaca azila

Predmet priručnika su tri teme vezane za pravilno sprovođenje prvostepenog azilnog postupka u Srb... more Predmet priručnika su tri teme vezane za pravilno sprovođenje prvostepenog azilnog postupka u Srbiji u kojima je uočena najurgentnija potreba za unapređenjem: proces i tehnike intervjuisanja tražilaca azila, ophođenje prema ranjivim grupama tražilaca azila i istraživanje informacija o zemljama porekla.
Cilj priručnika je da pomogne unapređenju kapaciteta svih aktera uključenih u azilni sistem Srbije za pravilno donošenje odluka, sa posebnim akcentom na sprovođenje radnje intervjuisanja, ophođenje prema ranjivim kategorijama tražilaca azila i istraživanje informacija
o zemljama porekla tražilaca azila. Na taj način, priručnik nastoji da doprinese funkcionisanju azilnog sistema, sprovođenju pravičnijeg azilnog postupka, a samim tim zaštiti prava tražilaca azila.

Research paper thumbnail of Between Discretion and Professionalism: Merit-based Recruitment Policy in the Context of Serbia's Accession Negotiations with the EU

The study identifies the key deficiencies of Serbian civil service system seen from the perspecti... more The study identifies the key deficiencies of Serbian civil service system seen from the perspective of the accession process, with the particular focus on the recruitment policy.
The research has found that significant turnover of the civil servants, insufficient number of experts in specialised fields, the outflow of young civil servants and the lack of an essential understanding of European integration related affairs by managers at the political level, represent some of the problems which affect the Serbian public administration. Accession negotiations-related tasks, which concern the entire state administration, and not only the specific units in the ministries, are an impetus for sustainable public administration reforms which must remain the goal regardless of the outcome of the negotiations process. Noting the limits of the implementation of a legal framework in the area of recruitment policy, the study develops three possible options for improving the quality of human resources in state administration.

Research paper thumbnail of Kako do rezultata u javnim politikama? Praćenje i evaluacija uz podršku civilnog društva

Kako do rezultata u javnim politikama? Da li civilno društvo u Srbiji može da pomogne uključivanj... more Kako do rezultata u javnim politikama? Da li civilno društvo u Srbiji može da pomogne uključivanjem u procese praćenja i evaluacije? U aktuelnim okolnostima nedovoljno konstruktivne opozicije na političkoj sceni, nedostatka kritičke javnosti i nezainteresovanosti građana da uzmu aktivnije učešće u društvenim zbivanjima, od organizacija civilnog društva (OCD) se očekuje da preuzmu odgovornost za iznošenje činjenica i argumenata, razvijanje kritičkog mišljenja i aktiviranje građana. Pored toga, proces evropskih integracija i pregovori o pristupanju Srbije EU zahtevaju dodatni angažman OCD u pogledu pružanja stručnog znanja u oblastima za koje su specijalizovane, kao korektivnog mehanizma rada Vlade. U isto vreme, OCD se suočavaju sa finansijskim izazovima: strani donatori, do sada najveći izvor podrške OCD u Srbiji, postepeno se povlače i stoga je potrebno razmišljati o novim modelima održivosti.

Cilj ove studije jeste da ukaže na aspekat praćenja i evaluacije u procesu kreiranja politika, koji je znatno zapostavljen u Srbiji. Studija nastoji da pokaže značaj i doprinos praćenja i evaluacije za kvalitetnije i transparentnije donošenje odluka: prvo, analizom stanja učešća civilnog društva (OCD) u sektorima javne uprave i socijalne politike i zapošljavanja u Srbiji, drugo, analizom kapaciteta nadležnih ministarstava i uopšte državne uprave u Srbiji da sprovode poslove praćenja i evaluacije. Komparativnom analizom i temeljnim istraživanjem se proučavaju dobri primeri i prakse država članica EU, sve sa ciljem pružanja ideja i predloga za uspostavljanje sistema praćenja i evaluacije javnih politika u Srbiji, kao i za značajniji i konstruktivniji angažman OCD u tom pogledu.

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomen tražilaca azila iz Srbije i Zapadnog Balkana:  uslovljenost politike vizne liberalizacije Evropske unije  i azilnih sistema njenih država članica

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis - asylum seekers in Serbia and Serbian asylum seekers in Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s Neo-Ottoman policy on the   Balkans: does it clash or match with the   EU?

ii Statutory Declaration I hereby declare that this thesis has been written by myself without any... more ii Statutory Declaration I hereby declare that this thesis has been written by myself without any external unauthorised help, that it has been neither presented to any institution for evaluation nor previously published in its entirety or in parts. Any parts, words or ideas, of the thesis, however limited, and including tables, graphs, maps etc., which are quoted from or based on other sources, have been acknowledged as such without exception.

Research paper thumbnail of Policy Making and EU Accession Negotiations

If Serbia is to approach European Union accession as a process of becoming a capable and credible... more If Serbia is to approach European Union accession as a process of becoming a capable and credible member state and not simply as a project of achieving membership status, it will need to thoroughly reform its policy making system. In order to "speak with a single voice" in the complex EU policy arena, as well as reap the benefits of EU membership to the maximum (and not lose out instead) Serbia will need to ensure that the positions it presents in Brussels are based on sound, well-analysed, wellevidenced and well-coordinated policies. In its endeavour to achieve this end, Serbia can learn much from the policy making and coordination practices of the UK, France, Poland and Latvia -all successful member states in different ways and for different reasons, but all similar in that they approach the design and coordination of their policies towards Brussels with much care. The objective of this study is to shed light on the relevance of policy making and coordination for EU membership negotiations as well as negotiations within the Council of the EU after accession, in hope of creating a stronger incentive for domestic policy makers to address the deficiencies of these systems as early as possible in the accession process.

Research paper thumbnail of Transparency and opacity in EU accession negotiations: Time to reconsider existing practices in Serbia

This discussion paper argues that the current dynamics in Serbia’s EU accession talks and the exi... more This discussion paper argues that the current dynamics in Serbia’s EU accession talks and the existing modes of interaction
between the Serbian government, civil society and European Commission (EC) are not conducive to swift and sustainable
progress on the EU track. Serbia should step up its efforts to build up its institutional capacities and reinvent effective
mechanisms for evidence-based and inclusive policymaking. Open dialogue between the government and civil society1 , as
well as transparency in the accession process, are prerequisites in this regard. Serbia can and should do more to meet these
preconditions if it is to effectively enforce the legislation aligned with the EU acquis and ensure collective ownership of this
process, with the citizens aware and informed about the benefits and constraints of EU membership. This requires a reset of
the relationship between the state and CSOs by (re)building mutual trust and raising the established patterns of cooperation
to a higher level. The EC/EU should consider disclosing the findings of its expert/peer review missions to the public in order
to maintain pressure on the Serbian executive in the wake of the more demanding phase in EU accession negotiations.
This would also help to make the public debate on Serbia’s EU membership transparent and substantiated with facts, thus
increasing the legitimacy of the accession process.

Research paper thumbnail of Priručnik za pravilno intervjuisanje tražilaca azila

Predmet priručnika su tri teme vezane za pravilno sprovođenje prvostepenog azilnog postupka u Srb... more Predmet priručnika su tri teme vezane za pravilno sprovođenje prvostepenog azilnog postupka u Srbiji u kojima je uočena najurgentnija potreba za unapređenjem: proces i tehnike intervjuisanja tražilaca azila, ophođenje prema ranjivim grupama tražilaca azila i istraživanje informacija o zemljama porekla.
Cilj priručnika je da pomogne unapređenju kapaciteta svih aktera uključenih u azilni sistem Srbije za pravilno donošenje odluka, sa posebnim akcentom na sprovođenje radnje intervjuisanja, ophođenje prema ranjivim kategorijama tražilaca azila i istraživanje informacija
o zemljama porekla tražilaca azila. Na taj način, priručnik nastoji da doprinese funkcionisanju azilnog sistema, sprovođenju pravičnijeg azilnog postupka, a samim tim zaštiti prava tražilaca azila.

Research paper thumbnail of Between Discretion and Professionalism: Merit-based Recruitment Policy in the Context of Serbia's Accession Negotiations with the EU

The study identifies the key deficiencies of Serbian civil service system seen from the perspecti... more The study identifies the key deficiencies of Serbian civil service system seen from the perspective of the accession process, with the particular focus on the recruitment policy.
The research has found that significant turnover of the civil servants, insufficient number of experts in specialised fields, the outflow of young civil servants and the lack of an essential understanding of European integration related affairs by managers at the political level, represent some of the problems which affect the Serbian public administration. Accession negotiations-related tasks, which concern the entire state administration, and not only the specific units in the ministries, are an impetus for sustainable public administration reforms which must remain the goal regardless of the outcome of the negotiations process. Noting the limits of the implementation of a legal framework in the area of recruitment policy, the study develops three possible options for improving the quality of human resources in state administration.

Research paper thumbnail of Kako do rezultata u javnim politikama? Praćenje i evaluacija uz podršku civilnog društva

Kako do rezultata u javnim politikama? Da li civilno društvo u Srbiji može da pomogne uključivanj... more Kako do rezultata u javnim politikama? Da li civilno društvo u Srbiji može da pomogne uključivanjem u procese praćenja i evaluacije? U aktuelnim okolnostima nedovoljno konstruktivne opozicije na političkoj sceni, nedostatka kritičke javnosti i nezainteresovanosti građana da uzmu aktivnije učešće u društvenim zbivanjima, od organizacija civilnog društva (OCD) se očekuje da preuzmu odgovornost za iznošenje činjenica i argumenata, razvijanje kritičkog mišljenja i aktiviranje građana. Pored toga, proces evropskih integracija i pregovori o pristupanju Srbije EU zahtevaju dodatni angažman OCD u pogledu pružanja stručnog znanja u oblastima za koje su specijalizovane, kao korektivnog mehanizma rada Vlade. U isto vreme, OCD se suočavaju sa finansijskim izazovima: strani donatori, do sada najveći izvor podrške OCD u Srbiji, postepeno se povlače i stoga je potrebno razmišljati o novim modelima održivosti.

Cilj ove studije jeste da ukaže na aspekat praćenja i evaluacije u procesu kreiranja politika, koji je znatno zapostavljen u Srbiji. Studija nastoji da pokaže značaj i doprinos praćenja i evaluacije za kvalitetnije i transparentnije donošenje odluka: prvo, analizom stanja učešća civilnog društva (OCD) u sektorima javne uprave i socijalne politike i zapošljavanja u Srbiji, drugo, analizom kapaciteta nadležnih ministarstava i uopšte državne uprave u Srbiji da sprovode poslove praćenja i evaluacije. Komparativnom analizom i temeljnim istraživanjem se proučavaju dobri primeri i prakse država članica EU, sve sa ciljem pružanja ideja i predloga za uspostavljanje sistema praćenja i evaluacije javnih politika u Srbiji, kao i za značajniji i konstruktivniji angažman OCD u tom pogledu.

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomen tražilaca azila iz Srbije i Zapadnog Balkana:  uslovljenost politike vizne liberalizacije Evropske unije  i azilnih sistema njenih država članica

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis - asylum seekers in Serbia and Serbian asylum seekers in Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s Neo-Ottoman policy on the   Balkans: does it clash or match with the   EU?

ii Statutory Declaration I hereby declare that this thesis has been written by myself without any... more ii Statutory Declaration I hereby declare that this thesis has been written by myself without any external unauthorised help, that it has been neither presented to any institution for evaluation nor previously published in its entirety or in parts. Any parts, words or ideas, of the thesis, however limited, and including tables, graphs, maps etc., which are quoted from or based on other sources, have been acknowledged as such without exception.

Research paper thumbnail of Policy Making and EU Accession Negotiations

If Serbia is to approach European Union accession as a process of becoming a capable and credible... more If Serbia is to approach European Union accession as a process of becoming a capable and credible member state and not simply as a project of achieving membership status, it will need to thoroughly reform its policy making system. In order to "speak with a single voice" in the complex EU policy arena, as well as reap the benefits of EU membership to the maximum (and not lose out instead) Serbia will need to ensure that the positions it presents in Brussels are based on sound, well-analysed, wellevidenced and well-coordinated policies. In its endeavour to achieve this end, Serbia can learn much from the policy making and coordination practices of the UK, France, Poland and Latvia -all successful member states in different ways and for different reasons, but all similar in that they approach the design and coordination of their policies towards Brussels with much care. The objective of this study is to shed light on the relevance of policy making and coordination for EU membership negotiations as well as negotiations within the Council of the EU after accession, in hope of creating a stronger incentive for domestic policy makers to address the deficiencies of these systems as early as possible in the accession process.