Shawn Levy Gives an Update on His Upcoming Star Wars Movie (original) (raw)

The Big Picture

Shawn Levy is a busy man, but like all successful creative types in Hollywood, he's always eager to add more to his plate. Progress on his next projects has stalled due to the industry-wide strike which has brought the entire film and television industries to their knees, halting work on both his Star Wars film, and the long-anticipated television follow-up to his beloved Hugh Jackman film, Real Steel. During an interview at Collider’s TIFF media studio at the Cinema Center at MARBL for his Netflix limited-series All the Light We Cannot See, Levy told Collider's Steve Weintraub that the development phase of his Star Wars project had just begun work when it was stopped in its tracks by the writers' strike, and that work on it would resume once the writers had received their fair share.

"We were just starting the process of developing my movie, and the writer strike happened," said Levy. "So we are in that holding pattern that so much of our industry is in." Weintraub then asked if that was also the case for the Real Steel series, to which Levy confirmed the situation was almost identical, although he went slightly further by assuring fans of the film that he was desperate to make the project happen, and confirmed it was "alive" and ongoing. Levy explained, "Same, I could literally say, “See above.” Same. Still, as I told you, I want it as badly as the lovers of Real Steel want it, so alive, but paused."

What Made 'Real Steel' Special?

Hugh Jackman in Real Steel

Image via Walt Disney Studios

While Real Steel revolved around robot boxing, it also explored deeper themes of redemption, family, and the bond between a father and son. The emotional depth of the story added a layer of relatability and resonance for viewers, and Jackman's typically charismatic performance as the lead character, Charlie Kenton, and the chemistry between him and Dakota Goyo, who played his son Max, contributed to the film's appeal.

The film was also extremely family-friendly, making it accessible to a broader audience than perhaps expected, while offering a blend of action, drama, and robot butt-kicking that appealed to multiple demographics, while it also featured the thrill of boxing and sports, and by incorporating robots, it added a fresh take on the sports genre. The movie remains a popular family film to this day because of its captivating mix of innovative concepts, compelling storytelling, impressive visuals, and relatable themes that could be passed down through families.

Collider will have updates on Levy's Star Wars project, as well as the Real Steel series, when they become available. Look for the full conversation about All the Light We Cannot See soon.