Cosplay's Journal (original) (raw)

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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inCosplay's LiveJournal:

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Thursday, May 31st, 2012
_9:49 am_[lightsdarkangel] I know that people go to ColossalCon from all over .... So my sister has an assignment she needs to do for photography class, and she decided to do Cosplay. I only know ... 2 people who cosplay here in Columbus [myself and the wife] but my sister needs more. Even though I had a couple costumes, she wants more than just the same two people for some reason. Silly girl. Anyone who is willing to help her out, unfortunately, she can't really pay you for your time, but she will send you copies [okay, in email as far as I know] of the pictures she takes of you, so you're getting semi-professional pictures done, for free.She just made a post in the FB group for Ohayocon, to give you a general idea of who I'm talking about lol. She's already coming up to my apartment on Saturday, June 2nd, so I'm sure if you're in the Columbus area, Saturday would be best. She's given me permission to post her cell number so folks can text her if interested, but I'm going to be interesting and type it out with letters instead of numbers: five one three-eight two four-zero nine seven four you can also email her at with the subject being "photoshoot june 2nd" so she knows what's going on. Sorry, but it's kinda cross posted everywhere. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Sunday, June 14th, 2009
_5:25 pm_[davyjones669] Question so is colossalcon going to be at the Kalahari again next year? Due to lack of money, I had to skip it this year. Just wondering. If this isn't the place to post this, feel free to delete it. Current Mood: cheerful (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Sunday, April 19th, 2009
_7:05 pm_[tehrin] Colossal Con Cosplay - Rules now ON SITE + COSP PRE-REG! Hey guys, I just wanted to let everyone know that the cosplay rules and details are now ON the main site. For awhile, we had them on the forums, but the site's been updated with everything.And, as a reminder, Cosplay Pre-Registration has been open for awhile! We are expecting a huge turnout this year. If you are certain that you want to enter the cosplay I HIGHLY suggest signing up for pre-registration. That way, you can reserve your spot! We cannot guarantee that we will have slots open with at-con registration for very long!Also-with pre-registration, everything will be filled out beforehand and all you will need to do is check in, get your exact judging time, and show up when we need you to. No waiting in long lines, no filling out paperwork.Cosplay pre-reg is open for the Saturday cosplay only.Cosplay RulesCosplay Pre-Reg formIf for some reason you can't view it (IE is having difficulties) everything can be found in stickies on the forums. Current Mood: excited (Comment on this)
Sunday, April 12th, 2009
_5:43 pm_[obscured_soul] Cosplay costumes for sale! It's time to clean out my cosplay closet to make room for the upcoming con season. I'm selling a variety of beautiful cosplays that will always hold a place in my heart. I hope all of them can go to a good home. All costumes are in excellent condition and are meant to fit a M-XL Prices do NOT include shipping. I can ship internationally, but of course it will be more expensive. I prefer paypal, but I will accept check or a money order (NO cash please).So here's what I have....( Read more...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
Sunday, April 5th, 2009
_10:17 pm_[xxmajin_etnaxx] Artist Alley Hey Guys! ;DExcited for CC? ;3 yush~Well, I was wondering.. if anybody was willing to split a table with me and my sister? Of course, we'll pay you and all of that, but if you have any information or are willing to split/sell the table to us, we'd be very thankful!~ <3Thank you very much! :D And see you all at Colossal Con~ <33 ♥ Etna Current Mood: anxious (9 Comments |Comment on this)
Sunday, September 14th, 2008
_9:59 pm_[hittokiri_korru] To the host of the Death Note and Apple Streusel Panel... To the host of the Death Note and Apple Streusel Panel... there is such a thing as streusel, I found that Cracker Barrel has a desert called Baked Apple Dumplin, which contains Pecan streuselHere is a link to there desert menu so you may see for yourself. (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Sunday, July 13th, 2008
_10:03 pm_[obscured_soul] Juri Arisugawa's Duelist jacket for sale [Utena] I'm selling Juri Arisugawa's Duelist jacket from the Revolutionary Girl Utena Movie costume has been sitting in my closet for almost a year now.It's in wonderful condition and has been worn for a few hours.I paid 110forthisjacket,butI′mwillingtoletitgofor110 for this jacket, but I'm willing to let it go for 110forthisjacket,butImwillingtoletitgofor45+shipping.The size of the jacket can fit a variety of sizes, due to it being made out of stretchy fabric (suggested sizes: 10-14).Also, I'm willing to throw in the wig used for the costume along with the white pants (fits between a size 10-14) for FREE.So bascially you can get this whole costume set for $45+ shippingI accept paypal and money orders only. (Comment on this)
Saturday, July 12th, 2008
_10:38 am_[srv_1025] I need an opinion.... For my next con i'm going to go as Misuzu from Air, and seeing as how I have no sewing abilities I'm going tp buy it online. I found a few options on ebay but I'm having trouble choosing and I was hoping that I could get some help/opinions.Here's one: two: you! Current Mood: happy (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, July 10th, 2008
_2:44 pm_[leon_cloudluver] hi! ^.^ I just wanted to stop buy and say thankies for a great time this year! ^^; sorry if I seem noobish. I never really use my LJ account. Colossalcon was my 4th con and I had a ton of fun again. Thankies! Current Mood: content (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Tuesday, July 1st, 2008
_1:10 pm_[checkmatey] How they live in Tokyo This is my video for the convention!I have another video coming with just the photoshoots I went to as well as actual video footage.SUBSCRIBE TO BE UPDATED FOR THEM. (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, June 16th, 2008
_10:52 pm_[obscured_soul] Long blonde wig for sale! For sale is a very THICK blonde wig with higlights and bangs. The only reason why I'm parting with this is because I realize blonde really isn't my color. =/The wig has only been worn once for a maximum of... 2 hours? It comes around mid-back or more. I think my selling price is very reasonable($35). I prefer paypal, but I will accept checks or money orders (or even trades). And yes, the price does INCLUDE SHIPPING. ^.^ (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, June 14th, 2008
_6:05 pm_[srv_1025] Uuuummmm Does anybody now where I could aquire some ontacts that look like Anemone's eyes (from Eureka 7)? I'm getting desperate to complete this costume and I really badly want the contacts... Current Mood: flirty (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, June 13th, 2008
_11:03 pm_[katya_san] Holy crap, only one more week! I can go, as of yesterday. Colossalcon's forums hate me and my second account was, I can't post on there to say that I am going as Elie from the Groove Adventure Rave. If any of the other Rave cosplayers would like to meet up, I think it would be quite fun.Luckily, I had my costume almost complete a long time ago...All I have to do is sew the logo onto the shirt and fix my tonfa blasters. So, as a Rave cosplayer, I'm there mostly to see the voice actors of Fullmetal Alchemist. Cause I'm cool like that xDFor those of you who were at Shinbokucon, I was one of the Amane Misa's in the "L Awesum" Death Note skit. Next year, I'm going to Shinbokucon as Mio Hio (DNAngel) and Colossalcon (if I can's farther away) as Chisee (Saikano). Anyways, I hope the Rave cosplayers read here...-.- Current Mood: excited (Comment on this)
_3:47 pm_[obscured_soul] Pink wig for sale! Unfortunately, pink really isn't my color so I've post poned my Utena cosplay. However, I'm sure this wig can be used for other pink hair characters. It's very nice and fluffy and can curl or uncurl quite easily if you want to style the wig again yourself. This wig has only been worn once to try it on. I'm looking for $30 shipped to anywhere in the U.S. I prefer paypal, but will accept checks or money orders. Thanks for looking\_magic\_01/Picture017.jpg (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, May 31st, 2008
_12:34 pm_[checkmatey] Panel Colossal con put out their list of panels.Not the times. Just the list. (5 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, May 28th, 2008
_5:23 pm_[konataizumi_san] What up con peepz? Yeah... So who all is totally excited to be going to CCC this year?I know I'm psyched! ^.^Oh yeah, and who all, if any, have all of their cosplays finished? Right now, I only have 1 out of 3 finished. T.T Current Mood: ecstatic (9 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, May 12th, 2008
_10:24 pm_[blonde_leia] A couple questions! Hey, everybody! I have a couple of questions regarding this con. My fiance and I are definitely planning on attending, since this is really local for us, and it sounds like so much fun! We're trying to get some friends to join us, too. It will be our first convention outside of the sci-fi/fantasy realm, and I'm very excited! I am not so much into anime as my friends and fiance are, but I do love video games and I heard that there are some video game cosplayers there. Right now my fiance and I are planning on going as Resident Evil characters. Not sure if anyone has done that before, but we love the games and thought it'd be fun! My main question is about how big the con is, and whether or not it's worth staying more than one day. In all honesty, it would be a lot easier for us to just make a day-trip out of it (since we'd have to get a hotel room and thus pay more, lol) but then again, we don't want to miss out on other awesome things going on at the con on other days! I've been to the website and it looks like they have a lot of fun things planned. If anything, we are planning on definitely coming for Saturday and possibly Sunday. But I would like to get some input before we buy tickets and such. Thanks, and I look forward to meeting everyone at the con! XD (18 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, April 21st, 2008
_6:47 pm_[lightsdarkangel] Roommates. Only posted here because I don't have posting privledges on the forums yet. [Not sure why .. hrm]I have a room for the 27th-29th of June [I cant go on the 26th because I have work and the girlfriend has school that she cant miss] and need at least two roommates to make it 60 bucks each for those days. Either give me a message here or through aim watchmebleed1440Although, if the girlfriend ends up going to NY, it might be a different situation. (Comment on this)
Sunday, March 23rd, 2008
_10:59 pm_[hittokiri_korru] Dates? According to the website the dates for Collossalcon are June 26-29 which is Thursday through Friday. But according to the registration info the only days you can buy a badge is for fri-sun. So does Collosalcon start on a Thursday this year or is that a typo? (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, January 30th, 2008
_1:15 am_[nanakibh] AMV contest? Is there going to be an AMV contest this year? If so, where are entries supposed to be submitted to and by when? Current Mood: curious (Comment on this)

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