Robert Iván | Comenius University in Bratislava (original) (raw)
Papers by Robert Iván
Zborník Slovenského národného múzea, Archeológia 29, Bratislava 2019, 235-262., 2019
The paper presents selected ensemble of graves from Germanic cremation cemetery in Sekule, which ... more The paper presents selected ensemble of graves from Germanic cremation cemetery in Sekule, which is situated in the western Slovakia near to the river Morava and close to the Austrian and Czech borders. Burying on this cemetery began approximately in the middle of the 1 st century AD. However, from this earlier stage only a few graves were uncovered (e.g. grave 31/2015); most of them can be dated to the second half of the 2 nd century AD (B2/C1). In these graves were found numerous objects of foreign provenience, which suggest close bonds with areas west (grave 17/2014) but mostly north to the Middle Danube region, mainly with Przeworsk culture (graves 21/2014, 37/2017 & 40/2017). Their analysis however shows that there were found not only singular objects like fibulae, jewels or other parts of clothing but also whole men and women grave units with inventory which have direct analogies at the cemeteries of Przeworsk culture. Obviously they are not merely the result of permanent cultural influences or intensive contacts but they got there together with its bearers. Together with the growing number of other kinds of findings in Middle Danube area, originating mainly in the territory of Przeworsk culture, they support more and more thesis about arrival of larger groups of migrants from the north to this area in the period of Mar-comannic wars. Úvod Objavy a rozsiahle výskumy germánskych žiarových pohrebísk na juhozápadnom Slovensku sa uskutočnili hlavne v 50. a 60. rokoch minulého storočia, kedy sa systematicky skúmali pohrebiská napr. v Očkove (Kolník 1956), v Bešeňove (Kolník 1961), v Abraháme, v Kostolnej pri Dunaji, v Sládkovičove (Kolník 1980) i v Ivanke pri Dunaji (Kraskovská 1965a). Už vtedy boli viaceré zo skúmaných hrobov sčasti porušené alebo zničené poľnohospodárskou činnosťou, najmä hlbokou orbou, ale aj ťažbou piesku, štrku alebo hliny pre tehliarsku výrobu, ako tomu bolo napr. v Gbelciach (Beljak/Kolník 2006). Odvtedy sa germánske žiarové pohrebiská, resp. hroby objavovali a skúmali len ojedinele, väčšinou v rámci záchranných výskumov napr. vo Veľkom Cetíne (Cheben/Ruttkayová/Ruttkay 1994, 194-201; Ruttkayová 2009) alebo v Stupave (Tur-čan/Šefčáková 2011). V niektorých prípadoch sa však žiaľ aj na objavených rozsiahlejších pohrebiskách výskum z rôznych dôvodov obmedzil len na zber nálezov s použitím detektorov kovov, prípadne iba na vybratie niekoľkých hrobov (Elschek 2014a; 2014b). Zväčša sa predpokladalo, že pohrebisko je natoľko zničené, že jeho výskumom sa už len ťažko podarí od-kryť nejaké zachované hrobové celky. Sondážne výskumy však ukázali, že i takéto náleziská môžu priniesť mimoriadne pozoruhodné objavy a poznatky (Elschek/Rajtár/Varsik 2011). Podobne tomu bolo na začiatku aj v prípade pohrebiska v Sekuliach, okr. Senica, ktoré bolo situované na vyvýše-nine východne od obce. Nálezisko leží západne od Malých Karpát na ľavej strane rieky Moravy neďaleko od rakúskych a českých hraníc, teda v oblasti osídlenej v dobe rímskej podunajskými Svébmi, Markomanmi alebo Kvádmi. Prvé infor-mácie pochádzali z prostredia detektoristov ešte z roku 2008, ktorí tu nelegálne vyzbierali množstvo kovových predmetov a vykopali i niekoľko hrobov. Pri prvých obhliadkach sa tu taktiež zozbieralo množstvo nálezov a vyzdvihli dva porušené hroby (Elschek 2014b, 124, obr. 13). Až neskôr sa podarilo získať aj časť protiprávne zozbieraných kovových predmetov i nálezov z vykopaných hrobov. Niektoré nálezové celky boli vtedy pri výkopoch fotograficky dokumentované, takže sa dali roztriediť a určiť aspoň časti inventárov zo štrnástich hrobov, ktoré sa označili písmenami AN , ich presnejšia poloha sa už nedala určiť. Kvôli ďalšiemu akútnemu ohrozeniu sme následne na nálezisku uskutočnili rozsiahle systematické zbery, geofyzi-kálne merania a napokon na vybraných miestach s koncentráciou hrobov aj záchranný výskum. Počas piatich výskumných kampaní realizovaných v rokoch 2012 až 2017 sa podarilo odkryť ešte 44 žiarových hrobov, resp. zdokumentovať a vy-zdvihnúť zvyšky aj z ďalších rozoraných hrobov 2. Geofyzikálne merania a systematické zbery poukazovali na to, že poh-1 Príspevok vznikol v rámci grantového projektu agentúry VEGA čís. 2/0001/18. 2 Výskumné aktivity v Sekuliach sa realizovali v rámci spolupráce a spoločného projektu medzi Römisch-Germanische Kommission DAI vo Frank-furte nad Mohanom a Archeologickým ústavom SAV v Nitre, v kooperácii s Katedrou archeológie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratis-lave.
IVÁN, Robert: Brooches of Middle Danube Germans in the Roman period (older Roman age). Dissertati... more IVÁN, Robert: Brooches of Middle Danube Germans in the Roman period (older Roman age). Dissertation work. Comenius University in Bratislava. Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Archeology. Instructor Prof. PhDr. Eduard Krekovič, CSc. Level of Qualification PhD. Bratislava: FiF UK, 2015. Number of sites 161.
My dissertation work presents the digest of the most common German brooches from the period of older Roman Empire in the region North to Central Danube. The subjects of my research were the claps which were found in the settlement area of the Suebi (Marcomanni, Quads) in the Southwest of Slovakia, Moravia and the upper Danube part in Lower Austria. In the work I analyze the spectrum of typology and the aspect of chronology of the brooches. In some cases I provided a more accurate typological classification of discovery of claps. I have examined the older shape-based classifications of the garment claps fund and the chronological conclusions stemming from older works. The work consists of 5 chapters. It includes indexes, attachments and charts. The first chapter summarizes the character of the work. The second one introduces the structure of the work. The following chapter examines the typological overview of the garment claps fund. The fourth chapter is dedicated to experimental archeology and the effects of different styles of manufacture on the final shape of clothing claps. The last chapter explains the confronting of the results from all chapters with the present status of research of the Roman Empire. The result of my work is a complete typological overview of founded clothing claps from the period of older Roman Empire alongside an interpretation of interregional interactions related to the overview, in contrast with known historical facts.
The territory between the Little Danube, Danube and Dudváh River (so-called Great Rye Island / V... more The territory between the Little Danube, Danube and Dudváh River (so-called
Great Rye Island / Vel’ký Žitný ostrov / Csallóköz) was lacking archaeological finds
in the past. By using aerial and field prospection in recent years, there have been discovered
many new sites which have significantly enlarged the spectrum of archaeological
sources from the Western part of Rye Island. The aim of this paper is to
enhance the research status in this area and to point out new significant archaeological
sites and their importance in regard to the exploration of the Great Rye Island territory
in the proto-historic evolution in the mid-Danube area.
New Germanic settlements in the Middle-Danube Roman-border area Till recently the great rye isla... more New Germanic settlements in the Middle-Danube Roman-border area
Till recently the great rye island belonged to the less-explored regions in the area of the Slovak republic. However, the latest outcomes of archaeological exploration bring new facts to the exploring status. Such locations as Dunajská Lužná – Nová Lipnica and Hamuliakovo thrive in new finds, which distinctively change a view of Roman-Germanic relations in the border area. Roman militaria and imported
pottery from Roman provinces together with Germanic finds from Dunajská Lužná- Nová Lipnica indicate massive roman influence, especially in the period of Marcomannic Wars.
A broad chronological and typological spectrum of brooches, coins and pottery from Hamuliakovo point to an extraordinary settlement lasting from the half of the 1st century till the end of the 4th century.
The most important find from Hamuliakovo is a face piece of a Roman equestrian helmet from the Marcomannic Wars period. Among a large number of brooches from Roman provinces, the remarkable pieces
are those of purely Germanic shapes originating in the Northern Europe area, e.g. shapes A 125/127 and A 96. The range of Northern Barbarian finds is represented by bucket-shaped pendants and a fragment of gold pear-shaped pendant.
A large number of Roman, especially silver coins indicates vigorous commercial contacts between Barbarians and the Roman Empire. the current exploration status suggests that these above-standard relations were undermined neither during Marcomannic Wars, nor afterwards when the local Germanic community apparently did not respect the demarcated region after the Truce between Commodus and the Germans. These newly-found locations are therefore proving extraordinarily perspective and crucial for the course of the next exploration. In the near future a large geophysical prospection is planned for this area as well as a probe exploration in case of obtaining sufficient funds.
Iván Robert – Univerzita Komenského, Filozofická fakulta – Katedra archeológie
(Bratislava 814 99, Gondova 2.)
Ölvecky Róbert – Archeologický Ústav SAV
(Nitra 949 21, Akademická 2.)
Zborník Slovenského národného múzea, Archeológia 29, Bratislava 2019, 235-262., 2019
The paper presents selected ensemble of graves from Germanic cremation cemetery in Sekule, which ... more The paper presents selected ensemble of graves from Germanic cremation cemetery in Sekule, which is situated in the western Slovakia near to the river Morava and close to the Austrian and Czech borders. Burying on this cemetery began approximately in the middle of the 1 st century AD. However, from this earlier stage only a few graves were uncovered (e.g. grave 31/2015); most of them can be dated to the second half of the 2 nd century AD (B2/C1). In these graves were found numerous objects of foreign provenience, which suggest close bonds with areas west (grave 17/2014) but mostly north to the Middle Danube region, mainly with Przeworsk culture (graves 21/2014, 37/2017 & 40/2017). Their analysis however shows that there were found not only singular objects like fibulae, jewels or other parts of clothing but also whole men and women grave units with inventory which have direct analogies at the cemeteries of Przeworsk culture. Obviously they are not merely the result of permanent cultural influences or intensive contacts but they got there together with its bearers. Together with the growing number of other kinds of findings in Middle Danube area, originating mainly in the territory of Przeworsk culture, they support more and more thesis about arrival of larger groups of migrants from the north to this area in the period of Mar-comannic wars. Úvod Objavy a rozsiahle výskumy germánskych žiarových pohrebísk na juhozápadnom Slovensku sa uskutočnili hlavne v 50. a 60. rokoch minulého storočia, kedy sa systematicky skúmali pohrebiská napr. v Očkove (Kolník 1956), v Bešeňove (Kolník 1961), v Abraháme, v Kostolnej pri Dunaji, v Sládkovičove (Kolník 1980) i v Ivanke pri Dunaji (Kraskovská 1965a). Už vtedy boli viaceré zo skúmaných hrobov sčasti porušené alebo zničené poľnohospodárskou činnosťou, najmä hlbokou orbou, ale aj ťažbou piesku, štrku alebo hliny pre tehliarsku výrobu, ako tomu bolo napr. v Gbelciach (Beljak/Kolník 2006). Odvtedy sa germánske žiarové pohrebiská, resp. hroby objavovali a skúmali len ojedinele, väčšinou v rámci záchranných výskumov napr. vo Veľkom Cetíne (Cheben/Ruttkayová/Ruttkay 1994, 194-201; Ruttkayová 2009) alebo v Stupave (Tur-čan/Šefčáková 2011). V niektorých prípadoch sa však žiaľ aj na objavených rozsiahlejších pohrebiskách výskum z rôznych dôvodov obmedzil len na zber nálezov s použitím detektorov kovov, prípadne iba na vybratie niekoľkých hrobov (Elschek 2014a; 2014b). Zväčša sa predpokladalo, že pohrebisko je natoľko zničené, že jeho výskumom sa už len ťažko podarí od-kryť nejaké zachované hrobové celky. Sondážne výskumy však ukázali, že i takéto náleziská môžu priniesť mimoriadne pozoruhodné objavy a poznatky (Elschek/Rajtár/Varsik 2011). Podobne tomu bolo na začiatku aj v prípade pohrebiska v Sekuliach, okr. Senica, ktoré bolo situované na vyvýše-nine východne od obce. Nálezisko leží západne od Malých Karpát na ľavej strane rieky Moravy neďaleko od rakúskych a českých hraníc, teda v oblasti osídlenej v dobe rímskej podunajskými Svébmi, Markomanmi alebo Kvádmi. Prvé infor-mácie pochádzali z prostredia detektoristov ešte z roku 2008, ktorí tu nelegálne vyzbierali množstvo kovových predmetov a vykopali i niekoľko hrobov. Pri prvých obhliadkach sa tu taktiež zozbieralo množstvo nálezov a vyzdvihli dva porušené hroby (Elschek 2014b, 124, obr. 13). Až neskôr sa podarilo získať aj časť protiprávne zozbieraných kovových predmetov i nálezov z vykopaných hrobov. Niektoré nálezové celky boli vtedy pri výkopoch fotograficky dokumentované, takže sa dali roztriediť a určiť aspoň časti inventárov zo štrnástich hrobov, ktoré sa označili písmenami AN , ich presnejšia poloha sa už nedala určiť. Kvôli ďalšiemu akútnemu ohrozeniu sme následne na nálezisku uskutočnili rozsiahle systematické zbery, geofyzi-kálne merania a napokon na vybraných miestach s koncentráciou hrobov aj záchranný výskum. Počas piatich výskumných kampaní realizovaných v rokoch 2012 až 2017 sa podarilo odkryť ešte 44 žiarových hrobov, resp. zdokumentovať a vy-zdvihnúť zvyšky aj z ďalších rozoraných hrobov 2. Geofyzikálne merania a systematické zbery poukazovali na to, že poh-1 Príspevok vznikol v rámci grantového projektu agentúry VEGA čís. 2/0001/18. 2 Výskumné aktivity v Sekuliach sa realizovali v rámci spolupráce a spoločného projektu medzi Römisch-Germanische Kommission DAI vo Frank-furte nad Mohanom a Archeologickým ústavom SAV v Nitre, v kooperácii s Katedrou archeológie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratis-lave.
IVÁN, Robert: Brooches of Middle Danube Germans in the Roman period (older Roman age). Dissertati... more IVÁN, Robert: Brooches of Middle Danube Germans in the Roman period (older Roman age). Dissertation work. Comenius University in Bratislava. Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Archeology. Instructor Prof. PhDr. Eduard Krekovič, CSc. Level of Qualification PhD. Bratislava: FiF UK, 2015. Number of sites 161.
My dissertation work presents the digest of the most common German brooches from the period of older Roman Empire in the region North to Central Danube. The subjects of my research were the claps which were found in the settlement area of the Suebi (Marcomanni, Quads) in the Southwest of Slovakia, Moravia and the upper Danube part in Lower Austria. In the work I analyze the spectrum of typology and the aspect of chronology of the brooches. In some cases I provided a more accurate typological classification of discovery of claps. I have examined the older shape-based classifications of the garment claps fund and the chronological conclusions stemming from older works. The work consists of 5 chapters. It includes indexes, attachments and charts. The first chapter summarizes the character of the work. The second one introduces the structure of the work. The following chapter examines the typological overview of the garment claps fund. The fourth chapter is dedicated to experimental archeology and the effects of different styles of manufacture on the final shape of clothing claps. The last chapter explains the confronting of the results from all chapters with the present status of research of the Roman Empire. The result of my work is a complete typological overview of founded clothing claps from the period of older Roman Empire alongside an interpretation of interregional interactions related to the overview, in contrast with known historical facts.
The territory between the Little Danube, Danube and Dudváh River (so-called Great Rye Island / V... more The territory between the Little Danube, Danube and Dudváh River (so-called
Great Rye Island / Vel’ký Žitný ostrov / Csallóköz) was lacking archaeological finds
in the past. By using aerial and field prospection in recent years, there have been discovered
many new sites which have significantly enlarged the spectrum of archaeological
sources from the Western part of Rye Island. The aim of this paper is to
enhance the research status in this area and to point out new significant archaeological
sites and their importance in regard to the exploration of the Great Rye Island territory
in the proto-historic evolution in the mid-Danube area.
New Germanic settlements in the Middle-Danube Roman-border area Till recently the great rye isla... more New Germanic settlements in the Middle-Danube Roman-border area
Till recently the great rye island belonged to the less-explored regions in the area of the Slovak republic. However, the latest outcomes of archaeological exploration bring new facts to the exploring status. Such locations as Dunajská Lužná – Nová Lipnica and Hamuliakovo thrive in new finds, which distinctively change a view of Roman-Germanic relations in the border area. Roman militaria and imported
pottery from Roman provinces together with Germanic finds from Dunajská Lužná- Nová Lipnica indicate massive roman influence, especially in the period of Marcomannic Wars.
A broad chronological and typological spectrum of brooches, coins and pottery from Hamuliakovo point to an extraordinary settlement lasting from the half of the 1st century till the end of the 4th century.
The most important find from Hamuliakovo is a face piece of a Roman equestrian helmet from the Marcomannic Wars period. Among a large number of brooches from Roman provinces, the remarkable pieces
are those of purely Germanic shapes originating in the Northern Europe area, e.g. shapes A 125/127 and A 96. The range of Northern Barbarian finds is represented by bucket-shaped pendants and a fragment of gold pear-shaped pendant.
A large number of Roman, especially silver coins indicates vigorous commercial contacts between Barbarians and the Roman Empire. the current exploration status suggests that these above-standard relations were undermined neither during Marcomannic Wars, nor afterwards when the local Germanic community apparently did not respect the demarcated region after the Truce between Commodus and the Germans. These newly-found locations are therefore proving extraordinarily perspective and crucial for the course of the next exploration. In the near future a large geophysical prospection is planned for this area as well as a probe exploration in case of obtaining sufficient funds.
Iván Robert – Univerzita Komenského, Filozofická fakulta – Katedra archeológie
(Bratislava 814 99, Gondova 2.)
Ölvecky Róbert – Archeologický Ústav SAV
(Nitra 949 21, Akademická 2.)