Genfic: the Other White Meat (original) (raw)

Go Forth and Tell the Story [25 May 2015|09:46pm]
Title: Go Forth and Tell the StoryCharacters/Pairings: Orin, Atlanna, Original Male Character; Atlanna/Original Male CharacterRating: G/KWord Count: 875Summary: He inoa no Orin. This is the story of Atlantis' greatest king. (Movieverse; backstory for Jason Momoa!Aquaman)Warnings: None.Disclaimer: Named characters and certain plot elements in this story are © DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. All content is fictional and for entertainment purposes only, not for profit.LiveJournal | AO3
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New Fic: Bird by Bird (DCU, Gen, Robins) - Teen and Up [24 Nov 2014|07:11pm]
Title: Bird by BirdAuthor: Lacey McBainRating: Teen and upPairing: NoneWord Count: ~ 18,500 wordsDisclaimer: Recognizable DC characters don’t belong to me. Obviously.Summary: Bullets, knives, a three story fall, even a fucking crowbar hadn’t managed to keep Jason down permanently, but Dick Grayson (and the rest of his “family”) was going to kill him with kindness.Author’s Note: This one’s all about the boys: Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian. Classic hurt/comfort with a bit of action/adventure thrown in for good measure.
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Fic: Work Husbands [23 Apr 2014|07:33pm]
Title: Work HusbandsPairing/Characters: Clark, Lois, Bruce, Dick, gen with background Clark/LoisSummary: Superman is surprised when “World's Finest” isn't the nickname that some people are calling him and Batman by. Rating: GWork Husbands
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Working as Friends [08 Jan 2014|02:25pm]
Title: Working as Friends Fandom: Birds of PreyPairing/Characters: Dinah Lance, Barbara GordonSummary: Dinah gets to know the person behind Oracle and it makes them a even better team. Rating: G**Word Count:**~1100 Read at my journal or at AO3
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Sons [15 Sep 2013|08:10pm]
Title: SonsFandom: Batman comicsPairing/Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, mentions of other RobinsSummary: Dick gets hit by fear gas and has a nightmare, and years later Bruce thinks it might have been something more.Rating: G**Word Count:**~1800 Sons
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Captain America/Avengers fic: Thaw [26 Aug 2013|07:26am]
ThawAvengers/Captain America movies-comics mashup; Clint Barton POVPG-13-ish; 67K words Summary: The Winter Soldier was the dog that ate the good guys' homework during the Cold War, a convenient bogeyman to explain failure, and Clint Barton is pretty sure those tall tales died with the fall of the Wall. But reality is stranger than fiction, something Clint really shouldn't be as surprised by as he is at this stage of his career, and now there are ghosts to chase once more. He wondered what they would say when they found out that the Winter Soldier was real, let alone that he was a brainwashed American. If that part even got told; there were obvious reasons not to want to share anything about the existence of the Winter Soldier, but some of them conflicted with SHIELD’s stated hope that they bring him in alive. But the Winter Soldier was currently neither aware of nor in support of that hope and his body count was growing exponentially and that, too, was going to have to factor in. Sooner than later. Clint didn’t know how Steve would handle the mathematics of saving James Barnes versus saving all of the people the Winter Soldier was going to kill before that could happen. But that was a calculation that was going to have to be made at some point and they — all of them — were going to have to deal with the answer.Notes: Thaw is a sequel to Freezer Burn plotwise and a successor to BOHICA in terms of characterizations. Neither is required reading for this. However, I do recommend reading the post-credit scene to FB to establish the Winter Soldier within the context of this universe, which is compliant with Phase One movies but diverges afterward.
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[07 May 2013|09:02am]
Title: A Girl CalledRated: General AudiencesCharacters: Cassandra Cain, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Alfred PennyworthSummary: What might have happened after Cassandra's series ended. (Yes, this is basically a fix-it for OYL.)A Girl Called
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DCU/Batman fic: Quest [17 Apr 2013|12:24am]
Title: QuestPairing/Characters: Dick Grayson (main), Damian Wayne (main), Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie BrownSummary: Damian is on a quest and Dick and Alfred think that maybe they should help him along. “Why is having fun so important?”Rating: GWord Count: ~3800Read at my journal or at AO3
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Avengers (movie) fic: BOHICA [08 Mar 2013|01:46pm]
BOHICAPG-13 | 6k wordsSummary: Clint Barton, in transition.Clint doesn’t get to carry a quiver on his first mission as a proper SHIELD agent, nor his second, nor his fifth. Because Fury’s plans for him involve more than sniping. “We have enough trigger pullers,” Coulson explains to him. Coulson has graduated, too, from personnel management to Clint’s handler. Or maybe that was always the plan and Fury thought they should start the relationship in the cradle. “You are capable of much more. We’re trying to find out how much.” Clint recognizes the challenge and accepts it. Revels in it, a little. At least until the first time he has to run for his life because maybe he’d gotten a little too cocksure and has to do half a klick on a busted ankle because of a bad jump off of a fourth-story roof followed by sliding awkwardly after stepping into a giant mound of shit because Parisians don’t curb their dogs. Nonetheless, a childhood of carny tricks, pickpocketing, and light B&E has never been better preparation for paying government work. Clint surprises everyone, even himself, with how good he is at the parts of tradecraft that don’t involve killing people. Everyone already knows how good he is at that.Story available at my LJ and at AO3.
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fic: Freezer Burn [26 Feb 2013|09:28pm]
**Freezer Burn**PG-13-ish | 195K words_Avengers_/Captain America ensembleLJ tag ao3 The adventures of Steve Rogers, defrosted soldier, who is missing time but not really all that lost. He's got a surprisingly broad knowledge of lettuces, a working grasp of modern technology, and may or may not be using both to mess with his teammates and save the world.
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fic: Crime and... [07 Feb 2013|06:50pm]
Title: Crime and...Fandom: DCU - BatmanCharacters: Dick & BabsWord Count: 1,723Rating: PGDisclaimer: I don't own Bat-anything.Warnings: NoneSummary: "Are you punishing me with glitter? That's not a very good punishment, Babs."A/N: Set sometime vaguely after Batgirl: Year One. Inspired by incogneat-oh's adorable headcanon.Here
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DC Elseworlds [07 Oct 2012|02:56am]
Title: Mars: An Elseworlds StoryAuthor: ablissabissFandom: DCCharacters/Pairing: Bruce, J'onn, Malefic, various others. Eventual J'onn/Bruce, one-sided Malefic/Bruce.Summary: Mars will burn, that is what the visions tell Malefic. Bruce Wayne of Earth will bring destruction and death to all. It is a comforting thought to him, but not to Bruce, who swears to be more. How can he though, when his soul has been damned ever since that night? Read here
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Multi-Fandom Platonic Fic Rec Community [28 Aug 2012|11:24pm]
"waves" Just wanted to let everyone know about the Multi-Fandom Platonic Fic Rec Community, platonicfic_rec. All fic recs are welcome, as long as you don't rec your own stories, and the fics focus on platonic relationships (including friendships, teams, and family). Check out the rules, and then go forth and rec.Posted with permission.P.S. I'd like to get recs from as many fandoms as possible. If there are any fandoms (especially large ones) you are aware of, that I haven't advertised on, please let me know what would be a good community to post to for that fandom.
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Fic: Security, Fandom: Batman/DCU, Character: Tim, Rating: G [30 Jul 2012|12:13am]
Title:SecurityFandom: Batman/DCUCharacters: Tim DrakeRating: GSummary: Tim hides it really well, armed with his camera against the world.AN: Written for the prompt Armor at prompt_of_day, and based on two headcanons on tumblr, one about Tim having OCD and the other about Tim taking off-duty pictures of his family through the camera in his cowl. In regards to OCD, I just want to clarify that OCD is a lot more than the obsessive hand washing or stove/door/window checking that people tend to associate OCD with. This was a bit terrifying to write, to be honest, but it reawakened my love for Tim, so that makes it worth it. Comments and constructive criticism is always appreciated. I hope you enjoy the story.Tim is never without a camera.
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Freezer Burn (Captain America/Avengers) [20 Jul 2012|10:53am]
Freezer BurnCaptain America/The Avengers, sorta comics, mostly movieverse, entirely WIPgenfic; ~8000 words so farSummary: The adventures of Steve Rogers, defrosted soldier, who is missing time but not really all that lost. He's got a surprisingly broad knowledge of lettuces, a working grasp of modern technology, and may or may not be using both to mess with his teammates. serial tag on LJ | story on ao3The story is updated as-written on LJ, then collected and posted as chapters on AO3.
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