when you said you loved me i knew i was getting fucked (original) (raw)
[01 Jan 2006|10:34pm] | |
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[13 Nov 2005|10:35am] | |
[11 Sep 2005|04:05pm] | |
WHAT HAPPENED TO CRASHSCENE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!Does promoting get us nowhere or something?:[. | |
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mod | [20 Aug 2005|04:36pm] |
Okay, so I'm tired of being the only one who gives a shit about this community, so if people don't start becoming active and actually DOING stuff soon, I'm going to leave and uh, this will die since no one else does anything. | |
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[14 Aug 2005|12:57am] | |
Oh My God.I have not had internet for 2 weeks. I have been DYING. I just got wireles internet and my computer can't connect because it has too many viruses and I can't use my brother's because he has a password on it. Anyway I just convinced my brother to let me on for 5 minutes because I'm dyyyyying to talk about warped tour! Who went?? It was so freaking amazing. I met the one of the guitarists from My Chemical Romance, Ray Toro! You know, the one with the crazy afro haha. The drummer was there, too. It was amaaaaazzzinngggg because they have been one of my favorite bands. That was yesterday.Then today the craziest thing happened. You may not even believe me because I am still in disbelief. I am from the same county in NJ as the band Saves the Day. They went to the high school that is like 20 minutes from mine. So I work at this coffee shop and today this older woman in a Saves the Day tee-shirt comes in with a younger guy. As I'm ringing her up I look at her shirt and I go "that's a good band, you like them?" and the dude goes "that's my band". I like died. It was Chris Conley from Saves the Day! And he gave me his autograph and shook my hand and talkeddd to meee. :) Like even if you don't LIKE Saves the Day I just thought it was a BOMB story! He was so nice. I just don't believe it. I'm so starstruck. haha.I can't wait until I have internet again and I can talk to all of youuuuu and PROMOTE and do themessss. Again, I am so sorry for my absence.Rock on, Crashscene! | |
MOD// >=[ | [11 Aug 2005|02:41pm] |
Word of the DayFailPronunciation: 'fA(&)lFunction: verb_Etymology: Middle English failen, from Old French faillir, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin fallire, alteration of Latin fallere to deceive, disappoint_intransitive senses1 a : to lose strength : WEAKEN b : to fade or die away c : to stop functioning 2 a : to fall short b : to be or become absent or inadequate c : to be unsuccessful (as in passing an examination) d : to become bankrupt or insolvent_transitive senses_1 a : to disappoint the expectations or trust of b : to miss performing an expected service or function for 2 : to be deficient in : LACK3 : to leave undone : NEGLECT4 a : to be unsuccessful in passing (as a test) b : to grade (as a student) as not passingPS It would be really nice if you guys could do the theme, the scavanger hunt, the question of the week, the word of the day, PROMOTE, or do SOMETHING because this community is going to just die. There's like 10 different ways to get points, and only two people seem to be making an effort. | |
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MOD | [09 Aug 2005|05:34pm] |
**Word of the Day:**CruisePronunciation: 'krüzFunction: _verb_Inflected Form(s): cruised; cruis·ingEtymology: Dutch kruisen to make a cross, cruise, from Middle Dutch crucen, from cruce cross, from Latin _cruc-, cruxintransitive senses_1 : to sail about touching at a series of ports2 : to move or proceed speedily, smoothly, or effortlessly3 : to travel without destination or purpose4 a : to go about the streets at random but on the lookout for possible developments b : to search (as in public places) for a sexual partner5 a of an airplane : to fly at the most efficient operating speed b of an automobile : to travel at a speed suitable for being maintained for a long distance_transitive senses_1 : to cruise over or about2 : to inspect (as land) with reference to possible lumber yield3 a : to search in (a public place) for a sexual partner b : to approach and suggest sexual relations to | |
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MOD | [08 Aug 2005|03:38pm] |
Update on the question of the week, and I've added a word of the day. Also, if you guys could start doing the scavanger hunt, and TRY REALLY HARD to get your friends to join I will love you forever. **Question of the Week:**If you started a band, what would you name it?**Word of the Day:**Suave[ swaav ] AdjectiveDefinitions:1. charming: polite and charming, especially in a way that seems affected or insincere2. pleasingly dressed: well groomed and pleasingly dressed ( dated )[Early 16th century. Directly or via French < Latin suavis “sweet, agreeable” < Indo-European]I will reward one point to anyone who uses the word of the day in a sentence correctly. =] | |
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[05 Aug 2005|01:16pm] | |
guys i realised i never added this to my new one. i extremely apologise and will do the scavenger hunt with ferver.good word use huh? ferver. | |
MOD//Scavanger Hunt!!! | [04 Aug 2005|02:58pm] |
In order to try to liven up this community a little more, we have decided to take Jess' idea and create a Scavanger Hunt worth 20 points to whoever completes it, and you also get bonus points if the item you find at request is unique in any way or if we just plain like it.What you have to do is, we'll create a list of items that you can find, either on the internet, or take a picture of it yourself.**( the itemsCollapse )**PS notice we have a new Member of the Month, and theme. ♥ | |
Stamped//Theme! | [02 Aug 2005|02:42am] |
Sorry I'm not more active. When my mom gets around to trusting me with her digital camera, I'll post more often, promise.My friends Katy, Courtney and I went to Lakeland [two towns over] and had adventures!**( Theme!Collapse )**♥♥♥Ashley. | |
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[30 Jul 2005|10:48pm] | |
hey all, tis Jess. | |
[25 Jul 2005|06:44pm] | |
How many more days of summer do you all have left?I have 13. Registration is TOMORROW.2 weeks! | |
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[25 Jul 2005|05:11pm] | |
[ **mood** | ![]() |
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mods with a change | [21 Jul 2005|04:53pm] |
Hi dead community!!! The mods have both changed their journals, so if you want to get in contact with either of us, Elin (me), who used to be |
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