hey! look at that stupid fucker... (original) (raw)

[7. 28. 05 // @ 9:48pm]
[7. 4. 05 // @ 9:16pm]
[ **mood** | rejuvenated ] wow this community needs a theme or something
Leaving [6. 10. 05 // @ 11:53pm]
Sorry. :\ It was much fun while it lasted, but things have been keeping me from being able to be on the computer much, or even find time to keep up with stuff on LJ, so I'm now leaving. Much love to you all though. :D I enjoyed it. ^^,
MOD// i have a question! [5. 18. 05 // @ 10:45am]
[ **mood** | bored ] hey! holli. isn't it time for a new theme..........hasn't it been like a week or more? well also ummm my mod picture never changed. ♥emmy
MOD//new layout [5. 15. 05 // @ 12:10pm]
[ **mood** | silly ] hey hey!!we've got a new look!!who likes it?who objects?comment and tellme. im just takingthis one for a testdrive...so everythingis changable. but thisa pre-made thanx tooldttfn lovelies.♥
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