[[ e x o t i c s h a d o w s ]] (original) (raw)

[27 Jul 2005|12:24am]
[ **mood** | apathetic ] Hello, all! It is I, back from the dead and with a new username, heh heh. Just wanted to let you all know that I have moved my icon journal to iconfactory_ and will no longer be posting anything from here. In fact, next week I will be deleting this journal forever. I know, it's sad, but I tend to shed usernames like dead skin these days. So! See you all there!
Misc: Tutorials [Orange Coloring] [14 Mar 2005|06:56pm]
[ **mood** | craptastic ] Well, here's my first tutorial, where I am going to teach you how to make the following icon, featuring the lovely Keira Knightley. It's a bit complicated and lengthy, so feedback would be lovely! This tutorial is also for PS7, but I'm sure it'll work for PSP. ( and here we go!Collapse ) So, what'd you think? Good, bad, boring? Comment and let me know what you think!
11 commandeer
New layout! [13 Mar 2005|04:41pm]
[ **mood** | hungry ] I made a new layout while I wait for my mom to finish making dinner, heh heh. Not sure if I like it or not, but it'll do for now. ^_^
3 commandeer
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