Heartbreak. Have you had yours lately? (original) (raw)

FRIENDS ONLY [15 Feb 2006|01:00pm]
This community is now.FRIENDS ONLY.Join and apply today!
Stamped. [23 Jan 2006|01:47pm]
so im supposed to pick the next themebut i have NO IDEA what to do because im awful with that shit. so help me out please?!?!?!?lovelovelovelovelovebrittney
4 | Compete for the biggest broken heart
[10 Jan 2006|08:17pm]
Hey Guys, I just deleted pretty much all my members from my rating community, because they weren't active or they were lame.So I'm starting fresh: New application, new members, new way of doing things.We're already sisters, but I only kept 3 members, and 2 mods, not including me.( this way to the promo!Collapse )
7 | Compete for the biggest broken heart
is anyone out there? [10 Jan 2006|09:24am]
[ **mood** | lonely ] i've realised that no one really commetns, or even talks on my LJ to me anymore, so if anyone wants to add me out there go right ahead i'd be more than happy to talk or whatever....off to destruction...
2 | Compete for the biggest broken heart
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