hello everyone. (original) (raw)

hey. well im looking for lj friends who will comment on my stuff. please fill out this basic info questions to be added.




picture: (if u have one)



How often do u update?

I had been away from LJ for a while due to .... life. I do miss writing about my day/life and plan to do it more often if not daily. However most of…

I am looking for people who acutely write in their journals on a regular basis . You don't always have to comment but that doesn't hurt either. Well,…

ADD ME AND READ THE LATEST NEWS: f.ex. NATO PLANE CRASH Оriginal fr rurik1 в NATO PLANE CRASH /погiб Hercules C130J for…

I had been away from LJ for a while due to .... life. I do miss writing about my day/life and plan to do it more often if not daily. However most of…

I am looking for people who acutely write in their journals on a regular basis . You don't always have to comment but that doesn't hurt either. Well,…

ADD ME AND READ THE LATEST NEWS: f.ex. NATO PLANE CRASH Оriginal fr rurik1 в NATO PLANE CRASH /погiб Hercules C130J for…