i realize that as a mod i have failed at my job in this community but you memebers arent exactly doing a good job either.i did one of my main jobs today and that was promote this bitchi promoted in about 6 or more promotion communities.i realize that we have not had a theme in weeks and i know thats mostly my fault.we will start back up with everything whenever we get some more members. coming in.as for now. promote this whore like that pimps you are!COME ON PEOPLE GIVE ME SOMETHING TO WORK WITH!
[ **mood** | depressed ] going along with the theme i'm gonna post my progression of dye jobs for my bangs in the last 6 months! enjoy!first it was red and black:which then turned into pink and blackand now it's purple and blackwell that's all from me kids!mcl<3xjessx
ok well since people arent really posting. theres been what one or two posts in about a month or whatever.anyways.new theme for this week and this next week.HAIRok so post pictures of your hair. bad hair days. good hair days. dramatic hair cuts. you know stuff like that.whatever.ok so heres what my hair looks like pretty much now that ive cut some MORE OFF.im still probably getting more chopped off. who knows.ok beware these pictures arent good of me but my hair looks good so deal with it.( and here you go. . . Collapse )
ok. so i do realize that im sorta late with the theme. i got busy.what im going to do is let the next 5 members who join be auto accept if they follow all rules.so promote with the banners and link back to us. im really busy and i cant make them to where you can just click the picture and get here.so promote and tell them next 5 members auto accept.ok so now theme week.post pictures of your favorite pair of shoes. i know corny. i dont care.POST DAMNITi hate having a dead community.
[ **mood** | bitchy ] yu guys REALLY need to update in here. ill be starting a new theme when we get to next week.my computer was messed p for a really long time so im just now getting back into updating every few days or so.ill be putting the promotion banners in our info soon. i dont know how to link the banners back to our community but when i figure it out THEN the banners will be put in our info. so be looking for that. but for now update with just a link ot our community or community info or SOMETHINGour community is dead and i hate that!FIX IT AND MAKE IT BETTER!PROOTE OUR DEAD COMMUNITY. MAKE IT ALIVE!
[ **mood** | annoyed ] i cant wait for warped tour this mondaywho all is going? a show of hands please?a note though, if i see you hardcore dancing during nofx or the vandals im gonna clothesline you and proceed to kick the shit out of youmy three main objectives are the same as any concert basically1. have a good time2. get the shit beat outta me3. hurt peopleso watch out ;DKsE w/ From Autumn To Ashes/Eighteen Visions/36 CrazyfistsAugust 20th at tremont music hall, be there =D
[ **mood** | satisfied ] I know I havn't posted in a while. I just got back from my dads a couple of days ago.. but, I thought I would post for the theme. ( Wo0f.Collapse )
[ mood** | blah ] I'm leaving tomorrow [the 31st] and I wont be back til the 8th of August. I'm going to South Carolina for a family reunion -gag- and a wedding -chokes to death- but yeah. I'll miss ya'll and I'll try to get online but if not then I'll just "holla" when I get back! lmao Buh-Byez.( Newest PicciesCollapse )**