7/20/05 04:33 pm - vovat - Me want Honeycomb! I think it's worth mentioning that Frank's new album, Honeycomb, came out yesterday. I've listened to it a few times, and I have a review of it here, in case anyone is interested.
1/11/05 03:04 pm - rogue_explorer Charles is a father! Link HERE.Does this kick ass or what? :)
12/9/04 11:50 pm - paxnunc - Hey i love frank black. with and without the pixies. Hey yeah so jsut posting my first post. I love frank black. Amazing musican. and...im going to see the pixies in one week :Dso htast pretty much it. ill hopefully post pics of the show after and full details. Check my intersts if you happen to care what other bands i like.
11/24/04 05:16 pm - chroneos Anyone else wondering when there will be another Catholics show? I hope I'm not alone on this one, hopefully Honeycomb will do something.
| | 11/18/04 07:36 pm - oceandonkey - new guy here ^_^ Hey everyone, big fan, thought i should join this community. I've got some ok pictures from the Dallas show, if anyone wants to see them i'll put'm up. Anyone else goto the Dallas show? it was really cool, and by cool I mean really totally awesome ! |
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10/26/04 05:51 pm - rogue_explorer Obligatory "first post by the mod". . .Hi kids! *is met by stony silence*. . .I hope I get members soon. Lots of people love FB, I'm sure.