Title: The Whispers SeriesAuthor: MaldororAuthor on LJ: maldoror_gwFandom: Gundam WingRating: NC-17Warnings: violence, sexual content (yaoi)Pairings: 1x2, 3x4Why I like this fic: I am an admitted Duo-fan, and this series definitely nurtured that tendency. It was written a while back now, but I still think it is one of the best the fandom has seen and particularly is an excellent first fic to read in the fandom. I felt that Maldoror stuck to what is the essence of GW - the fact that it is violent and brutal, but with a touch of sentimentality. Her characters are so strongly crafted, and she doesn't back away from the fact that these are teenage boys fighting in a war they should be too young to witness. The side-story 'What's In A Name' is one of the most stunning pieces I've read, and I actually just sat in my chair unmoving for a good few minutes after reading it. The 'Indiscretions' arc is wonderfully humorous, but it is the insightfulness of her depiction of Duo in the preceeding arcs that I really adored. Her Heero is also not the usual alpha-male-domineering one that often crops up in fanon, which is a huge plus. And yes, I did mention 'arcs' within the series. This is an extremely lengthy work, but well worth the time it takes to read it. Maldoror is a fantastic writer, who has a very readible and polished style. Her later works are even more professional than some of her earlier stuff, but I would happily recommend anything she has written. |