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Substantial Makes His MTV2 Debut This Week [26 May 2008|02:13pm]
QN5 Music is proud to announce its network television debut with the airing of Substantial’s music video for “It’s You (I Think)” on MTV2’s Sucker Free – every day from May 27-29, 2008 @ 4 PM & 8 PM.This Watch it! DVR it! YouTube It! Whatever you do…DO NOT MISS QN5 on the biggest music channel on television. And THEN, let your voice be heard by MTV and show them that you support Substantial and the New Hip Hop movement. We can’t stress this enough – this is a huge moment for us – let’s make good on the forward momentum and flood them with emails and positive comments.WHERE TO COMMENT: http://suckerfreeblog.mtv.comWHERE TO SEND LETTERS: tips@suckerfreeblog.comIf we can show the world there’s enough of a buzz, this will open the doors for the rest of the QN5 collective. So, if you’re a CunninLynguists fan or a Tonedeff fan, or a PackFM fan, etc…show love for Substantial. As you can see, it all adds up. We’ve fought tooth and nail to get to this point and we’re one step closer – but we can only get to the next step with your support. Let’s let the world know we’re here to stay.Source
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Since 2005, the QN5 label (CunninLynguists, Tonedeff, PackFM, Substantial, Session, Mr. SOS, Elite, and Domingo) have held a once a year performance in the summer called "The Megashow". Pretty much, it's the only time in the year where the whole label performs together in the same night. This event is 100% FOR THE FANS. A lot of time goes into this event and the artists make sure we get everything for our money. In 2005 and 2006 it was in NYC, and the show was absolutely insane. Special guests came, the venues held it down, QN5 killed it, and it was a good night for Hip-Hop, artists and fans alike. In 2007, the camp took the show to L.A. The show was still a great experience, but it took a good financial hit. Since this show is strictly for the fans, the label has made it clear that there's a chance there may not be a show this summer. The ball is now in our courts and if we show that enough of us will go, we may be able to help give the greenlight for a 2008 show in NYC. Show your support people!Make your voice heard HERE!
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A great hiphop book [13 Oct 2005|01:54pm]
Hello!I am new to this community and to live journal in general. I am just starting to get the hang of things but this community seems like a cool place to be. I love Hiphop! It is amazing to see where this movement has gone... I was in Japan and all the teens are in hiphop street styles. It's kind of shocking!Anyways, I was reading this great book, Make It Happen by Kevin Liles, who went from intern to President at Def Jam Records. His story was just amazing. He grew up on the streets and never imagined he would have become the president of a major hiphop label. Has anyone else read the book?Or have any suggestions for new artists to look for?
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50 Cent [23 May 2005|09:40am]
I would like to know what you think about 50? he good or bad...personally hes ok his new album "the Massacure" had a few good ones on it like Piggy Bank, Outta Control, and Juss a lil bit befea it went commericial....what are your comments?
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First Post [20 May 2005|09:18am]
Ok Ladees and Gents....This is a hiphop community....learn all u need to kno about hiphop....ask ur questions about hiphop....get answers...learn to write text...and post ur text up hea..and talk about news in the hiphop world...and such....join the community....
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