&Nbsp        the PASSION of the CHRIST  : community (original) (raw)

Icons [11 Nov 2008|04:21pm]
I know that there is still some time before Christmas, but I am very excited this time of the year. It is anniversary (celebration) of my Lord Jesus Christ, prince of peace, God strong, wonderful counselor so I loooove Christmas. The colors and lights. It's all magic. That's why I made some icons on the subject. I hope you like it! Please comment and credit.[33] Movie "The Passion of the Christ". [60] Bones episodes of Christmas. (Episode 1x09 - The Man in the Fallout Shelter and Episode 3x09 - The Santa in the Slush)Preview![Photobucket](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/rustiguel/Paixo_00.jpg) PhotobucketHERE at my journal
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[21 May 2006|09:05am]
I thought i'd say Hello, my name's Emily and i'm 18 years old.I've watched the Passion of the Christ a couple times right after it came out, but i watched it by myself last night and it, really meant something to me, i thought the movie was amazing and i am glad that Mr. Gibson did make this movie for all people to see and start to believe like i am now.
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Mood Theme [30 Mar 2006|04:49pm]
I know this is like a year after the last entry, but... does anyone have a mood theme from this movie?
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[18 Jan 2005|02:48am]
[ **mood** | kill yourself!!! ] the passion changed my life it made me see christ. Two months later i ended up disowning my homosexual little brother. now life on the compound couldn't be better. peace brother.
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Pontius Pilate in The Passion [10 Nov 2004|07:35pm]
Hello! For my New Testament class we have to watch The Passion and then write a two-part paper on it. The second part is a research paper, and we are supposed to find something "historically suspect" and write about how inaccurate/accurate it is. I've chosen the role of Pontius Pilate in Jesus' crucifixion. Can anyone give me helpful links, books, magazines, or anything at all relating to this topic? Thank you in advance. :)
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Pictures? [24 Jul 2004|01:07am]
Does anyone know of a good site with pictures/stills from "The Passion", particularly pictures of Monica Bellucci as Mary Magdalen? I've tried getting pictures from imdb.com, but all their pictures are copy-protected now, and the official movie site doesn't seem to want to load on my computer... Thanks!!
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The repentant criminal [23 Jul 2004|03:50pm]
Hi! I'm looking for some pictures from the movie with the repentant criminal (supposed to be converted into a userpicture - or do you call it "icon" in English?). I'm quite happy with the one I have, but a dear friend of mine has just asked me wether I know such a one for him. Can anybody help us, please?Crossposted to christspassion
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[19 Jul 2004|08:49pm]
[ mood | creative ] Greeting. Anyone who knows me will know that I am not a Christian, but I found this community and had to share. So, here's what a nonbeliever thought about the Passion. I am not here to do any bashing or anything, but if you are offended in any way, I assure you I did not mean to. If you want me out of this community, ask me and I will leave. I put my thoughts into an LJ cut (hopefully I got the code right) as to not force someone who does not want to read into reading.( But if you're alright with this, read on.Collapse )
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Hello [21 Jun 2004|11:17am]
[ **mood** | bored ] Hey everyone. My name's Alicia and I'm 18 years old. I've seen "The Passion," twice in theaters and I loved it. I really don't have much to say other than that.... or maybe I'm just having a brain cramp lol. Random question: How reliable is the Gospel of Thomas? I need to read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John of course, but I was just wondering.
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[20 Jun 2004|04:23pm]
I think we should start talking about the movie other than just saying what we liked or didn't like.Here's a question:How has this movie affected you?
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Mel Gibson Primetime interview [19 May 2004|12:23pm]
I just want to ask if anyone has the transcript of this interview? Maybe it's nothing new, I mean, I've read some quotes by Mel Gibson and he probably says the same things in the Primetime interview but anyway... Do you have it?Thank you =)
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[01 May 2004|04:01pm]
Hi, I am nicole. I saw the passion in the movie theatre last night. There were lost of things I saw that were symbolized in the movie. At the begging when he crushed the snacks head, it was like how he was going crush Satan's reign over the earth. Also I went with my youth group, so we had a discussion afterwards, and someone asked about the Baby that the Demon/Satan had in its arms while the Flogging scence was going on. The youth Pastor said that it was like a mockery. Satan/Demon is like: See I hold and cradle my baby and take care of it, but look what your father(God) is doing to you, Letting them beat you down and mock you. Also, the only question that I asked, that I didn't undersand the answer to is, what about the Dove? It symbolized something. I thought it was like the dove was flying away, just like God had to turn his back on Jesus, but I don't know, anythoughts would be great though.
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[01 May 2004|06:38pm]
Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself as I'm new! I'm Rachel, I live in England, 20 years old, and I went to see The Passion of the Christ last night. I can't even begin to describe the effect that it had on me, I still feel in a daze. Truly, truly wonderful, I was sobbing through most of it. A quick question - I loved the music on the film trailer, but I've heard it's not on the film soundtrack - does anyone know what the title is of this?
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[30 Apr 2004|12:02am]
well, I know it's illegal but... I've already seen The Passion in theatres three times, so I gave abundantly my money to the production, and now I'd like to see it again. Do you know where I can download the whole movie, waiting for the release of the DVD?
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