[**Current Mood** | sore]If there was one thing that Lancelot hated more than snow in this world, he would like to know it so he could declare his detest. However he didn’t think that possible as how could anything outdo snow? It was cold and soaked your clothes if it settled for long enough and the ice on the ground was impossible to navigate. Lancelot really hated winter and he hated how many layers he was forced to wear just to feel halfway human. Another thing he hated was the way his windscreen would fog due to the extreme temperature inside of his car and outside of his car.He was on his way back to his house after a long day of work but the traffic and the poor weather conditions had slowed him down. He cursed for the sixth time as he had to lean forward to wipe the inside of his windscreen, he could barely see anything.Snow continued to fall and whilst he might have enjoyed the view in a nice warm house, he was most certainly not enjoying it now. “Fucking weather.” He muttered to himself as he pulled his car from out of its lane and shifted it into the next which took him around to the street that would eventually take him home.Just as his car turned, his wheels skidded on the iced road and as he focused on fighting for control of the wheel and on steadying the spin, Lancelot’s car was slammed into by another. There was a dull crunching sound as metal hit metal before sparks flew out from around the car and Lancelot felt a sudden almost fierce pain in one leg as the dashboard collapsed forward onto him. The sudden impact forced his head forward and his head met with the hard edge of his steering wheel. He cried out suddenly and then groaned as he fell back into his seat, blood gushed from nose, ear and mouth and his head felt like it was going to explode.Only the horror didn’t stop there, the momentum of the crash brought Lancelot’s car around on the road and then forced it straight off the highway. Bumps, crashes and thuds were head as the car rolled and rolled until it came to a slow stop. The only thing holding Lancelot in place was his seatbelt but even then, he moved like a rag doll.The glass of the windscreen was shattered, cracked and several pieces had embedded in Lancelot’s body. His head was bloodied and his face seemed almost disfigured by the amount of bruises and cuts that littered the skin.However the dark stain in the side of Lancelot’s white shirt was more worrying especially as a large chunk of metal appeared to have stuck itself in there. Lancelot was unconscious; impact after impact had rendered him into this state. Blood dripped from him and the only horrific sound that could be heard was Lancelot’s horn blaring as his face rested against it.The emergency services worked as quickly as they could but it meant cutting Lancelot out of his car and that took time. Paramedics tried to keep an eye on Lancelot’s state as the firemen worked, they knew they needed to get him to the hospital or risk him dying.Eventually the man was cut free and transferred from car to ambulance and driven away from the scene. During his journey to the hospital, Lancelot went into cardiac arrest and was forcibly revived and held there by the paramedic’s voice until it all became too much and Lancelot passed out again. For how long, no-one knew as only the doctors could tell them that.The ambulance arrived and without much fuss, Lancelot was rushed away and the arduous task of contacting family or friends began. The first on the list happened to be one Arthur Pryce and a young nurse waited for the man to answer his phone. |