pReTtY oNeS (original) (raw)
stamped//back | [Thursday, April 7th, 2005@ 3:17pm] |
I'm finally back from Alaska. I had such an awesome time. We got stuck in Salt Lake City for a 36 hours before we actually got to Alaska, but we had to stay in Alaska two extra days because we couldn't get a flight out. It was so beautiful there.**( Pictures!Collapse )**I was also wanting you all to check out my boyfriends band and tell me what you think. Just comment and let me know.Six Cylinder | |
2 | pretty ones |
[Wednesday, March 30th, 2005@ 12:54pm] | |
this community needs a little perking up.. do you think we can change the layout? that'd be a very nice change. we need more people to promote cause this community seems dead. maybe we can get some themes going or something?just some suggestiions.<3Sammy | |
5 | pretty ones |
Stamped | [Friday, January 28th, 2005@ 9:30am] |
[ mood** | blank ] These are just two random photos, but both taken last Friday. One's of me, and the other one's of my boyfriend, who, just so you know, is totally posing, even though he won't admit it.( PhotosCollapse )** | |
2 | pretty ones |
[Friday, March 25th, 2005@ 2:49pm] | |
[ **mood** | happy ] Hey, I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to be totally inactive for the next week for the simple fact that I'm going to And I've not been to active lately because its taking a lot of stuff to get ready, packing, making money and stuff like that. So after alaska I should be more active. I'll post lots of pictures too![x]posted in all communities i'm in. | |
pretty ones |
[Monday, March 14th, 2005@ 6:58pm] | |
pretty ones |
[Wednesday, March 9th, 2005@ 7:21pm] | |
merci beaucoup! I'm sorry I didnt promote... I'll start now! | |
pretty ones |
[Tuesday, March 1st, 2005@ 3:48pm] | |
[ **mood** | prettie good ] hi i just wanted to say that i will be a very active member and thankx for accepting me!i have promoted in a few places: __seduceme | |
pretty ones |
[Monday, February 28th, 2005@ 11:54am] | |
This entry is NOT friends only. Here's the deal:I have deleted EVERYBODY on the member's list.This helps see who's active, because a lot of people aren't!SO:YOU MUST CLICK THE JOIN COMMUNITY LINK IN THE USERINFO AND YOU MUST COMMENT ON THIS ENTRY SO WE KNOW YOU ARE ACTIVE! YOU HAVE ONE WEEK. IF YOU DO NOT COMMENT, AND YOU DO NOT CLICK THE JOIN COMMUNITY LINK IN THE USERINFO, YOU WILL NOT BE ADDED AND YOU WILL HAVE TO REAPPLY!Sorry for the inconvienence!Thanks everybody!<3 Cait, Ashley, and ToriAnd could everyone please put a promotion for _pretty_ones_ in their userinfo. | |
14 | pretty ones |
we need PUBLICITY!!!!!! | [Monday, February 7th, 2005@ 6:05pm] |
[ **mood** | hopeful ] ok guys.. i really want to make this community active and get more people to join.. pleaseee comment if you have any ideas<3 | |
2 | pretty ones |
NEW NAME!!!!! | [Sunday, February 6th, 2005@ 2:35pm] |
[ **mood** | content ] alright everyone.. i just thought you should know.. i have a new name!!.. it is co0l___beans.. (with 3 underscores ;] ) | |
pretty ones |
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