young_writers - Profile (original) (raw)

on 19 May 2005 (#7167604)


Welcome to _young_writers_! Here is a place where you can come and share your work with others that will enjoy what you have to offer!

This community is for anyone... artists, writers, peots, song writers... you name it. You can even join just to see others work!


01. You are allowed to promote! But no more then 3 times a day please. If you promote more the post will be deleted.
02. Please read through others work and offer any feedback possible.
03. No fights, let's keep this clean.
04. You are allowed to share ANY type of story, song, art, anything! I don't care if it contains nudity, sexual parts to the story... whatever. Just please put out a warning on the subjest line or before the lj-cut.
05. Put long posts, picture posts behind a cut.


Please introduce yourself! We would love to get to know you, you the artist, writer -ect. It is nice to know a little on the person that you are leaving feedback on. You don't have to fill it out... but why not?

Horoscope sign?
How long have you been a lj user?
What are your reasons for joining this community?
Favorite books?
Favorite movies?

action, action movies, action stories, add me, all authors, anime, art, authors, banners, blood, books, chapters, characters, classics, clockwork orange, comedy, communities, dark writing, debate, desire, dvds, emotions, expressions, fame, famous, fan fiction, fan-fic, fanfiction, fantasy, fiction, fiction authors, fiction writing, fight club, films, hope, horror films, horror flicks, horror stories, icons, imagination, interview with the vampire, inuyasha, livejournal, love, lovers, lust, lyrics, making art, movies, music, novels, people, poems, promote, promoting, promotions, quizilla, quizzes, readers, reading, romance, romance stories, romantic, scenes, science fiction, self expression, sex, stories, tapes, thoughtful, thoughts, vampire blood, vampire fangs, vampires, werewolves, women authors, words, writers, writing stories, young authors