[ this is going to hurt ] (original) (raw)

WITH YOU -- Linkin Park [Feb. 2nd, 2008|12:38 am][Ashes, Ashes]
[Tags**|karaoke] [mood** depresseddepressed]I foresee more Linkin Park in your future. :](Characters: nuuuuu D:)
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IF WE HOLD ON TOGETHER - diana ross [Jan. 30th, 2008|11:59 pm][Ashes, Ashes]
[Tags**|karaoke] [mood** amusedamused]you knew it was coming.
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HEAL OVER - KT Tunstall [Jan. 30th, 2008|03:30 pm][Ashes, Ashes]
[Tags**|karaoke] [mood** sicksick]I like this one :)
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ALONE - Heart [Oct. 23rd, 2007|02:31 pm][Ashes, Ashes]
[Tags**|karaoke] [mood** boredbored]Sapph - Himitsu
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BENT - Matchbox Twenty [Oct. 20th, 2007|08:51 pm][Ashes, Ashes]
[Tags**|karaoke] [mood** amusedamused]I need to stop picking these kinds of songs 8)
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HOW TO SAVE A LIFE - The Fray [Oct. 19th, 2007|09:23 pm][Ashes, Ashes]
[Tags**|karaoke] [mood** boredbored]This could have been better, but it's not bad for just starting out. Remind me to fix the end later.
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ONE - U2 [Oct. 18th, 2007|05:43 pm][Ashes, Ashes]
[Tags**|karaoke] [mood** blahblah]Sapph himitsu only, karaoke! Why am I dusting off this dead community.
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001; [Oct. 28th, 2005|05:33 pm][Ashes, Ashes]
[**mood** |uncomfortableuncomfortable]Mun has been using me often as of late.I wonder if I should worry for my mental wellbeing.I also want to know why I'm the one coming up with all these ideas for the kitchen. It almost makes me want to do something similar here.Not that half of the people here eat, anyway.
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001; [Oct. 23rd, 2005|01:09 am][Ashes, Ashes]
[**mood** |aggravatedaggravated]Rehhhhhhhhh.slkdfjalkdfsdfkajsglkasgasklgadgjkalds;dgasdg;sadglad;gsgadgsdad;fasdlg;dglsdglsagdsdg;aslgas;dglskhglsahgk;asrhlgakl;gs;adgkls;j ltkjlrigjskv;jl;:JLSKDJFKJGSLKDGJ:EOIS:FLSDFKSL:JGasdlfjal;dfa;flksdfk;akl:K:...Just needed to get that out of my system folks. Ehehh..
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