Polyvinyl Records' Journal (original) (raw)

[17 Oct 2006|11:00am]
Hi everyone! I'm selling this Aloha tshirt from SXSW 2006. I've only worn it once, so it's practically brand new. My camera's flash is pretty crazy so the tshirt isn't THAT bright, and the screenprint is probably a shade darker, so it's more visible in person.It's an Adult Medium.I'm asking for $14 shipped.I take paypal, money orders, cash, and checks (as a last resort).Thanks!
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[20 Apr 2006|09:51pm]
[ **mood** | good ] Is anyone going to Aloha tomorrow night at Common Grounds in Gainesville?My friend that I was going with can't make it, so I'll be looking for cool people to hang out with.
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[26 Mar 2006|01:08am]
Is any one planning on attending any good shows this upcoming spring?(polyvinyl or not)
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[30 Jan 2006|09:24pm]
I've only heard a handful of Aloha songs, but I've liked everything that I've heard. I want to buy a cd of theirs, but which one should I start with? Any suggestions?
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yay [27 Aug 2005|12:17am]
September, 2 2005 at io lounge - ALL AGES30 NE 14st, Miami, FL 33132early ALL AGES show, starts at 8:30 just two bands Aloha Objects in Transit musicofaloha.com or myspace.com/aloha polyvinylrecords.com iolounge.com
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hmm. [31 Jul 2005|02:59pm]
[ **mood** | sore ] rainer maria added me on myspace the other night.i want to marry them and have rainer maria musical children.
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[07 Jul 2005|11:00pm]
does anyone have the aloha-that's your fire LP?i really want it and can't find it anywherewilling to spend bucks
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[10 Apr 2005|11:27pm]
hey can someone give me the track listing for the 2005 polyvinyl sampler?? just curious..
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[25 Feb 2005|05:44pm]
hey. does anyone know where i could find guitar tabs for owen's "who found whos hair in whos bed"?thanks.
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new. [14 Feb 2005|01:28am]
hey kids. i'm new... it's pretty safe to say i like 99% of what comes off this lovely chicago label. i was wondering, does anyone know where i could find the rainer maria song "papersack"? the lyrics look lovely, but it's not on my "a better version of me."any help's appreciated. :)
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[11 Feb 2005|12:49am]
[ **mood** | chipper ] he my names max im new here i just realy got into polly vinali went and saw aloha at the magic stick in detroit last week in was a great showmuch love
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[04 Feb 2005|02:46pm]
[ **mood** | headache ] i just got my MOS tix! for those of you in LA... i think ill be going alone if anyone is interested in meeting up.
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