swim with the fishes, you zombie bastard! (original) (raw)

Weekend at Bernie's fic [27 Apr 2008|09:23pm]
This community's been dead for a while... Ah, well. Just a fic post. Author: UsedusernameWarning: Jokes of necropheliaSummary: Larry was bored.Pairing/Characters: Joke of Larry/Bernie and Larry/Bernie/Girl. Larry, Richard, Bernie.Spoilers: Er...The general plot of the movie.Rating: PG-13, but close to PG.( Read more...Collapse )
just for a bit!
I don't care... [24 May 2007|12:46am]
[ **mood** | sick ] if this community has been dead for almost a year. Bernie's been dead for HOW LONG and we still love him!Am I the oldest member now? :P
1 pretended | just for a bit!
Lifetime at Bernie's [01 Jul 2006|09:30pm]
As the oldest living member, and majority poster, I welcome all of you fucking posers to what is not only the best LJ community on the web, but the greatest group ever created in the history of the universe. EVER. You should feel honored. In fact, I would demand you feel honored, but I'm sure you already do.Yours is a rare and special privillage. Not just anyone can join the "Weekend at Bernie's" LJ community. You need to have a live journal, and then click on a link. This is our screening process. Only the cream of the crop can enter these hallowed halls. Sure, on the outside this might look like simple and altogether useless community designed to talk about a movie that came out almost twenty years ago ( A movie where there isn't a hell of a lot to talk about to begin with). A group whose founder isn't even a member, and in fact, left LJ altogether. A group which only has five journal entries over the last two years. But that's just the corpsey puppet we play before the world to hide the sinister truth.Soon the world will cringe at the name "Weekend at Bernie's!" Well, more so than it does already....Stand tall. You're part of the revolution.And remember, Bernie Lomax died for your sins.
1 pretended | just for a bit!