CHALLENGE 3: sign-ups (original) (raw)
Sorry the voting went up so late, and thusly so did the sign-ups!! Hopefully this won't happen again.
1. Before signing up, please be sure you are a member of the community, and that you have read the rules.
2. At the moment, due to how new this community is, as many people can sign up as they like.
3. Each claim can only be made once per challenge (e.g. if the subject you wanted is taken this challenge, you will have to wait until next month's to claim it) and whatever you claim this month, you can't claim it again next month.
4. For this challenge, you can pick an episode, pairing or character.
5. Challenge information will be posted on the 1st of June (it may be a little later since this is up late!).
To sign up for challenge three, comment here, using the following table:
01. fuuurs - Britta Perry
02. catflaphands - 1.23 Modern Warfare
03. rogueidealist - Annie Edison
04. tablyn24 - Jeff Winger
05. merlinburgh - 1.24 English as a Second Language
06. bokayjunkie - 1.20 The Science of Illusion
07. daynawashere - Jeff/Britta
08. lipburst - 1.25 Pascal's Triangle Revisited