Ali Osman Uysal | Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (original) (raw)

Papers by Ali Osman Uysal

Research paper thumbnail of Çanakkale'de Eklektik Üslûpta İki Türbe - Two tombs in eclectic style in Çanakkale

Research paper thumbnail of An eclectic style building in the Ottoman province Biga Çarşı Mosque

chapter in the book, 2024

Klasik etkiler görülür. Bu etkiler caminin önündeki Ģadırvanın mermer haznesinde de dikkati çeker... more Klasik etkiler görülür. Bu etkiler caminin önündeki Ģadırvanın mermer haznesinde de dikkati çeker. Buna karĢılık caminin önündeki Ģadırvanın a Ģap kubbe eteğini dolaĢan derin kemerli saçak düzeni açıkça Art Nouveau e kisi taĢır. Bu etki harimin kadınlar mahfilinde yer alan helezonik merdivende karĢımıza çıkar. Caminin kuzeydoğusuna yaklaĢık yüz yıl sonra eklenen Ģ dırvan, palladian pencereleri ve taĢ iĢçiliğiyle -post modern eklektisizm‖ ö neği olarak nitelendirilebilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Grup Tarikat Sancağında Sanat ve Sembolizm

TroyAcademy, 2021

Tarih boyunca devletlerin, orduların, siyasi ya da dinî mahiyetteki akım ve grupların alâmetleri ... more Tarih boyunca devletlerin, orduların, siyasi ya da dinî mahiyetteki akım ve grupların alâmetleri olarak karşımıza çıkan sancaklar, bazen bayrak ile örtüşen anlam ve işlevler de üstlenmişlerdir. Daha ziyade âskerî alanda ordu ve devlet simgesi niteliğiyle tanınan sancağın İslam sûfiliğinde tarikatlar tarafından da kullanıldığı dikkati çekmektedir. Tarikatlarda kullanılan sancaklar biçimsel açıdan diğer sancaklarla benzer olmakla birlikte ait oldukları tarikatlara dair semboller ve ibareler taşımaları bakımından farklılık göstermektedirler. Türk ve İslam toplumlarında farklı dönemlere ait sancakların biçimleri ve anlamlarına yönelik araştırma ve yayınlarda tarikat sancaklarına da değinilmiştir. Fakat bu çalışmalarda tarikat sancaklarının ikonografik ve Türk sanatındaki yeri konuları yeterince incelenmemiştir. Bu yönüyle ilgi çeken tarikat sancaklarından; Ankara Etnografya Müzesi, Akşehir Nasreddin Hoca Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Müzesi ile Yozgat Müzesi’nde yer alan 17 adet örnek ayrıntı...

Research paper thumbnail of Bolvadin'deki Selçuklu Yapıları ve Kırkgöz Köprüsü

The oldest settlements in Bolvadin and its surroundings are "Kayster-Pediom" and "Polybotos". Bol... more The oldest settlements in Bolvadin and its surroundings are "Kayster-Pediom" and "Polybotos". Bolvadin known as "Molifdun" during the Seljuk period was founded about 5 km east of Polybotos, a Byzantine settlement. A few buildings from the Seljuk period can be identified here. These are the Bucak Masjid, the Alaca Masjid and the fountain in front of it, as well as the Kırkgöz Bridge, which extends a little outside the city. In our opinion, only the inscription dated 660 H / 1262 AD remains from the Bucak Masjid, which should have belonged to the reign of Kılıç Arslan IV. This inscription was placed in the fountain on the street corner, just ahead of the masjid. There is no construction inscription on Alaca Masjid. On the other hand, an inscription dated H.965 / A.D. 1558 regarding the Ottoman period restoration is located on the minaret base. We think that the Alaca Masjid, which has a wooden minaret door in the Seljuk style, was built in H.677/AD1278, together with the fountain in front of it. It is claimed that the Kırkgöz bridge, located on one of the main roads of the Ottoman Empire, was first built during the Roman or Eastern Roman (Byzantine) periods. But the basis for this view is weak. Because Kırkgöz Bridge is not on the busy road network of those periods. The fact that no Roman milestones were found between Amorium and Polybotos in the research confirms this. On the other hand, the architectural material and formal qualities of the building point especially to the Seljuk period. It is highly probable that the bridge, which does not have a construction inscription on it, was built in the last quarter of the 13th century during the Seljuk period. The building was enlarged and repaired from time to time by the Ottomans in the 16th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Ottoman Archaeology in Troy National Park

Gastroia: Journal of Gastronomy And Travel Research, 2019

Troya (Truva) Millî Parkı, antik Troas bölgesindeki Troia ören yeri ve çevresindeki tarihî-kültür... more Troya (Truva) Millî Parkı, antik Troas bölgesindeki Troia ören yeri ve çevresindeki tarihî-kültürel dokuyu korumak amacıyla 1996 yılında kurulmuştur. Bu yörenin-Troia başta olmak üzereprehistorik, proto-historik, Yunan, Helenistik ve Roma dönemleri, Schliemann'ın kazılarından itibaren bilim adamları tarafından etraflıca araştırılmıştır. Buna karşılık, Troya çevresinin Osmanlı arkeolojisi açısından yeterince incelendiği söylenemez. Bu nedenle, makalemizde millî park sınırları içindeki Osmanlı yerleşimleri ve maddî kültür verilerinin irdelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Tarihsel arkeolojinin bir dalı olan İslam Arkeolojisi içinde yeni bir alt disiplin olarak gelişmeye başlayan Osmanlı arkeolojisinin önemi; Prof.Dr. Abdülcelil Temimî, Uzi Baram ve Lynda Carroll gibi araştırmacılar tarafından vurgulanmıştı. Üç kıtaya yayılan Osmanlı imparatorluğunun arkeolojisi-hiç kuşkusuz-çok yönlü ve çok boyutlu bir uğraş alanıdır. Buna karşılık Troya Millî Parkıyla sınırlanmış bir alanın Osmanlı geçmişini, ana hatlarıyla bir makale kapsamına sığdırmak mümkün görünmektedir. Bu bölgede kalıcı olarak 14. Yüzyıl başlarında başlayan Türk iskânı; Orhan Gâzi devrinden itibaren Osmanlı idaresi altında gelişmiştir. 16. Yüzyıldan Osmanlı arşiv belgeleri, antik Troia harabeleri (Hisarlık) çevresinde üç köy bulunduğunu gösterir. Bunlar Halil-ili (Halileli), Kum Köy ve Kalafatlu (Kalafatlı) köyleridir. Hisarlık'ın kuzeybatısında sahile yakın konumdaki Yenişehir ise antik Sigeum'un (Sigeion /Sigée) yanı başında-muhtemelen-17. yüzyılda kurulmuş bir Hıristiyan köyüdür. 17. Yüzyılda Hisarlık'ın kuzeybatısında, Çanakkale boğazının girişine Sultan IV. Mehmed'in annesi Valide Turhan Sultan tarafından Kum Kale (Kal'a-i Sultâniye /Sultan Hisarı) ve Avrupa kıyısına Seddü'l-bahr Kalesi yaptırılır. Vakfiye belgesinde, Valide Turhan Sultan'ın kale halkı için bir câmi, mektep ve çifte hamam yaptırdığı da kayıtlıdır. Bu kalenin yanında oluşan köy, Çanakkale savaşları sırasında harap olur ve köylüler Kum Köy'e (Yeni Kumkale köyü) göç ederler. Bu sırada savaşta harap olan Kum Kale camisinin kitabesi de Kum Köy'deki caminin minaresine yerleştirilir. Millî parktaki Halileli köyünde Osmanlı arkeolojisi açısından sadece mezar taşları dikkati çeker. Kalafatlı köyüne 1928 yılında Bulgaristan'dan göçen Türkler yerleştirilmiştir. Köy bu yıllarda yeniden kurulmuştur. Buna karşılık Çıplak Köy geç Osmanlı döneminde kurulmuş olup; 19. Yüzyıl üslûbunda iki cepheli bir çeşmeye, bir konağa ve daha ziyade 18.-19. yüzyıl mezar taşları bulunan tarihî mezarlığa sahiptir. Troia harabeleri yakınındaki Tevfikiye köyü ise 19. yüzyılın sonlarında Balkanlardan göçen Türkler için kurulmuştur. Millî park içinde Osmanlı dönemi açısından en göze çarpan anıt, Yerkesiği'ndeki Cezayirli Hasan Paşa köşküdür. Kule ev tarzındaki köşk; Hasan Paşa

Research paper thumbnail of KUBAD ABAD'IN TARİHİ HAKKINDA

Research paper thumbnail of KUBAD ABAD DA BULUNAN SIKKELER

Research paper thumbnail of KUBAD ABAD ŞEHRİ VE KALINTILARI




Research paper thumbnail of Bir Grup Tarikat Sancagında Sanat ve Sembolizm Art and symbolism a group of sect banner

TroyAcademy, 2021

Art and Symbolism in a Group of Sect Banner ABSTRACT Throughout history, the banners are the sign... more Art and Symbolism in a Group of Sect Banner
Throughout history, the banners are the signs of states, armies, political or religious movements and groups have sometimes assumed wıth meanings and functions that correspond to the flag. Rather, it is noteworthy that the banner, which is known as a symbol of the army and the state in the military field, is also utilized by religious sects in Islamic sufism. Although the banners used in the sects were similar to the other banners in terms of form, but they diverse in that they carry symbols and phrases for the sects they belong to. In the researches and publications on the forms and meanings of the banners belonging to different periods in Turkish and Islamic societies, sect banners also have been mentioned. However, in these studies, the iconographic and the place of sect banners in Turkish art were not sufficiently examined. Among the sect banners that attracted attention with these aspects, 17 samples were examined and evaluated in detail from Ankara Ethnography Museum, Akşehir Nasreddin Hodja Archeology and Ethnography Museum and Yozgat Museum. In the article, after giving information about the use of the banner in sects: the banners in the aforementioned museums have been defined

Research paper thumbnail of Çanakkale'de Lâle Devri Yapıları / The tulip period buildings in Çanakkale

Çanakkale Araştırmaları Türk Yıllığı, 2021

The Tulip Period Buildings in Çanakkale Abstract “Tulip Period” style, which was born into a time... more The Tulip Period Buildings in Çanakkale
“Tulip Period” style, which was born into a time of socio-cultural turmoil and
changes during the Late Classical period of the Ottoman art, has found its counterpart
in architecture as well. On the architecture of the Tulip Period, which is roughly
associated with Sultan Ahmed III’s (1703-1730) reign, Western influence, especially
from France, also begins to be observed. This period defines a process in which the
Ottomans’ attempt to open to the West became concrete. Among the prominent figures of
the period are the executives and artists such as grand vizier Nevşehirli Damat Ibrahim
Pasha, Yirmisekiz Mehmed Çelebi, Ibrahim Muteferrika, miniaturist Levni, and poets
Seyyid Vehbi and Nedim. In this period, when the fascination with flowers such as rose,
hyacinth, narcissus and especially tulip peaked, the gardens of palaces and mansions
built in Kağıthane and other places were decorated with various flowers; these flowers
have found a place also in architectural decoration. The provincial examples of the
architecture of the Tulip Period, which is mostly known for the artifacts in the capital
city of Istanbul, did not attract much attention except for the Damat Ibrahim Pasha
complex in Nevşehir. Recent research and publications indicate that the fashion of the
capital city was traced in the buildings in the provincial area during this period, even
though they are not as splendid as the examples of Istanbul.
The same trend is also observed in the structures of the Tulip Period in Çanakkale. The
buildings constructed in Çanakkale during this period are Hacı Süleyman Fountain
(1718-1719) in Lapseki-Umurbey, Gelibolu Telli Fountain (1725-1726), Babakale
structures (Hırzü’l-bahr Castle, Ulu Camii, double baths and fountains). The Hançerli
Fountain in Gelibolu was repaired during this period. The Dede Fountain (1739) and
Çarşı Hamam (Double Bath) (1742) in Bayramiç, may also be seen as a late reflection
of the same style. Moreover, the buildings controversial in terms of chronology and
Çanakkale’de Lâle Devri Yapıları
style (Bayramiç Çarşı Mosque, Bozcaada Alaybey Mosque, a fountain not inscription
in Kilitbahir-Havuzlar, Babakale Hanım Fountain, Babakale Yukarı Fountain, Kadı
and Kavga fountains in Umurbey) are not included in the article.
These structures have been extensively examined in the surface researches we have been
carrying out since 2005. Umurbey Hacı Süleyman Fountain has only an inscription.
The fountain was probably destroyed in the early 20th century. Gelibolu Telli Fountain
was built by Kaymak Mustafa Pasha, the son-in law of Ibrahim Pasha. Kaymak Mustafa
Pasha’s main reconstruction activities in this region are Hırzü’l-bahr Castle, which he
built on Cape Baba, and the town he established. Mustafa Pasha who built a bath and
a mosque within the castle, got fountains built on the coast and in the country beside a
grand mosque and a double bath. The fountain on the beach is a modest representative
of the square fountains of the period with its elaborate architecture. The fountain in
the south of the square is in the same style. However, its two sides were closed by the
buildings constructed later. Ulu Cami (Great Mosque), with its architecture containing
wooden masts and a ceiling, is an extension of a tradition that goes back to the Seljuk
period. But it does not have any painted decoration on its wood. The double bath
attracts attention with its tempperiodture pattern without private rooms and graffiti.
The fortress reflects an architecture complying with the change in weapons and defense
technology of the 18th century. It does not have high walls like medieval castles. It was
designed to defend a certain point. The inscriptions of the fortress and the mosque were
written by the poet Seyyid Vehbi.
The Çarşı Hamam (baths) in Bayramiç is also of the style without a private room. The
parts of the structure for undressing and tepidity were destroyed. On the tempperiodture
domes, rosettes made with the printing technique on plaster attract the attention. The
marble inscription preserved in Hadimoğlu Mansion today must belong to this structure.
The relation between bath and aforementioned the inscription has been suggested by
us for the first time. It is noteworthy that the artistic style of the period is followed in
these buildings, especially in terms of architectural decoration. In particular, the motifs
and compositions on marble on the facades of Babakale Yalı Fountain, Gelibolu Telli
Fountain, Gelibolu Hançerli Fountain and Bayramiç Dede Fountain reflect the style of
the Tulip Period. But, Bayramiç Dede Fountain and Bayramiç Çarşı Hamamı (bath),
Babakale Ahmed Ağa Fountain and Biga Mustafa Fountain should be seen as examples
of the post-tulip period.

Research paper thumbnail of Ezine'de Osmanlı Dönemi Yapı Kitabeleri

Yaşar Erdemir'e Armağan, 2019


Research paper thumbnail of Ankara Arslanhane Camii Uzerine Bazi Te

Research paper thumbnail of Erken Osmanli Doneminde Sirli Tuglali M


Research paper thumbnail of Türk Mimarisinde Halvetsiz Hamam Tipi

Research paper thumbnail of 59 TROYA (TRUVA) MİLLÎ PARKINDA OSMANLI ARKEOLOJİSİ Ottoman Archaeology in Troy National Park

Gastroia, 2019

Troia is one of the most famous ancient cities in theworld. With the declaration of 2018 as the y... more Troia is one of the most famous ancient cities in theworld. With the declaration of 2018 as the year of Troia, this important ancient city region came to the agenda again. It has created momentum in the tourism in Canakkale. Archaeological researches of Troia have been revealed historical importance of it. These archaeological excavations also provide clues about what people eat and drink in ancient times.The importance of local food in terms of gastronomy tourism has been emphasized by many researches. It is thought that gastronomy tourists or culture tourists can also be curious about what people eat in the ancient times. For this reason, it is thought that it can be created a touristic product accordingly. From this point of view, it is aimed to reveal the food culture of Troia by scanning secondary data sources in this study. As a result of the investigations, it can be said that the first one of the basic factors that affect nutrition in Troas region and Troia is the geography, Troy (Troia) National Park was founded in 1996 with the aim to protect the historical and cultural texture of the archaeological site of Troia (Troy) in the Ancient Troas and its surrounding. The prehistorical, proto-historical, Greek, Hellenistic and Roman periods of this region - especially Troia - have been extensively analyzed by scientists since the excavations of Schliemann. On the other hand, it cannot be said that the surroundings of Troy have been adequately analyzed in terms of Ottoman archaeology. Therefore, this article aims to examine the Ottoman settlements and material culture data within the boundaries of the national park. The importance of the Ottoman archaeology beginning to develop as a new sub-discipline in the Islamic Archaeology, which is a field of the historical archaeology, was emphasized by researchers such as Prof. Dr. Abdülcelil Temimî, Uzi Baram and Lynda Carroll. The archaeology of the Ottoman Empire, which spread over three continents, is undoubtedly a multidirectional and multidimensional field of study. Nevertheless, it appears possible to address the Ottoman past of an area bordered with Troy National Park within the scope of an article with its main lines. The Turkish settlement that started in this region in the 14th century developed under the Ottoman rule beginning from the Orhan Gazi period. Ottoman archives from the 16th century reveal that there are three villages around the ancient ruins of Troia (Hisarlık). These are Halilili (Halileli), Kumköy and Kalafatlu (Kalafatlı) villages. Yenişehir, located near the coast in the northwest of Hisarlık, is a Christian village built next to the ancient Sigeum (Sigeion/Sigée) probably in the 17th century. In the 17th century, Kal’a-i Sultâniye and Seddü’lbahr castles were built by Valide Turhan Sultan, the mother of Mehmed IV, on the entrance of the Dardanelles in the northwest of Eski Hisarlık and on the European coast respectively. On the charter

Research paper thumbnail of Çanakkale'de Eklektik Üslûpta İki Türbe - Two tombs in eclectic style in Çanakkale

Research paper thumbnail of An eclectic style building in the Ottoman province Biga Çarşı Mosque

chapter in the book, 2024

Klasik etkiler görülür. Bu etkiler caminin önündeki Ģadırvanın mermer haznesinde de dikkati çeker... more Klasik etkiler görülür. Bu etkiler caminin önündeki Ģadırvanın mermer haznesinde de dikkati çeker. Buna karĢılık caminin önündeki Ģadırvanın a Ģap kubbe eteğini dolaĢan derin kemerli saçak düzeni açıkça Art Nouveau e kisi taĢır. Bu etki harimin kadınlar mahfilinde yer alan helezonik merdivende karĢımıza çıkar. Caminin kuzeydoğusuna yaklaĢık yüz yıl sonra eklenen Ģ dırvan, palladian pencereleri ve taĢ iĢçiliğiyle -post modern eklektisizm‖ ö neği olarak nitelendirilebilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Grup Tarikat Sancağında Sanat ve Sembolizm

TroyAcademy, 2021

Tarih boyunca devletlerin, orduların, siyasi ya da dinî mahiyetteki akım ve grupların alâmetleri ... more Tarih boyunca devletlerin, orduların, siyasi ya da dinî mahiyetteki akım ve grupların alâmetleri olarak karşımıza çıkan sancaklar, bazen bayrak ile örtüşen anlam ve işlevler de üstlenmişlerdir. Daha ziyade âskerî alanda ordu ve devlet simgesi niteliğiyle tanınan sancağın İslam sûfiliğinde tarikatlar tarafından da kullanıldığı dikkati çekmektedir. Tarikatlarda kullanılan sancaklar biçimsel açıdan diğer sancaklarla benzer olmakla birlikte ait oldukları tarikatlara dair semboller ve ibareler taşımaları bakımından farklılık göstermektedirler. Türk ve İslam toplumlarında farklı dönemlere ait sancakların biçimleri ve anlamlarına yönelik araştırma ve yayınlarda tarikat sancaklarına da değinilmiştir. Fakat bu çalışmalarda tarikat sancaklarının ikonografik ve Türk sanatındaki yeri konuları yeterince incelenmemiştir. Bu yönüyle ilgi çeken tarikat sancaklarından; Ankara Etnografya Müzesi, Akşehir Nasreddin Hoca Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Müzesi ile Yozgat Müzesi’nde yer alan 17 adet örnek ayrıntı...

Research paper thumbnail of Bolvadin'deki Selçuklu Yapıları ve Kırkgöz Köprüsü

The oldest settlements in Bolvadin and its surroundings are "Kayster-Pediom" and "Polybotos". Bol... more The oldest settlements in Bolvadin and its surroundings are "Kayster-Pediom" and "Polybotos". Bolvadin known as "Molifdun" during the Seljuk period was founded about 5 km east of Polybotos, a Byzantine settlement. A few buildings from the Seljuk period can be identified here. These are the Bucak Masjid, the Alaca Masjid and the fountain in front of it, as well as the Kırkgöz Bridge, which extends a little outside the city. In our opinion, only the inscription dated 660 H / 1262 AD remains from the Bucak Masjid, which should have belonged to the reign of Kılıç Arslan IV. This inscription was placed in the fountain on the street corner, just ahead of the masjid. There is no construction inscription on Alaca Masjid. On the other hand, an inscription dated H.965 / A.D. 1558 regarding the Ottoman period restoration is located on the minaret base. We think that the Alaca Masjid, which has a wooden minaret door in the Seljuk style, was built in H.677/AD1278, together with the fountain in front of it. It is claimed that the Kırkgöz bridge, located on one of the main roads of the Ottoman Empire, was first built during the Roman or Eastern Roman (Byzantine) periods. But the basis for this view is weak. Because Kırkgöz Bridge is not on the busy road network of those periods. The fact that no Roman milestones were found between Amorium and Polybotos in the research confirms this. On the other hand, the architectural material and formal qualities of the building point especially to the Seljuk period. It is highly probable that the bridge, which does not have a construction inscription on it, was built in the last quarter of the 13th century during the Seljuk period. The building was enlarged and repaired from time to time by the Ottomans in the 16th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Ottoman Archaeology in Troy National Park

Gastroia: Journal of Gastronomy And Travel Research, 2019

Troya (Truva) Millî Parkı, antik Troas bölgesindeki Troia ören yeri ve çevresindeki tarihî-kültür... more Troya (Truva) Millî Parkı, antik Troas bölgesindeki Troia ören yeri ve çevresindeki tarihî-kültürel dokuyu korumak amacıyla 1996 yılında kurulmuştur. Bu yörenin-Troia başta olmak üzereprehistorik, proto-historik, Yunan, Helenistik ve Roma dönemleri, Schliemann'ın kazılarından itibaren bilim adamları tarafından etraflıca araştırılmıştır. Buna karşılık, Troya çevresinin Osmanlı arkeolojisi açısından yeterince incelendiği söylenemez. Bu nedenle, makalemizde millî park sınırları içindeki Osmanlı yerleşimleri ve maddî kültür verilerinin irdelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Tarihsel arkeolojinin bir dalı olan İslam Arkeolojisi içinde yeni bir alt disiplin olarak gelişmeye başlayan Osmanlı arkeolojisinin önemi; Prof.Dr. Abdülcelil Temimî, Uzi Baram ve Lynda Carroll gibi araştırmacılar tarafından vurgulanmıştı. Üç kıtaya yayılan Osmanlı imparatorluğunun arkeolojisi-hiç kuşkusuz-çok yönlü ve çok boyutlu bir uğraş alanıdır. Buna karşılık Troya Millî Parkıyla sınırlanmış bir alanın Osmanlı geçmişini, ana hatlarıyla bir makale kapsamına sığdırmak mümkün görünmektedir. Bu bölgede kalıcı olarak 14. Yüzyıl başlarında başlayan Türk iskânı; Orhan Gâzi devrinden itibaren Osmanlı idaresi altında gelişmiştir. 16. Yüzyıldan Osmanlı arşiv belgeleri, antik Troia harabeleri (Hisarlık) çevresinde üç köy bulunduğunu gösterir. Bunlar Halil-ili (Halileli), Kum Köy ve Kalafatlu (Kalafatlı) köyleridir. Hisarlık'ın kuzeybatısında sahile yakın konumdaki Yenişehir ise antik Sigeum'un (Sigeion /Sigée) yanı başında-muhtemelen-17. yüzyılda kurulmuş bir Hıristiyan köyüdür. 17. Yüzyılda Hisarlık'ın kuzeybatısında, Çanakkale boğazının girişine Sultan IV. Mehmed'in annesi Valide Turhan Sultan tarafından Kum Kale (Kal'a-i Sultâniye /Sultan Hisarı) ve Avrupa kıyısına Seddü'l-bahr Kalesi yaptırılır. Vakfiye belgesinde, Valide Turhan Sultan'ın kale halkı için bir câmi, mektep ve çifte hamam yaptırdığı da kayıtlıdır. Bu kalenin yanında oluşan köy, Çanakkale savaşları sırasında harap olur ve köylüler Kum Köy'e (Yeni Kumkale köyü) göç ederler. Bu sırada savaşta harap olan Kum Kale camisinin kitabesi de Kum Köy'deki caminin minaresine yerleştirilir. Millî parktaki Halileli köyünde Osmanlı arkeolojisi açısından sadece mezar taşları dikkati çeker. Kalafatlı köyüne 1928 yılında Bulgaristan'dan göçen Türkler yerleştirilmiştir. Köy bu yıllarda yeniden kurulmuştur. Buna karşılık Çıplak Köy geç Osmanlı döneminde kurulmuş olup; 19. Yüzyıl üslûbunda iki cepheli bir çeşmeye, bir konağa ve daha ziyade 18.-19. yüzyıl mezar taşları bulunan tarihî mezarlığa sahiptir. Troia harabeleri yakınındaki Tevfikiye köyü ise 19. yüzyılın sonlarında Balkanlardan göçen Türkler için kurulmuştur. Millî park içinde Osmanlı dönemi açısından en göze çarpan anıt, Yerkesiği'ndeki Cezayirli Hasan Paşa köşküdür. Kule ev tarzındaki köşk; Hasan Paşa

Research paper thumbnail of KUBAD ABAD'IN TARİHİ HAKKINDA

Research paper thumbnail of KUBAD ABAD DA BULUNAN SIKKELER

Research paper thumbnail of KUBAD ABAD ŞEHRİ VE KALINTILARI




Research paper thumbnail of Bir Grup Tarikat Sancagında Sanat ve Sembolizm Art and symbolism a group of sect banner

TroyAcademy, 2021

Art and Symbolism in a Group of Sect Banner ABSTRACT Throughout history, the banners are the sign... more Art and Symbolism in a Group of Sect Banner
Throughout history, the banners are the signs of states, armies, political or religious movements and groups have sometimes assumed wıth meanings and functions that correspond to the flag. Rather, it is noteworthy that the banner, which is known as a symbol of the army and the state in the military field, is also utilized by religious sects in Islamic sufism. Although the banners used in the sects were similar to the other banners in terms of form, but they diverse in that they carry symbols and phrases for the sects they belong to. In the researches and publications on the forms and meanings of the banners belonging to different periods in Turkish and Islamic societies, sect banners also have been mentioned. However, in these studies, the iconographic and the place of sect banners in Turkish art were not sufficiently examined. Among the sect banners that attracted attention with these aspects, 17 samples were examined and evaluated in detail from Ankara Ethnography Museum, Akşehir Nasreddin Hodja Archeology and Ethnography Museum and Yozgat Museum. In the article, after giving information about the use of the banner in sects: the banners in the aforementioned museums have been defined

Research paper thumbnail of Çanakkale'de Lâle Devri Yapıları / The tulip period buildings in Çanakkale

Çanakkale Araştırmaları Türk Yıllığı, 2021

The Tulip Period Buildings in Çanakkale Abstract “Tulip Period” style, which was born into a time... more The Tulip Period Buildings in Çanakkale
“Tulip Period” style, which was born into a time of socio-cultural turmoil and
changes during the Late Classical period of the Ottoman art, has found its counterpart
in architecture as well. On the architecture of the Tulip Period, which is roughly
associated with Sultan Ahmed III’s (1703-1730) reign, Western influence, especially
from France, also begins to be observed. This period defines a process in which the
Ottomans’ attempt to open to the West became concrete. Among the prominent figures of
the period are the executives and artists such as grand vizier Nevşehirli Damat Ibrahim
Pasha, Yirmisekiz Mehmed Çelebi, Ibrahim Muteferrika, miniaturist Levni, and poets
Seyyid Vehbi and Nedim. In this period, when the fascination with flowers such as rose,
hyacinth, narcissus and especially tulip peaked, the gardens of palaces and mansions
built in Kağıthane and other places were decorated with various flowers; these flowers
have found a place also in architectural decoration. The provincial examples of the
architecture of the Tulip Period, which is mostly known for the artifacts in the capital
city of Istanbul, did not attract much attention except for the Damat Ibrahim Pasha
complex in Nevşehir. Recent research and publications indicate that the fashion of the
capital city was traced in the buildings in the provincial area during this period, even
though they are not as splendid as the examples of Istanbul.
The same trend is also observed in the structures of the Tulip Period in Çanakkale. The
buildings constructed in Çanakkale during this period are Hacı Süleyman Fountain
(1718-1719) in Lapseki-Umurbey, Gelibolu Telli Fountain (1725-1726), Babakale
structures (Hırzü’l-bahr Castle, Ulu Camii, double baths and fountains). The Hançerli
Fountain in Gelibolu was repaired during this period. The Dede Fountain (1739) and
Çarşı Hamam (Double Bath) (1742) in Bayramiç, may also be seen as a late reflection
of the same style. Moreover, the buildings controversial in terms of chronology and
Çanakkale’de Lâle Devri Yapıları
style (Bayramiç Çarşı Mosque, Bozcaada Alaybey Mosque, a fountain not inscription
in Kilitbahir-Havuzlar, Babakale Hanım Fountain, Babakale Yukarı Fountain, Kadı
and Kavga fountains in Umurbey) are not included in the article.
These structures have been extensively examined in the surface researches we have been
carrying out since 2005. Umurbey Hacı Süleyman Fountain has only an inscription.
The fountain was probably destroyed in the early 20th century. Gelibolu Telli Fountain
was built by Kaymak Mustafa Pasha, the son-in law of Ibrahim Pasha. Kaymak Mustafa
Pasha’s main reconstruction activities in this region are Hırzü’l-bahr Castle, which he
built on Cape Baba, and the town he established. Mustafa Pasha who built a bath and
a mosque within the castle, got fountains built on the coast and in the country beside a
grand mosque and a double bath. The fountain on the beach is a modest representative
of the square fountains of the period with its elaborate architecture. The fountain in
the south of the square is in the same style. However, its two sides were closed by the
buildings constructed later. Ulu Cami (Great Mosque), with its architecture containing
wooden masts and a ceiling, is an extension of a tradition that goes back to the Seljuk
period. But it does not have any painted decoration on its wood. The double bath
attracts attention with its tempperiodture pattern without private rooms and graffiti.
The fortress reflects an architecture complying with the change in weapons and defense
technology of the 18th century. It does not have high walls like medieval castles. It was
designed to defend a certain point. The inscriptions of the fortress and the mosque were
written by the poet Seyyid Vehbi.
The Çarşı Hamam (baths) in Bayramiç is also of the style without a private room. The
parts of the structure for undressing and tepidity were destroyed. On the tempperiodture
domes, rosettes made with the printing technique on plaster attract the attention. The
marble inscription preserved in Hadimoğlu Mansion today must belong to this structure.
The relation between bath and aforementioned the inscription has been suggested by
us for the first time. It is noteworthy that the artistic style of the period is followed in
these buildings, especially in terms of architectural decoration. In particular, the motifs
and compositions on marble on the facades of Babakale Yalı Fountain, Gelibolu Telli
Fountain, Gelibolu Hançerli Fountain and Bayramiç Dede Fountain reflect the style of
the Tulip Period. But, Bayramiç Dede Fountain and Bayramiç Çarşı Hamamı (bath),
Babakale Ahmed Ağa Fountain and Biga Mustafa Fountain should be seen as examples
of the post-tulip period.

Research paper thumbnail of Ezine'de Osmanlı Dönemi Yapı Kitabeleri

Yaşar Erdemir'e Armağan, 2019


Research paper thumbnail of Ankara Arslanhane Camii Uzerine Bazi Te

Research paper thumbnail of Erken Osmanli Doneminde Sirli Tuglali M


Research paper thumbnail of Türk Mimarisinde Halvetsiz Hamam Tipi

Research paper thumbnail of 59 TROYA (TRUVA) MİLLÎ PARKINDA OSMANLI ARKEOLOJİSİ Ottoman Archaeology in Troy National Park

Gastroia, 2019

Troia is one of the most famous ancient cities in theworld. With the declaration of 2018 as the y... more Troia is one of the most famous ancient cities in theworld. With the declaration of 2018 as the year of Troia, this important ancient city region came to the agenda again. It has created momentum in the tourism in Canakkale. Archaeological researches of Troia have been revealed historical importance of it. These archaeological excavations also provide clues about what people eat and drink in ancient times.The importance of local food in terms of gastronomy tourism has been emphasized by many researches. It is thought that gastronomy tourists or culture tourists can also be curious about what people eat in the ancient times. For this reason, it is thought that it can be created a touristic product accordingly. From this point of view, it is aimed to reveal the food culture of Troia by scanning secondary data sources in this study. As a result of the investigations, it can be said that the first one of the basic factors that affect nutrition in Troas region and Troia is the geography, Troy (Troia) National Park was founded in 1996 with the aim to protect the historical and cultural texture of the archaeological site of Troia (Troy) in the Ancient Troas and its surrounding. The prehistorical, proto-historical, Greek, Hellenistic and Roman periods of this region - especially Troia - have been extensively analyzed by scientists since the excavations of Schliemann. On the other hand, it cannot be said that the surroundings of Troy have been adequately analyzed in terms of Ottoman archaeology. Therefore, this article aims to examine the Ottoman settlements and material culture data within the boundaries of the national park. The importance of the Ottoman archaeology beginning to develop as a new sub-discipline in the Islamic Archaeology, which is a field of the historical archaeology, was emphasized by researchers such as Prof. Dr. Abdülcelil Temimî, Uzi Baram and Lynda Carroll. The archaeology of the Ottoman Empire, which spread over three continents, is undoubtedly a multidirectional and multidimensional field of study. Nevertheless, it appears possible to address the Ottoman past of an area bordered with Troy National Park within the scope of an article with its main lines. The Turkish settlement that started in this region in the 14th century developed under the Ottoman rule beginning from the Orhan Gazi period. Ottoman archives from the 16th century reveal that there are three villages around the ancient ruins of Troia (Hisarlık). These are Halilili (Halileli), Kumköy and Kalafatlu (Kalafatlı) villages. Yenişehir, located near the coast in the northwest of Hisarlık, is a Christian village built next to the ancient Sigeum (Sigeion/Sigée) probably in the 17th century. In the 17th century, Kal’a-i Sultâniye and Seddü’lbahr castles were built by Valide Turhan Sultan, the mother of Mehmed IV, on the entrance of the Dardanelles in the northwest of Eski Hisarlık and on the European coast respectively. On the charter