Natalia Putrino | National Scientific and Technical Research Council (original) (raw)
Papers by Natalia Putrino
El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la relación entrelos estilos de humor adaptativos y desad... more El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la relación entrelos estilos de humor adaptativos y desadaptativos con laempatía cognitiva y afectiva en maestras.Se trabajó con una muestra de 84 maestras argentinas, quienesrespondieron a dos escalas: Test de empatía cognitiva y afectiva(TECA, López- Pérez, Fernández- Pinto & Abad, 2008), y ala versión adaptada al español y en la población argentina porCayssials y Perez (2005) de la Escala de Estilos de Humor(Martin, 2003).Los resultados indican una relación significativa entreel tipo de humor afiliativo y las cuatro subescalas de empatía,como también entre el humor descalificación personal y el estrésempático.Por otro lado, la dimensión adopción de perspectiva predicenegativamente al humor agresivo y el estrés empático predicepositivamente el humor descalificación personal.Estos resultados se discutirán en función de estudios previos y dela posible importancia que tienen para la docencia.
Terapia psicológica
por brindarnos su apoyo para realizar las investigaciones y desarrollos en tecnología y TEA. Tamb... more por brindarnos su apoyo para realizar las investigaciones y desarrollos en tecnología y TEA. También la colaboración del personal del Servicio de Salud Mental
The health professional's empathy has a positive effect on treatment outcomes and the well-being ... more The health professional's empathy has a positive effect on treatment outcomes and the well-being of both patients and professionals. The aim of this research was to assess the empathy levels of first-year medical and psychology students and to compare these levels with those of trained psychologists and physicians. In addition, we also analysed the potential effects of years of professional practice and the average number of patients treated on the empathy of professionals. We evaluated cognitive and emotional empathy through the Interpersonal Reactive Index and the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task. The results showed that perspective taking in medical students was lower than that of psychotherapists, and psychotherapists and physicians reported lower levels of personal distress than psychology students. We did not find evidence of general detrimental effects of clinical experience on the capacity to feel sympathy and compassion towards others, but we did find lower empathic concern levels in those professionals with higher workloads. Considering that these effects have been seldom studied among psychologists, additional longitudinal research might indicate how empathy is influenced by training over time. On the other hand, since emotional distress can be detrimental to the professional's performance, our results suggest that empathy needs to be promoted and trained, in order to preserve the ability to feel with others without falling into an extreme of emotional distress.
La empatía es un componente de la cognición social, que implica la capacidad para comprender al o... more La empatía es un componente de la cognición social, que implica la
capacidad para comprender al otro y ponerse en su lugar. en psicote-
rapia es un concepto que se suele utilizar en las diferentes formacio-
nes académicas y prácticas, pero pocos estudios han logrado realizar
investigaciones dirigidas a conocer las diferencias individuales y a
evaluar la importancia e implicancia en los resultados terapéuticos. el
objetivo de este trabajo es presentar estudios acerca de la capacidad
de empatía en profesionales de la salud ―médicos y psicólogos― a
través de la revisión de diferentes estudios fisiológicos y cognitivos y
su relación con el vínculo terapéutico. a su vez, se analizan viñetas
clínicas y su relación con los conceptos desarrollados en la revisión.
por último, se presentan estudios previos acerca de las intervencio-
nes que pueden beneficiar y mejorar la habilidad de empatía en pro-
fesionales de la salud, que se están implementando en diferentes uni-
versidades y centros de salud del mundo.
Dirección estable: Acta Académica es un proyecto académico ... more Dirección estable: Acta Académica es un proyecto académico sin fines de lucro enmarcado en la iniciativa de acceso abierto. Acta Académica fue creado para facilitar a investigadores de todo el mundo el compartir su producción académica. Para crear un perfil gratuitamente o acceder a otros trabajos visite:
Los perros mantienen un estrecho vínculo con las personas; y algunos rasgos, como la sociabilidad... more Los perros mantienen un estrecho vínculo con las personas; y algunos rasgos, como la sociabilidad y la velocidad de aprendizaje, podrían modular la comunicación entre ambas especies. El objetivo del presente estudio fue indagar la existencia de correlaciones entre la sociabilidad, durabilidad de la mirada espontánea a la cara humana cuando la comida no esta disponible y una tarea de aprendizaje inhibitorio consistente en inhibir una conducta no social (acercarse a una fuente de comida) para desplegar una respuesta social (acudir al llamado de una persona desconocida). Para ello, previamente se validó la prueba utilizada para medir sociabilidad, evaluando la estabilidad de dicho rasgo a través de una evaluación-reevaluación de los sujetos. Los resultados sugieren la estabilidad de la sociabilidad a través del tiempo. A su vez, se hallaron correlaciones significativas entre la sociabilidad y la mirada como respuesta comunicativa, pero no con la tarea de aprendizaje inhibitorio. Tanto la sociabilidad como la respuesta de mirada son fundamentales para el desarrollo de diversas clases de entrenamiento.
Dogs are able to solve different problems by trial and error learning, but it seems that they can... more Dogs are able to solve different problems by trial and error learning, but it seems that
they cannot understand the means-end connection. Some studies suggest that dogs'
performance is influenced by their breed and by the level of familiarity with the person
they interact with. In our study, we assess individual differences in both social and nonsocial
responses in a problem-solving task during the acquisition, extinction, and
reacquisition phases. In order to investigate the effect of familiarity, in the first
experiment, the human present during the task was either a familiar (the dog's owner) or
unfamiliar person. In the second experiment, we compared breeds (Retrievers and
Shepherds) that had previously shown differences in a communicative task. The results
revealed that all groups learned the task and became more efficient in the acquisition
trials. These non-social responses diminished during extinction, where an increase in
social responses was observed. With regard to individual differences, dogs were more
persistent in searching the reward during the second extinction trial when the owner was
present (in contrast with a stranger), and also looked longer at the unfamiliar person at the
beginning of the acquisition trial. On the other hand, Retrievers showed greater social
motivation during reacquisition and Shepherds picked up more bones during the third
acquisition trial, thus suggesting a more persisitent search of the reward. These findings
highlight the relevance of studying different learning schedules as well as individual
differences in problem-solving ability so as to improve selection and training techniques.
Two field studies tested the effects of a charge for single-use plastic bags recently implemented... more Two field studies tested the effects of a charge for single-use plastic bags recently implemented in
Buenos Aires City, Argentina. Study 1 showed a greater increase in consumers' own bag use after the
charge was introduced in supermarkets where the policy was introduced, in comparison to control
supermarkets where the charge was not introduced, or was introduced later in time. The effects were
even stronger two months later. Study 2 analyzed factors underlying policy support and own bag use six
month after the charge was introduced. Policy supporters highlighted environmental benefits of the
charge, while opponents stressed the financial costs. Moreover, most consumers indicated that they
carried their own bags to protect the environment, suggesting that intrinsic rather than extrinsic motivations
caused behavioral changes. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are
Discrimination of and memory for others’ generous and selfish behaviors could be adaptive abiliti... more Discrimination of and memory for others’ generous and selfish behaviors could be adaptive abilities in social animals. Dogs have seemingly expressed such skills in both direct and indirect interactions with humans. However, recent studies suggest that their capacity may rely on cues other than people’s individual characteristics, such as the place where the person stands. Thus, the conditions under which dogs recognize individual humans when solving cooperative tasks still remains unclear. With the aim of contributing to this problem, we made dogs interact with two human experimenters, one generous (pointed towards the food, gave ostensive cues, and allowed the dog to eat it) and the other selfish (pointed towards the food, but ate it before the dog could have it). Then subjects could choose between them (studies 1-3). In study 1, dogs took several training trials to learn the discrimination between the generous and the selfish experimenters when both were of the same gender. In study 2, the discrimination was learned faster when the experimenters were of different gender as evidenced both by dogs’ latencies to approach the bowl in training trials as well as by their choices in preference tests. Nevertheless, dogs did not get confused by gender when the experimenters were changed in between the training and the choice phase in study 3. We conclude that dogs spontaneously used human gender as a cue to discriminate between more and less cooperative experimenters. They also relied on some other personal feature which let them avoid being confused by gender when demonstrators were changed. We discuss these results in terms of dogs’ ability to recognize individuals and the potential advantage of this skill for their lives in human environments.
t is considered that psychotherapy outcomes partially depend on the therapeutic relationship. How... more t is considered that psychotherapy outcomes partially depend on the therapeutic relationship. However, it has been observed that teaching this issue is scarce in the Bachelor of Psychology curriculum at the University of Buenos Aires. For this reason, this paper aims to assess beliefs about the factors that influence the therapeutic relationship in a sample of 290 psychology students. These factor range from adaptation to the client´s needs, empathetic attitude, warm Attitude, Culture / Religion, etc. Most students considered important the therapeutic relationship in the psychotherapy process. For the establishment of the therapeutic relationship there were valued "adaptation to the client´s needs" an "empathetic attitude", "open expression of interest" and a "warm attitude" with a "fluid dialogue". Advanced students tend to consider "empathetic attitude" and "Abstinence" most important than beginner students, while decreasing the perception of relevance in relation to the “warm attitude”, “fluid dialogue” and “interest”. These results are discussed in the context of relevant theoretical trends in the local context. It is concluded the need to strengthen the training about Therapeutic Relationship at the University of Buenos Aires.
Eavesdropping involves the acquisition of information from third-party interactions, and can serv... more Eavesdropping involves the acquisition of information from third-party interactions, and can serve to indirectly attribute
reputation to individuals. There is evidence on eavesdropping in dogs, indicating that they can develop a preference for
people based on their cooperativeness towards others. In this study, we tested dogs’ eavesdropping abilities one step
further. In a first experiment, dogs could choose between cooperative demonstrators (the donors) who always gave food to
an approaching third person (the beggar); here, the only difference between donors was whether they received positive or
negative reactions from the beggar (through verbal and gestural means). Results showed that dogs preferentially
approached the donor who had received positive reactions from the beggar. By contrast, two different conditions showed
that neither the beggar’s body gestures nor the verbal component of the interaction on their own were sufficient to affect
the dogs’ preferences. We also ran two further experiments to test for the possibility of dogs’ choices being driven by local
enhancement. When the donors switched places before the choice, dogs chose at random. Similarly, in a nonsocial
condition in which donors were replaced by platforms, subjects chose at chance levels. We conclude that dogs’ nonrandom
choices in the present protocol relied on the simultaneous presence of multiple cues, such as the place where donors stood
and several features of the beggar’s behavior (gestural and verbal reactions, and eating behavior). Nonetheless, we did not
find conclusive evidence that dogs discriminated the donors by their physical features, which is a prerequisite of reputation
book chapters by Natalia Putrino
El tratamiento combinado de medicación y psicoterapia es una práctica clínica frecuente en el cam... more El tratamiento combinado de medicación y psicoterapia es una práctica clínica frecuente en el campo de la salud mental (D’Alessandro et al., 2013; Lipovetzky y Agrest, 2006; Riba y Balon, 1999; Sammons y Schmidt, 2001). En dicha práctica, el paciente recibe dos abordajes terapéuticos diferentes (psicoterapia y psicofarmacología) para tratar determinado problema clínico. La combinación puede ser llevada adelante por un mismo profesional, es decir, que el médico psiquiatra realice tanto el tratamiento psicofarmacológico como el psicoterapéutico, lo que se conoce como “tratamiento integrado” (integrated treatment) (Norcross y Goldfried, 2005; Riba y Balon, 2007). Más frecuentemente, ocurre que el médico psiquiatra se ocupe del tratamiento biológico y el psicólogo clínico conduzca la psicoterapia (Riba yBalon, 1999; Torrente, 2006; Sudak, 2011). Se trata de un trabajo interdisciplinario que ha sido denominado “tratamiento dividido” (split treatment) (NorcrossyGoldfried, 2005; Sudak, 2011), aunque se prefiere nombrar a los tratamientos combinados como “tratamientos en colaboración” (collaborative treatments), lo cual describe de forma más clara el trabajo en equipo y de mutua colaboración que debiera representar (Riba y Balon, 1999; Sudak, 2011).
El interés o la preocupación por comprender y mejorar la relación entre el enfermo y su médico pu... more El interés o la preocupación por comprender y mejorar la relación entre el enfermo y su médico pueden rastrearse en los orígenes de la medicina en la Grecia antigua y la Edad Media, a través de la Oda hipocrática y la Oración de Maimonides. El juramento hipocrático define los aspectos sobre el accionar correcto del médico, y el juramento de Maimonides se ocupa en mayor medida de la esencia del accionar médico potenciado por el amor hacia el paciente (Tauro et al, 2007).
Desde aquel entonces existe una visión amplia sobre el concepto de relación terapéutica que se aplica también a otros campos y posee como modelo la relación del maestro y su discípulo. Así como el primero brinda conocimientos y el segundo se apropia de ellos, entre ambos construyen un vínculo basado en distintos factores que promueven o interceden en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje o en la mejora de padecimientos psicológicos.
En el campo de las diferentes escuelas en psicoterapias se ha oscilado a lo largo del tiempo por tópicos semejantes que van desde el modelo de relación profundamente asimétrico paternal y protector al de una psicoterapia organizada como una provisión de intervenciones específicas y efectivas en la cual la relación ocupa menos interés (Rogers, Tubert & Carmichael, 1981).
Además de los ricos desarrollos clínicos y conceptuales de las escuelas psicológicas, hacia fines del siglo pasado se comenzó a estudiar empíricamente el peso de la relación terapéutica dentro del proceso terapéutico y los resultados obtenidos han validado la fortaleza que poseen en común los tratamiento psicológicos de manera independiente al tipo de trastorno, duración u orientación del mismo. Es así, que autores como Lambert, Shapiro & Bergin, 1986; Ahn & Wampold, 2001; Lambert & Barley, 2001, han concluido que la relación terapéutica explica un 30% de la mejoría de los pacientes, funcionando como un factor común a la mayoría de las psicoterapias.
El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la relación entrelos estilos de humor adaptativos y desad... more El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la relación entrelos estilos de humor adaptativos y desadaptativos con laempatía cognitiva y afectiva en maestras.Se trabajó con una muestra de 84 maestras argentinas, quienesrespondieron a dos escalas: Test de empatía cognitiva y afectiva(TECA, López- Pérez, Fernández- Pinto & Abad, 2008), y ala versión adaptada al español y en la población argentina porCayssials y Perez (2005) de la Escala de Estilos de Humor(Martin, 2003).Los resultados indican una relación significativa entreel tipo de humor afiliativo y las cuatro subescalas de empatía,como también entre el humor descalificación personal y el estrésempático.Por otro lado, la dimensión adopción de perspectiva predicenegativamente al humor agresivo y el estrés empático predicepositivamente el humor descalificación personal.Estos resultados se discutirán en función de estudios previos y dela posible importancia que tienen para la docencia.
Terapia psicológica
por brindarnos su apoyo para realizar las investigaciones y desarrollos en tecnología y TEA. Tamb... more por brindarnos su apoyo para realizar las investigaciones y desarrollos en tecnología y TEA. También la colaboración del personal del Servicio de Salud Mental
The health professional's empathy has a positive effect on treatment outcomes and the well-being ... more The health professional's empathy has a positive effect on treatment outcomes and the well-being of both patients and professionals. The aim of this research was to assess the empathy levels of first-year medical and psychology students and to compare these levels with those of trained psychologists and physicians. In addition, we also analysed the potential effects of years of professional practice and the average number of patients treated on the empathy of professionals. We evaluated cognitive and emotional empathy through the Interpersonal Reactive Index and the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task. The results showed that perspective taking in medical students was lower than that of psychotherapists, and psychotherapists and physicians reported lower levels of personal distress than psychology students. We did not find evidence of general detrimental effects of clinical experience on the capacity to feel sympathy and compassion towards others, but we did find lower empathic concern levels in those professionals with higher workloads. Considering that these effects have been seldom studied among psychologists, additional longitudinal research might indicate how empathy is influenced by training over time. On the other hand, since emotional distress can be detrimental to the professional's performance, our results suggest that empathy needs to be promoted and trained, in order to preserve the ability to feel with others without falling into an extreme of emotional distress.
La empatía es un componente de la cognición social, que implica la capacidad para comprender al o... more La empatía es un componente de la cognición social, que implica la
capacidad para comprender al otro y ponerse en su lugar. en psicote-
rapia es un concepto que se suele utilizar en las diferentes formacio-
nes académicas y prácticas, pero pocos estudios han logrado realizar
investigaciones dirigidas a conocer las diferencias individuales y a
evaluar la importancia e implicancia en los resultados terapéuticos. el
objetivo de este trabajo es presentar estudios acerca de la capacidad
de empatía en profesionales de la salud ―médicos y psicólogos― a
través de la revisión de diferentes estudios fisiológicos y cognitivos y
su relación con el vínculo terapéutico. a su vez, se analizan viñetas
clínicas y su relación con los conceptos desarrollados en la revisión.
por último, se presentan estudios previos acerca de las intervencio-
nes que pueden beneficiar y mejorar la habilidad de empatía en pro-
fesionales de la salud, que se están implementando en diferentes uni-
versidades y centros de salud del mundo.
Dirección estable: Acta Académica es un proyecto académico ... more Dirección estable: Acta Académica es un proyecto académico sin fines de lucro enmarcado en la iniciativa de acceso abierto. Acta Académica fue creado para facilitar a investigadores de todo el mundo el compartir su producción académica. Para crear un perfil gratuitamente o acceder a otros trabajos visite:
Los perros mantienen un estrecho vínculo con las personas; y algunos rasgos, como la sociabilidad... more Los perros mantienen un estrecho vínculo con las personas; y algunos rasgos, como la sociabilidad y la velocidad de aprendizaje, podrían modular la comunicación entre ambas especies. El objetivo del presente estudio fue indagar la existencia de correlaciones entre la sociabilidad, durabilidad de la mirada espontánea a la cara humana cuando la comida no esta disponible y una tarea de aprendizaje inhibitorio consistente en inhibir una conducta no social (acercarse a una fuente de comida) para desplegar una respuesta social (acudir al llamado de una persona desconocida). Para ello, previamente se validó la prueba utilizada para medir sociabilidad, evaluando la estabilidad de dicho rasgo a través de una evaluación-reevaluación de los sujetos. Los resultados sugieren la estabilidad de la sociabilidad a través del tiempo. A su vez, se hallaron correlaciones significativas entre la sociabilidad y la mirada como respuesta comunicativa, pero no con la tarea de aprendizaje inhibitorio. Tanto la sociabilidad como la respuesta de mirada son fundamentales para el desarrollo de diversas clases de entrenamiento.
Dogs are able to solve different problems by trial and error learning, but it seems that they can... more Dogs are able to solve different problems by trial and error learning, but it seems that
they cannot understand the means-end connection. Some studies suggest that dogs'
performance is influenced by their breed and by the level of familiarity with the person
they interact with. In our study, we assess individual differences in both social and nonsocial
responses in a problem-solving task during the acquisition, extinction, and
reacquisition phases. In order to investigate the effect of familiarity, in the first
experiment, the human present during the task was either a familiar (the dog's owner) or
unfamiliar person. In the second experiment, we compared breeds (Retrievers and
Shepherds) that had previously shown differences in a communicative task. The results
revealed that all groups learned the task and became more efficient in the acquisition
trials. These non-social responses diminished during extinction, where an increase in
social responses was observed. With regard to individual differences, dogs were more
persistent in searching the reward during the second extinction trial when the owner was
present (in contrast with a stranger), and also looked longer at the unfamiliar person at the
beginning of the acquisition trial. On the other hand, Retrievers showed greater social
motivation during reacquisition and Shepherds picked up more bones during the third
acquisition trial, thus suggesting a more persisitent search of the reward. These findings
highlight the relevance of studying different learning schedules as well as individual
differences in problem-solving ability so as to improve selection and training techniques.
Two field studies tested the effects of a charge for single-use plastic bags recently implemented... more Two field studies tested the effects of a charge for single-use plastic bags recently implemented in
Buenos Aires City, Argentina. Study 1 showed a greater increase in consumers' own bag use after the
charge was introduced in supermarkets where the policy was introduced, in comparison to control
supermarkets where the charge was not introduced, or was introduced later in time. The effects were
even stronger two months later. Study 2 analyzed factors underlying policy support and own bag use six
month after the charge was introduced. Policy supporters highlighted environmental benefits of the
charge, while opponents stressed the financial costs. Moreover, most consumers indicated that they
carried their own bags to protect the environment, suggesting that intrinsic rather than extrinsic motivations
caused behavioral changes. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are
Discrimination of and memory for others’ generous and selfish behaviors could be adaptive abiliti... more Discrimination of and memory for others’ generous and selfish behaviors could be adaptive abilities in social animals. Dogs have seemingly expressed such skills in both direct and indirect interactions with humans. However, recent studies suggest that their capacity may rely on cues other than people’s individual characteristics, such as the place where the person stands. Thus, the conditions under which dogs recognize individual humans when solving cooperative tasks still remains unclear. With the aim of contributing to this problem, we made dogs interact with two human experimenters, one generous (pointed towards the food, gave ostensive cues, and allowed the dog to eat it) and the other selfish (pointed towards the food, but ate it before the dog could have it). Then subjects could choose between them (studies 1-3). In study 1, dogs took several training trials to learn the discrimination between the generous and the selfish experimenters when both were of the same gender. In study 2, the discrimination was learned faster when the experimenters were of different gender as evidenced both by dogs’ latencies to approach the bowl in training trials as well as by their choices in preference tests. Nevertheless, dogs did not get confused by gender when the experimenters were changed in between the training and the choice phase in study 3. We conclude that dogs spontaneously used human gender as a cue to discriminate between more and less cooperative experimenters. They also relied on some other personal feature which let them avoid being confused by gender when demonstrators were changed. We discuss these results in terms of dogs’ ability to recognize individuals and the potential advantage of this skill for their lives in human environments.
t is considered that psychotherapy outcomes partially depend on the therapeutic relationship. How... more t is considered that psychotherapy outcomes partially depend on the therapeutic relationship. However, it has been observed that teaching this issue is scarce in the Bachelor of Psychology curriculum at the University of Buenos Aires. For this reason, this paper aims to assess beliefs about the factors that influence the therapeutic relationship in a sample of 290 psychology students. These factor range from adaptation to the client´s needs, empathetic attitude, warm Attitude, Culture / Religion, etc. Most students considered important the therapeutic relationship in the psychotherapy process. For the establishment of the therapeutic relationship there were valued "adaptation to the client´s needs" an "empathetic attitude", "open expression of interest" and a "warm attitude" with a "fluid dialogue". Advanced students tend to consider "empathetic attitude" and "Abstinence" most important than beginner students, while decreasing the perception of relevance in relation to the “warm attitude”, “fluid dialogue” and “interest”. These results are discussed in the context of relevant theoretical trends in the local context. It is concluded the need to strengthen the training about Therapeutic Relationship at the University of Buenos Aires.
Eavesdropping involves the acquisition of information from third-party interactions, and can serv... more Eavesdropping involves the acquisition of information from third-party interactions, and can serve to indirectly attribute
reputation to individuals. There is evidence on eavesdropping in dogs, indicating that they can develop a preference for
people based on their cooperativeness towards others. In this study, we tested dogs’ eavesdropping abilities one step
further. In a first experiment, dogs could choose between cooperative demonstrators (the donors) who always gave food to
an approaching third person (the beggar); here, the only difference between donors was whether they received positive or
negative reactions from the beggar (through verbal and gestural means). Results showed that dogs preferentially
approached the donor who had received positive reactions from the beggar. By contrast, two different conditions showed
that neither the beggar’s body gestures nor the verbal component of the interaction on their own were sufficient to affect
the dogs’ preferences. We also ran two further experiments to test for the possibility of dogs’ choices being driven by local
enhancement. When the donors switched places before the choice, dogs chose at random. Similarly, in a nonsocial
condition in which donors were replaced by platforms, subjects chose at chance levels. We conclude that dogs’ nonrandom
choices in the present protocol relied on the simultaneous presence of multiple cues, such as the place where donors stood
and several features of the beggar’s behavior (gestural and verbal reactions, and eating behavior). Nonetheless, we did not
find conclusive evidence that dogs discriminated the donors by their physical features, which is a prerequisite of reputation
El tratamiento combinado de medicación y psicoterapia es una práctica clínica frecuente en el cam... more El tratamiento combinado de medicación y psicoterapia es una práctica clínica frecuente en el campo de la salud mental (D’Alessandro et al., 2013; Lipovetzky y Agrest, 2006; Riba y Balon, 1999; Sammons y Schmidt, 2001). En dicha práctica, el paciente recibe dos abordajes terapéuticos diferentes (psicoterapia y psicofarmacología) para tratar determinado problema clínico. La combinación puede ser llevada adelante por un mismo profesional, es decir, que el médico psiquiatra realice tanto el tratamiento psicofarmacológico como el psicoterapéutico, lo que se conoce como “tratamiento integrado” (integrated treatment) (Norcross y Goldfried, 2005; Riba y Balon, 2007). Más frecuentemente, ocurre que el médico psiquiatra se ocupe del tratamiento biológico y el psicólogo clínico conduzca la psicoterapia (Riba yBalon, 1999; Torrente, 2006; Sudak, 2011). Se trata de un trabajo interdisciplinario que ha sido denominado “tratamiento dividido” (split treatment) (NorcrossyGoldfried, 2005; Sudak, 2011), aunque se prefiere nombrar a los tratamientos combinados como “tratamientos en colaboración” (collaborative treatments), lo cual describe de forma más clara el trabajo en equipo y de mutua colaboración que debiera representar (Riba y Balon, 1999; Sudak, 2011).
El interés o la preocupación por comprender y mejorar la relación entre el enfermo y su médico pu... more El interés o la preocupación por comprender y mejorar la relación entre el enfermo y su médico pueden rastrearse en los orígenes de la medicina en la Grecia antigua y la Edad Media, a través de la Oda hipocrática y la Oración de Maimonides. El juramento hipocrático define los aspectos sobre el accionar correcto del médico, y el juramento de Maimonides se ocupa en mayor medida de la esencia del accionar médico potenciado por el amor hacia el paciente (Tauro et al, 2007).
Desde aquel entonces existe una visión amplia sobre el concepto de relación terapéutica que se aplica también a otros campos y posee como modelo la relación del maestro y su discípulo. Así como el primero brinda conocimientos y el segundo se apropia de ellos, entre ambos construyen un vínculo basado en distintos factores que promueven o interceden en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje o en la mejora de padecimientos psicológicos.
En el campo de las diferentes escuelas en psicoterapias se ha oscilado a lo largo del tiempo por tópicos semejantes que van desde el modelo de relación profundamente asimétrico paternal y protector al de una psicoterapia organizada como una provisión de intervenciones específicas y efectivas en la cual la relación ocupa menos interés (Rogers, Tubert & Carmichael, 1981).
Además de los ricos desarrollos clínicos y conceptuales de las escuelas psicológicas, hacia fines del siglo pasado se comenzó a estudiar empíricamente el peso de la relación terapéutica dentro del proceso terapéutico y los resultados obtenidos han validado la fortaleza que poseen en común los tratamiento psicológicos de manera independiente al tipo de trastorno, duración u orientación del mismo. Es así, que autores como Lambert, Shapiro & Bergin, 1986; Ahn & Wampold, 2001; Lambert & Barley, 2001, han concluido que la relación terapéutica explica un 30% de la mejoría de los pacientes, funcionando como un factor común a la mayoría de las psicoterapias.